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Accidental Love

Page 4

by Lacey Wolfe

  “You’re so wet.” He kissed her neck again.

  Jane couldn’t hold back anymore. She thrust her hips into his hand and rode out the orgasm. His speed picked up and she cried out, waves of pleasure rolling through her body with the force of a hurricane.

  When it was over, she clung to him and laid her head on his shoulder. She had never been fingered so damn good in her life. She could only imagine how good he could fuck.

  After she finally caught her breath, she realized how selfish she had been and that she should return the favor. Licking her lips, she knew just what she wanted to do to him.

  She kissed his neck and started to move down his body when he caught her and pulled her back up. Jane looked at him confused. He was still hard, she knew since he was still pressing against her.

  “We have plenty of time for that later.” He pressed his lips to hers.

  Enjoying the kiss, she was sad when he stopped.

  “I’m starved. How about that picnic I promised? Then we’ll work with Toby some.”

  “Sounds great.”

  Ben took her hand and led her off the balcony and back inside. As they made their way through the house, Jane straightened her clothes and she couldn’t help but feel a little raunchy. She let him have his way with her right out in the open, and she enjoyed every second of it and fully lost herself in the pleasure. And he seemed absolutely okay with not receiving anything back. She supposed she could have been more persistent about pleasuring him, but she’d never been one to take control in the sex department.

  Chapter 6

  It had taken every ounce of Ben’s self-control not to let Jane drop to her knees and let that pretty little mouth wrap itself around his swollen cock. As much as he wanted things to go forward, he knew how out of place she felt and realized it was best to go slow with her. From now on they would only share a few kisses, even though whenever he kissed her, something ignited in him and he had to have her.

  Groaning, he remembered her pussy had been so wet and so ready for him. As he’d slid his fingers in and out, he’d imagined what it would feel like on his dick. She was tight, and when her muscles spasmed and milked his fingers, his manhood had been very jealous.

  Now he had to get through lunch somehow without bending her over the table and having his way with her. He shook his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts.

  He opened the fridge and reached for two Cokes. Originally he had planned on a chilled bottle of wine, but he didn’t need any alcohol in the mix. Things would definitely get out of hand then.

  Jane was already outside taking out all the contents from the picnic basket he’d packed and setting them on the patio table. He kissed her on the cheek before he took a seat. She blushed and it warmed his heart to know he had that effect on her. She was so different from other women. She was real and kind, and he knew she wasn’t concerned with what he could do for her. Jane seemed like she genuinely enjoyed her time with him the way he did with her.

  He was falling for her, that was for sure. He’d been waiting his entire adult life for someone like Jane. There was no way he could let her go. All he could do now was hope she felt the same way, and if she didn’t then he could persuade her to. Jane wasn’t someone who he could buy things for to make her fall for him. No, that would be too easy. He was going to have to show her. But it didn’t seem too hard. With Jane it just seemed to fall into place.

  Jane took her seat after setting everything out.

  “Thank you so much. I got lost in thought and I must look so rude.”

  She giggled. “You’re fine. What was going through that head of yours anyway? You looked miles away.”

  “I was just thinking about you.”

  “Good, I hope.”


  Jane opened her Coke and he watched her press it to her lips and tilt her head back, letting the liquid flow from the can to her mouth. Good God, what was wrong with him? There was absolutely nothing sexy about a person drinking, but somehow his mind was turning something so simple into something erotic. His mind was being clouded with thoughts he hadn’t experienced since he was in his twenties.

  “Thanks for all the trouble you went through on the picnic,” she said as she placed the drink down.

  “I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I went the safe route with sandwiches, fruit, and good ol’ fattening potato chips.”

  “You did awesome. And I love chips.”

  As Ben was about to take a bite of his sandwich, Toby came bounding toward them at full force.

  “Stop, Toby!” Jane yelled.

  Ben dropped his sandwich onto his plate and stood quickly. “No, Toby.”

  The dog halted and he let out a sigh of relief. That could’ve been bad. As he was about to take a seat, Toby plopped his paws onto the table and laid his head on it, giving them a sad puppy face. Jane ooed and awed over the dog and then handed him a chip. No wonder the dog did whatever he wanted. Even though he was being disobedient, he still got rewarded.

  “You know that isn’t helping if you want to train him.”

  “I know.” She shrugged. “But look at that sweet face. Are you going to tell me you could resist it?”

  “Yes, I could.”

  “I guess I just love this boy too much.” She proceeded to scratch him behind the ears.

  A bit of jealousy swept through Ben. Perhaps he should lay his head on the table and see what would happen. Would he get rewarded the same way?

  “Okay, Toby, that’s enough,” she said to the dog.

  He wasn’t the least bit surprised that the dog didn’t listen and even whined a bit when Jane was no longer paying attention to him. He was beginning to think Jane needed more training than the dog did.

  “Toby, off,” Ben commanded.

  The dog ignored him too. He couldn’t help then but laugh about this.

  Jane looked at him quizzically. “What are you laughing about?”

  “I love this. This moment, our time together, and your dog. He brings so much to the mix.”

  “He is something all right.” She petted the dog on the head again.

  “I spent so much time training Olive and Pepper that I don’t often enjoy moments like this. And seeing Toby in all his glory just reminds me that dogs can bring an abundance of joy into your life.”

  Toby barked in response. Ben had hoped for a romantic picnic with Jane, but instead it turned into something fun.

  By the time they finished lunch, he had laughed more than he could remember. Jane was so much fun and she erupted all these feelings in him that he hadn’t had in so long. He really hoped she felt the same way.

  * * * *

  Jane did her absolute best to pay attention as Ben went over the basics with her. But each time he bent over to help put Toby in a sit, her eyes went straight to his backside. She could probably stare at that round, firm ass all day. He obviously worked out and she bet that if she got the chance to squeeze it, she would find it rock hard.

  “You try,” Ben said, snapping her out of her thoughts. “Put Toby on your left side. Only tell him to sit one time. If you repeat it, your dog will learn to ignore you until you reach a certain number. If he doesn’t listen, place your hand gently on his back, put him in a sit, then hand him his treat.”

  She placed herself next to Toby. The dog looked up at her as if waiting for her to tell him something. So she told him to sit. Fully expecting the dog to ignore her, she was surprised when he just sat and looked up at her. Jane jumped up and down and praised the dog over and over then handed him his biscuit.

  “Great job. Now pick a word such as okay and use that when you want him to be released from the sit.”

  “Okay, Toby,” she said animatedly.

  The dog stood.

  “Do it again,” Ben said.

  She gave the dog the command once again and was impressed when Toby sat. “He really picked that up fast just from you working with him.” She handed the dog his treat.

  “Labs a
re smart and fairly easy to train. Just be sure to have a quiet environment while you teach him so he concentrates on you. Once he sees you as the alpha, things should get a little better. I have an awesome book inside you can take home and read. And of course, I’ll keep working with both of you.”

  Jane stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Ben’s waist and placed a kiss on his cheek. “You’re a miracle.”

  He smiled down at her. She felt so comfortable and at home in his arms. Several times he’d told her that he liked her and she wondered if things would actually work out. Would a relationship really work between them when they came from such different worlds? He was used to women who went to the spa, got their hair and nails done, and probably oohed and ahhed over his house. Maybe she was just a fling for now until he realized she was nothing like them.

  “I guess I should probably get you home,” he said as he released her and stepped away.

  She couldn’t help but feel a little sad. She enjoyed his touch. Ben seemed to keep finding ways to distance themselves from one another. Maybe he thought she was easy after she fooled around with him upstairs. Or worse, maybe she looked selfish. Perhaps at her house she could persuade him to come in.

  “I guess so. I’ve had a great time today.”

  “Me too.” Ben called Toby over and hooked the leash onto him. “I bet he sleeps well for you tonight after training and playing with my girls.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  The drive home was fairly quiet. They chatted a little more about training and he assured her if she stuck with it both she and Toby would be happier, which made her chuckle. Did a dog really care? She spoiled her pets rotten and was pretty sure they were already loving life. She figured she’d give it a go, but wasn’t making any promises. She really just cared about getting control on the leash.

  Once back at her tiny little house that looked like a shack compared to his, she let Toby into the house and then came back onto the front porch where Ben waited.

  “Would you like to come in for a bit?” she asked.

  “Normally I would love to, but I don’t think I should today.”

  “I promise not to bite.”

  He smirked. “I’m not worried about being bitten.”

  She reached out and took his hand and held it in hers.

  “You’re making it hard for me to resist you,” he said.

  “Then don’t.”

  Ben pulled her to him and took her lips. Reaching up, she gripped the back of his neck, pressing her body into him as much as she could. She loved the way he made her feel every time his lips touched her. She didn’t know if she could ever tire of it. It was as though he lit her insides on fire, and every nerve ending stood and sent shivers through her body. Her heart would race and all she wanted was more.

  What if she was coming off as a clingy woman and that’s why he was resisting? As much as she was enjoying this kiss and the way his hands rubbed circles on her lower back, it was best to end it.

  It took a few more moments before she was able to will her lips away from his. Ben started to kiss her cheek and down her jawbone, then over to her ear. Dear God, this man was going to do her in. As his tongue came out and he lightly left little licks with his kisses she thought her knees just might give out.

  “No more,” she finally said, pushing him away. “If we don’t stop now we’re likely to give the neighbors a free show. And since you don’t want to come in, it’s probably best to say goodbye.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  Her eyes drifted down and she saw the bulge in his pants. Hopefully this was as difficult for him as it was her. She would love to have him in her bed right now.

  “Thank you for today. I had a great time,” she said.

  “Me too. I hope we can do it again soon.” He paused a moment and she could tell there was something he was wanting to say. “Before we take this any further, I need to know where I stand when it comes to Matt.”

  Matt, shit she’d forgotten about him. “I’m not with Matt.”

  “I hope not. But do you still want to be putting on this show that I’m your fake boyfriend?”

  Shit, he used the word fake. Was he already tired of her? “No, I suppose not. You’re released from you duties.”

  He leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll call you soon, and we’ll plan something. How does that sound?”

  “Good.” She hoped he meant it and this wasn’t his way of saying goodbye. “You’re welcome to come by anytime and take me to lunch.”

  “Maybe I’ll come tomorrow.”

  “I’d really like it if you did.”

  “I’ll text you in the morning to let you know for sure. Is that okay?”

  She nodded.

  “You are a woman of few words.” He laughed then turned and headed toward his car.

  Jane stood on the porch and watched as he pulled away. She couldn’t figure out yet if he really liked her and they would continue seeing each other, or if this was the end. He’d finished what he’d agreed to and he could return to his usual life.

  Letting out a loud sigh, she headed inside. She’d wait for the text message in the morning and maybe then she would have her answer.

  * * * *

  As Ben drove home he couldn’t help but feel giddy. It was those damn teenage feelings again. Now that he knew that jackass Matt was out of the picture, he could fully move forward with Jane. He’d hated having it in the back of his mind that she might have still wanted him. When he had mentioned Matt’s name, Jane had actually looked confused for a moment, as if she had totally forgotten the man existed. That was a good thing.

  Now he hoped he could get his schedule changed around tomorrow so he could meet her for lunch. If he had his way, he’d meet her for lunch every day for the rest of his life.

  Ben entered his house and was immediately greeted by Olive and Pepper. He petted both dogs and then headed up the stairs to the only room he was comfortable in. Maybe one day Jane would help him fill this house with love and children.

  Chapter 7

  “Morning, Jane!” Francesca bounded up to the front desk.

  “Hey. You’re here early.” Jane glanced at the clock. Francesca usually came later in the day.

  “I have a date tonight.”


  “So, how’s it going with Ben?”


  “Has he been making Matt sweat and realize just what he could’ve had?”

  Jane shrugged. Matt was just around the corner and she worried he could walk up at any time.

  “Don’t you have anything to dish?” Francesca asked.

  Jane had always kept her life to herself. She supposed she had Francesca to thank for setting her up with Ben, but until she knew for sure what Ben wanted from her, she didn’t want to talk about it.

  “No news, sorry.”

  “Guess I’m going to workout since you don’t want to chat. Maybe once you wake up a bit.” Francesca did her usual Ms. America wave and jogged toward the cardio area.

  Jane grabbed the window cleaner and paper towels and decided to wipe off any prints that had gotten on the door already today. Once all the streaks were gone she turned to head back to her station. But as she turned, she walked right into a chest she was familiar with.

  “Excuse me, sor-ry,” she stuttered.

  “It’s nice to see I can still make you stutter.” Matt arrogantly laughed.

  “I just wasn’t expecting to bump into anyone. It had nothing to do with you.”

  He crossed his arms. “Can I see you in my office?”

  “What is it about?”

  “Last I checked I was your boss, so what does it matter?”

  “It matters if it’s professional or not,” she snapped.

  “I like you being feisty.” He leaned by her ear. “It makes me hard.”

  Her eyes widened. What had she ever seen in this man?

  “I need you in my office in ten minutes.” He w
alked away.

  Jane stomped back toward the reception area and threw the paper towels away. She tossed the window cleaner back into the cabinet. Could she continue working here if she wasn’t with Matt? He was going to make her life a living hell. He was the one who ended their relationship and now the jealousy over Ben was causing him to be a jackass. Why did she ever take Francesca’s advice? What good was coming from this?

  If there was one thing she knew though, she wasn’t going to his office. Whatever he needed to discuss could be talked about out here. Even if things didn’t work out with Ben, she wasn’t going down that road again. It was over with Matt, and all she could do was hope he got the message soon. Maybe once the next bombshell paid him attention.

  Matt poked his head around the corner and said, “Jane, I’m waiting.”

  “I’m sorry, but whatever you need to tell me can be told here.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Thank God the gym wasn’t booming like usual or this would have been extremely inappropriate.

  “Fine, have it your way. I’m cutting your hours to get our labor under control.”

  “You’re what?” Was he kidding her?

  “You’ll now work the morning shift, no lunch break, and will leave each day by two.”

  Oh, he was a jealous asshole all right. Cutting out her lunch break.

  “When will I eat lunch?”

  “After two. Or during your thirty minute break at ten. Oh, and this is effective immediately.”

  “I have lunch plans today.”

  “Sorry, guess you’ll have to tell Grandpa you can’t meet him today.”

  Jane rubbed her hands through her hair. This was a disaster. Why the hell did she ever like that jerk?

  Matt left with a smirk on his face, and if she could have, she would have loved to slap it right off. Ugh! She picked up her cellphone and sent a text message to Ben letting him know her hours had changed and lunch would have to be canceled. As she started to slide the phone back into her purse it beeped. He asked if she had a break and said he needed to talk to her. She replied that she had one at ten. Was this day about to get even worse?


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