Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance

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Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance Page 48

by Lara Swann

  That’s enough for my desire to throb hard through me, and I only give her a moment before thrusting forward, entering her tight pussy and feeling it squeeze around me.

  Oh fuck yes.

  I don’t think I’ve ever felt a girl as good as Alana.

  I start hard and fast, not giving her time to recover and watching as her eyes widen, her body tensing with need and sudden pleasure. I’m doing my best to keep quiet myself, but even I can’t help grunting at the way she feels, bringing my head down to her neck so she can feel my own passion.

  I catch the barest sounds that escape from where she’s still sucking hard on my fingers, muffled moans and gasps and cries that have my cock pounding hard and my blood searing with fire.

  “Fuck, Alana…” I kiss and bite at her neck to stop myself from saying more, feeling the way she shudders under me.

  Her hands come around my shoulders and her nails bite into me as I hold her steady on the ground and thrust into her again and again. I can’t keep this up much longer - it’s too much, too hot. Being out here at night, under the stars with my good college girl, where anyone could hear us.

  Alana’s breathing is fast and frenzied beneath me, her hips rising up to meet every thrust and her pussy clenching down on my cock. I can feel the way her heart rate is racing, her need matching my own and her pupils dilated with passion.

  I bring my other hand around and take her nipple in my fingers, squeezing and pulling and rolling it between them in the way she can’t resist - and that’s all it takes.

  Her head flies back and she brings her hands up to cover the fingers still inside her mouth as she screams wordlessly. I can feel it vibrate against my hand and…fuck…I can’t take it any more.

  I thrust hard into her as her pussy clamps down on my cock, welcoming it in, locking it there and making me feel fucking amazing.

  That need shoots through my body and straight out of me, everything within me releasing as I clutch onto her, my mouth replacing my fingers to meet hers and taste our mutual passion. I explode within her as I thrust again and again, holding her close as aftershocks ripple through her and she tries to curse against my mouth, the pleasure overwhelming every other instinct.

  When I’m finally done, I pull out of her and roll over to my side, bringing her with me and nestling her head against my chest.

  She lets out one last shuddering breath and then curls into me, one hand running down my chest as she gets comfortable. I wrap one of the blankets around us, even though we’re still mostly clothed, and prop my head on an elbow, looking up at the glimpses of moon through the trees.

  “It’s beautiful here.” Alana echoes the thought in my mind.

  “You’re beautiful here.” I tuck a stray hair back from her eyes and smile down at her, but it feels a little different from my usual charm.

  She laughs and I look down at her - my eyes tracing her soft body with more interest than I’ve ever had for the night sky.

  “I mean it Alana…you’re stunning.” My lips trace her face again, kissing her eyes, her cheeks, all the way to her mouth. “How come a girl like you isn’t already taken, huh?”

  “Probably because guys are jerks - and idiots.” Her expression shifts to distaste, and I raise an eyebrow.

  “Oh?” I ask.

  She just shrugs, then gives me a wry smile. “I was living opposite a guy named Bryan freshman year - you know the type, center-of-the-world arrogant football player. When I rejected him, he thought the only possible reason was that I must be gay. Which I would’ve just had a laugh over - except he told everyone he knew, and those big-star football players have a lot of friends. So for the first semester, everyone thought I was a lesbian, and then when it finally died down…I was so not interested anymore.”

  I just look at her for a moment, and then I laugh at the absurdity of it and pull her closer into my arms. “Yeah you’re right, babe. Idiots. But I’m pretty glad right now that they all lost out.”

  She finally laughs along with me, and kisses me back. When she looks back up at me, her eyes are gleaming again. “Mm, and maybe I am too.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I finally set my pen down and glance over at where Caleb is lying on my bed, doodling.

  It’s been several hours. More than time for a break from studying.

  You seriously used to do this all day and not even notice the time pass? These days, it seems all you can think about is your next break…and everything it offers.

  I bite my lip as my pussy clenches at the thought. Caleb has been as good as his word - no more hassling me about studying. But he does seem to insist on hanging around, looking fucking gorgeous and tempting me with that perfect sight down his back to the curve of his ass.

  I’ve never thought about sex this much before. And I’ve certainly never had it quite this much. But even if I’d never say it - I think he might be right. This is good for me.

  And I’m getting enough done - not that he’s studying at all. If he keeps this up, he’s going to fail. Which, I don’t know, maybe he wants. It’s impossible to read him sometimes, and after last time, I haven’t pressed further.

  I haven’t even asked what we’re doing. I think we’re dating now.

  It feels like it. We’re practically joined at the hip - he spends all his time with me, we go out and do things together, or with Mel and Lily.

  But Caleb would probably run a mile if I said it. And I’m not sure it matters to me, or if I even want that, so why push?

  Then he shrugs his shirt off and has my immediate attention.

  “What’re you doing?” I walk the tiny distance from my desk to the bed, looking at him with curiosity.

  His eyes flick up to mine, heat simmering there as his mouth curves into a smile.

  “Well, I was going to try and work out where I want this next tat, but now that you’re over here…” He pulls me down onto the bed beside him, and I laugh, glancing over the drawings.

  “A shield, huh? That seems a little different.” I say, running a hand over the patterns on his chest.

  “Yeah, maybe.” He shrugs. “Would probably work best on a shoulder or arm here…”

  He traces the outline on his left arm and I follow the gesture with my fingers before spreading them over his shoulder, running my hand down his back and getting entirely distracted. He grins at me, bringing my hand back and kissing the fingertips.

  “Ever been curious about getting one? What would you pick?” He asks.

  I laugh and shake my head.

  It’s never once occurred to me to get a tattoo. And my parents would probably kill me.

  “Aw, c’mon - want me to draw something for you? You’d look awesome with a little ink.” His eyes are sparkling and I can’t tell whether he’s just teasing me or not.

  Then he strips my top off before I can say anything, pushing me down onto the bed and kissing me deeply.

  “Caleb, you can’t—” I try to object, but I’m a little breathless.

  “It’ll be fun.” He grins, “And I know what I’m doing - it won’t smudge, just stick around for a couple of days…give you a little taste of how pretty that pale skin would look with a few strokes of ink. What do you want?”

  I shake my head, but now I’m grinning too.

  Why not?

  Caleb seems to have that effect on me.

  “Okay, okay. Maybe…a butterfly or something?” I grasp loosely at the idea. I’ve honestly never thought about this before at all, but that seems pretty standard, right?

  He rolls his eyes at me, but acquiesces. “If you’re sure…”

  Then he shifts on top of me, his hips pinning me in place. I arch up into him instinctively, wanting to feel that familiar pressure against my pussy and he laughs again, pushing me back down and placing one large hand on my shoulder to keep me there.

  “None of that quite yet, baby.” He murmurs, leaning down to run his hand over my collarbone.

  “Wow…you re
ally must be serious about this stuff.” I say.

  I don’t think he’s ever turned down my advances for anything before.

  He doesn’t answer me, frowning in concentration before he finally brings the pen down to my skin.

  “Hey! That tickles…” I squirm at the first contact, laughing lightly, but his firm hands hold me in place.

  “You have to hold still, you know.” He says with a smile.

  “I know, I know, just…” I take a breath and nod for him to continue, trying to distract myself with how good he looks on top of me like that.

  Focused and concentrated, the rough lines of his face seeming a little smoother and his tussled hair lightly skimming his brow.

  It takes far longer for him to draw than I expect, but after a couple of strokes the light pressure dissolves into something almost pleasurable, in its own way. Maybe it’s just having his hand on me, our skin so close to touching, but I feel myself relaxing and getting lost in the foreign sensation for time he spends on it. By the time he’s done, the air has become strangely intimate and my thoughts have moved far beyond tattoos.

  “There.” He announces, “All done. What do you think?”

  He lets me up to turn and face the mirror on the wall, and I gasp.

  I think I was expecting something a little simple and silly - a small outline of an open butterfly, like children draw. Instead, he’s drawn one perched as if on top of my collarbone, wings upright and intricate, looking as if they’ve been caught on the edge of fluttering. I can almost imagine it doing just that - those wings shimmering and taking flight.

  “It’s beautiful.” I say, my fingers reaching up to touch it, then hesitating in case it hasn’t dried yet.

  His hand comes around from where he’s sitting behind me and touches it lightly, looking at me in the mirror.

  “It suits you. It would be perfect with a little bit of color - not much, just a bit of emphasis and flourish…but I don’t have the pens for it.” He grins at me, kissing lightly along my neck and making me shudder.

  I turn around and smile up at him, somewhat bemused. “Thank you. It’s actually really nice.”

  He laughs and tucks a hair behind my ear. “You sound surprised, hun.”

  “Well, you know, tattoos aren’t really my thing.” I smile, still feeling strangely warm and happy at the gesture.

  “Maybe they should be.” He murmurs, his hand tangling in my hair and bringing me in for a kiss.

  I sigh deeply, my hands running down his naked chest and enjoying the feel of those wonderful muscles as we get closer.

  “Caleb…” I pause, tilting my head and catching his gaze. “Am I ever going to know anything more about you?”

  My hand skims over the scars on his chest, wondering - always wondering. And something flickers in his eyes.

  “There’s nothing to know.” He shrugs.

  I shake my head. “You know what I’m talking about. Like…where did you get these?”

  He takes my hand from where it’s tracing those marks and kisses the fingertips again before meeting my gaze.

  “Does it matter?” He asks, his voice soft.


  I don’t know why, but it does. Maybe not for what we’re doing at the moment - for this casual enjoyment and hot sex. But I want to know who he is. I want to get past that invisible barrier.

  I hesitate, and see my chance slipping away as I do - then I go for it.

  “Yes, Caleb. It does.” I say it gently, but I’m determined, and he holds my gaze for a long moment.

  Then he brings me up to kiss him again - softly, gently, and I wish I could work out what it means. What it all means.

  When we separate, his expression is almost distant.

  “Maybe. Maybe at some point…you’ll know more.” He murmurs, holding my cheek in his hand.

  Something in my chest squeezes tight, and I want to press, but before I can he shrugs and moves back, giving me an almost apologetic smile before obviously changing the subject. “Didn’t you say you’d arranged to meet Mel and Lily this afternoon?”

  I let it go. Because I got this far. I’d talked about it without him freaking out or disappearing or getting harsh and cold.

  That’s progress, right? Enough for today.

  And also, he has a point.

  “Yes. Shit, yes, when did it get so late?” I shift off the bed and start packing books up into my bag while simultaneously throwing my top back on.

  “Don’t worry. They’ll just think we lost track of time having sex or something.” His green eyes are sparkling at me again when I poke my head back out of my top.

  “Great.” I mutter.

  He’s probably right. It’s not the first time.

  I watch him slowly buttoning his shirt back up and have a moment’s regret that’s not what we were doing. Then my hand comes up to my shoulder and I smile to myself, oddly pleased with the mark he left on my skin.

  “You know, I’m really not sure why you come along to our study sessions.” I comment as we leave the room, heading down the hallway and out of our building.

  “Would you rather I not?” He teases, one hand running down my spine and making me squirm nicely.

  I have no idea how he keeps making my heart skip like this, but I just can’t resist him.

  “Well…we might get more done.” I say.

  “No fun in that, baby, I assure you.” He smiles down at me, and I stretch up to give him a quick kiss, loving the way his body feels against mine.

  At least Mel and Lily haven’t complained about him joining us - or all the distractions he usually brings.

  “Hey, man!” I look up at the call, my gut tightening with a familiar annoyance and revulsion. “Wouldn’t waste your time on that dyke.”

  I can feel Caleb’s arm stiffen around my waist as I roll my eyes at the sneering football player swaggering towards us.

  “Get lost, Bryan.” I mutter, trying to get us to start walking again.

  Bryan is so not worth the time or effort, and I’m beyond this shit now. I thought the fucker had given that game up already.

  “Bryan, huh?” Caleb says from beside me, his tone considering, but with a sharpness in his eyes that makes me uneasy.

  “Yeah, c’mon, it’s not worth it.” I try and drag him forward again, but he ignores me, his gaze fixed on the other man.

  Bryan grins slowly at him, nodding. “Yep, that’s me. Seriously, pal, just offering you a word of advice—”

  Caleb lets go of me and starts walking towards the other man, looking him up and down, and I get a sudden feeling of danger. Something about him has shifted - becoming predatory, threatening. And I can’t even tell what it is.

  “Caleb, wait—” I try, stepping towards him, but he waves me back.

  “So in a fucked up way, I should probably be grateful to you, asshole,” Caleb starts, and I see Bryan tensing, a slow frown appearing. “Since if it wasn’t for your idiocy, there’s no way Alana would’ve been single right now. But…”

  He’s three hundred pounds of muscle and even Caleb’s impressive form looks small against him.

  What the hell is he doing?

  “You’re still a bastard.” He continues, apparently oblivious to the sudden anger on Bryan’s face. “And I’ll be fucked if I’m going to let you say another word about her.”

  “You fucking—” Bryan starts, shifting forward threateningly, but Caleb’s fist is already swinging right for him.

  It connects with a crack and I jump back, startled, staring at them both in shock. Bryan yells, his hand coming up to the blood streaming from his nose, before he turns to look at Caleb, surprise and pain shifting into fury.

  He staggers forward, diving for Caleb, who side-steps easily and punches out again, this time hitting Bryan’s temple while avoiding the flailing limbs directed back at him. Another couple of quick punches that I don’t see properly and Bryan’s on the floor, groaning and shuddering.

  “Caleb—” I’m not sure w
hat I want to say, or do. I just feel like I should intervene somehow.

  He ignores me anyway, kneeling down and grabbing Bryan’s hair.

  “You get my point, fucker?” Caleb’s voice is menacing and quiet, and a chill runs down my spine as I stare at him. I’ve never heard that from him before.

  “Fucking…kill you…” Bryan’s face twists into a scowl as he spits it out, only to meet Caleb’s fist again. I wince at the following shriek, and glance around, knowing we’re about to start drawing attention.

  “How about now?” I barely catch Caleb’s quiet follow up, but I hear Bryan whimper and guess Caleb got the response he wanted as he stands up, dusting himself off as if nothing just happened.

  When he turns back to me, his expression has shifted back to a pleasant mask and he offers a small shrug and a smile, taking my arm again.

  “Shall we go and find Mel and Lily?” He asks casually, starting to steer me away.

  “Wait, shouldn’t we—” I start, glancing back over my shoulder at the dazed form of Bryan on the ground.

  It should upset me to see him there - I should be horrified, I’m pretty sure. But even though I thought I was over this months ago, there’s some small part of me that’s gratified to see him like that. To see Caleb’s response and know that maybe those rumors might finally be behind me.

  “No. We’ve done everything we needed to here.” Caleb responds easily, and I let him start walking me away.

  I bite my lip and glance up at him, wondering about who he is and all the things I don’t know. Thinking about how terrifying he seemed for a moment there - and wanting to know why it isn’t bothering me.

  I glance behind me again as we leave. “I’m not sure I approve of your methods, Caleb.”

  I shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t. But I fucking hate Bryan.

  He looks down at me, smiling slowly. “But you kind of like the results, right?”

  “Well…” I purse my lips together for a moment as we walk. “Does that make me an awful person?”


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