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Wicked Bad Boys

Page 50

by Bella Love-Wins

  “I do.”


  “Look. I’m sorry if I ruined your day.”

  She sighed. “I’ll get over it. Would you like something to eat? It’ll have to be something quick, in case the power goes out again.”

  “Sure. Anything at all is fine.”

  She escaped to the kitchen as he relaxed on the couch. It would be a long day, and a longer night.

  * * *

  The wind blew outside the cave Jake now called home. It had always been his secret hideout since he was in his early teens. Hidden away from the small town of Forrest Hills, he was safe and couldn’t be found. Even with the snowstorm making its way in, he felt secure. He lit a fire in a small mound of rocks near the entrance. It warmed up the small area, and the smoke drifted out the opening.

  He was prepared to stay there until the storm passed. His hideout was located just out of Iron Horse State Park. It was a place no one would expect to find him. He picked up a picture from the pile next to the burning fire. Tara’s face beamed back at him, looking as beautiful as ever. She was so radiant. He found the photo among a pile of pictures in Kevin’s room, so Kevin was next to her, but Jake didn’t want him there. He slowly ripped the photograph in half and tossed the image of his brother into the fire. He continued to do the same for each picture that Kevin was in.

  He stared at the arrangement of Tara’s images and smiled. Some showed Tara naked, while in others she still had her clothes on. “Perfect,” he groaned, and pleasured himself. He had not seen her recently, because every time he planned on stationing himself outside her new place, he spotted a vehicle already there. It was the police. He was sure of it. It scared him enough to avoid the house. He was also certain Kevin was out of the picture. The two hadn’t been together for over a week.

  He picked up his favorite picture of Tara, in which she had just removed her bra. “Soon…very soon!” he mumbled. He stroked his cock with new intensity, in anticipation of how she would please him. He couldn’t wait for that day. He ran his hand over the picture, imagining what it would be like to touch her naked body. He closed his eyes and the image was so vivid in his mind. Her screams of passion as she would soon yell out his name and ride him to oblivion.

  Make her see she’s only confused. You were always the one for her. Show her that you know how to treat a woman. Make her beg for you. Several voices chanted thoughts into his mind.

  He groaned with pleasure.

  “She’ll know I’m the one!” He increased his rapid movements, rubbing up and down his shaft until he was about to explode. He quickly undid his zipper and slipped off his jeans and boxers. With almost violent force, he tugged on his bulge until he came.

  “Oh God…” he moaned, closing his eyes and picturing Tara’s body on top of him. He sighed, falling back against the dirt floor and lay panting, unable to move. It was only a matter of time before Tara would finally be real to him, and he would no longer be pleasuring himself alone.

  Chapter 2

  Kevin was frustrated. Snow started falling last night and didn’t look like it would ever stop. The original forecast was conservative when compared to what actually fell. Most businesses in town chose to close for the duration of the storm. Roads were barely drivable, and snow emergency responders were in place. He was stranded and felt so helpless. He wanted to be with Tara. He needed to be there to take care of her, instead of looking out the living room window, not knowing how she was doing. And she wouldn’t answer her phone. He wondered if that had anything to do with her new neighbor being there.

  “What’s Tara been up to?” His father asked from where he was lounging on the couch, as if reading Kevin’s mind.

  He turned to find his dad, head still buried behind the two day old newspaper, as there was no delivery during the storm.

  “Couldn’t tell you.”

  “Oh. I just thought you’d want to be at her place spending quality time with her, instead of sitting at the window and watching the snow pile up. Come to think of it, we haven’t seen her for a while. Did you two have a fight?”

  “It’s been eight days, two hours, and twenty-three minutes, but who’s counting?” Kevin mumbled.

  His dad raised an eyebrow and put down the paper. “Obviously not you. What’s going on?”

  His dad really seemed interested, but Kevin didn’t want to focus on anything negative. It was hard enough to tell his parents about the officer stationed outside their own house, remaining in place until the blizzard forced them to take cover. His parents were missing Jake, and trying to get back into a normal routine. None of this was helping.

  “Can we talk about it later?” Kevin stood up from the chair next to the window. “I’m going to my room. If anything exciting happens, let me know.”

  He got to his room just in time to hear his cell phone ringing. Hope swelled inside him, but as he glanced at his phone, he frowned. It wasn’t Tara.


  “Hey Kevin. What’s up, dude?”

  “Hey, Howard, how are you, man?” He sat down on his bed. He had not heard from him since Howard graduated from Alaska University at the same time as Tara. It was a surprise, to say a least. “Long time no hear. What are you up to?”

  “You’ve got that right. It’s been too long. Not up to a whole lot right this second. You remember I moved out east, right?

  “I think you mentioned south when we talked last. How long has it been?”

  “Months, bud. Yeah, I found a gig at a marine life zoo out in Florida.”

  “Sweet, man! Congrats.”

  “Yeah, lucky break. Today I’m lounging on Miami Beach. It’s seventy-four degrees here, and talk about beautiful…the sun’s shining and the water is amazing.”

  “What I wouldn’t give to be in Florida right now. We’re in the middle of a blizzard.”

  “That’s why I was calling, man. Remember Jen?”

  “Of course I remember Jen. You only dated the entire four years we were at U of A. How’s she doing?”

  “Great now. We’re getting hitched.”

  “Congratulations, bud!”

  “Thanks man. It’s a small wedding, and neither of us have a lot of family. So that’s why I was calling, dude. I was hoping you’d come down.”

  Kevin didn’t know what to say. He sat there for a while, trying to figure out how he could bow out gracefully without airing his dirty laundry. There were several reasons he couldn’t go. For one thing, he wasn’t allowed out of town.

  “I’d love to, but—”

  “Perfect!” Howard interrupted without letting him finish. “You can fly in on Friday and fly out on Sunday. If you could get away a few extra days, maybe you could even stay longer and hang with us through the week of Christmas.”

  “Howard. I’m so tempted, man. But I really can’t. Thanks for the offer, but—”

  “Is this about that girl…what’s her name…Tara?” Howard said. “I never really understood your relationship. You said you were friends, but there was obviously something there. I don’t remember you dating anyone.”

  “I dated,” he argued. It hadn’t been often, but he’d had a couple encounters with women in his four years of college. “It doesn’t have anything to do with Tara. The timing is a little tough right now.”

  “Okay, because you’re more than welcome to bring her along. You might only be friends, but friends can go on vacation together.”

  He rambled on some more and Kevin got lost in his babble. Howard enjoyed talking. Kevin remembered that.

  “And Tara’s pretty. I’m not really sure why you two never hooked up. Is it because she’s more like a sister to you?”

  “She’s not like a sister. If you must know, we did get together.”

  “Whoa…so you and Tara hooked up? Nice! I never thought you’d go for it. All those countless hours of denying you were interested and finally—”

  “Look. Sorry, man. I just can’t come to Florida right now. I’m dealing with some persona
l commitments. The timing is really bad right now, but maybe after the New Year we can make some plans to come down.”

  “Hey, man. No worries.”

  “And I’ve got to head out? It was good to hear from you. Congrats on the wedding too, man. Thank you for calling. I better go.”

  “Yeah, sure man. You take…”

  Kevin disconnected the call without giving Howard a chance to complete his reply. He threw his phone down, irritated that he’d allowed his frustration get the best of him. He needed to find a way to talk to Tara.

  * * *

  Kevin woke up the next morning and stared out his bedroom window. The snow had stopped. He ran downstairs and turned on the TV, roaming through channels until he spotted the weather station.

  The numbers are in and much of Washington State saw almost twenty-eight inches of snow. Thousands of people will be digging out today. Plows have been out all night working their best to clear the roads. Most weather alerts have been lifted, and motorists are advised to take caution when driving today.

  He barely slept last night thinking about her, and didn’t want to spend another day without seeing her. He would beg her to forgive him and take him back if he had to. He ran upstairs and grabbed some clothes, then headed to the shower. The sooner he got to her, the better he’d feel. The shower was quick and he was dressed in no time. He ran back downstairs and heard his parents in the kitchen.

  “Dad, can I borrow your truck?” he asked, bursting in.

  “Hello to you, too,” his dad replied sarcastically. “What do you need the truck for?” he asked, reaching into his pocket and producing the keys.

  “I want to go to Tara’s house and make sure everything’s all right. The emergency road ban has been lifted.”

  “Can’t you call her? The emergency might’ve been lifted, but there’s lots of snow out there. You probably won’t be able to get to the truck, let alone drive it out of the driveway.”

  “I have to try,” he argued. He didn’t want to call her, because he worried that she would tell him not to bother coming.

  His dad tossed him the keys. “Be careful out there,” he said.

  “I will.” Kevin looked between his mom and dad. “Thanks, Dad. See you soon, Mom!”

  He hurried out of the kitchen and threw on his coat, hat, and boots. He made a point of choosing one of the hats Tara had knitted for him. Met with a snow bank in their front yard, he waded through the thick snow and found the shovel to dig out the truck. It would take a while to dig out, but he didn’t care.

  * * *

  Tara snuggled against the arm that caressed her. Her mind drifted to Kevin and how much she wanted to be with him. He gently rubbed over her arm and she groaned. He touched her hand, gliding his finger up and down so gently. She shifted her body against him, feeling the need growing inside her body. As her eyes remained closed, she was lost in the glorious sensation of his touch. She lifted her palm to his bare chest. Her hand remained covered by his as she glided her fingers over each ridge along his chest. “Hmm…” she sighed.

  By touch alone, she admired his hard body as her eyes fluttered open. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said. A smile brightened his eyes.

  “Good—” She pulled away and jumped up when she realized Reggie had climbed into her bed. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “You let me stay over, remember?”

  “Yes, on the couch. Not in my bed! Get out!”

  “Come on Tara. You know you want me. Come back here and I’ll take good care of you. I’ll show you moves you’ve never seen before.”

  Reggie tried to grab her hand, but she kept the bed between them and continued to evade him.

  “I don’t know who you think you are, I’m not interested in you, Reggie. I have a boyfriend. Now it’s time for you to go, okay? Please. Just leave.”

  “You know you want, me, Tara. You weren’t exactly pulling away when I slid into bed with you.”

  “I was confused. I thought you were Kevin. You, on the other hand, knew exactly what you were doing.”

  He laughed. “Listen here, princess, when a beautiful girl makes advances on me, I don’t back away from them. You called my name while I was beside you. It didn’t sound like you were fantasizing about your boyfriend.”

  She rolled her eyes. She’d talked to him late into the night, until finally she went up to sleep. It didn’t come as a surprise that he was the one on her mind. But for him to get in her bed was inexcusable. And now he wouldn’t leave.

  “How exactly did I make advances on you?”

  “What was last night when we talked on the couch then? Friendly conversation? And why did you phone me before that? The furnace switch was off, I’m sure you could have figured that out.”

  Tara couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “I’d be more than willing to take your man’s place, if you know what I mean.” He took a long stride forward and was now in her space, crowding her and not letting her leave. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. Before she could react, his lips were pressed to hers.

  Her body reacted instinctively and she pulled away and slapped him hard on his face. Before her palm connected with his cheek a second time, he grabbed her wrist.

  “Let me go!” she said through clenched teeth. She pulled her hand away and hurried out of her room and downstairs to the front door before screaming, “You need to leave now, Reggie!”

  He sauntered behind her, stopping in the living room to get his shirt and other clothes. Finally he got the message. She stood at the door, taking a few slow breaths. Her heart was beating so fast that she needed to calm down before she could made eye contact again.

  “You don’t have to be this way, Tara. I can see you’re interested in me, and I’m your closest neighbor, so—”

  “Will you please stop talking!” she ordered. “I’m not interested in you. Put your shirt on and get out of here.”

  As the words left her mouth, she heard a knock at her door. Who could that be? She walked over and looked outside. It was Kevin. She turned back to him as he still stood there, shirtless.

  “Please, put your shirt on,” she pleaded, this time with more urgency.

  Kevin was standing outside, waiting for her to open up and the last thing she needed was for him to see Reggie at her place with no shirt on. Reggie did as he was told.

  She took a deep breath and opened the door. “Hi Kevin…I’m so glad you’re here. Come in, honey.”

  “I…” Before he made it in the door, Tara planted a long kiss on his lips. As they pulled away, Kevin turned to Reggie.

  “Oh. You had company, Tara?” He stared at Reggie and then slowly turned back to Tara. “I thought maybe you were…I mean, I stopped by to…I thought I could…” He paused, after seeming to try to get out the words and failing. Tara could see his face tense up as he assessed what might have been happening before he showed up. “I didn’t mean to bother you, Tara. See you later.”

  He turned on his heel and darted from the door.

  “Kevin…wait!” she called. Quickly facing Reggie, she added, “I need you gone.” She slipped on her boots and ran out the door with nothing but pajamas on. Kevin bolted, so she had to rush after him through the piles of snow on the path to the road, and only made it to Kevin’s truck as he’d gotten it started.

  “Kevin, please don’t go!” she begged.

  “You’re going to catch your death standing here with no coat on, Tara,” he mumbled, without looking at her.

  “I don’t care,” she said. “I need you to come back inside.”

  He looked up. The only emotion she saw in his eyes was pain. Maybe some anger too.

  “Why?” he asked. “It looked to me like you have it under control. Someone’s there to help you with whatever you need…”

  She reached in and grabbed his hand. “It isn’t like that. Let me explain. Please, Kevin.”

  When their eyes met, he slowly nodded, shut off the car and
walked with her back to the house. She sighed with relief. Once he heard it all, he would see it was all a misunderstanding—and possibly some poor judgment on her part. But at least he’d know the truth.

  Chapter 3

  Kevin was careful not to make contact with Tara’s hand, body, or any other part of her. He didn’t know what to think about the strange guy at her front door, shirt half open. When they got up the front steps, the man was just leaving. He looked at Kevin and there was a hint of smile on his face. All Kevin could manage was a look of disdain.

  “You must be Kevin.”

  He didn’t acknowledge the man, so the stranger continued.

  “I’m Reggie.” When Kevin only glared at him, he added, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  This time, Kevin’s interest was piqued. “Is that so? I’ve heard nothing about you.”

  Reggie’s smile faded. He started to move past them, but turned around and said, “For the record…you’re one hell of a lucky man.”

  Kevin was ready to charge forward first and ask questions later, but Tara grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the door.

  “Goodbye, Reggie!” she said.

  The door closed behind him as he left and she finally let go of Kevin.

  “Would fighting really solve anything?” she asked, pulling off her coat and putting it back on the coatrack.

  “Might make me feel better,” he said sarcastically. He remained near the door, still wearing his coat, hat, and gloves. “So you got me back here. Start talking.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and melted into his arms. “I missed you so much Kevin. I wish I wasn’t so bull-headed, leaving you like that on Thanksgiving. I was so sure I was doing the right thing for everyone. I was wrong, right up to when you called two nights ago. And I made a stupid mistake letting this guy fix the furnace. He seemed nice when he came to welcome me to the neighborhood, but turned out to be a first class jerk.”

  “Did anything happen between the two of you?”


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