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Down in Texas

Page 6

by Delilah Devlin

  He lifted his knees, planted his heels into the mattress to lift his ass, and slid his shaft along her tongue. Then he gripped both sides of her head and guided her over the tip, not easing his hold until her mouth swallowed his crown.

  Only then did he ease back. His breaths were shallow and ragged. His heart thudded so hard he could hear the beats in his ears, feel the pulse at his temples.

  Lyssa gripped his cock and lowered her head, taking him deeper into her mouth, suctioning hard as she came up, releasing as she dove down.

  His cock tapped the back of her throat, and she paused and then swallowed, her throat clasping his head in the sexiest caress imaginable and then opening, relaxing so she could slide on deeper.

  She bobbed up and down, her tongue lapping at the sides of his shaft as her lips worked him, the suctioning growing stronger, her grip tightening, twisting, until his balls hardened like stones and he knew he was close to exploding.

  He didn’t want to come in her mouth. Not this time. He wanted her arousal coating his tongue.

  Fisting his hand in her hair, he pulled her up, ignoring her murmured protests, pulling her up his body until her mouth slid over his.

  Then he rolled, taking her beneath him, shifting his hips to the side to evade her seeking cunt. Rising over her, he forced her to her belly, snagged a pillow from the top of the bed and stuffed it under her hips. Then he pushed another beneath her to raise her ass higher.

  Her face burrowed into the bedding, but she didn’t try to fight him. When his hands urged her thighs apart, she didn’t resist that either.

  At last, he could see her glistening sex, the lips reddened and swollen. He nudged her thighs even wider, exposing her little asshole. His hands went to her buttocks, and he squeezed them, lifting them up and down, together and apart, massaging to soothe her unease.

  Her thighs flexed, her bottom tilted higher, her invitation clear. She wanted to be fucked. Wanted his cock slamming deep into her cunt.

  Soon enough, he wouldn’t hold back a moment longer.

  First, however, he had to remind her why she was here.


  Lyssa’s skin dimpled in goose bumps, and her body trembled anew as she wondered what he’d do next. She hoped he’d enter her quickly.

  Sucking him off had been incredibly arousing. Feeling the tension enter his legs, his growing girth stretch her mouth—she’d had him at her mercy for at least a few moments.

  Now she was at his. Again.

  Not that she’d complain. Unless he made her wait too long.

  Already her pussy spasmed, making embarrassingly succulent sounds she couldn’t control. The involuntary caresses were a clear message she was ready—his for the taking.

  Completely, drenchingly aroused.

  The bed shifted behind her as he moved closer. The soft hairs clothing his legs brushed the insides of her calves, followed by another set of nudges that demanded she open wider.

  So spread now she’d lost leverage, she leaned forward on her arms, waiting while his hands settled on her ass.

  His palms were hot, his fingers splaying wide.

  What was he doing? Looking? He’d said men liked to do that, but, Jesus, it was unnerving.

  Without being able to read the changes in his expressions, she had to follow his commands, his nudges, to know what he wanted. And following direction had always been a problem for her. Especially when coming from him.

  “Are you just gonna look?” she muttered, finally tired of trying to outwait him.

  One hand lifted. She held her breath, her bottom and thighs tensing. Fingers dipped inside her vagina, turning, knuckles scraping.

  Involuntarily she tightened around him, moistly clasping. How many? she wondered. Two? Thick, but not nearly what she needed.

  Another finger fitted into her opening, stretching her deliciously, stroking in just a few inches. Not deep enough. She pulsed her hips, trying to lengthen the shallow thrusts.

  Brand slid in and out, the tempo measured and steady.

  Lyssa muzzled her next complaint against the coverlet, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing her beg. Instead she held her breath and body still, determined not to give him a single clue he was quickly driving her out of her mind with want.

  The fingers pulled free. His wet hand slid over one globe of her ass, leaving a sticky trail.

  She didn’t care. “Why’d you sto—” Her question was cut short by a sharp slap.

  Before she could issue a screech, another stinging slap landed—and she forgot what she’d been about to say.

  Left breathless from shock, smarting from his stinging abuse, she quivered on the pillow, her body arching hard, her bottom shimmying, dipping, trying to escape his hard hand.


  “Bastard!” she finally issued in a garbled scream.


  Her body understood before she did—accepted his punishment before her mind could wrap itself around the fact he spanked her like a child.

  Her pussy softened, spilling arousal in a trickle that wet her labia and trailed down a thigh.

  When the tips of his fingers spanked her wet pussy, tension exploded inside her, forcing from her a high-pitched howl of frustrated rage.

  How did he know she craved his violence? Had that last slap against her sex been an accident?

  Another slap landed directly on her swollen cunt, banging her hardening clit. Arousal spiked, sharp and jagged. Her hands clenched the bedding, and she rubbed her breasts against the nubby coverlet, seeking more stimulation, a softer abrasion to accompany the harsh stings warming her ass and pussy.

  Before long, she writhed mindlessly, her knees trembling hard, her breaths shuddering through her.

  When his hands rested on her hot skin, she sobbed, torn between the urge to beg for more and to pray he’d take her now.

  Desire curled so tight it cramped her belly. She’d explode, come unglued the moment he entered her.

  Brand’s body blanketed her back, his cock slipping between her legs to glide lengthwise along her slit.

  A wet kiss pressed against the back of her neck, and then his face nuzzled the corner of her neck. “Do you know what this is about, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice tight yet soft.

  So soft, she trembled with misgivings. “You’re punishing me?” she asked in a small voice, hating how young and vulnerable she sounded.

  “I’m teaching you.”

  “What am I supposed to learn from this?” she bit out.

  “That you shouldn’t challenge me when I’m angry. Shouldn’t tease me to the point I lose it.”

  “This about Cody?”

  “I told you not to say his name. But that’s not it either.”

  “You want me obedient?” she asked, her voice firming, true anger beginning to flush through her.

  “In most things.”

  “I’m not like that. You know me.”

  A deep breath filled the chest draping over her back. Firm kisses dotted her shoulder and the corner of her neck. “I think you are. You challenge me at every turn. It’s deliberate. Sometimes dangerous.” Teeth scraped up the side of her neck. “It stops now,” he whispered in her ear.

  She gasped as a quiver bit the back of her neck and traveled down her spine. “Or what?”

  His tongue lapped the curve of her earlobe. “We do this again.”

  Her breathless huff sounded weak, even to her own ears, and she tilted her head. “That’s supposed to deter me? You couldn’t tell how much I loved it?”

  Brand’s body snuggled closer, his arms wrapping around her torso. “Next time, I won’t finish it.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, her mind not functioning well with his hands sending luscious sensations shooting straight to her brain, seeming to short-circuit her intellect.

  Then his body grew still. The grip of his hands loosened.

  It took a moment for his message to get through. “You mean you won’t give me satisfaction�
�like you’re going to now?” she finished hopefully.


  Annoyance and pride prodded her to struggle inside his embrace. She tried to close her legs, to creep forward on the mattress, but found it impossible to wriggle away. “I can’t promise obedience, Brand. I won’t.”

  “I’m not asking for obedience in everything. Just where your safety and your sweet cunt are concerned.” His cock prodded between her legs for emphasis.

  Moisture greeted him, her entrance spasming as it tried to suck him deep. With his hands closing around her breasts, all she could do was stretch, her back arching.

  Let him think she tried to escape, but really she needed the coverlet scouring her skin every place he didn’t touch. She felt on fire. “You say that like you plan to keep me.”

  “I don’t share,” he said, his tone deepening into a delightful growl. His cock tapped her sex again, pulled away, and then came back, sinking the tip inside.

  A tiny, mewling moan escaped with her next breath. “That sounds awfully like you’re laying a claim.”

  “I placed my brand right on your ass,” he said, pushing the thick, blunt tip a little deeper.

  Her cunt throbbed, and she groaned. “Maybe that’s one promise I can keep…saving this pussy just for you. But you gotta keep me busy…too busy to think about stepping out of line.”

  “I think I can keep up. Don’t you?”

  A breathy laugh gusted from her. “Sweet fuck. I’m so hot I hurt.”

  “You’re gonna have bruises on your ass. Know that?”

  “I don’t mind. Just finish it.”

  His hips dipped away, his cock sliding out, down her folds, and then coming back to prod between them.

  She sucked in a ragged breath. “I want it hard.”

  “So do I. Better hold tight.”

  That was all the warning he gave before his hips jerked forward, impaling her with his hard-as-stone rod.

  A choked sob racked her. As he leaned away from her back, she gathered her knees under her, bracing for a violent flurry.

  Brand didn’t disappoint.

  His hands clasping her warm ass, he pounded into her, thrusting so hard his groin slapped against her moist sex.

  Lyssa rolled her face in the bedding, breathing hard, her body already beginning to convulse.

  His hands slid to the notches of her hips, holding her still as he hammered harder, faster, his shaft heating up her passage as he rammed deeper, tunneling into her, the end of every thrust digging sharply upward.

  The tension built inside her until it exploded, and her back arched, a howl ripping from her throat as light exploded behind her tightly squeezed eyelids.

  Still, his furious fucking didn’t ease, didn’t slow. His strokes grew uneven, frantic. His breaths ended on soft grunts. His fingers bit into her flesh. He pulled her hips to his in violent, frenzied jounces until, at last, she felt a hot jet of cum spill into her womb.

  At that moment, she realized they’d forgotten the condom.

  The fact must have registered with him, too. “Fuck. God-damnit.” He fell over her, his hips still rocking. His arms slid along her sides, gliding under her torso. His head landed on her uninjured shoulder. “Jesus, Lyss.”

  She waited, gasping for breath as his weight pressed her deep into the mattress. The shudders vibrating his large frame soothed her.

  When he pulled out his slick cock, his arms withdrew as well, and he rolled to his back. He covered his eyes with a forearm.

  Lyssa dragged the pillows from under her hips and lay on her side, facing him. Waiting for him to meet her gaze.

  A deep sigh billowed his cheeks, and he thrust his arm beneath his head to raise it before turning his face toward hers. “I’m sorry.”

  She gave a little careless shrug. “Is it so bad? I know I’m clean.”

  His gaze slid away. “I didn’t take care of you.”

  She reached out and smoothed her hand over his chest, combing dark hairs that curled lovingly around her fingertips. “But you will. If it’s necessary.”

  A tender light entered his eyes. The same look he’d given her when he’d knelt beside her when he’d freed her from the barbed wire. She recognized it now for what it was. Love. Brand loved her.

  A deep swallow worked the muscles of his neck. “Come here,” he said hoarsely.

  For the first time, she didn’t mask her reaction with a quip or a defensive snarl. Eagerly she snuggled close, resting her head on his shoulders.

  His lips pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

  “Would it really be so bad?” she asked softly, needing to know if her instincts were right.

  His free hand cupped her chin, tilting her head up. Their gazes met and held. Warmth filled her at the crooked smile that curved his lips. “Think we should try it that way again? Just to make sure we have a reason to worry?”

  Her lips stretched even though she felt sure the tears filling her eyes and the tremble of her lips were going to disintegrate any moment into a truly soppy cry. She took a deep, shuddering breath. “No going back?” she asked, echoing his words.

  He shook his head. “I think I’ve just been waiting.”

  “For what?”

  “For you to be old enough to know your own mind.”

  A tear slid down her cheek as she decided to suck up her courage. “I’ve known I loved you since I was a little girl. What took you so long?”

  He winced; then his lips tightened in a sad smile. “You’re gonna have to teach me how to be a family man. I didn’t have the best examples.”

  Lyssa narrowed her eyes. “I swear sometimes you’re a complete idiot.”

  A dark brow lifted, challenging her to continue.

  “You take care of everyone. Riding herd on me, on Danny. I know you did it out of love. It’s what family does.”

  She reached out to smooth a hand over his chest before continuing more carefully. “So your mom and dad let you down. You didn’t use their abandonment to give you an excuse to give up. You’ve kept the ranch going, provided a roof for Danny as he grew. Meddled in his business and mine until we’re both bucking to let you know we’re ready to ride on our own.”

  “Is that what you need now? Freedom?”

  Lyssa rolled her eyes and huffed out a breath. Then her gaze slid away as she mustered the courage for one more truth. “I’ve fought you every step of the way because I wanted to break through with you. Wanted you to lose control.” A quick glance at his face, and she saw tension enter his features and his eyes darken with passion. “I challenge you because it turns me on. And I hope it does the same for you.” She swallowed and waited, hoping she hadn’t laid too much of her heart bare for him to tromp right over. If she’d misread him, if he didn’t feel the same about her…

  Brand moved so quick she blinked, and suddenly she was beneath him. “Are you always going to buck my authority?”

  “I don’t think I can stop myself. I think it’s genetics.”

  “The red hair?”

  She nodded, her throat so tight and full she couldn’t push another word past it.

  “Did you mean it when you said you loved me? Do you still?”

  Again she nodded.

  He swooped down for a quick, hard kiss and then lifted his head again. “I want your sweet body under me, your pussy swallowing me whole every goddamn night. I want you here in the morning, waking up beside me.”

  Sure sounded like love. But could he say the words?

  Determined not to be disappointed, she reminded herself he was a man and naturally averse to sentiment—and completely clueless when putting feelings into words.

  With his cock quickly filling, pushing against her folds, her arousal bloomed. Her nipples tightened, beading against his furred chest. Her swollen pussy caressed his cock with a ridiculously moist welcome.

  His mouth hovered just above hers. The intensity of his gaze seared her. “I wanna make babies with you, Lyss.”

  Damn, that so
unded good enough. She licked her lips. “Mac’s gonna have your ass if you don’t marry me first.”

  “I was getting there.”

  She lifted both eyebrows. “Really?”

  “You’re always quick to jump ahead,” he said, his tone sliding like silk.

  “Guess you’re gonna have to teach me patience along with obedience.” His mouth stretched into a smile so full of masculine confidence her toes curled.

  “Like your lessons so far?” he rasped.

  “Bet I won’t be able to sit easy for a week.”

  “I’ll have to keep you on your back then.” His smile slipped. “You’re marrying me, right?”

  Feeling her own confidence soar, she arched one eyebrow. “Oh, I don’t know. That wasn’t the most romantic proposal a woman could ever hope for.”

  “Did I screw it up?”

  Soft laughter bubbled up inside her. “It was perfect. The fact your dick is pushing inside me is something I won’t mention to our kids when they ask for the story.”

  He winced. “Guess I’ll have to do it again—for posterity.”

  “I’ll expect roses.”

  “Didn’t know you were the flowers kind of girl.”

  “Don’t know everything about me, do you?”

  His gaze narrowed as he thrust deeper. “I think I know most of the important things.”

  “Oh? Like?”

  “How to get you so hot you’ll do anything. Promise me anything.”

  “There is that. Did you learn anything else?”

  “Hmmm…I know how you sound when you come.”

  “I make sounds?” she gasped as he made a sexy little side-to-side motion that stretched her.

  “Just like a hungry little kitten.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “So now I’m cute and fluffy?”

  “Does make me want to stroke your fur. It’s sexy as hell.” Several shallow strokes, building on each other, caused a ripple of inner muscles that caressed the length of his shaft.

  They both gasped.

  “Guess that’s not so bad,” she said, trying to catch a breath. “Anything else?”


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