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Down in Texas

Page 11

by Delilah Devlin

  She continued to wriggle beneath him, planting her feet in the mattress to get more leverage to buck him off, but he rolled his hips from one side to the other, capturing her legs one at a time beneath his.

  When she was completely blanketed, unable to move, growing breathless with her fruitless struggles, only then did she fall still. “Why are you doing this?” she gritted out, unable to meet his steady gaze.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “One I’m not willing to answer. It’s none of your business.”

  “Probably not, but I think you need to let it out.”

  “Who made you Dr. Phil?”

  His lips twisted into a wry smile. Yet his eyes darkened, a sadness entering his expression that was just too hard for her to face.

  She closed her eyes. “This…with you…it’s just…”

  “Just what? Just fucking?”

  She winced, opened her eyes, and turned her head aside to avoid his gaze. Fucking him hadn’t felt as intimate as this conversation. “Yes. That’s all it can be. You don’t have any right to ask about my life with my husband.”

  “He’d dead, Maggie.”

  “It’s not fair to him. I won’t speak badly of him. He was a good man.”

  “But maybe not such a good husband?”

  “Just because he never—”

  “He didn’t care enough to make sure you were happy.”

  “I wasn’t…unhappy.” She spoke the lie, knowing her hesitation gave away her doubts.

  Danny sighed so deeply she felt the ragged exhalation shudder against her chest. “Tell me.”

  Maggie slowly turned her head, tears welling at the concern etched in his tight features. Why did he care? His cock filled her, hard and pulsing. Why wasn’t he just taking what she offered?


  The insistence in his voice, the implacable weight pinning her to the bed, told her he wasn’t moving until she shared.

  “Why can’t you leave it alone? It’s over. Years over.”

  He bent and placed a soft kiss beside her mouth and then moved back again. “I’m still waiting.

  And though she’d never shared her disappointments with another living soul, suddenly words were spilling from her lips. “Damn you, I don’t want to talk about this,” she whispered. Her fingers curled, her nails biting into her palms. “He was older than me. A little set in his ways. He didn’t mind I didn’t know a gelding from a stallion, wasn’t raised on a ranch, and wouldn’t be any help there. All he wanted was someone to keep his home clean and provide meals for the men.” She blew out a breath. “You know, this might be easier if I could actually breathe.”

  “For some ranchers, that’s plenty,” he said quietly, completely ignoring her complaint. However, he did rise on his elbows, lifting a little weight from her chest.

  “Thank you,” she replied with a touch of sarcasm. “But I always felt like I was getting the better half of the bargain. He worked so hard.” She halted again, swallowing because the rest was going to be hard.

  Danny’s palm cupped her cheek, and his thumb swept her lower lip once. “He worked morning to night? Not much time for the two of you to be alone?”

  She nodded, glad he understood, because she didn’t think she explained herself very well. Talking was hard when she found herself lying beneath a handsome, virile male. “We tried at first. We both wanted children. When it didn’t happen, I had to push him to come to the doctor with me. That’s when we discovered he couldn’t get me pregnant. I think he felt…”

  “Less like a man?” he asked softly.

  She nodded again, keeping her expression set despite the jagged pain shooting through her chest. “We just stopped,” she said, her voice tightening. “I mean, what was the point?”

  His eyes gleamed with compassion—so much of it she found herself blinking away tears.

  “The point should have been that you two needed each other.”

  She gave him a brittle smile. “Well, it didn’t work that way for us. I guess there just wasn’t enough love to work through it. And then he got sick.” She pressed her lips together and turned away. “Are we done?” she asked dully.

  His hand smoothed over her hair, and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Well, now I know. I won’t ever make you go there again.”

  Now that she’d gotten it out, the tension inside her did relax. With his hand still smoothing over her hair, she closed her eyes and pushed against his hand, needing the comfort of his touch.

  Gradually she grew more intensely aware of the heaviness pressing down on her body, the unyielding hardness filling her. Her breaths deepened, and a small echo of a tremor rippled along her channel.


  “Please,” she whispered.

  He murmured something low and deliciously obscene and then slowly flexed his hips, tunneling into her.

  Liquid seeped from inside her, easing the hot friction between his cock and her inner walls. “Let me move,” she said, straining her hips against him.

  “I can’t hold back,” he ground out.

  “Don’t want you to.”

  “I wanted to give you pleasure.”

  “Later. Let me see yours.”

  His features tightened; rich color flooded his cheeks. “You can’t know how good this feels. Me inside you. Jesus!”

  He released her hands and set his on the mattress, rising above her. A knee nudged between hers, and she opened eagerly, lifting her legs to tilt her sex and take him deeper.

  His cock withdrew and slid back inside. They both groaned as he filled her, thrusting through her wet heat. He gathered his knees beneath him and began to stroke in earnest.

  Unbelievably to her, desire rekindled, sharp and insistent. Maggie slid her arms around his back and smoothed over tense muscle, tracing the deep indentation of his spine and flowing downward to his hard, round buttocks.

  She stared as passion tightened his whole body, transforming him from the considerate lover, who’d gently gifted her with her first orgasm, into a feral male.

  His jaw flexed, his nostrils flared, his gaze held hers, and then he jerked upward, rising higher on his arms and glancing down between their bodies.

  Her glance followed, skimming his rippling chest and arms, trailing down the muscles that bunched along his deeply tanned abdomen, giving her a view of a six-pack she’d seen only in magazine ads.

  But that wasn’t what he wanted her to see.

  Trailing lower, her gaze caught on the sight of his thick cock gliding in and out of her body—slick, satiny, coated in smears of white cream. Hers.

  A cry forced its way through her tight throat. Her arousal spiked hard, but she couldn’t tear away her gaze, feeling every inch of him cramming inside, dragging outward and then tunneling deep again and again.

  She squeezed her inner muscles around him, watching him pause to savor her clasp. He grunted as he shoved back inside past her pale resistance. Then he began to circle his hips, screwing himself in and out.

  Maggie’s belly began to tremble; her breaths gusted in thin, wispy moans. She let go of his shoulders and scraped her fingers down his chest, tugging at his hair, sliding in his perspiration, reaching lower until she raked her fingers through the curls at the base of his cock.

  Her fingers encircled him, attempting to ring him but coming up short. Lord, she didn’t know how they ever fit. But the girth straining beneath her fingers as he continued to thrust explained the fullness, the divine pressure he exerted against her passage.

  She lifted her gaze to find him staring.

  “Want more?” he asked. “Wanna come again?”

  With his voice tight, his body even more so, she didn’t know how he held it together, how he didn’t explode as he stroked inside her.

  She nodded, trusting he knew exactly how to get her off. After all, he’d already accomplished the miracle once.

  He pulled out, placing both hands on his thighs, and dragged deep breaths into his
lungs. “Turn over.”

  God, he’d be behind her. Get an eyeful of her big butt. She began to rethink.

  “No, you don’t,” he said tightly. “I’m in pain here. I’m not letting you change your mind.”

  A smile tugged at her lips. Danny might be her junior, but he sure liked being in charge.

  She liked it, too. So, taking a deep breath, she slid her legs to one side of his and rolled to her belly, coming up on her hands and knees.

  “Sweet Jesus,” he murmured, his hands smoothing over her ass.

  “Not another word,” she warned. “I might still change my mind.”

  “You think I don’t like this view?”

  She snorted and glanced back to gauge his expression. From the way his lips pursed, he didn’t seem to mind. A dangerous gleam shone in his eyes. “Thought we were going to get busy,” she huffed.

  “I am. I will. Just let me enjoy this for a minute, huh?”

  She issued a strained laugh and tried not to fall on her face when he began to firmly massage her bottom, lifting her buttocks and rolling them as his hands squeezed harder around her flesh.

  Something began to happen as she watched him staring at her. Some of the insecurities she’d carried for a long, long time melted away. She arched her back, determined to take as much enjoyment and provide as much of a tease as she had the nerve to deliver.

  Her bottom rose higher, and she spread her thighs wider on the windowpane comforter.

  His gaze narrowed, aimed right between her legs.

  She braced her weight on one hand and reached beneath her, slipping her fingers between her folds to swirl.

  Danny’s fingers dug so deep she knew he’d leave bruises on her tender skin, but she didn’t care. The look on his face was compensation enough for the sexy marks.

  Suddenly he bent low to slide hot kisses over her cool skin.

  Her fingers circled faster. Her forefinger dipped inside her channel and came out soaked in her excitement. She used the moisture to skim lightly over her swelling clitoris.

  His mouth glided toward the center of her buttocks, and her breath hitched when his tongue traced the crease, pausing to lap at her forbidden entrance, an action she would never have conceived of as being pleasurable, but a tremor shook her body, and her breath rasped.

  She didn’t bother trying to complain for modesty’s sake—it felt too damn good.

  His tongue circled again and then lifted from her. “Liked that, did you?” he asked, his tone laced with lazy amusement.

  “Loved it,” she softly croaked.

  “Trust me?”

  A loaded question, from her perspective. “What do you want to do?”

  “I’d spoil the surprise.” His mild rebuke was tinged with more humor.

  Her lips pressed together, and she faced forward, lowering her head to rest against the bedding. “Am I going to be able to look you in the eye tomorrow?”

  “Not without blushing.”

  “Oh, Lord,” she muttered, “you’ve already assured that.”

  “That would just be closing the gate after the cow came home.”

  “What the hell does that mean, anyway?” she asked, her shoulders shaking.

  “Not a clue.”

  “So long as it didn’t come to mind while you were looking…where you’re looking.”

  Low, masculine laughter filled the room. A hand lifted and then landed on her backside, startling her.

  “Just making sure I had your attention.”

  “You’ve had it since you were—” She cut off the retort before she finished it, realizing the rest would have been too revealing.

  “A boy?” His voice rose in mock surprise. “Maggie Dermott, were you lusting after me when I was still in high school?”

  “Of course not,” she said a little too quickly.

  Another light swat, and he growled, “The feeling was mutual, ma’am.”

  “Oh, shut up. I’m ashamed of the fact.”

  “Why? It was a natural thing. You had the good sense not to act on it.”

  Her mind raced. Sure, she’d had good sense. She’d left buttons open on her blouse. Worn shorts so brief a slight bend would have shown the cheeks of her ass.

  And she’d left her bathroom curtains open.

  “I was married. I had no right to even think about it—and you were too damn young.”

  “Not so damn young I didn’t dream about you at night.” His breaths left a hot, humid trail over her bottom again. “I lay in this bed, naked as the day I was born, wishing you’d slip down the hall and peek inside. Know what you would have seen?”

  “I washed your sheets. I have an idea.”

  His tongue flicked out and traced one side of her labia and then the other. “I watched you,” he whispered against her sex; then he thrust his tongue inside her.

  She jerked against him, her finger toggling fast on her clit. Her belly tightened as arousal coiled like a spring deep inside her.

  His mouth drew on her lips, sucking on them while he continued to spear her with his tongue. Then his hand closed around her finger and drew it down.

  He sucked her finger into his mouth, licking it clean and then dropping it. “No cheating.”

  Then he straightened behind her, his hands reaching for the tops of her hips. His cock prodded between her folds, nudging, circling until he was centered on her entrance.

  When he thrust inside, she balled her fists in the coverlet and moaned. She’d never felt anything so exquisitely erotic in her life—his thick cock shoving past her swollen inner tissues, thrusting in and out, inching forward as he lifted her bottom toward him to angle deeper.

  She rolled her face to the side. “What did you mean, you watched me?”

  He stroked harder inside her, shoving all the way in. “Through your bathroom window,” he rasped. “I watched you pleasure yourself.”

  Oh, God! The night Douglas had gone to San Antonio. The one night she’d given in to her fantasy. She’d left the drapes parted, just a few inches, never expecting he would notice.

  Just the thought that he might had been enough to rocket her toward ecstasy. A sob broke free, and she planted her face in the bedding, even as his sure, straight strokes tunneled deep inside her body, capturing the arousal coiling tighter inside her.

  “I did it on purpose,” she whispered. “I wanted you to watch. I was so damn desperate for it. Too far gone to think about consequences. I never really thought you’d see. But it didn’t matter.”

  “When you came, were you thinking about me?” he asked, not missing a stroke.


  His hips gathered strength, and suddenly his slow, juicy glides gained speed, each one ending on a jarring stroke that tapped the mouth of her womb.

  Her body began to tremble, and she eased apart her knees a little farther, let her back sink deeper, and tilted her ass higher to receive the full force of his thrusts.

  Danny’s hands pushed and pulled her hips, bringing her in when he hammered forward, pushing her away when he withdrew.

  So much moisture seeped from inside her soon the room was filled with wet, slurping sounds, so decadent, so raw they only added to the excitement unfurling inside her.

  Danny’s strokes grew in power, and Maggie’s chest rubbed up and down the coverlet, her nipples scraping the cotton until she felt as though every inch of her body was being seduced toward an orgasm.

  Sure she wouldn’t last a second longer, she gave a thin scream when a finger traced between her buttocks and then nudged against her asshole.

  When the tip slipped inside, she shoved off the mattress and began to slam backward to meet his thrusts.

  He tunneled deeper, the tender tissues squeezing tight around his finger, burning, convulsing as a strong, writhing ripple worked its way down her vagina.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said, his voice sounding strained and hoarse. “Go with it. Fuck!”

  His finger pumped inside her as his hips jackhammered
into her pussy.

  A high, keening cry tore from her, and Maggie was sure the top of her head had exploded. Light dimmed around her, narrowing to a tunnel. The prickling darkness lifted goose bumps all over her body and crackled in her ears.

  Molten liquid jetted deep inside her body, and then she was falling, her body shuddering so hard she couldn’t hold herself up.

  His finger pulled free, but he followed her down, continuing to rut against her, slowing gradually until he, too, shook against her, jerking as the last emanations bathed her channel.

  He laid on top of her, stretching slowly to cover her, running his hands up her arms and then threading his fingers through hers. His lips planted kisses against her shoulder and then her cheek, and she turned as far back as she could to capture his lips in a kiss.

  When their breaths began to even out, he drew away and rested his head on the bed beside her. “Trust me now?”


  All morning long, Maggie worked steadily, trying to keep her focus on her chores, while inside she was a bundle of conflicting emotions.

  Last night had happened so fast she hadn’t had time to think. She’d acted instinctively on the arousal he inspired in her, and she’d gone with those feelings to places she’d never imagined—into sinful pleasures that even now she had to really work hard to feel ashamed about.

  She was a fallen woman. A hussy. Her body warmed at the thought. Shouldn’t she be appalled with herself?

  Instead she felt liberated, lighter at heart. Having always believed herself a sensible person, she’d been delighted to discover she could also be terribly, wonderfully slutty.

  She’d fucked a younger man. Practically begged him to do it. She’d paraded herself in her nightclothes, rubbed her body against his, and let him know in no uncertain terms that she was available.

  She couldn’t blame him for taking her up on her offer. Didn’t resent his eager acceptance. That he’d turned the tables on her and taken control from her, she couldn’t regret.

  The man definitely knew what he was about.

  However, as happy and as satisfied as she felt the morning after, sadness lingered at the edges of her happy little bubble.


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