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Page 7

by Unknown

  “Oh, I doubt that.” Heidi smiled and wrapped an arm around her in comfort. “There’s a spark every time that man looks your way. It’s only been a couple of days, Meagan, and already your looking better. He’ll be putty in your hands in no time. You’ll see.”

  “I give up.” Meagan threw her hands in the air. “I know he cares for me, but I’m done chasing him. I’ve done it, I’ve told him I want to be with him, and I’ve given him all the signals to proceed. So now I’m going to give in and wait for him to come to me this time, even if it takes his stubborn sexy ass way too long to figure it out. I’m way out of my league here.” She sighed heavily and leaned back in defeat.

  “Nonsense.” Zoey moved from the chair she was sitting on and joined them, sitting on Meagan’s opposite side on the couch. “I thought the same thing when I first got with Rafe, and then again with Heidi and Nathan but they each showed me how wrong I was with the more time I spent with him, and I’ve never felt so loved in my entire life. Give it some time, you and Coop will get there.”

  Meagan nodded, and Heidi leaned in to hug her. “I am curious though—why do you think you’re out of your league, Meagan?”

  “Because it’s been so long since I’ve felt this way about someone, because it’s been that long since I’ve been intimate with anyone, and because when it comes down to it, I don’t have very much experience. Coop has a ton of beautiful women throwing themselves at him on a daily basis. What if I’m a disappointment?”

  There she said it. She voiced her fear, she’d been going through a rough time the last couple of days, and tempting Coop had been a good distraction from it. He held her at night, and was there for her when she cried or had a nightmare, but she also began to doubt her appeal. She wanted Coop to make love to her to wash away Greg’s filth, and the insecurities David had given her. To make her feel desirable again, like a woman should, but he brushed off her advances like he hadn’t noticed her intent and continued to make her feel like nothing more than a friend. Has he changed his mind? She was afraid to find out.

  “Oh, Meagan,” Heidi, Zoey, and Ashley enveloped her in a group hug before Ashley spoke up, “Those other women don’t know the real him. All they see is the gorgeous guy who owns the bar and sings for them. They’re regular groupies, who see the lead singer in the band and want nothing more than a few nights of entertainment between the sheets. I’ve known Coop for a couple of years, and know that he’s past all that. Yes, he could have his pick of any one of them, but he doesn’t. You’ve seen it for yourself. What he needs is someone stable to settle down with, and I’m pretty sure he wants that someone to be you. Will you be a disappointment? I doubt it. Anyone can see the chemistry the two of you share when you’re together.”

  “Thanks, Ashley.”

  “You’ll see, just keep an open mind, love him with all of your heart and you’ll be fine. It worked for me,” Zoey remarked.

  “And,” Heidi spoke up, “trust me when I say, you don’t need a ton of experience to make it good between the two of you. If you ask me it just makes you even more appealing. Just think of it as a learning experience, and imagine all of the things Coop will get to teach you. He’ll love it.”

  “Thank you as well, Heidi and Zoey.” Meagan laughed. “I love all three of you. You know that right? Nathan, Rafe, and Cory are three very lucky men, and I’m blessed to have the three of you as a part of my extended family. You always know how to make me feel better, and I’m grateful to have so many special people to turn to when I need it. Now what do you say we go down to the bar to see our special men, and grab a drink to celebrate wonderful relationships, new beginnings, and survival? I’m tired of feeling like the victim, and want to take my life back again.”

  Coop had insisted she take some time off out of concern, and although she appreciated it, she knew she’d be okay as long as she stayed clear of the area she’d been attacked.

  “You got it.” And, as the three of them went ahead of her, Meagan made sure to fix her turtleneck to hide the yellowing bruises that reminded her, life was precious. With a deep breath, she was on her way.

  * * * *

  Her long dark hair reached the bottom of her back when she wore it down, and he loved the sexy length. Straight, it draped around her shoulders, and framed her exotic heart shaped face. Her dark eyes glowed as she smiled at something Heidi said.

  She looked beautiful.

  He noted the way her red turtleneck draped her lush curves perfectly outlining her hips and bosom to perfection. It rode a little high on her midsection showing off her flat abs, and smooth olive skin. His focus landed on her skinny jeans then, and his mouth watered as she leaned against the bar to order a drink. Her ass stuck out a little when she did that, and he noticed then how well they fit her there, perfectly as if they were made just for her body, and he wanted to take a big bite.

  Coop gulped, and all of his blood flew south inside his own jeans to his rock hard cock. Damn, he wanted her, couldn’t remember the last time he wanted someone so bad. It was almost painful. Hell, it was downright painful, especially when she wore that sexy silk teddy to bed, when he held her so close in bed to comfort her, or when their bodies would touch in passing. It was torturous. Thank God, she’s beginning to heal, he thought knowing she wanted him just as bad, had given him all the right signals. The only thing keeping him in check was the thought of hurting her.

  When she kissed him the day after the attack, it broke his heart to see her discomfort when he touched her, nearly killed him she’d got hurt a few feet away from him, and he couldn’t go any further. But he noticed as the days passed she seemed more at ease, and he swore if he saw her in that sexy silk teddy again he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back. He’d show her nothing but bliss when he took her too. With Meagan Morales, he’d take his time loving every inch of that amazing body until he erased every bad memory from her mind, and gave her a ton of good ones to replace them with. She was special.

  “You’re drooling.”

  Coop looked to his side where Nathan stood with a smirk. “I can’t help it.” He smiled, and then shrugged before Rafe spoke up.

  “Hey, why is it that whenever I look at your lovely cousin with interest all I get is your anger, yet when he does it you’re okay with it?”

  “Because I’m not in love with him, so I have no need to worry that he’ll try anything stupid. Plus, I like him, and I think he’d be good for Meagan. Besides, I think you like getting a reaction out of me, so I play along.” Nathan winked, then put a leisurely arm around Rafe. “Now I see four of the most beautiful women in the world over there I’d love to give attention to and two of them belong to us, Rafe. What do you say we go join them at the bar and keep them company?”

  “Thanks, I think.” Coop laughed. “Cory looks like he has his hands full anyway. Let’s go.”

  “Hell yeah!” Rafe smiled wide, and the three of them sauntered over with a cocky sway. Nathan and Rafe with natural confidence, and Coop with his own like he owned the place. Oh wait, he did, literally.

  * * * *

  “Now that is some beautiful scenery.” Zoey jerked her head forward and they all turned to see what she was talking about.

  Coop, Nathan, and Rafe headed towards them and Meagan couldn’t agree more. Rafe was a Greek Adonis, Nathan had the natural family good looks, she’d inherited some of those herself, and Coop was angelic and sinful at the same time, he was a work of art carved into perfection. From the ground up she admired the way his blue jeans hugged in all the right places, lingering on the bulge in front a moment before moving on to admire his slim fitting Pink Floyd T-shirt, hiding muscular pecks, and a flat stomach underneath. His blond messy hair itched to be tamed and she wanted to feel the soft locks against her fingers again when he approached. He smirked as she met his sparkling blue eyes as if he knew her thoughts, and she challenged him with one of her own.

  “Oh, I don’t know, I’m kind of liking the view in front of me,” Ashley teased, as Cory lea
ned over to give her a kiss.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  “They’re perfection,” Heidi cheered, wasting no time in wrapping her arms around Nathan when she could.

  “I agree,” Zoey said doing the same with Rafe, and Meagan felt seriously out of place, not sure what to do with Coop. Everyone was a couple, but what where they? She didn’t have to wonder very long when Coop wrapped his arms around her, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

  “Good news, Brett said he’d cover the bar tonight so I could spend some more time with you. How are you feeling?” He looked concerned. “You haven’t been down here since...”

  “I know.” She interrupted, “But I’m okay, honestly.” She reached up to massage the nape of his neck threading her fingers through the ends of his hair as she did so. “I’ll have to come back to work eventually so why not take baby steps, and enjoy a drink with some great company?”

  “Aw, look at the two of you.” Ashley cooed, “Love is in the air.”

  “It definitely is.” Coop winked at her, and then gave her a smile that left her breathless.

  “Yeah, and we missed all of you,” Heidi said standing on her tippy toes to steal a kiss from Nathan.

  “And, how about you, Meagan, did you miss me?”

  “I did,” she admitted with a wink. “That’s why I suggested we come down here in the first place.”

  “Yeah well I’m guessing this is only going to be a one drink night.” Rafe chuckled. “The two of you are looking at each other like you’re each dessert and everyone else in the room has vanished.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you.” Meagan turned to Rafe and smiled. “I guess it would be the same way you look at Zoey, Heidi, and Nathan, or the way Cory and Ashley look at each other.”

  “Oh, yeah, now wouldn’t it be tempting for all of us to take this party upstairs?” Rafe’s grin turned wicked, and he winked as Nathan growled. Zoey and Heidi both giggled as they watched the show, and Meagan shook her head with a grin of her own. Good old Rafe.

  “Sorry, I’m not in a sharing type of mood.”

  “And neither am I.” Nathan, Coop, and Cory chorused at the same time.

  “I know.” Rafe laughed. “I’ve got a good thing right where I am, with three people I love dearly. So let’s raise our drinks with cheers, to family, good friends, a little friendly teasing, and some good times.”

  “And don’t forget great advice. The three words that created all of our wonderful relationships—” Heidi cheered.

  “To spicing it up.” Nathan finished his wife’s thought, and raised his beer bottle to finish the toast.

  Rafe was right, after the drinks were finished the foursome gave everyone a hug, with a promise to do it again sometime, Ashley decided to get to work, and Coop insisted on giving Meagan a little TLC in the privacy of his apartment.

  * * * *

  She stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror, fingers stroking the now yellowish marks of her bruises, and felt relieved for the first time since her attack. It turns out Greg had a prior for domestic violence, and had a warrant out for his arrest in another state. He was going to do some jail time, and she no longer had to fear him.

  She received a phone call from the investigating detective that morning with the news and wanted to celebrate. Also part of the reason Heidi, Zoey, and Ashley had come over earlier. Only when they got there it was the last thing she wanted to talk about, instead confessing her one fear when it came to Coop, her fear he’d be disappointed due to her lack of experience. Smiling to herself, she really did feel better after talking to them about it and couldn’t wait to see him.

  Now that they were alone however...

  As soon as they reached his apartment, she decided she wanted a shower to relax her tense muscles. Folding her lingerie, she tucked it back into her suitcase, and pulled out one of Coop’s shirts instead. It was his move now, if he wanted her.

  The shirt was loose, but comfortable as she pulled it over her head. So big that it reached to her knees, and draped off her shoulder a bit. Shrugging, she opened the door and found him waiting for her.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, and she watched as his heated gaze took her in from top to bottom. “What no silky teddy’s tonight?”

  “No, I’ve decided to give up.” She tried to walk past him but he reached out to stop her. Stopping, she turned to face him. “The ball is in your court now just so you know, I’ve told you that I want you, practically threw myself at you in the process and I’m tired of the rejection.”

  “It was never intended to be rejection, Meagan. I did it out of concern.” Coop pulled her towards him and caressed the sides of her neck with his fingers. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “I know,” she whispered, and then gulped. God, she wanted him.

  “You’re looking much better,” he whispered huskily, one hand moving up the nape of her neck into her hair, while the other moved a little lower towards her chest, fingers lingering just along the collar, and she took a deep breath to breathe him in. “And, I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to finally wise up. I’m tired of fighting it, Meagan, and I’m man enough to admit that I need you—“ He back her up against the hallway wall, and pressed himself close. “Hell, I’m ready to beg if I have to.”

  Meagan giggled, as she rubbed against him, his confession, her undoing. “Oh yeah, what do you have in mind?”

  “This—,“ he said, and bent over to capture her lips. Tongue snaking out, his teeth nipped and sucked on her bottom lip before he pulled back again. “Will you let me make love to you, Meagan?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered, “God, yesss...”

  “That’s my girl.” Coop smiled, wasting no time to finish what they started. Enough was enough. His hands reached for the bottom of his shirt to pull it off of her, and his mouth sought hers. Their tongues were in a frantic dance, as he made love to her mouth over and over again, and as he tugged the shirt tangled around her hands, binding them. She let out a frustrated huff, and he couldn’t help but feel amused.

  He took a step back to get a good look at her. Braless, she wore nothing but his tangled shirt in front of her, and a pair of tiny black thongs. His already aching cock shifted again, saluting proud and ready to be freed. “Leave the shirt,” he requested, placing her hands above her head to get a better view, and whistled. “My fantasies didn’t do you justice, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you, now what about you?” Meagan thrust her body towards him since he still held her bound hands above her. “I’d like to see if my fantasies are anything like the reality.”

  “All right, but in the meantime I don’t want you to move. You’re a vision just the way you are, bound and waiting for me to love you.”

  “I can follow those rules for now, but later you have to promise me that I can touch all I want.” She eyed his body like she craved sustenance, and licked her lips.

  “Deal. My body is all yours, for however long you’d like it, Meagan, all I’m asking is that you let me love you first.”

  “And, my body is now yours.” She nodded in agreement. “Now strip, let me see you.”

  Without a word he fisted his shirt above his head and threw it behind him. Next came his jeans, until he stood in nothing but his socks and boxer briefs. His muscles flexed as he bent over to take off his socks. First one and then the other, they both joined the pile he threw behind him.

  “Amazing.” She licked her lips again at the sight of him. A cut chest met defined six pack abs that flexed as he moved. His arousal looked long and thick behind his underwear, the tip slipping out from the elastic band and she wanted them off. “What about your boxers?”

  “Not yet.” He shook his head, and smiled. “If I take these off now there’ll be no going slow.”

  He joined her once more, closing any distance they had between them. Tasting every inch of her skin, starting with her forehead, his lips moved down to kiss each eyelid, then cheeks, chin, and mouth once mor
e. She moaned, rubbing her mound against him in excitement.

  “I love how responsive you are,” he whispered. “Now, let’s see what kind of reaction I get, as I move lower.”

  Her breasts fit perfectly in his palms as he cupped them, each nipple turning hard against his touch. He then lowered his mouth to suck each one, taking his time while she writhed with need for him. “Please, Lyric...” Her whisper was so faint he almost missed it.

  Both shocked and pleased, he pulled back. “Say it again.”


  “My name, I want to hear you say it again. You’ve only ever called me by my nickname and I love the way it sounded.”

  “Lyric,” she said a little louder this time. “I call you Coop, when we’re around everyone else because I thought you preferred it, and it’s a great nickname, but the truth is I love your real name and what we’re sharing now feels too intimate to be screaming out for Coop. You’re Lyric the lead singer, Coop the great guy everyone loves, and Lyric Cooper, business man, and all of them combined. I want you, Lyric Cooper the man. Every single part you’re willing to share with me for as long as you want me.”

  “Then plan on sticking around for awhile,” he said shocking her as he dropped to his knees. “I love you, Meagan.” But before she could respond his lips pressed against her stomach, and tongue snaked out to taste her. She lost all sense of coherent thought right then and enjoyed the new sensations he was creating inside of her. Moisture pooled in between her thighs as the excitement built and she moaned again in response. “Dear God.” I love you too!

  She shifted her hips to help him discard the lacy scrap in the way, and held him close as soon as his soft lips met her smoothly shaved mound. “Yes, Lyric...” She shuddered, and leaned her head back with a moan while he worked his magic.


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