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Tied Up in Tinsel

Page 8

by Amber Skyze

“Does that tickle?”

  “Yes,” she said, attempting once more to pull away.

  “I love when you squirm beneath me. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  She closed her eyes and accepted his kisses. She longed to feel him inside her too. She’d thought of nothing else all night long.

  “Why don’t you go take a nice hot shower?”

  “Mmmm.” She bit her lower lip, realizing the implications of his words. He was going to live out her fantasy tonight. She couldn’t believe it. He really was going to do it. She’d wondered if this day would ever come, and now it had arrived.

  “Do you have wine in the kitchen?”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll grab us some. You run along.”

  “I can’t wait,” she squealed, heading toward her bedroom. Holy shit. This wasn’t just a fantasy anymore. This would be reality in a few short moments.

  Giddy, she rushed to strip her clothes and start the shower. When she stepped under the hot jets, she bounced up and down. She couldn’t help but wonder how he’d do it. Would he take her by surprise? Would he have a weapon? She shivered. Anticipation filled her to the core.

  She grabbed the bar of soap and lathered her body. By the time she finished, she’d grown impatient. Where the hell was he? He should’ve been in there by now.

  She tapped her foot and contemplated calling out to him, but didn’t want to ruin anything for him. Instead she washed her hair. Her anticipation had dissipated, and she’d grown disappointed. What kept him from coming in and living out her fantasy?

  Finished with cleaning herself, she turned off the water and grabbed a big fluffy towel. As she patted off the water dripping from her body, she realized he’d probably wanted to wait until she finished with the shower. He’d likely be coming in any moment.

  Patience kept her back to the door to act surprised when he entered. She slowly wiped away any remnants of water left on her body. She’d just finished shaking out her hair when she heard Christmas music coming from the living room.

  “Strange. What is he doing?” She dared a peek out the door, half expecting him to be right outside. He wasn’t.


  “Yeah,” he called from the living room.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Waiting for you. Are you almost done?”

  What the fuck was he waiting for? Hadn’t he told her to take a shower so he could attack her in there? Oh, she just didn’t understand men.

  “Be there shortly,” she said through clenched teeth.

  She threw on her bathrobe and stomped out to the living room.

  “Why didn’t you do it?” she demanded, her hands on her hips.

  “Do what?”

  “Oh please, don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. It was your suggestion, for Christ’s sake.”

  “The shower?”

  “Yes, along with fact that you implied you’d come in and…you know…”

  “I know what?”

  “Please stop acting stupid, William.”

  He jumped off the couch and walked over to her.

  “Patience, I really have no clue what you’re talking about. Why are you so angry with me?”

  “Because I thought you were going to live out my fantasy. Isn’t that why you told me to go take a shower?”

  “No. I merely suggested it so you could relax. You seemed a bit stressed. I figured a hot shower would help.”

  She wanted to scream. She’d thought for sure he meant something more. Did that mean he’d never do it?

  “Besides, I’d never consider fake raping you on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, for that matter.”

  He tried gathering her in his arms, but she pulled away.

  “Why, because it disgusts you?” It was exactly what she suspected. He was repulsed by what she wanted. He’d lied to her when he said he didn’t care. Fucking liar.

  “Are we really gonna go down this road again, Patience?”

  “What’s the matter? William, are you growing impatient with me?”

  “As a matter of fact, I am. I’m tired of telling you that your fantasies don’t scare me and that I’m not like the rest or your exes.”

  His words were like a slap across the face.

  “If you’re so tired of me, then you know where the door is.”

  “Is that really what you want from me? Do you really want me to leave after you invited me to spend the night?”

  She shrugged and saw the hurt in his gray eyes. He looked tired and worn down, adding a mixture of hurt and anger.

  “Fine. I’m not going to fight with you on Christmas Eve.” He walked over and grabbed his boots, which he must have removed while she was in the shower. As he slipped the first one on, she panicked.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t want you to leave.”

  He stopped and looked at her. “I can’t keep arguing with you over this, Patience. I told you you’d have your fantasy, and you will…when the time is right. Tonight is not the time. Why can’t you have patience?”

  She laughed, trying to ease the tension that had grown between them. “I told you I didn’t live up to my name.”

  “I know what you’ve said, but you can work on changing that if you want. We shouldn’t be fighting, especially about something like this. It’s a magical time of year. People are supposed to be happy and celebrating.”

  “You’re right, William. I know I have insecurity issues, and it shouldn’t be your problem. I’m trying. I swear.”

  “It kinda is my issue if you can’t trust me. I want you to trust me. I need you to have faith your heart is safe with me, but I’m not going to beg or plead with you to believe that.”

  “I do trust you. There are times when I have a momentary lapse of judgment, like a few minutes ago. I said things I didn’t mean. I don’t want you to leave. I asked you to spend the night because it’s what I want.”

  This time when he put an arm around her and pulled her close, she didn’t recoil. She fell into his embrace, and they collapsed against the couch cushions.

  “I’m going to change that. You’re going to learn to be more patient if it kills me.”

  “It just might.”

  “Then I die trying.” William moved his hand to her face and turned her so she looked at him. “I’m falling in love with you, Patience.”

  Shock filled her as she looked at the intensity in his expression. A single tear fell from her eye.

  “I’m…I’m falling in love with you too, William.”

  Chapter Eight

  Patience woke before William. She unwrapped her body from his arm and eased out of bed. Hopefully she had enough time before he woke up.

  In the hall closet she found exactly what she was looking for. Now she just had to get the fireplace going, and she’d be all set. The logs lit easily, as if someone was helping her along the way. She stood back to admire the setting—perfect for Christmas morning.

  A rustling sound came from the bedroom, alerting her William was likely up and would be looking for her soon. She quickly disrobed, put the bow on her chest, and climbed under the Christmas tree.


  She smiled but didn’t answer him. She wanted him to come find her.

  “HOLY SHIT!” HE came to a dead stop when he reached the living room and found her lying on the floor. Every fantasy he’d ever had of her was there under the tree with nothing but a bow on her chest.

  “You like?”

  “Like? I love. What better way to wake up on Christmas morning?”

  “I thought you might enjoy this present.”

  “Can I open it?”

  “I don’t know. Can you?”

  She crossed her legs, and William thought he’d lose his mind. He wanted to taste her, every last inch of her. He wanted to feel her juice on his tongue. Once the arguing was over, they’d shared a nice night talking until Patience fell asleep in his arms. He’d carried her to her bed and tucked her in. He’d
been a little disappointed they didn’t get to be intimate, but this was definitely making up for it.

  “Without a doubt!” He crawled over to where she lay and settled down close to her.

  He nudged closer, and her hardened nipple grazed his chest. His cock stirred to life, swelling. She looked beautiful lying there with nothing on but her birthday suit and a small red bow. Patience was the perfect Christmas gift. He couldn’t ask for more. When she confessed she was falling in love too, his heart filled with so much joy. He’d never dreamed of finding someone who fit him so perfectly. He only hoped she’d overcome her impatience and learn to handle things differently.

  William was too laid back to constantly be fighting over nonsense, but they weren’t fighting now. Far from it. He had a gorgeous woman in front of him, and he wasn’t about to miss out on the opportunity to devour her.

  He moved his hand over her arm, causing goose bumps.

  “Cold?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “I won’t be for long.”

  No, he’d remedy that quickly.

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  Her cheeks turned rosy. He liked how she still blushed when he complimented her. It showed him she wasn’t full of herself.

  “I’m a lucky man to have you.”

  “You’re not the only lucky one.” She reached down and took his dick in her hand. She moved her hand up and down the length of his swollen cock.

  William leaned in and kissed her on the lips. He pulled away and smiled.

  “Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas. Now give me my present before I freeze to death under here.”

  William chuckled.

  Still holding himself up with the strength of his one arm, William bent forward and licked at her nipple. The plum buds were already hard from the cold. He eased her down so she was on her back. He kissed between her breasts and down to her belly. She shivered under his lips. Her soft skin tantalized him.

  He moved farther down until he hovered over her clit. His tongue flicked across the rose bud.

  She moaned.

  Charged by her excitement, William lapped at her clit. Needing more, he shuffled around until he was nestled between her legs.

  “I need you, William.”

  “Soon, darlin’. Very soon.” He’d give her what she wanted once he brought her a big, delicious climax.

  William ran his tongue from her opening up between her folds and swirled it around her clit. He felt her juices pooling at her opening. She grew wetter with every touch. He stretched his right arm out until he found what he was looking for. He pinched her nipple between two fingers. Her hips lifted up off the floor.

  He used the other hand to move closer to her pussy. He inserted a finger into her waiting channel. Patience was drenched. He thought he’d explode from the feeling of her wet pussy.

  “God, that’s perfect,” she said.

  The desire to explode grew overpowering every time she moved her hips. The grinding against his face had him rendered useless. He did his best to concentrate on giving her an unbelievable climax.

  Her hands were on his head, holding on for dear life.

  “I’m going to come, William.”

  As she finished the sentence, he felt the quiver of her lips as she broke out into an orgasm. She continued bucking, and he licked away at her clit. His finger moved in and out while he squeezed on the nipple.

  Self-control flew out the window as she settled from her orgasm. William released his hold on her, climbed up, and ground his hard, throbbing cock along the folds of her pussy. The friction from her juices and his hardness had him falling over the deep end. If he lasted another thirty seconds, he’d be surprised. He rocked and slid over her hot lava. He expected her to lie there, but she moved in sync with him.

  “Can’t hold on any longer…” William’s dick pumped his cum onto her. He hadn’t planned for it to be so quick, but he’d thought about nothing else except fucking her all night long.

  As the last drop seeped from him, he collapsed next to her on the floor and gathered her in his embrace.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened; I seemed to lose control.”

  “I understand. That was amazing. I couldn’t believe I had another orgasm. You’re incredible.”

  He smiled, pleased that she’d come again. He hadn’t ruined anything by coming too soon.

  “I say we move this to the bedroom and see what toys you have.”

  “What are we waiting for?” She eased out from under the branches and climbed to her feet.

  William followed suit.

  “Last one there gets a Christmas spanking,” he said and charged off toward her bedroom.

  She tried to get past him, but he refused to let her win. He wanted nothing more than to spank that heinie and make it all nice and pink.

  “I win,” he said, sliding over the threshold.

  “You cheat.” She slapped his arm playfully. “I refuse to be spanked on the grounds that you don’t play fair.”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Yeah.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

  William grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to him. He moved swiftly to the bed and dragged her down over his lap. She screamed and squirmed, all the while laughing.

  “We’ll see about that,” he said, raising his hand and bringing it down on her bare skin.


  “Not getting spanked?”

  “Nope.” She attempted to twist and turn, but William had a good hold on her.

  “You’re not going anywhere, so you might as well accept your fate. I’m going to spank that bare bottom, and you’re going to like it.”

  “Who says I’ll like it?”

  He laughed.

  “You’re not funny.”

  He noticed she’d stopped fighting him. Her hands rested on the floor to hold her in place. She was submitting to his plan. His cock swelled. Patience Middleton was an amazing woman.

  He brought his hand down, smacking her bottom.

  When she didn’t say anything, he looked to see what her face revealed. Nothing.

  He did it again, this time a little harder. Still nothing.

  Oh she was a stubborn one. Another turn-on.

  He slapped her again and again. It wasn’t until the ninth slap that she finally had a reaction.

  She yelped.

  “I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever affect you.”

  “You did. Now I’ve been good, so I think you should stop.”

  “Hmmm.” William moved his hand down between her legs to her pussy. “I’d say someone likes getting paddled.”

  “Maybe.” She moved her body but didn’t try to leave his lap. Her movements caused his hand to slip from between her legs.

  “Are you offering up your ass again?”

  “If that’s what you want to do.”

  If she was trying to use reverse psychology on him, it wouldn’t work. He loved the way her butt cheeks turned a nice shade of red. The heat radiated off her skin, and he felt it on his arm. This was a definite turn-on, and he knew from the new juices at her opening that she was having just as much fun as him.

  “Oh you don’t know how much I want to.” He spanked her again, and this time she jumped.



  Liar. He’d let it pass. Her stubbornness would come in handy when he made her fantasy come true.

  He brought his hand down one final time against both cheeks. They were turning a darker shade of red and were nice and toasty.

  He rubbed his hand over them softly. The desire to have her sit on his lap and feel the heat warming his legs grew with every second.

  She looked up at him. “Done?”

  “With the spanking, yes. Ravishing, not by a long shot. Climb up on my lap. I want to feel that wet pussy wrapped around my cock.”

  She scurried off his lap and stood before him. “Do you want me facing you or on my back?”

bsp; He hadn’t thought about it. “Whatever you’d like.”

  She immediately climbed up so she straddled him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek.

  “Wait a minute,” he said, lifting her off him and placing her on the bed.


  Her sulking didn’t go undetected.


  She nodded.

  He’d almost forgotten the most important thing. They needed to be protected.

  William grabbed the foil package from the nightstand and ripped it open. He quickly sheathed his cock and went back to his place on the bed. He slapped his thighs.

  “Come on back.”

  She crawled over the bed and back onto his lap. When she straddled him this time, she reached between her legs and found his hard cock.

  He sucked in a deep breath. Her hand felt glorious around him. She eased down over his dick, and once it touched her opening, she removed her hand and rested it on his shoulder.

  She looked him in the eyes and smiled.

  A flutter in his heart took him by surprise. He knew he had feelings for her, and he knew it was most likely love, but the sudden realization scared the hell out of him. He was head over heels in love with her. She was everything he wanted in a woman. If he could convince her to learn a little patience, they could have the perfect life together.

  As she slid down, enveloping his cock with her pussy, he melted. He pulled her closer to him and held on tight. Tears threatened to spring from his eyes. They were tears of joy.

  Patience’s ass met with his thighs, and heat mixed with coolness. The three words lingered on his tongue, but he waited. They were finally getting on an even playing field. She trusted him; that was enough.

  “God, you feel amazing, Patience.” He nestled his head between her breasts and took a deep breath. He loved her. He truly loved her.

  She moved her hips, startling him. He wanted to hold on to her, forever lost in his thoughts, yet he wanted to make love to her—slow and passionately.

  “You okay?” she asked when he didn’t move.

  “Yeah. Just taking in the feel of your warmth.”

  “What happened to the guy who wanted to spank me and use toys? Did your mojo run out?”

  William leaned back, placed his hands on her hips, and pulled her down so he was fully engulfed inside her.


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