Book Read Free

Seducing Lauren

Page 21

by Kristen Proby

“You’re home,” I whisper without opening my eyes.

  “Mmm.” He kisses me again. “And I need you to wake up. I have some things to show you.”

  “Would rather just feel you,” I mumble.

  Suddenly, I hear something purr and I open my eyes to find a tiny, orange kitten curled up in the crook of Ty’s elbow. “Who is this?”

  “This is your new friend.” Ty grins. “I figure he can hang out with you while you work and be a companion for you when I’m not here.”

  “He’s not much of a watchdog.” I scoop him out of Ty’s arm and snuggle him down against my neck. “He’s so soft!”

  “You don’t need a watchdog. You just need someone to brainstorm story ideas with.” Ty’s lips twitch as he watches me with the kitten.

  “What’s his name?”


  “Why?” I chuckle.

  “Because he’s fuzzy.”

  “Hmm, maybe he should have a more sophisticated name, like Sir Lancelot.” I rub my nose against his soft head. “Do you like that name, little guy?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with Fuzz.” Ty frowns.

  “How about Sir Fuzz?” I grin at my sweet man. “Thank you.”

  He leans in and kisses me gently, backing away when I try to deepen the kiss. I growl in frustration.

  “You are not healthy enough for me to kiss you the way I want to, sweetness. Once I start, I won’t want to stop. I’m desperate for you, but I can wait until you’re well so I don’t hurt you.”

  “You won’t hurt me.”

  “Never intentionally.”

  My eyes roam over his long, lean body. He’s changed from his work clothes into his jeans and a T-shirt and has a bandage over the inner biceps of his right arm.

  “What happened to your arm?” I ask, alarmed.

  “I had a tattoo added today.” He smiles nervously.

  “I want to see.” I struggle to sit up, hissing in a breath at the pull on my ribs, then settle back against the headboard.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Show me. Can you take the bandage off yet?”

  “Yeah, I was waiting to show you.” He peels off the bandage.

  My eyes grow wide and find his. “What does it mean?”

  His eyes fall to his arm and he smiles widely. “I decided on the rose of Sharon because it means something special to you, and for me because I’ll never go another day in my life without thinking of you when I see these flowers. And it’s blue because it’s the color of your eyes.”

  “You tattooed me on your arm.”

  “Of course I did, sweetness. I love you.” He raises his hand and brushes his thumb down my cheek.

  “I love you too,” I whisper. “Thank you for that, and for Sir Fuzz.” I nuzzle the kitten against me. He purrs and settles in with a wide yawn to take a nap.

  “I think you both need a nap,” Ty murmurs against my hair as he gently pulls me against his chest.

  “I slept all day,” I protest.

  “The only way you’re going to get better is if you rest and let your body heal, Lauren.”

  “Have I mentioned that I’m not a patient person?”

  “Once or twice.” He chuckles. “Emily is gone?”

  “Yeah, she left this afternoon. I love her to death, but honestly, I was ready for it to just be us again. I want to get back to normal.”

  “I do too, but I don’t like the idea of you being alone during the day yet.”

  “Now you sound just like her. I’ll be fine. I’m just sore now, Ty.”

  “I’ll work half days for one more week.”

  “You can’t keep taking time off of work!”

  “Yes, I can.” He kisses my head and reaches over to pet the sleeping kitten. “You come first, Lo. Always.”

  I grin happily and let the sound of the kitten purring and Ty’s even breathing lull me to sleep.

  “You’re nothing but a fucking whore!” Jack backhands me across the face. “I’m going to kill you this time.”

  He slaps me again, sending me back against a guardrail. How did we get outside? We’re up on the second floor now, on the balcony.

  “Ty!” I yell, but Jack just laughs.

  “He’s not here, bitch. He can’t save you. He’ll never save you.” Jack laughs long and hard, delighted with himself. “Should I beat you to death, or just throw you over this balcony?”

  I begin to cry. How can this be happening again? Where is Ty? I look over to the window and see him beating on the glass, trying to get to me, but he can’t reach me.

  He’s trapped.

  “Ty!” I yell again, but he doesn’t come. There is only Jack and his maniacal laugh. He keeps pushing me against the cement railing, over and over. It hurts my sore ribs. “Please stop,” I cry.

  “You deserve to die, you selfish whore.” Jack grips my shoulders in his hands and pushes me over the side of the balcony. I fall and fall and fall in slow motion, my arms and legs flailing.



  I gasp and then cry out as the pain in my ribs shoots through me. Ty wakes me, calling my name and gently pushing his fingers into my hair. I’m sweating, my eyes are wide, and I’m panting uncontrollably.

  “You’re here.” My eyes search the room, looking for Jack.

  “Of course I’m here.” Ty takes my hand in his, but I pull away and cower from him. “Baby, you had a nightmare.”

  “Jack was hurting me.” I look around the room once more and then begin to cry as Ty pulls me back into his strong arms, rocking me gently.

  “He can’t hurt you, baby.”

  “Oh, God!” I turn my face into Ty’s chest and cry, trembling and afraid. “He pushed me over the balcony.”

  Ty glides his hands soothingly up and down my back, kisses my head, and comforts me. “He’s not here. He’ll never be here again.”

  I lie in Ty’s arms for long minutes, relishing his strength. My heart and breathing calm until finally we’re just lying together, comforting each other.

  “You scared the fuck out of me,” he murmurs against my hair. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m sorry I scared you.”

  “I’m sorry you had the nightmare.” His voice is hard and I pull back to search his face.

  “What is it?”

  “I’d very much like to kill him right now.”

  “That won’t solve anything.” I lay my cheek back on his chest. “You already beat the shit out of him. He’s not worth it, Ty.” I’ll never forget that day in the hospital when Ty, Zack, and Josh returned from being gone, and Ty’s hand was swollen, his knuckles bloody from beating Jack.

  I groan a bit as I shift my position. My ribs are screaming again. The ibuprofen doesn’t last as long as the other pain medicines.


  “Always,” I mumble grumpily.

  “Why don’t you just take the stronger medication at night? It’ll help you sleep, and then you can stick to the ibuprofen during the day.”

  I consider his suggestion, then nod reluctantly. “Maybe that should be the plan for a few more days.”

  Ty slips from the bed and brings back some water and a small pill, which I accept gratefully.

  “I love you for all of this,” I murmur as he takes the water and sets it aside, then comes back to bed.

  “Just for this?” he asks with a crooked smile.

  “Well, you’re hot too, so that helps.”

  “So you love me for the nursing skills and my body. I see how you are.”

  “I might also love your culinary skills and how bossy you are sometimes.”

  “Good to know.”

  I grin and press a kiss to his chest. “I miss making love with you.”

  His body stills before he sighs deeply and his heartbeat picks up beneath my cheek. “I miss you too, sweetness.”

  His fingers glide lazily up and down my back, soothing me from the pain in my ribs and my head. From the pain of the nightma

  He is my solace.

  He is my home.



  “I can’t believe it’s been a month since the incident.” Jill navigates carefully through the snow, driving me to my doctor’s office.

  “I can,” I reply grumpily. “I’m fine. I don’t know why you had to drive me today.”

  “Because until he releases you today, you’re not supposed to be driving.” She grins over at me. “I’m so happy you’re feeling better.”

  “Me too.” I nod. “I’m horny as hell and Ty won’t touch me until the doctor says it’s okay. If he doesn’t say it’s okay today, I’ll maim him.”

  Jill laughs as she pulls into a parking space. “That sounds like Ty, always living by the rules.”

  “He’s driving me crazy. I’ve felt good enough for sex for weeks.”

  “Just think of all the hot fun you can have tonight.” Jill wiggles her eyebrows at me, then grimaces. “Wait. That’s my brother. Ew.”

  I lead her into the office building with a laugh and sign in, then take a seat and wait to be called back.

  “You should do something special,” Jill whispers to me as she thumbs through an old People magazine.

  “That’s what I was thinking.” I purse my lips in thought.

  “Lauren,” the nurse calls with a smile.

  “You think about it, and I’ll think about it, and then we’ll chat when I’m done.” I stand and remove my coat, leaving it on the seat beside Jill before joining the nurse to be led back to a room.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better.”

  “Good.” She smiles kindly and takes my temperature, my blood pressure, and weight and makes notes in a computer. “Go ahead and change into this very stylish paper gown, and Dr. Greene will be in shortly.”

  With that, she leaves.

  I’ve lost weight in the past month. Too much weight. I hope I can gain it back when I’m able to get back in the pool. I’ve lost a lot of muscle tone and stamina from not swimming, and I’m eager to get it back.

  I’m eager to get my fucking life back.

  “Good afternoon, Lauren.” Dr. Greene smiles as he bustles into the room and signs in to the computer.


  “How have you been feeling?”

  “Much better.”

  “How are your ribs?” He motions for me to lie back so he can raise the paper gown and examine my ribs. “The bruises are pretty much gone.”

  “They haven’t been sore in about a week or so.”

  “Good.” He nods and motions for me to sit up so he can look at the back of my head. “And your head?”

  “I get headaches when I’m really tired, but for the most part it’s nothing that a couple ibuprofen won’t cure.”

  He nods as he shines a light in my eyes, looks into my nose and ears.

  “Do you tire easily?”

  “It’s getting better.” I shrug. “My boyfriend makes me nap a lot, so it’s not so bad.”

  “Ty’s a good guy. I figured he’d be here with you.”

  “He had court today, so I had his sister drive me. Please tell me I can get back to living my normal life again.”

  Dr. Greene sits on the rolling stool by the desk and looks up at me. “I’m going to release you to normal activity.”

  I do a happy dance in my seat, but he interrupts me with “Under a few conditions.”

  “As long as I can drive, swim, and have sex, I’ll do whatever you want.”

  He laughs and turns to the computer. “You can do those things. I want you to rest when you get tired. If the headaches persist, or worsen, I want you to come see me immediately. But it looks like your ribs have healed, and I’m happy with your progress.”

  “Thank God,” I mutter. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He grins, stands, and shakes my hand. “We’re finished. I’ll want to see you again in a month, and then I’ll just see you yearly for your normal physicals.”


  I dress quickly and join Jill in the waiting area.

  She’s on the phone. “She’s finished. I’ll call you later.” She hangs up and tosses her phone in her handbag. “That was your man. He had a break in court and was checking in.”

  “He’s always hovering.” I roll my eyes, but can’t help the wide smile that spreads over my mouth.

  “And you love him.”

  “I know. I get to attack him later. I hope court gets out early today.”

  I practically skip through the snow to Jill’s car.

  “Did you come up with some good seduction ideas?” Jill asks.

  “Yes. You?”

  She chuckles as she buckles herself into her seat. “Despite it being my brother, yes. I do believe we have a few stops to make on our way back to your place.”

  “You read my mind.” My phone chirps with an incoming text.

  Ty: Did it go well? I should have been there.

  “Your brother is a worrier.”

  “Only with those he loves, Lo.”

  Me: Went well. Will tell you about it tonight. Love you.

  Ty: Love you, baby.

  Dinner in the oven: check. Candles and flowers: check. Hot, barely there outfit: check and check.

  I just barely reach my bedroom when I hear the front door open and close and Ty call out, “Lo?”

  “Upstairs!” I call out, and bite my lip in excitement. I lean against the doorjamb so I’m the first thing he sees when he gets to the top of the stairs. I’m wearing one of his white, dress button-downs, undone, and my favorite blue tie, hanging loose around my neck. White, lacy panties and thigh-high stockings complete the look.

  Ty’s eyes are on the stairs as he reaches the top. He raises his head and his eyes widen when he sees me. He swallows hard and comes to a stop about three feet away from me, just out of arm’s reach.

  “Your appointment went well?” His eyes rake up and down my body.

  “It did.”

  “What did Dr. Greene say?”

  I take a step forward and grip Ty’s loose tie in my hand and pull him forward. My lips hover inches away from his and my body instantly tingles in awareness. “He released me to normal activities.”

  Ty dips in to kiss me, but I pull away and lead him by the tie to the bed. “I won’t be able to stop kissing you once we start, and I have something very important to do first.”

  “You do?” He smiles wide. His eyes are on fire, watching me adoringly.

  “Mmm.” I flick the buttons open on his shirt. I loosen the knot in his tie and pull his shirtsleeves down his arms, letting the shirt fall to the floor. “I love your chest.” I plant a kiss in the center of his chest, then move over to glide my tongue over his nipple.

  He gasps and gently cradles my head in his hands. “You’re driving me crazy, baby.”

  “That’s kind of the point, counselor.” I plant sweet kisses over his skin to his right shoulder, down to the freshly healed flower on his inner arm. “This is pretty.”

  “It’s you,” he murmurs softly.

  “I love that you’ve been so patient and taken such good care of me.”

  “That’s my job, sweetness.”

  “The fact that you see it as part of your role as my man makes me love and appreciate you even more.”

  “I would do anything for you.” He pulls his fingers down my cheek softly.

  My hands glide down his sides to his trousers. I slip my forefingers under his waistband, under the elastic of his boxers, and move slowly from his hips, around to his ass, and then change directions to his front.

  “You have smooth skin,” I whisper.

  “Lauren, I’m about to rip my shirt off you and pull you under me on this bed.” His voice is rough with want, making me grin at him.

  “Hold that thought.”

  “You’re killing me, sweetness.”

  “It’s been a whole month, Ty. You can give me a few minutes to
have fun, can’t you?”

  “A few short minutes.” He watches me with hot gray eyes as I kiss my way down his torso. My fingers unfasten his pants and peel his underwear from his body, then guide them down his legs, unleashing his hard cock.

  “Is this for me?” I ask innocently.


  My eyes widen at that single word. Forever.

  I sink to my knees, grip the base of his pulsing dick in one hand, and lick from his scrotum to the tip, slipping my tongue along the slit.

  “Ah, fuck, baby,” he growls. He gently threads his fingers into my hair, caressing me, as I sink over him and suck him deeply into my mouth, gripping his length. “God, I love your sweet mouth.”

  “Mmm.” I pull up, swirl my tongue around the head, then sink down again, setting a lazy rhythm, enjoying the smooth texture of his skin, the musky smell of him, the way he groans with each full up-and-down motion of my mouth.

  His hands slip down to my neck and my shoulders, kneading them firmly, massaging me as I make love to his beautiful cock.

  “Mmm,” I groan, not lifting my mouth from him.

  “Feel good?” he whispers.

  I nod and look up at him as I fuck him with my mouth. He’s smiling, watching me intently. His hands continue to caress and love me, his eyes pinned to the point where his dick disappears into my mouth.

  “You are so beautiful, Lauren. It makes me nuts to see you in my shirt and tie.”

  “I know.” I back away and lick my way across his hip to lap at the sexy V there. “I love this spot.”

  “You love my hip?” He laughs down at me, then groans as I pump my hand up and down his hard length.

  “I love this line of muscle. Not everyone has it, you know.”

  “You do.”

  “You like that?” I climb to my feet.

  “I love everything about your delectable little body, sweetness.”

  “I’ve lost some muscle this month,” I pout, but he covers my mouth with his, finally, and rests his hands over my rib cage, inside the shirt.

  “You’ll get it back,” he whispers as he kisses his way across my jaw to my neck. “Is it my turn now?”

  “Sure, you can have a turn. This is a democracy, after all.”

  He chuckles. “You’re funny.”

  His eyes warm as they push his shirt over my shoulders and off my arms; it pools around our feet. His finger dips into the hem of my panties. “You’re so damn sexy.”


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