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The Doctor's Private Visit

Page 16

by Altonya Washington

  Capri nodded as she lifted her head for another kiss. Tiberius complied, praying she wouldn’t bite him when he took her.

  His movement was slow and loving. After a few moments, he began to move a bit faster and Capri’s body slowly became pliant beneath him. Tiberius groaned and buried his face in the crook of her neck. The pleasure was unbelievable and the more relaxed Capri became, the deeper Tiberius made his strokes.

  She started moving her hips in tiny circular motions. She was uncertain, but when Tiberius moaned in response to each movement, her confidence grew. Soon, they had found a mutual rhythm and the pleasure that arose was incredible.

  Tiberius was amazed at how gentle he could be with Capri when he was so hungry for her. He introduced her to various positions, each more sensual than the last. Capri realized with a great deal of delight that she was an eager student. She was content to learn as much as she could from Tiberius for the rest of the day.

  The next morning, Tiberius forced his eyes open. He was completely drained from the night before. He felt good though, very good considering how late it was when he and Capri went to sleep. Turning on his side, Tiberius propped one hand along the side of his face and stared down at her where she lay next to him. His sexy, light stare slid over her nude honey-toned body. God, last night with her was incredible, he thought. All his daydreams about them together were nothing compared to the real thing.

  In all honesty, he’d thought having her would finally purge his desire. It had done just the opposite. He wanted her more than ever.

  Damn, what’s wrong with me? Tiberius wondered, shaking his head as if to clear it.

  Just then, Capri turned in her sleep. As she snuggled deeper into the covers, her eyes opened and she looked up at Tiberius. She took a long stretch, wiggling her fingers at him in a lazy greeting.

  “How do you feel?” Tiberius questioned, his sleek dark brow drawn in concern.

  Capri smiled. “Good…very good.”

  “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

  Capri understood what he meant, but didn’t comment. Instead, she slid her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Tiberius’s long lashes closed over the wells of his eyes, as Capri pressed soft kisses to the strong column of his neck. He wasn’t about to resist her sensuous offer.

  Capri and Tiberius frequently made plans to be together. Though their careers at times made that difficult, they were determined. More than anything, they enjoyed spending time together and learning more about each other. Even in the midst of organizing the photo layout for Dr. Thomas it was clear they were enjoying the chore far more than they should have.

  Each day, Capri could feel herself becoming more attracted to Tiberius. Tiberius had yet to say anything along those lines. He had told her that she was the only one he wanted to see, but for the time being, she would have to be content with that. Capri wasn’t naive, though. Of course Tiberius’s company was something she’d grown to treasure, but she couldn’t become too attached. It would only make things harder when he finally told her it wouldn’t last.

  “Dammit,” Capri hissed, realizing she’d gotten lost in her thoughts while sitting in her truck. Glancing at her watch, she prayed Tiberius hadn’t been waiting too long inside the restaurant. Capri hopped out of the Pathfinder and turned to lock the door. As she did so, an arm slid neatly around her waist.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  Capri smiled at the deep, mellow voice, behind her. “I was just going to tell you the same thing,” she admitted, turning to face Tiberius.

  He tilted his head to one side and glared at her. “What’s wrong?”

  Capri’s wide, dark gaze lowered. “Nothing.”

  “You sure?”

  Capri sighed and took his arm. “I’m positive. Come on.”

  “So when can we get together for dinner?”

  Capri tried to swallow past her laughter. “We aren’t even through with lunch yet.”

  Tiberius propped one finger against his temple. “I like to plan ahead.”

  “Mmm-hmm…” Capri smiled. “Well, I don’t know when I’ll get out of the studio, but I’ll call you.”

  Lunch and conversation were wonderful. As usual, Capri and Tiberius found plenty to discuss. In fact, they were so engrossed with one another they weren’t aware that Clarissa Harris was seated just a few tables away, her brown eyes filled with unmistakable vengeance.

  “Where is he?” Capri sighed and put the phone down. It was just after 8:00 p.m. and she’d just arrived home. There was no answer at Tiberius’s house, but she saw his truck in the driveway.

  Setting her camera case and portfolio on the coffee table, Capri decided to head next door. Once she’d gotten to the front door and rung the bell, she slipped out of her brown wide-strapped mules. She wiggled her toes on the large welcome mat and yawned. After a long, exhausting day, all she wanted to do was eat and go to sleep. Still, there was something she wanted to discuss with Tiberius, and though every part of her brain shrieked that it was a bad idea she knew she had to put it on the table.

  Of course, Tiberius had other plans. As soon as he opened the front door, he grabbed Capri’s waist and pulled her inside. His massive hands cupped her hips and he held her close. Capri moaned in response when she felt the rigid proof of his arousal pressing against her.

  Tiberius dipped his head and thrust his tongue between her parted lips. The kiss was long, deep and slow. Tiberius moaned, as his fingers went to Capri’s silk shirt and he began to unbutton it.

  Capri would’ve loved to continue the sensual scene, but what she had to say was best said up front. “Tibe, wait a minute,” she whispered beneath the passionate kiss.

  “What for?” he grumbled, his mind on getting Capri out of her clothes.

  Capri brought her hands up to the front of her blouse and started to rebutton it. “Can we talk first?”



  “Shh…I want this first,” he told her, his fingers going to the zipper of her white bellbottoms.

  “We can do this later…” Capri coolly replied, though her voice rose a little.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I need to talk.”


  Capri averted her gaze. “It’s gonna upset you.”

  Tiberius sighed and pushed one hand through his hair. “Impossible. I can’t possibly be any more upset than I already am.”

  “All right. It’s about us…”


  She rolled her eyes in response to the sarcasm rolling from his voice. “This isn’t easy, Tibe.”

  “It’ll be a lot easier once you say it.”

  “Somehow I doubt that,” she murmured.


  “Okay! I just don’t want you to think I expect anything from you.”

  The wicked scowl on Tiberius’s handsome face deepened. He let her move by him and watched her, disbelief slowly filling his eyes.

  “We’ve made love several times, and I, um, you know what my opinions were about sex. A lot of that has changed, but a lot of it hasn’t. Still, I don’t want to you think I expect you to…” She let her voice trail away until she regained her momentum. “It’s just that I know the novelty of this will wear off eventually and I’ll just become another girl you slept with.”

  Without a word, Tiberius rolled his eyes away from her and headed out of the foyer.

  Capri propped her hands on her hips and glared at his retreating figure. “Where are you going?”

  “To fix dinner!”

  Capri closed her eyes and counted to ten. Then she followed him. “We need to talk about this, don’t you think?”

  Tiberius stormed into the kitchen and pulled the refrigerator door open. “I actually don’t.”

  Capri leaned against the kitchen island and watched him slam bowls on the counter. “I know this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere—”


  She sighed. “Look, I’v
e had a rough day, Tiberius, and this has been on my mind for most of it. You would’ve figured that out soon enough, so I thought I should at least be up-front enough to tell you.”


  “Tibe, please don’t do this. Nothing’s gonna come from you being angry.”

  “I’m willing to go with it for a while.” The pointed look Tiberius sent her way clearly stated that now was not the time to go into further discussion.

  Capri was beginning to agree. “Can’t you see where I’m coming from? Just a little?”

  Tiberius slammed his fist to the table, causing the glasses there to rattle. “Do you really think that you’re the only one with morals? Did you ever stop to think it could’ve been about more than that for me?”

  Capri had no comeback. She didn’t need one when the answer to his question was all over her face.

  Tiberius ran both hands over his face. “Do you know how many virgins I’ve slept with?”

  Capri looked away. “I prefer not to.”

  “You’re the first and the only, I hope. So I’m just as clueless about what to do here as you are.”

  Capri’s mouth formed an O of surprise. “Tibe—”

  Tiberius waved his hand as if to dismiss her. “You need to go, Capri.”

  When he heard the front door close, he knew he should’ve gone after her. Unfortunately, he had no idea what to say once he caught her.

  Chapter 16

  “So you’re just gonna close the door on what could be a great relationship? Because of what you think he’s thinking?”

  Capri rolled her eyes and buried her head beneath the pillow on Pepper’s bed. She was so heated after the fight with Tiberius that she’d driven into the city and headed to her best friend’s apartment. “It was so stupid even to go to him with it and to top it all off I was completely wrong.”

  “How’d you guys leave things?”

  “Not well.”

  Pepper trudged across her bedroom and pulled the pillows away from Capri. “So what now?”

  Capri ran her hands through her tousled curls and glared at Pepper. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t think he’d get so upset by it.”

  Pepper sat on the bed and propped her elbows on her knees. “So his feelings are stronger than you thought they could be, and I’m thinking yours are, too.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Have you told him how you feel. How you really feel?”

  “I don’t know if he’ll even believe me now.”


  “Look, Pepper, I still don’t want to pressure Tiberius into admitting anything. I knew where things stood with him from the jump, and at least he’s been up front about it. Meanwhile, I still can’t admit that I was having my issues well before anything serious began between us.”

  “So what’s the truth, then?”

  Capri pressed the heels of her hands against her eyes. “I guess I’ve been psyching myself up to be hurt by him.” She shook her head. “So I won’t be so devastated when…if it happens. So…staying true to form, I’m once again lying to myself.”

  Pepper toyed with the frilly edge of her peach comforter. “But do you believe him?”

  “I want to but…”

  “But you’re afraid,” Pepper guessed and tousled her friend’s curls. “You know, he just might surprise you.”

  Capri shrugged and buried her face back into the pillows for comfort.

  It took Capri three days to decide to make the first move and contact Tiberius. She at least owed it to herself to find out if there was any reason for her to continue the relationship—any reason to give more of herself than she already had. Unfortunately, she was terribly afraid of saying the wrong thing again, especially when her feelings for Tiberius were becoming so strong.

  Luckily, she was able to put all of that behind her the next morning when she went next door to Tiberius’s house. Sighing nervously, Capri smoothed her hands over her low-riding denim shorts and rang the doorbell. Upon a closer look, she noticed that the front door was slightly ajar. Frowning, she pushed it open and stuck her head inside.

  “Tibe?” she called, waiting for some response. When there was none, she assumed he’d left the door open again. Instead of doing any further investigating, she decided to leave. She was about to close the door when something on the floor caught her eye.

  Very slowly, she walked into the foyer and knelt to pick up the piece of material. With a sharp gasp she realized it was a half slip.

  Capri pressed her lips together and looked toward the carpeted stairway. It was draped with women’s clothing. As if in a daze, she collected the pieces and made her way to the top of the stairway. The trail led right to Tiberius’s room. Judging from the ton of women’s garb she’d collected, it didn’t take a genius to figure Tiberius had found someone else to soothe his urges.

  Tiberius stretched his nude body between the sheets. His eyes snapped open and he immediately sensed he wasn’t alone in the room. Squinting slightly, he tried to make out the figure at the foot of the bed. “Capri?” he murmured, pushing himself up.

  Capri felt her chest ache as she struggled to contain her tears. Storming over to the bed, she threw the clothes in his face. “Looks like you got your cheap, corny lines to work on somebody else, too,” she said and left the room.

  “Capri!” Tiberius called, not about to let her get away. He jumped out of bed and went after her. She was rushing down the stairway, but he grabbed her before she got too far. “What is this?”

  Tears blurred Capri’s vision and she shook her head. “I came over here to talk to you about that stupid argument. I’ve been so turned around and I should’ve stayed and hashed it out with you the other day instead of letting it turn into…I guess it doesn’t matter now.”

  “Would you please tell me what’s going on?” Tiberius slowly requested, his heart racing. Capri’s soft weeping was tearing him apart.

  “It doesn’t matter, Tibe. It doesn’t matter at all,” she told him, trying to save face. Too upset to say anything more, she pulled away from him and ran out of the house.

  Tiberius filled the air with a string of curses. Stomping back to his room, he went over to the bed and picked up one of the flimsy pieces of lingerie. A murderous look fell over his face as he stared at the garment.


  Chapter 17

  “Capri, honey, do you ever stop working?”

  Capri pulled her head out of the stack of reports on her desk and looked up. Kiva was leaning against the doorjamb, a wide grin on her lips. “Hmm, I wonder why that is?”

  Capri shrugged. “Well, moving for one, and then I tripped on that broken step, and let’s not forget that mess with Avery Erikson.”

  “Right. I think you left something out, though.”

  “I don’t think so,” Capri said, frowning slightly.

  “What about Tiberius?”

  Capri rolled her eyes and remained silent.

  “What’s that look about?”



  “Kiva, please, I really can’t talk about it.”

  Kiva knew not to push, so she turned her attention to the white envelope she held. “Well, I actually came to give you this.”

  Capri took the envelope and frowned. “What’s this?”

  “Open it.”

  Doing as she was told, Capri examined the contents. Her frown turned into a smile when she realized it was the wedding invitation. “I was wondering when I’d get this.”

  “I hope you’ll be there, even though Tiberius is on the guest list, too.”

  “Don’t even pull that,” Capri warned, standing and walking from behind the desk. “You know I’ll be there.” She pulled Kiva close for a hug. Capri read over the invitation again, and this time her brow rose slightly. “A wedding on a yacht?” she questioned.

  Kiva’s eyes widened. “Honey, yes! A friend of Rod’s is letting us use it for the occasion.”

  “Going all out, aren’t we?”

  “Of course,” Kiva raved. “I’ve waited a long time for Rod and I’m determined to do this right.”

  “I hear that.”

  Kiva decided to ignore the pensive look on Capri’s face. “Before I forget, I need to tell you to bring a change of clothes.”

  “Change of clothes?”

  “Mmm-hmm. We’re gonna dock in the Keys so Rod and I can get off for our honeymoon in Jamaica.”

  Capri shook her head, pulling Kiva close again. “I must say I’m impressed.”

  “I was hoping you would be.” Kiva laughed.

  Capri squeezed her eyes shut tight and tried to ward off her own special memories of time spent in the alluring Keys.

  “Clarissa Harris Designs.”

  Tiberius practically snarled when he heard Clarissa’s perky voice on the phone. “How the hell did you get inside my house?”


  “What the hell were you doing in my house, Clarissa?”

  In spite of the fierce tone of Tiberius’s voice, Clarissa laughed. “I think you know what I was doing in there.”

  “How’d you get in?”

  Clarissa shrugged. “I must’ve forgotten to return your key when I left.”

  “You conniving—” Tiberius stopped himself from uttering the rest of the phrase.

  Clarissa blinked and didn’t need him to finish, as she’d already guessed what was next. She sat up a little straighter behind her desk. Tiberius had never used such language, even when they’d had their most terrible arguments. “Come on, Tiberius, what’s the big deal?”

  “The woman I love found that mess in my house. I probably lost her over your stupidity.”

  “The woman you love? I must be hearing you wrong.”

  “You’re not.”

  “Who is she? The cute little busty one I saw you with the other day at Gravy’s Seafood?”

  “Look, Clarissa, just return my key and keep your ass out of my house.”

  “Tibe, I—”

  “Just do what I tell you. I mean it, Clarissa. Don’t push me on this,” Tiberius growled.


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