Book Read Free

Just One Destiny

Page 16

by Jade Winters

  ‘Looking for you,’ she whispered fiercely in her ear.

  Carissa hugged her back half-heartedly, trying not to look at Teal, but finding it near enough impossible not to do so. Her face was impassive, but after the amount of time they had spent together, Carissa found it a lot easier to read her. She could tell by the tilt of Teal’s head and the imperceptible smile on her face that she was confused by Lara’s appearance. Why did things have to become so complicated? Though Carissa knew it was both their faults for keeping secrets. So much for our open policy.

  Carissa disentangled herself from Lara’s arms and took a step back. The temperature in the room dropped to zero as the three women stood there in silence. All they needed now was … ah here she comes.

  ‘I thought I could hear voices.’ Channing strode down the cramped hallway as if she was the lady of the house hosting a small gathering. Her social mask slipped when she caught sight of Lara and her smile was replaced with a scowl.

  ‘We haven’t met,’ Lara said, extending her hand to Channing with her most charming smile.

  Channing briefly looked down at Lara’s hand, but kept her own by her side.

  ‘I’m Carissa’s girlfriend.’

  As fast as lightning, Channing’s scowl reverted back to a smile and she quickly took hold of Lara’s hand.

  ‘Nobody said.’ Channing looked over at Teal with a smirk before returning her gaze back to Lara. ‘Are you planning on staying long?’

  ‘Only until Cass finishes up with this place. Yourself?’

  Channing smiled. ‘The same.’

  The realisation of who Channing was suddenly hit Carissa with full force. She wasn’t a woman Teal had randomly picked up from somewhere. She was ‘that’ woman Teal had had a one night stand with. The one she had described as intense. Carissa felt a stab of jealousy which she knew was irrational.

  How had Channing managed to worm her way back in to Teal’s life? By last night’s interaction, Carissa would say it hadn’t been easy. The fact that she was here and was in Teal’s bedroom could only mean one thing though. That Channing had walked into the house unannounced, which meant …. The truth hit her like a sledgehammer. I jumped the gun. Why the hell didn’t I listen to her? What have I done?

  ‘Cass?’ Lara said, breaking into her thoughts. ‘Aren’t you going to show me around?’

  ‘Yes, good idea. That’s if you don’t mind, Teal?’ Carissa replied. The last place she wanted Lara was anywhere near Teal after her off the cuff comment about being her girlfriend. Not that it matters anymore.

  ‘Sure, go ahead.’

  ‘We can start with your bedroom,’ Lara said, sliding her arm around Carissa’s waist.

  Carissa noticed a spark of jealousy flash in Teal’s eyes at Lara’s comment and she immediately removed Lara’s hand. Hoping that Teal would realise there was nothing going on between them.

  ‘I’m going to call Nicole and find out where she is,’ Teal said matter-of-factly as she stepped outside.

  ‘If you get hold of her can you let me know what time she’ll be here please?’ Carissa called out her voice weak with regret.

  ‘Nice job,’ Lara said, stepping back to view the results of Carissa’s labour as they entered the room at the back of the house.

  ‘Um … Thanks,’ Lara said distracted. Her mind was on Teal and only Teal. Would she forgive her?

  The separate dining room was now complete with a Victorian tilt-top table dominating the space. A beautiful silk runner Teal had chosen, covered the centre of the table with a polished silver candle stick holder placed on top. Above, there were several spotlights which gave the illusion of the ceiling being higher than it was.

  Carissa couldn’t help but feel nostalgic. In her naivety, she had thought that once the dining room was habitable she would share many candlelit dinners with Teal after a long day’s work. Where they would bask in the warm glow of the golden flame as they spoke about their dreams for the future. But like everything else, that was another one of her fantasies.

  ‘Did you renovate this room from scratch?’ Lara asked, skimming her fingertips along the table as she eyed the paintings on the wall from a distance.

  ‘Yes, we completely redecorated it. The other two reception rooms were knocked through to make one big living room.’

  Lara turned to her and raised her eyebrows. ‘We?’

  ‘Don’t start, Lara, you know what I mean.’

  Lara pulled a chair away from the table and sat down.

  ‘Yeah I think I do. You didn’t tell me she was so ….’ She paused and stared at her with a cold gleam in her eye. ‘Stunning.’

  Carissa eyed her in disbelief. It was as though Lara was the one hard done by, that she wasn’t the one who had smashed their relationship to pieces in a blink of an eye. Who had walked away without a second thought. She had no conscience, Carissa realised with a start. How could she, if she thought she was the innocent victim in all of this? It was easier now knowing the bond they had once shared wasn’t love, just a co-dependency.

  ‘Why would I? She’s my boss.’

  Lara gave a quick brittle laugh. ‘Who you trying to kid?’

  ‘Oh for God’s sake, Lara, I’ve—’

  ‘Carissa, can I have a word?’ Teal called from the hallway.

  Puzzled by the tone of Teal’s voice, Carissa spoke in a hushed whisper to Lara. ‘Do not leave this room.’

  Lara rolled her eyes. ‘Whatever.’

  Carissa ignored the hostility in her voice and went in search of Teal. She found her at the end of the hallway wringing her hands together. If Carissa hadn’t known better, her first thought would have been that Teal was more upset about Lara’s appearance than she’d let on. That was until she noticed Teal’s wan complexion and she realised that Lara was probably the last thing on Teal’s mind.

  ‘What’s happened?’ Carissa said, rushing towards her.

  ‘I don’t know yet. I’ve been trying to get hold of Nicole.’


  ‘And her phone’s been disconnected.’

  ‘So she’s changed her number? What’s wrong with that?’ Carissa couldn’t understand why Teal was making such a big deal of it. People changed their mobile number all the time, especially if they grabbed a better deal. She herself had lost count of the numerous numbers she’d had over the years.

  ‘It’s not just her mobile that’s been disconnected. It’s her office line as well. I wouldn’t be that worried except I gave her the next five grand instalment a few days ago.’

  There had to be a reasonable explanation for this mix up. ‘Don’t you have another number for her? Maybe the friend that recommended her knows how to contact her.’

  Teal shook her head. ‘I’ve called her. She’s as much in the dark as I am.’

  ‘What about her employees? They’re coming to finish the house off, aren’t they?’

  Carissa told herself not to panic. To breathe. But neither command stopped the bile clawing its way up into her throat. Her head spun as she tried to take in what this meant for Teal.

  ‘If they were, they’d have been here by now, it’s nearly ten o’clock,’ Teal said.

  Carissa thought hard. Then she had a light bulb moment. ‘The flats she’s building.’

  Teal frowned. ‘What about them?’

  ‘Don’t you get it. She’ll have to be there. I’m sure there’s an innocent explanation for all this.’

  ‘You’re right,’ Teal said combing her fingers through her hair. ‘Do you know the address?’

  ‘Yes, I do,’ Carissa said almost giddy. ‘I googled it after she showed me the plans.’

  ‘So what are we waiting for?’ Teal started towards the front door. ‘Let’s go.’

  ‘I’d better let Lara know where we’re going first.’

  ‘Make it quick. I’ll meet you in the car,’ Teal called over her shoulder before disappearing from view.

  It took ten minutes for Carissa to talk Lara out of trying to go to the site
with them. There was enough tension between Teal and herself as it was and the last thing she wanted was to add Lara to the mix. When Carissa finally made it outside and walked up to the car, she was dismayed to see Channing sitting in the passenger seat next to Teal.

  Carissa had hoped for a little privacy so she could speak with Teal about the way forward. Whether or not they were going to be able to spend the next few weeks under the same roof amicably. Instead she found herself relegated to the back seat, having to endure the half an hour journey listening to Channing bleat on about her and Teal’s past.

  Carissa couldn’t help but notice Teal’s jaw tense at several intervals and her eyes blazed in the rear-view mirror. She had to wonder why Teal didn’t just ask Channing to be quiet if she was annoying her that much.

  As they neared their destination, Carissa prayed that Nicole would be on site and all of the running around was for nothing. Ten minutes later, Teal drove past the entrance to the construction site and parked. Carissa opened the door before Teal even had the chance to pull up the hand break. She jumped out of the car and ran up the road. She was in mid-conversation with the foreman when Teal and Channing joined her.

  ‘Yeah, I know the woman you’re talking about but she was never in charge of anything here.’ The foreman was a big muscular man, with multi-coloured tattoos covering both arms. ‘She told me she had a potential buyer for one of the apartments. That’s why I gave her a copy of the plans.’

  ‘Let me get this straight.’ Teal gnawed on her bottom lip. ‘Nicole isn’t your boss?’

  The foreman laughed and shook his head.

  ‘And she had nothing to do with this site at all?’ Carissa said, as if asking the same question in a different manner would lead to a different answer.

  ‘Absolutely nothing. Look, I ain’t got nothing else to tell you and I’ve got to get back to work.’

  Teal reached out to Carissa’s shoulder to steady herself. Five grand down the drain, just like that. Carissa could feel Teal’s pain. She dreaded to think how she would have coped if her mum had given her the money to invest. Carissa had made a lucky escape, unfortunately Teal hadn’t.

  ‘If I ever lay eyes on that woman again I’m going to—’ Carissa said.

  ‘Worse things could happen,’ Channing interrupted, looking totally bored in her surroundings.

  ‘Why don’t you go back to the car—’ Teal said.

  ‘I’m fine here.’

  ‘It wasn’t a request,’ Teal said firmly, handing over her car keys.

  Channing snatched them out of her hand, spun around and stormed towards the entrance.

  ‘I take it she’s not the sensitive type?’ Carissa said when Channing was out of ear shot. ‘I’m really sorry Nicole did this to you.’

  ‘It’s hardly your fault. I’m the one who hired her.’

  Carissa squeezed her arm sympathetically and was shocked when Teal’s arm stiffened at her touch. This is so different from how it was just one day ago.

  ‘So what now? Where do we go from here?’

  Teal shrugged. ‘I’ll find someone else and just carry on.’

  A burst of heat spread across Carissa’s chest. ‘And us?’

  ‘I think it’s best we just keep things as they are. You said all you needed to say.’

  Why are words spoken in anger never forgotten? ‘Would you prefer it if I moved out?’

  ‘Don’t be silly. Where would you go?’

  ‘I could stay at the B&B with Lara.’ Before Carissa could add, ‘In separate rooms.’

  Teal broke in, her voice curt. ‘If that’s what you want, do it. I’m not going to stop you.’

  Pride held Carissa back from asking for a second chance. To pretend she hadn’t said the one word she never thought would slip from her lips. But it had, and Carissa could tell from the faraway look in Teal’s eyes there would be no turning back. She had already retreated to the safe place where she couldn’t be hurt. The place Carissa had gently coaxed her away from. In the blink of an eye, Carissa was the one who’d sent her back there.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Teal stood by the window in the newly decorated living room, gazing absently towards the two retreating figures making their way down the garden path. Carissa was dragging her suitcase behind her and from Lara’s profile, Teal could see a huge smile etched on her face, probably feeling like the cat who got the cream. Teal’s stomach churned. Not because she felt sick but because of how quickly things had headed south. One minute they had a good thing going and then the next, Carissa was going to stay in a B&B with her ex. Teal begrudgingly admitted to herself that she may have pushed Carissa into leaving, but if Carissa hadn’t wanted to, she wouldn’t have.

  Sensing Channing standing behind her, Teal knew she was watching the same scene. When Teal glanced back at her, she wasn’t surprised to see that Channing’s expression mirrored Lara’s. An expression that shouted, ‘I’ve won’.

  What Channing thought she had actually won, Teal didn’t care to know, but it didn’t stop her feeling highly irritated. Once again, Channing had somehow managed to manipulate her. At least Channing thought she had.

  With a sigh, Teal turned her attention to the more pressing problem of somehow finishing the renovation upstairs. It wasn’t just the loss of her money that annoyed Teal—it was the inconvenience Nicole had caused. There was no way she would meet her deadline now. She would have to find another builder and she dreaded to think how long that would take. It wasn’t as if Bibury was bursting at the seams with them.

  ‘Have you called the police about that scumbag builder?’ Channing’s voice broke into Teal’s thoughts.

  ‘Yeah, though I don’t know what good it’s going to do. She’s probably left town by now.’

  Channing stared at her blankly. ‘You’re too soft, that’s your problem.’

  Teal was lost for words. She was silent while she contemplated her reply. If it wasn’t for my ‘softness’ Channing wouldn’t still be standing inside this house. ‘For once we agree on something.’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

  ‘Exactly what I said. Look, I meant what I said yesterday, I don’t want you here.’

  From Channing’s expression, Teal could tell Channing didn’t like being told that at all.

  ‘You’re kidding me, right? Have you seen how much space you have here,’ she said.

  ‘I couldn’t care less if I have twenty rooms. I want you to leave now,’ Teal said more forcefully.

  ‘What’s wrong with you?’

  ‘Wrong with me?’ The stress from the last few hours finally ignited her anger. Her words were full of fury and frustration. ‘You! That’s what’s wrong with me. I thought you said you would see someone about—’

  ‘I don’t need to see anyone.’ Her face twisted with instant rage as she slammed her hand against the wall beside her.

  ‘That’s just it, Channing. You do, can’t you see what you’re doing isn’t normal?’

  ‘What the fuck’s normal?’

  ‘I can tell you what normal isn’t. Showing up at my house at one in the morning because you think you’re telepathically connecting with me? Normal isn’t threatening to kill yourself in my bedroom.’

  Channing clutched the handle of her bag so tightly, her knuckles were white. ‘I was upset.’

  Teal sucked in a mouthful of air and blew it out hard. She was accustomed to Channing and the stunts she pulled, but that didn’t mean she was going to tolerate them any longer. She’d had enough of pussyfooting around with her. Being reasonable. Placating her. By doing so it had brought her nothing but grief. ‘These are just the latest incidents, don’t get me started—’

  ‘You know I can’t think straight sometimes.’ Channing attempted a smile but it didn’t so much as touch her unblinking, cold eyes.

  Teal grabbed the broom leaning against the wall and started to sweep the floor. She needed to give herself time to think of something. Of a way to get Channing out of the house.
She decided to try and give diplomacy one last chance, even though it had never worked previously.


  ‘This is all because of that bitch, isn’t it?’

  She didn’t need to be a psychic to know she was talking about Carissa. ‘No—’

  ‘You’re blind if you can’t see that she doesn’t want you. Lara’s hot,’ Channing snapped. ‘Why would she want to be with someone else?’

  Channing had a point and it struck at Teal’s core. Carissa had ended their agreement at the first sign of trouble and then ran off to share Lara’s room at the B&B. Just imagining the two of them together tore Teal’s heart to shreds.

  Without thinking, she strode over to Channing, took her by the arm and frog-marched her towards the front door. Despite Channing’s protests, she didn’t resist when Teal opened the front door and ushered her outside.

  ‘If you send me any threats about killing yourself, I’m going to call the police and let them deal with you.’

  Channing opened her mouth to speak but before she could get a word out Teal slammed the door. Her whole body trembled and she put it down to the morning’s events. They were enough to send anyone over the edge. She made her way to the bathroom and went straight to the sink, where she splashed handfuls of freezing water on her face, as if it was capable of knocking some sense into her.

  Had she been too complacent by letting her guard down? It seemed the closer she got to the light, something threatened to enclose her in darkness again. Only if I let it. It was her choice and her choice alone if she wanted to keep revisiting the past.

  Teal stared at her reflection in the mirror. As much as she wanted to keep Alana’s memory alive, she knew it would eventually consume her and any chance that she had of finding happiness.

  As if on cue, Alana’s image appeared in her mind’s eye and for the first time, Teal mentally blocked it.

  The time had come to let Alana go … so she could finally let someone else in.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  If Carissa managed to get through the next couple of minutes without screaming, it would be a miracle. Lara was seriously trying her patience. Ever since they’d arrived at the B&B and Carissa had booked her own room, Lara had been huffing and puffing like a spoilt child. Carissa had tried her best to ignore her, as well as overlooking Lara’s pitiful pleas to go back to her room because there was a ‘double bed’. The only bed Carissa wanted to share was Teal’s but that didn’t look like it was ever going to happen again.


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