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Cruz: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 2)

Page 9

by Anna Hackett

  “Cruz! Where have you been? Marcus and Holmes have been driving everyone crazy.”

  “We…ran into a little trouble. We can confirm the human prisoners are at the location.”

  Elle hissed in a breath. “Okay. Good. The other recon teams didn’t find anything.”

  The Darkswift rose into the air. Santha watched the ground below get smaller and smaller, then they shot forward. Moments later they were heading west.

  Away from the raptor base.

  Away from the humans who needed their help.

  Santha leaned forward until her forehead rested on the console. A helpless churn of anger and sorrow burned through her.

  For the first time ever, she was glad Kareena had died. She would never, ever have wanted her sister to end up like that little girl.

  Opening her eyes, Santha turned her head to look at the man beside her. The heads-up display cast a green glow over his hard features.

  And for the first time in an eternity, she was glad she wasn’t alone.


  “You’re got to be fucking kidding me.” The words exploded out of Marcus.

  Holmes stood nearby, face grim.

  Cruz had just finished debriefing them on their recon mission and the raptors’ experimentation.

  He’d uploaded the images he’d taken to the comp and they flashed up on the screen. Beside him, he felt Santha tense.

  The face of the little girl was like that of a ghost in the murky light of the lab. But it was enough to see the horrors going on behind her and the trauma reflected in the girl’s blank green eyes.

  Marcus cursed some more and Gabe, Shaw and Claudia joined him. Tears shimmered in Elle’s eyes and Holmes looked ready to hit someone.

  “Christ,” Roth muttered. Squad Nine’s leader had his arms crossed over his broad chest and his gaze glued to the screen.

  Looking at that girl’s face took Cruz back to another time, when he’d seen a room full of horrors and children being hurt. Ragged emotions were a storm in his gut.

  But it was Santha he was most worried about.

  She’d barely said a word on the way back to base, not even as they’d landed the Darkswift. Her face was scarily blank, but he felt the tension pouring off her. Something dark and ugly was brewing inside her, feeding on her thirst for revenge.

  He was afraid of just what she’d risk to see it through.

  Cruz half listened as the others scrolled through the images and stopped to discuss the alien they wrestled with in the park.

  “It looks like a velociraptor.” Elle tapping at the comp controls.

  More images appeared, showing a dinosaur skeleton of an animal that looked similar to what had attacked them.

  “Here’s a rendering of what they thought the velociraptor would have looked like.”

  Cruz straightened. “Shit. That’s eerily similar.” A feathered dinosaur with huge claws on its back feet. The raptor version was a little larger.

  “How many more of these are there?” Holmes asked.

  “Impossible to know,” Elle said.

  “What will we call it?” This from Shaw.

  “A velox,” Elle said. “Velociraptor was named from the Latin word velox, meaning swift or rapid.”

  “Well, it was damn fast,” Santha said. “Velox works.”

  Damn, Cruz really didn’t like the calm face she was putting on.

  “All right,” Holmes said. “We’ll plan a rescue mission. But I want an airtight plan. Whatever the raptors are doing, they aren’t going to want to lose their test subjects. We have to have every move planned out, with a plan B and plan C mapped out as well, in case things go bad.”

  “We’ll need two squads to go in,” Marcus said.

  “As well as a medical team,” Elle added.

  “We’ll need the best.” Marcus stared at the screen, his muscled arms crossed. “Hell Squad and Squad Nine.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Roth said.

  “Nine have been out working on base defenses,” Holmes said. “And Steele, your team and Roth have been out on recon. I need everyone to get some rest, then in the morning we’ll start planning.”

  Santha was already moving, but Cruz grabbed her. She struggled in his hold. “No more resting or waiting. We need to get them out.”

  “We will,” Cruz whispered in her ear.

  “We’ll get them out,” Holmes reiterated. “But we won’t go in half-cocked and risk our best fighters.”

  Santha twisted and Cruz had to tighten his grip to keep hold of her. “They’re opening them up, drilling into their heads—”

  “I know.” Something flashed in Holmes’ eyes. “I know. But you risked yourself and Cruz’s life today. I don’t have that luxury. I have to think of everyone, not just those poor people.”


  But Holmes wasn’t finished. His gaze pinned Cruz. “And if you ever turn your comms off and go rogue again, there will be consequences.”

  “Coward,” Santha bit out.

  “Enough.” Marcus’ voice was a deep rasp. His gaze met Cruz’s.

  They’d been friends long enough that Marcus didn’t have to use any words.

  “Come on.” Cruz swung Santha around, fighting to keep her contained. “We’ll meet back here at 0800 for the planning session?”

  “Yeah,” Marcus said.

  Cruz got Santha outside the room and let her go. She rounded on him, her eyes spitting fire. “What the hell—?”

  He held up his hands. “I know you’re angry.”

  “I’m leaving.”

  Those two words make his spine stiffen. “No, you’re not.”

  “You don’t get to give me orders, Ramos, I—”

  “Come on.” He gripped her arm and towed her down the tunnel.

  She surprised him by not fighting him. But a terrible tension radiated off her. She was either going to break or explode.

  There was one place he went when he needed to burn off the darkness.

  He led her into the gym.

  A few soldiers were using the treadmills and all lifted a hand in greeting, curious gazes tracing over Santha’s long form. Cruz nodded at them and pulled her over to a doorway on the far side the gym. He nudged her inside, closed the door behind them, and locked it.

  She studied the open space—covered in rubber mats and ringed with mirrors—with a narrow gaze. “What’s this?”

  “Private sparring room.” Cruz kicked off his boots and then yanked his shirt over his head. He stepped out onto the mats, noted Santha’s gaze tracing over his chest and tattoos. “Come on.” He made a “come here” gesture with his hand.

  “You want to fight?” She raised a dark brow but a light had gone on in her eyes.

  “I want you to work off some of that tension before you crack.”

  Santha toed off her shoes, then moved onto the mats, circling him. “I’m pissed off.”

  “I got that.”

  “I really want to be kicking some raptor butt.”

  He watched her move that long, limber body of hers. “Me, too. But for now, we’re grounded until we can recharge and hammer out a plan.”

  “I could leave,” she said again.

  Cruz flexed his hands. “You could try.”

  Her green eyes turned to slits. She sank into a fighting stance, knees loose, arms raised. “You need a reminder that you aren’t in charge of me, soldier.”

  He smiled, anticipation licking his insides. “Bring it.”

  Chapter Ten

  Santha launched herself at Cruz.

  She was fueled by all the pent-up emotions swirling inside her, eating at her. She aimed a roundhouse kick at his head. He blocked her and ducked to the side.

  She landed, turning as she went, lining up her next kick. He was clearly more powerful than she was, so she needed to use her speed to her advantage.

  She landed a chop to his arm, was gratified to hear a grunt, then she aimed a side kick at his knee.

  But he was quicker than
she’d guessed. He dodged out of her range, grabbed her ankle and twisted.

  Santha spun with the move and jerked free. Next, she went in with a punch, feinted and ducked down to swipe at him with her leg.

  He was ready though. He leaned forward and grabbed her T-shirt.

  She jammed her arms up and broke his hold. When he reached for her again, she let him grab her arm. Then she gripped his thick wrist and used his momentum to pull him over her head.

  For a second she didn’t think his big body was going to budge, but then he went, falling into a roll and somersaulting away from her.

  Santha sprang back onto her feet. She bounced a little, her muscles warm and her blood fired up. She wanted to land some blows, get him to give her a good workout so she could get this shit out of her system.

  They both moved at the same time. She launched into a combo of hits and kicks, which he blocked and ducked. They pulled back, both of them breathing heavily. Before he could recover, she took two steps and leaped into the air. Her kick hit his shoulder, knocking him back a step. She followed with a hard punch to his gut.

  Damn, the man felt like he was made of rock. She aimed another blow to his side but he blocked with his forearm and she stepped back.

  She frowned at him. He was just blocking her, not attacking. “Come on, soldier. Surely you have more than that.”

  They circled each other and Santha hit him with more kicks and punches. When she stepped back, annoyance was a fiery shimmer in her veins.

  “Fight, goddammit. If I wanted a punching bag, I’d go out in the gym.”

  Cruz’s eyes sparked. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Come on,” she urged. “Fight me.” She ran in again, and this time her roundhouse kick connected with his chin, snapping his head back.

  She pulled back, panting.

  He swiped his hand across his mouth, wiping away a smear of blood. “I’m not going to hit you.”

  “Then why the hell bother sparring?” She attacked again, her punch landing just above his left kidney. With a curse, he spun away.

  “You aren’t trying,” she spat. “Fight!”

  But he let her blows land or glance off him and never lifted a finger against her. Santha felt like she was fighting and he was dancing.

  All the anger and horror inside her morphed, turning to a molten emotion she couldn’t name…and now all of it was aimed at the man in front of her. If she could purge it, maybe she could think again, breathe again.

  Time for something different. She leaped at him, using all her strength and collided with his chest.

  He wasn’t expecting her change in tactics and he went down, Santha landing on top of him. She pinned his arms down with her knees.

  “If you aren’t going to give me what I want, then I’ll just take it,” she said.

  He eyed her. “You really want me to smack you around?”

  She didn’t let herself think. She leaned down and nipped his bottom lip, sinking her teeth in, stealing a hint of his dark, sexy taste.

  Cruz’s big body went still under her, then his mouth was on hers, forcing her lips open. She clamped her hands either side of his head and kissed him back. It wasn’t an easy kiss, nothing gentle or loving about it. It was hard, rough and perfect. His tongue stroked hers and she stroked back, moaning into his mouth. So, so good. She’d always known when she finally had Cruz, it would be better than anything she’d had before.

  She reared back, heard his grunt of protest, but as she gripped the neckline of his gray T-shirt and then yanked it over his head and arms, his face changed. It went stark, a hungry glint overtaking those liquid eyes.

  The black ink wrapped around his rock-hard biceps and shoulder called her like a siren. She ran her tongue over the design on his arm, tracing the ink.

  He groaned. His hand delved into her hair.

  “When did you get it?” she asked.

  He ripped out the fastening in her hair and it fell down around them.

  “After I joined the Marines. It’s just ink, but it was my way of reclaiming myself.”

  “I like it.” She nipped at the design on his shoulder.

  He jerked his hips and sent them rolling. They tore at each other’s clothes. She ripped open his trousers and he made quick work of her shirt. One slash of his big hand had it torn open.

  They rolled again and this time he was on top of her. He sank in between her hips and she felt the hard brush of his cock against her. He kissed her, the force of it pushing her head back into the mat.

  Cruz wouldn’t be an easy lover. He wouldn’t be tamed or follow orders.

  And dammit, she wanted him. Every stubborn, alpha-male inch of him.

  Fucking Cruz would drive every thought out of her head and leave nothing except the roar of desire. But she wouldn’t just roll over and let him do what he wanted.

  She lifted her hips and forced him to roll until she was on top again. Her hands attacked his belt and zipper. Then she was yanking his trousers apart and delving under the fitted black cotton of his boxers.

  Oh God. Hot hardness filled her hands. His cock was long and thick, pulsing against her skin. She’d feel every inch of him when he filled her.

  Santha explored his cock, tracing a thick vein and caressing the rounded head. She loved his long groan.

  “Fuck, Santha.” The muscles in his neck strained. “You’ll be the end of me.”

  “Oh no, soldier.” She pumped him in her hand. “It’s just the beginning.”

  Reluctantly, she released him and stood. It took her three seconds to shimmy out of her trousers and panties. She stood above him completely naked. She didn’t have curves or womanly softness. She knew she was hard edges and even harder muscle. But her breasts, while not big, were high and firm and her long legs used to get a few compliments.

  Like he read her mind, he skimmed his hands up her calves, the calluses on his fingers scraping over her skin. “Santha.”

  Just her name. One word. And yet the sexy drawl of his voice expressed that he liked what he saw.

  And that hard cock told her even more.

  She fell to her knees, lined his cock up beneath her, and sank down in one firm thrust.

  “Fuck.” His hips reared up, driving him more firmly into her.

  God, it hurt more than she anticipated. She stayed still for a second, her hands curled into his hard chest. She was full of him, stretched to the limit. “I’m a little…out of practice.”

  “Mi reina.” He cupped her cheeks. “Take a second, get used to me.” One of his hands slid down, tracing over her chest, flicking at her nipple, drawing a circle around her belly button. Then it slid between her legs.

  At the first brush of his fingers against her clit, she jerked. She moved her hips, wanting more of his touch. He rubbed a slick circle over the nub and she bit her lip at the sensations.

  Her gaze flew to his. She saw something in his eyes and she thought it might be satisfaction.

  “Move, now,” he whispered. “Ride me, mi reina.”

  Santha lifted her hips until just the hard head of him remained inside her, then she slammed down again. He groaned and she pressed her hands flat against his chest and started a wild, rocking rhythm.

  She’d wanted to purge the darkness inside.

  Now, all she felt was the firestorm of desire and there wasn’t room for anything else but Cruz.


  Dios, she was so fucking beautiful.

  Cruz watched, mesmerized, as Santha moved above him. Her breasts jiggled a little and he looked forward to spending more time with them later. He wanted to explore the firm shape of them and taste those dark pink nipples.

  He gripped her hips, urging her on as she rode him. His cock moved deep inside her, and she was like a warm, tight glove around him.

  Electricity skated down his spine and he felt his body tightening. He’d wanted her for months, had been unable to think of anyone else but her. And now he was deep inside her, watching the fasci
nating expressions flit across her striking face.

  She moved faster and he slid a hand back down between her long thighs. He found that slick, little nub and rubbed it hard. She cried out and he knew her release was building. He couldn’t wait to watch her go over. With another inarticulate cry, she started to drive onto him faster and more aggressively.

  Cruz slipped his fingers lower, and felt where his cock split her apart. So fucking sexy. He moved back to her clit. Damn, he couldn’t wait to have her spread out beneath him, his mouth on her, watching her writhe as he licked and sucked.

  “Cruz!” Santha’s back arched. Her release hit her and she screamed his name.

  He gritted his teeth, wanted to hold on as long as he could. When she finally fell forward on him in a sprawl, he rolled, pinning her beneath him.

  “Now it’s my turn.” He pulled one of her thighs up and out and he sank more deeply inside her. She moaned, her eyes half open, watching him with a sexy intensity.

  The last tiny thread of his control snapped and he hammered inside her. She was hot and so damn wet. He’d never felt anything so good. He thrust again and again until he started to lose his rhythm, his impending release a hot ball at the base of his spine.

  With one more thrust, he lodged deep inside her. On a groan, he flooded her with his release.

  The orgasm went on and on, and finally, when he was done, he wasn’t sure he could hold himself up anymore.

  Not wanting to crush her, he slid to the side, falling onto the mat on his back. He threw one arm over his eyes.

  “I can’t move,” Santha said.

  He managed to turn his head. Then he grinned. Damned if that wasn’t one hell of a beautiful sight. A long, lean and naked Santha sprawled in abandon on the mat, her legs splayed and one arm above her head. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were slumberous. He guessed he didn’t look much different. “I can’t move, either.”

  She dragged in a deep breath. “Did I wear out the big, bad soldier?”

  He snorted. “Wrecked me.”

  “I wouldn’t mind a post-fuck cuddle though. If it’s okay with you.”

  He growled and slid over to her. He rose up on and elbow and loomed over her. “First off, this was more than just a fuck.”


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