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Loving Dasia

Page 15

by Ana’Gia Wright

  “I guess I deserved that.” Monica lowered her eyes and toyed with her necklace, trying to keep her hands busy.

  “No, you deserve a lot worse. I thought you were my friend. How long were you going to wait before you told me?” Dasia heard her voice escalating, not that she cared. Monica should have just stayed at her table if she didn’t want to cause a scene.

  “We’d decided it was best that you didn’t know. The minute he told me he’d asked you to marry him, I tried to break it off. But you know Jeremiah, he kept telling me he was going to leave you, and like a fool, I believed it.”

  “Monica, just stop. You’re not making this any better.”

  Actually, she was making it worse. Now Dasia knew the truth. Monica would have chosen Jeremiah over their friendship. Some friend she was.

  “We really need to talk though. There are some things that I think you should know. And I still want us to be friends. I know, if we’re both willing, we can get past this.”

  “No, Monica, I can never get past this. You’ve hurt me to my heart. I may forgive you, but I’ll never forget. Just leave. Just don’t ever speak to me again.”

  Monica looked over at G, hoping he could help her get her friend back, but she only saw anger in his eyes. She slipped a business card onto the table. “Whether we try to be friends or not, I still need to talk to you about some serious stuff. In private. Just give me a call when you get a second. I really am sorry. And happy belated birthday.” She turned from them, gestured to her friend, and they walked out of the restaurant.

  “Are you all right?”

  Looking at Monica, G could understand why Jeremiah might have gotten caught up in her looks, but he couldn’t condone what he and Monica had done. Crossing the line with your girl’s best friend was unacceptable under any and all circumstances. They’d both committed the ultimate sin in Dasia’s eyes, and they’d both live to regret it.

  “No. I want to go home.”

  G signaled the waitress and instructed her that they’d be taking their food with them. He gathered their plates, paid the bill, and left a hefty tip for the waitress.

  Chapter 25

  They drove the thirty minutes home in silence. G understood Dasia had a lot on her mind; he just wished things would stop jumping out at her. Something about this whole situation didn’t quite sit right with him. Monica had a desperation about her that he’d seen many times in his line of work. An inkling of troubled times inched its way up his spine. He hated intuition sometimes. When it settled into him like this, the ache to get answers overwhelmed him.

  The rearview mirror told G that he wouldn’t have to wait too long to get the answer. Even if Dasia wasn’t ready to hear Monica out, he’d convince the woman to give him at least a little additional history on Dasia and Mr. Delpriore. He thought he’d noticed a vehicle not too far behind them pull out of the parking lot. He scooped up the cell phone, cutting his spies off in the path. Monica meant them no harm, or at least not any kind of harm that he couldn’t handle personally. She appeared to be alone. The gentleman she’d been dining with must have joined her at the restaurant. Funny how fate worked out like that sometimes. He said to the man on the other end of the line, “I’ll take care of it,” and ended the call. No reason to linger on.

  The people who worked for him knew him well enough to understand that when he said something, he meant it. They’d continue to follow and break away at the house to their respective posts, but they wouldn’t interfere, no matter what the situation.

  “Why do you keep looking in the mirror?” Dasia’s head thrashed back and forth as she stretched her neck to see what G was looking at. “Are we being followed?”

  Damn. G thought she was too preoccupied with sulking over the encounter with Monica to concern herself with him watching the mirror. “It’s nothing. Just some guy tailgating.”

  “Not convinced.”

  G reached across to brush Dasia’s cheek with his thumb. “I mean it. Nothing at all for you to worry your pretty little head about. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you as confident as I’ve seen you tonight. It’s actually quite a turn-on.”

  “Not buying. Something’s up. I can feel it.”

  G pulled into the garage and escorted Dasia into the house.

  “You feel like talking about it?”

  Dasia should have known. Of course, she’d opened the door to this conversation with her “something’s up” comment. Plenty was up. Some puppet of fate was stringing her along. Well, if he wants a blow-up, by golly, a blow-up is what he’d get.

  “She had some nerve.” Dasia just let the anger pour out of her. She ranted and raved, cursed and swore, until she didn’t have much left but tears. “And to think she was just going to let me marry Jeremiah, even though she’d slept with him.”

  Dasia went on and on as they entered the house. How stupid had she been to not see that Jeremiah’s long nights at the office or hanging out with the boys was clearly a ruse to keep her placated while he played the field. The money meant nothing to her. True enough, the perk of a lavish lifestyle aided in the deception. It was the constant doting over her when he was around that kept Dasia from becoming too suspicious. Well, that and the fact that for the first time in her life she actually believed that someone found her attractive and loved her, wholly and truly.

  When Dasia paused for more than a breath, G asked, “How long had you two been friends?”

  “As long as I can remember.” She sat down in the chair across from him in the living room and stared at the ceiling. “Our families lived in the same neighborhood. We’ve known each other since we were, maybe, six or seven years old, which is why all of this hurt so bad. How could she do this? All of those years and she let a man come in between us, and of all men, that lying, cheating dog of a boy pretending to be a man.”

  “That’s a lot of years to just throw away. You sure you won’t reconsider? At least hear her out.”

  Dasia looked over at G with disbelief. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was defending her.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not defending her by any means. I’m just saying she’s only human, and people make mistakes. It’s whether or not they learn from those mistakes that’s important.”

  “I don’t think I can ever trust her, knowing what she did. She knew how much I loved Jeremiah. I keep thinking, all of those times I confided in her, all of those nights I cried on her shoulder because of what he’d done to me, she was taking all of it and using it to get between his sheets. Maybe all of this is my fault. Maybe if I’d given in and gave him what he wanted, none of this would have happened.” Dasia lowered her head, actively fighting back the hurt. She just wanted this to all go away. She wanted all of them out of her life forever.

  “Dasia, look at me.”

  When she didn’t raise her head, G reached over and did it for her. “Don’t blame yourself for what happened. Jeremiah was a fool, and if he couldn’t see what he had, then he didn’t deserve you in the first place. Sex shouldn’t be a prerequisite for a faithful relationship, and until he realizes that, he’ll continue to be alone and suffer for his actions.” G pulled Dasia into his arms. “What’s done is done. What you have now is the real thing, and I don’t ever want you to doubt that. No matter what, I’ll be here loving you just as you love me.”

  G rocked her gently, trying his best to reassure her things were as they should be. If Jeremiah didn’t break her heart, they’d have never met. Now he was the one missing out on true love, and G secretly thanked him every day for being a fool.

  Just as he leaned down to brush Dasia’s lips with his, the doorbell rang. Monica wasted no time, all the more escalating the concern burning within him. That woman definitely had some sort of news to deliver. To follow them all the way home wasn’t something the average sane woman would do, unless the matter was pressing.

  “You expecting company?” Dasia straightened her skirt, G’s hand halfway up the slit.

p; G gave her thigh a gentle squeeze. “No, I’m not. Unfortunately though, you my dear, may have company. Look,” he said, intertwining her fingers with his, “I didn’t want to say anything, but your ex-best friend followed us home.”

  Before the ranting started, G silenced Dasia with a kiss. “Now, I know this may be hard for you, but I have the gut feeling that she has something to share with you, something of the utmost importance.”

  “I have nothing to say to her.”

  “I never said you had to say anything. Just hear her out. I’m sure, once she gets whatever this is out in the open, she’ll leave you be.”

  G’s words hit home with Dasia. If Monica was at the door, she had gone to some extreme lengths to say whatever was bothering her. But it still didn’t make sense. What could be so pressing?

  Dasia glanced up at G. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “And why not?”

  “I’ve never been good at confrontation.”

  “You’re not confronting her. Just let her speak her peace then kindly ask her to leave. Do you think you can do that?” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze of encouragement.

  “Yeah. I guess there’s no better time than the present. You mind giving us some privacy?”

  “Not at all. I have a few things I need to tend to. But if you need me, you know how to reach me.” G allowed their hands to part as he left her in the hallway.

  Dasia stared after him for a moment, admiring not only his physique, but the strength he exuded. He shared that strength with her whenever she needed it. It was one of the first things that piqued her interest in him. G’s aura seemed to just wrap around her like a blanket, comforting her, offering peace. She loved that about him.

  With a sign, Dasia crossed the hall and entered the study. “Say what you have to say then leave.” Her arms crossed beneath her ample bosom, she leaned against the door.

  “I know I’m probably the last person you want to talk to right now.”

  “Second to last, but that’s not why you’re here. I don’t have time for this, and I really don’t want to be bothered, so can we just get this over with?”

  “He never stopped loving you.”

  An eyebrow rose at this unexpected news. This may be interesting after all.

  “He talked about you nonstop. He even called your name out in bed.”

  “Too much information. As much as I’d like to stand here listening to you talk about your life with my ex, I’m really not in the mood.”

  “There’s more. It wasn’t just that he talked about you.” Monica turned serious eyes to Dasia. “He’s obsessed with you. Day in and day out, though, he said he wanted to be with me. He always compared me to you. I had to do everything like you did it. If dinner wasn’t right, he’d ask why I couldn’t cook it like you cooked it. If we were out at a party, he’d comment that he wished I would just stand by his side and be quiet like you did.”

  “So you got a taste of what it was really like to be with Jeremiah? See, that’s the difference between you and me—I’m a listener, you’re a talker. You want to meet and mingle with people just as much as he does, but that’s not me. I didn’t mind the parties, but I was just as content walking around meeting his friends as I could have been at home. I don’t need the limelight like you do. Guess life with Jeremiah wasn’t all you thought it was going to be.”

  Dasia took satisfaction in knowing that her friend had gotten what she deserved. She’d known from day one that Jeremiah and Monica were too much alike to work out. And especially with Jeremiah wanting to be the front person. Their relationship would become one big competition, one that Monica would grow weary with rather quickly. Served them both right.

  “You’re right, it wasn’t. But there is something else you should know. He’s never let you go. You can believe that he moved on with me, and you can believe that he’s forgotten all about you, but it’s not true, Dasia. He’s always had people checking up on you. He knows where you live, where you work. He even knows about this new guy you’re dating.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “All I’m saying is, watch your back. You know his family. You know what lengths they will go to, to get what they want. And they always get what they want.”

  “Not always. He had you, and you walked out on him.”

  “That’s because he didn’t give a damn about me, and I see that now. Too little, too late, I suppose. But this is serious, Dasia. The last few weeks he and I were together it was like watching a caged animal reaching his breaking point. He’s going to come looking for you.”

  “Look, I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself.”

  “You’re not hearing me!”

  “Do not raise your voice at me. I hear you, Monica. Believe me, I hear you, but I know how to handle Jeremiah. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m sure you can find your own way out.” Dasia swung the door open and sashayed out of the room.

  Jeremiah could come looking for her if he wanted to. She didn’t want him, and she didn’t give a damn what he said or did. She wasn’t going to take him back, period. End of story. If he wanted to come to G’s house and make a scene, he was more than welcome, but in the end, she’d be the last woman standing.

  Chapter 26

  No sooner than Dasia had settled into the idea of sleeping in G’s bed, he got called away on another of his business trips. This one was going to be two weeks long. He assured her he’d call every night and that R.I.P., Chaos, Marcus, Rosita, and Katina would be there if she needed anything.

  The first couple of nights were hard. She’d gotten used to spooning with G, having his arms around her body, the warmth of his chest against her back. She was sure R.I.P. and Chaos heard her pacing for hours, unable to succumb to sleep. But by the third night, she’d gotten used to him not being there. Eventually, she slipped back into her old sleep pattern.

  By the second week, Dasia was sleeping longer hours. She found herself more and more tired as the days went on, and she was constantly craving. Initially she attributed it to boredom, but for the past couple of days she’d found herself hanging over the toilet for hours in the morning.

  Even R.I.P. was starting to worry about her constant trips to the bathroom.

  Dasia let the nausea go on for a couple of days more before she decided to do something. Looking over at the calendar on the bathroom wall, she knew G would be home in another day or so. Then her attention was drawn to the missing circle on the calendar. It was then she realized what might be the cause of her problem.

  Today had been a long day, and she’d spent most of it trying to keep food down. She’d had to call into work and take the day off because she hadn’t been able to stop the nausea.

  She needed some confirmation. Looking at the clock, she didn’t realize it was so late. She really didn’t want to call Katina at this hour, but she needed to know before G got back.

  A few minutes later, she calmed her stomach enough to make the call to Katina. She waited as the phone rang again and again.

  Just as she was about to give up, Katina picked up the phone. “Hello?” she said, her voice raspy from sleep.


  The anxiety and fear in Dasia’s voice immediately snapped Katina from her sleep. “Dasia, what’s wrong?”

  “Katina, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go to the store for me.”

  Katina thought Dasia’s request a little odd, considering it was almost midnight. She new G was out of town, and with all that had happened, he always left a guard with her. She also didn’t understand why Dasia couldn’t go herself. “Can’t R.I.P. take you?”

  “What I need is kind of personal.”

  “What’s the matter? Are you okay?”

  “I think so. I need you to get me a pregnancy test.”

  “A pregnancy test?”

  “I’ve been throwing up the past few days. I just looked at the calendar. I’m three weeks late.”

  “Give me an hour. Make sur
e you tell R.I.P. I’m coming.”

  The two women sat in silence waiting for the results of the test. Katina had given Dasia a beer to sip to calm her stomach, a little trick she’d learned during her pregnancy with Marques. They were both anxious to know the test results. Katina knew how much family meant to her brother. If Dasia was carrying his child, he’d want to do the right thing and marry her.

  “So what if it’s positive?”

  Dasia closed her eyes before answering, thinking about how wonderful her birthday had been and G’s marriage proposal. “Then I’ll finally agree to marry him.”

  “G asked you to marry him? When?” Katina was surprised, and a little hurt that G didn’t tell her.

  “He asked a few weeks ago on my birthday. Actually it’s been a little over a month. It would be ironic if I am pregnant. This child would have been conceived either that night or the following morning. I would be the lucky one to get pregnant the same night I lose my virginity.”

  “You mean G was your first?”


  The sound of the timer startled them.

  Katina looked over at Dasia. “You ready to know?”

  Nervous, Dasia’s stomach again began to do somersaults. She did love G and was ready to spend the rest of her life with him, but she didn’t really know how to feel about a baby. She and G had never talked about children.

  Katina watched Dasia grapple with the possibility of being pregnant, saw the worry in her eyes. She knew Dasia was wondering how G would react if she really was pregnant. “Don’t worry, my brother loves children. If you are pregnant, he’ll be elated. He’ll do the right thing, I promise. You won’t have to worry about a thing. But, Dasia, I want you to think about this too. If you are pregnant, don’t say yes to his proposal just for that reason. You should only say yes because you want to marry him. It’s not going to make a difference if you’re married or not. G will take care of you and his child.”


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