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Facing Calgary's Dream

Page 24

by Anne Stone

  By the time he flipped open the box that held her ring, she was laughing right along with him. When he withdrew the ring, he heard his mother’s gasp. “Oh my, Jacques, look at that.”

  “Will you hush, Jacklynne. I want to hear him ask her.”

  By the time he’d begun to place the ring onto her finger, they were both doing their best to keep their laughter under control. The price of admission just to listen to his family watch this scene play out before their eyes was priceless.


  “Will you shush Emma. Please.”

  “Dad, Mom told me to shush.”

  “I whole heartedly agree with her.”

  “Hmmm,” Emma was not a happy camper.

  “Now that we have a little bit of silence from our gawkers sweetheart, you know how much I love you.” Looking across the room at his family. “And after having been through your first Christmas here, putting up with everyone’s shenanigan’s…”

  “Will you just ask her?” Jacklynne blurted.


  “What, Ryne? Just ask her.”

  “Do you think you can put up with my family for the rest of your life?” She sheepishly smiled at him. She knew he was dragging this out just to spite his mother.

  “I can’t believe you just said that,” Jacklynne said. “We’re not that bad.”

  Ryne howled with laughter. Turning back to his mother, “Of course you’re not. She loves you all and that’s why she said….”

  “Yes.” Jen chimed in. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “But he didn’t ask,” Olivia added.

  “Yes, I did, but for you, Olivia, I will again. Jennifer Steele, after all of this, will you marry me?”

  “Yes, yes, I will.” She threw her arms around his neck.

  “She said yes.” Olivia jumped out of her chair and ran to their side. She wrapped her arms as best as she could around the happy couple. “You’re going to be my sister, right? I can’t wait.”

  “I guess I am.” She pulled away from Ryne and watched as he placed her ring back onto her hand. It was the best feeling in the world, having him glide the platinum band down her finger. She watched the diamond sparkle in the light. The night before she hadn’t had time to admire the ring before they hurried back to the house. Ryne had hidden it in his pocket when they walked in the door, so no one was the wiser he’d proposed.

  Jacques swept Jen into his arms. “Welcome to the family. I knew from the first moment I laid my eyes on you we’d be seeing this day.”

  Next to congratulate them was Jacklynne. As she kissed his cheek she uttered, “With the communicator that you are, son, I certainly thought your proposal would have been more eloquent than that.”

  “Jacklynne, it was the most perfect proposal a girl could ask for.”

  “But he barely asked you.”

  “Oh no, he did. It was the perfect setting, right at sunset.”

  “When, where? It certainly wasn’t here.”

  “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong. Remember yesterday when he rushed me out of here when we were baking cookies?” Jacklynne nodded. “We went out to the pond, and he got down on bended knee with the most beautiful words I’d ever heard. In fact, Ryne took a photo marking the occasion.”

  “I have to see that.”

  He whipped out his cell and showed his mother the photo. Smiles lit their faces, and Jen had the ring proudly displayed in the picture with the brilliant sunset in the background. “Son, I’m glad you did it right. I knew I’d raised you better.”

  Everyone laughed at her comment. “Do you really think I’d spoil this moment with my family looking over my shoulder? I’m smarter than that and Jen deserved more than that.”

  “I think we need to celebrate,” Etienne produced a bottle of champagne and several glasses. The cork popped and the wine bubbled up and over the rim of the bottle. “Ooops.”

  He poured glasses for all of the adults and then produced a bottle of sparling grape juice for Jules, Emma and Olivia. After he’d served everyone, he raised his glass. “To my twin and his fiancée. May you be as happy in fifty years as you are today. Welcome to the family, Jen. We’re thrilled that you are here.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

  Next to toast the couple was Philippe. “Jen, the first time I saw you, you and Ryne were strolling through the airport. That one look told me all I needed to know— I knew my brother was head over heels in love with you. The way he looked at you, I knew right then and there you were going to become a part of this family. I’m so happy that he’s found someone to share his life. Congratulations! And to second what Etienne said, welcome to the family.”

  As they each sipped their wine, Ryne grabbed ahold of her hand. Her sadness from earlier had been replaced with an effervescent smile. She absolutely glowed with happiness. His focus from Jen shifted when he felt a tug on his sweater. He glanced down and discovered Emma. “Can I say something?”

  “Well, sure you can,” Jen said to her soon-to-be sister.

  “Jen, my brother sure knows how to pick ’em.” The room burst out in laughter. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, Emma. That’s so sweet of you to say.” Jen stooped down to look into Emma’s face.

  “I’m so happy that you are going to be my sister. It’ll be great having an older sister.”

  “Hey, what about me?” asked Olivia.

  “Someone older than you.” Olivia growled at her. “Sorry, Liv but that’s how I feel. Jen, you’ve been so nice to me. You haven’t treated me like a little kid and I like that.”

  “I’m glad that you do.”

  “Anyways— I was wondering…” Jen watched as she hemmed and hawed.

  “Out with it, Emma,” Olivia practically shouted.

  “Okay, okay… I was wondering if I can be in the wedding.”

  Jen kneeled before Emma. “Of course you can. I wouldn’t get married without you or Olivia.”

  Emma slapped her hand over her mouth. “Really, I can be in it?” Jen nodded her head.

  “What about me?” Etienne playfully asked. “Can I be in it, too?”

  “That’s up to your brother.”

  Ryne chuckled at her response. “I’m going to have to think that one over.” Etienne frowned at his brother.

  “All joking aside, Jen and I haven’t even begun to discuss the wedding. So don’t begin to ask if we’ve set a date, or where it’s going to be. We’ll let you know all in due time.”

  Jacklynne took Jen’s hand. “Honey, I’d like to help out anyway that I can. I don’t want to overstep my bounds here, but…”

  “You’re not and I understand. I’d love to have your help. I can’t do it all by myself.”

  Jacklynne pulled her into her arms. In a soft voice she whispered, “I don’t want to replace your mother.”

  “You’re not, but I’m glad to have you by my side.” She pulled away and slipped her arm around Ryne. “I have to warn you. My grandmother Rowena may be a handful when she gets wind of this.”

  He tipped his head, grinned and said “I’d have to agree with you there, Jen. I still don’t know how I made it home alive after I first met her.”

  “She was just doing her job.”

  “What does that mean?” asked Emma.

  “Oh honey, Ryne was just joking.”

  “Have you told your grandparents yet?” Jacques asked as he sipped his champagne.

  “I haven’t.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “From what I understand, your son here asked both of my grandfathers.”

  “He did, did he?”

  “I did and I promised we’d phone when she said yes. So, how about it? Let’s get them on the line.”

  While Jen and Ryne phoned her grandparents, Jacques wrapped Jacklynne in his arms. “That’s sure some son we raised. To think he had the notion to ask both Wilford’s and Miles’ approval. We taught him well.” She nodded.

  “I have to say, Jen is perfect for him.

  “She is. I’m just sorry her parents aren’t here.”

  “We’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t miss them too much.”

  “You’re good for her, Jacklynne.”

  “I hope so because I certainly love her an awfully lot. I think she’ll fit right into our crazy family; in fact, she already does. Jacques, we have a wedding to prepare for.”

  “Jacklynne, not now. You heard Ryne. They haven’t even set a date yet. Stay out of it until you’re asked.”

  She frowned at her husband. Maybe she’d have a few more answers when they got off the phone with her grandparents. But either way, what she did know was this would be a memorable Christmas, one that would go down in the record books for all of the family to remember.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jen saw little of Ryne when they went their separate ways after Christmas. The Generals were on the road for the first two weeks of the year. She spent New Year’s with Rowena and Miles while he went on to Chicago. They spoke daily, sometimes several times a day, and were lucky enough to Skype as the clock struck midnight and entered the New Year.

  Each morning she woke to a text from him wishing her a good day that always ended with ‘I miss you and I love you’. She looked forward to her daily love notes and couldn’t wait for their nightly calls. She anxiously awaited his return and counted down the days to where she could kiss him and hold him in her arms. She was thrilled when he finally knocked at her door. She threw her arms around him and didn’t want to let go.

  “I take it you missed me.”

  “I did,” she broadly smiled and ran her hand down his scruffy cheek. “I like this.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him inside where he pulled her into his arms and gave her a long, welcoming kiss. She knew he’d missed her just as much she did him.

  “I know it’s late but I needed to see you.” He’d come straight from the airport.

  “You look tired.”

  “What’s new? This was one long road trip. I’m happy we’ll be in town for a while.”

  She led him to the couch where he pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her again and then slid his lips to her neck and nuzzled. “You always smell so good. Gosh, how I missed holding you in my arms. This trip was way too long.”

  She clutched his shirt and pulled him close. She fed from the warmth of his body, his kisses. “I really, really missed you.”

  “I can tell,” he chuckled and kissed the top of her nose.

  She leaned away slightly. “Not to change the subject, but I spoke with your mom today.”

  “I’m sure I already know what she wanted.”

  She played with the hair along his nape.

  “I guess we need to make a few plans, huh?”

  “We do.” She slid off his lap so she could focus on their conversation. “We need to decide on a date, a time, and place for the wedding, the size. And we have to decide where we plan on living…There’s just so much we need to do.”

  “Wow. That was sure a mouthful. Would you mind taking a breath? I found myself holding mine just keeping up with you.”

  Playfully she slapped his chest and took a deep breath.

  “That was quite a deep breath.”

  “Didn’t you tell me to breathe?”

  He chuckled. “Indeed, I did.” He reached for her hand and pulled her towards him. “In all honesty, I haven’t been around at all since we became engaged, but we’ve got a better schedule for the rest of the year. I think our longest road trip is less than four days, so that definitely should help.” She played with the buttons on his shirt while listening to him. “First things first, have you told Johnston that you’re leaving?”

  “Ah—no, I kind of chickened out. And before you ask, I haven’t told anyone other than Lauren that we’re engaged.”

  “How come?”

  Jen shrugged. “It just didn’t feel right with you on the road.”

  “I’ve got an idea. Let’s throw an engagement party. I’ll fly my parents and siblings in, along with Rowena and Miles. We can have one big party, and that’s also a good way for all of my family to meet yours. What do you say?”

  “I like it. When and where should we have it?”

  “I guess the question is do you want a more formal affair or relaxed? Formal, I’d say Lucerne’s.” He paused as he thought for a moment. “Hey, I just had a brilliant idea. Let’s invite everyone to a game, rent out a suite, and have the party at Faceoff. They have a private room in the back that we can use.”

  Thumping her fingers on her leg, “I like it.” She ran and pulled out a schedule, returning to sit beside him. “Did you realize the Storm is coming to town the end of February?”

  “Don’t remind me.” He rolled his eyes, remembering the last time they were in town when Etienne had slammed him into the boards. He grabbed his phone and pulled up the Storm schedule. “They have the next two nights off after that, and their next game is at home. Maybe my brothers can arrange to stay and then meet up with the team in Calgary.”

  Ryne didn’t even let her respond. He pressed a number on his phone and waited for the party to answer. “Hey, brother of mine, we’ve got a question for you.” She knew right away who he was speaking with, Etienne.

  “We? We as in Jen and I?” He smiled at her and ran his finger along her cheek. “I didn’t know you had another trip to the big Lou this year. Jen and I are thinking of planning a party. Do you think you’d be able to stick around for it?” She watched his face as he listened to Etienne. “Great. We’ll go ahead and plan something, and if it doesn’t work out for you, we’ll deal with it. We want to include as many of the family as we can.”

  She could tell he was trying to get rid of his brother. “I just got home a few minutes ago. It was the road trip from hell. We won all of the games, but between flight delays, injuries—you name it, it happened. I’m just glad to be back home with my gal.” He grabbed her hand. “Okay I will.” He ended the call. “Et says hi.”

  “Well? What did he say?”

  “He thinks they can swing it. He needs to check in with the coach.” He curled a portion of her hair around his finger. “I’ll arrange the suite and Faceoff. Now we need to decide on who we’re inviting.”

  “My grandparents, of course, and Lauren. I’d like to invite the teachers. We can’t forget about Ed.”

  “No, we can’t. I’ll take care of the team and my family, too.”

  She ran her hand down his thigh. “You’re doing everything.”

  “Eh, I’m at the dome all of the time, and it makes sense for me to arrange that. You know I do have a few contacts there.”

  “You do, do you?” She laughed.

  “I’ll make an announcement to the team and post the information in the locker room. You take care of school and whoever else you think of. And that’s it.”

  “We need to arrange the food.”

  “Piece of cake, too. Don’t worry. It was my idea and I don’t want to stress you out.”

  “Well, okay then. Don’t forget to arrange a hotel for your parents.” She paused and thought for a second. “Don’t do that. They can stay with me.”

  “Are you sure? Since it’s a Saturday night game, I’m sure they’ll bring the girls, too.”

  Pointing to the upstairs, “And how many bedrooms do I have? I think I have plenty of room.”

  “That’s settled then. We can check one thing off your list.”

  “That wasn’t even on it.”

  He pulled her close. “When do you want to get married? I’m sure you’ve been pondering that some.” She nodded her head. “Have you thought about where you want to get married?” She nodded again. “Would you care to share it with me?”

  She’d thought of nothing else but where and when since he’d asked her to marry him. On her flight home from visiting Rowena and Miles, she came to a conclusion. It was mainly just her grandparents and Lauren who were important to her. He had a whole family. She had decided to wait until they we
re together again to tell him what she wanted. She grabbed for his hands. Holding them tightly, she began to gnaw on her lower lip.

  “Hey there, what’s got you troubled all of a sudden?”

  “I just realized how much I missed you. I’m not sure why, but I started to think about Philippe and Annabelle. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you. These last two weeks have been the longest in my entire life. I understand how lost Philippe is without her because I don’t know how I’d be able to go on without you.”

  “Honey, you have nothing to worry about. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You’re sure about that?”

  “Yep. As far as I know you’ve got me for at least another fifty years.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Now let’s get you out of these doldrums…Where and when?”

  She attempted to pull away from him, but he tightened his hold on her. “You’re not going anywhere until you answer my question.”

  “I wasn’t going anywhere.” She smiled. “I hoped to have a better view of the man I love.”

  “Well, okay then,” he said as he loosened his hold on her.

  Turning slightly in his arms, she cupped the side of his face. “I want you to listen before you say anything.” He nodded.

  She ran her fingertips along his bottom lip. Brushing his scruff, she started. “When it comes to family, for the most part it’s just my grandparents and me. Except for Lauren, who I plan on asking to be my maid of honor, that’s it. Five people that I call family.” Where is she going with this? He started to speak but she shushed him with her fingers. “I have a few friends at Lakeview but that’s about my list of invited guests.” She placed her hand on his chest. “You have this big ’ole family. Between your siblings, parents, grandparents, friends…”

  “Jen, I’m kind of having a hard time following you here…can you please get to the point.”

  “You said you wouldn’t say a word.”

  “I broke my promise, didn’t I?” He winked at her.

  She rested her head against her hand that still lay against his chest. “Sweetheart, I want to have the wedding in Calgary on the ranch.”


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