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Facing Calgary's Dream

Page 29

by Anne Stone

  As the girls prepared to head down the aisle, Jen was overwhelmed with feelings. In a few short minutes, they would be her sisters, and she couldn’t be happier. When the music began, Emma took one last look at Jen, flashed a bright smile, and winked. Only Emma, Jen thought.

  Emma started down the aisle followed by Olivia. Right before Lauren proceeded down the aisle, she turned back to her lifelong friend and whispered, “Be happy.” Jen was more nervous than she’d even been in her entire life. She reached for Ed’s arm and he patted her hand in place, giving her the reassurance that she needed.

  As Jen began her way towards her future, she heard the oohs and aahs as everyone recognized the beauty of her dress. The fabric was a gorgeous color of ivory silver lace on ivory tulle and moscato royal organza beaded with the same Swarovski crystals.

  The lace detail not only surrounded the skirt just above the hem, but also mirrored the lace edges of the sparkling bodice. Wide straps came across the back, forming an elegant keyhole opening. She looked like a princess in her mother’s dress.

  As she moved down the aisle, the sun was at the perfect angle and her dress glittered brightly with each step she took, creating a magical moment. Her whole dress shimmered in the sunshine. As she approached Ryne, she knew he was doing his best to contain his emotions as he gnawed on his lower lip.

  Ryne met her and Ed. With tears in her eyes, she brushed a kiss on Ed’s cheek and reached for her future. She clasped Ryne’s hand and gazed into his eyes. The smile that she’d come to love shone brightly on his face. She winked at Ryne, and they turned towards the minister.

  As they stood preparing to say their vows, the sun went behind the clouds casting a shadow on the horizon.

  She curled her fingers around his hand and tightly held on. When the minister asked ‘Who giveth this woman all eyes turned to Ed.

  “Her parents, grandparents, and I,” he responded.

  Wilford and Miles stood on either side of Ed. It was definitely a difficult time remembering Jen’s parents. Even though they weren’t present in mind and body, they weren’t forgotten.

  As they recited their vows, Ryne became emotional. She knew how much he loved her especially as she watched this proud, powerful center iceman weep at his own wedding.

  She cried right alongside Ryne. Once they completed their vows, the clouds parted and the sky was filled with the most beautiful sunbeams she’d ever seen. She squeezed Ryne’s hand and smiled. She felt at peace. All the apprehension that she felt only moments ago had disappeared.

  As they started down the aisle, she could finally breathe again. Her life as she once knew it, in so many words, had ceased to exist. Her life now was filled with a family she’d never once turn her back on.

  As they neared the carriage that would take them to the barn where the reception was being held, she took one last look back towards the pond. There, flying low across the water, were two Canada Geese. They landed at the water’s edge. Facing them they each lowered their heads almost as a sign to Jen that her parents were nearby.

  A tear escaped and ran down her cheek. “Hey, I thought your tears were over.”

  “They were, but look.” She pointed at the geese. “Look where they landed…Right in our spot where you asked me to marry you.”

  “I see that.”

  “Do you think it’s a coincidence?” He looked at her questioningly. “Never mind. It’s just my imagination playing tricks on me.”

  In her heart she knew the geese represented her parents.

  As the wedding guests made their way to the barn, Ryne and Jen rode around the ranch in the horse drawn carriage. “I wanted to tell you this when you came down the aisle, but I was speechless. Sweetheart, you look absolutely beautiful.”

  “Thank you and you look quite handsome yourself.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder as the sun began to sink along the horizon. “I was shocked with how emotional Ed seemed. I’ve never seen him like that. Even when my parents died, he was stoic and never showed one ounce of emotion.”

  “He was. I have to believe he knew he needed to be strong for you. It was a nice gesture that he included your parents and grandparents in the ceremony.”

  She nodded. “It was and I know they were there in spirit. I could feel them and I know the others did too.”

  Throughout the evening friends and family took to the microphone, offering the couple words of wisdom. When dinner was over, Emma decided she needed to say something. Jen watched as Jacques tried to discourage it, but Jacklynne encouraged her since she was over-the-top excited to have Jen as her sister.

  Jen wound her fingers through Ryne’s as they listened to Emma.

  “Hi! I’m Emma Ferguson and Ryne is my older brother.” Jen looked up at Ryne and burst out laughing.

  “Hey, Em’s, I think they know I’m your brother,” Ryne yelled from the table.

  “I wasn’t sure,” she added staring her brother down. “Jen, I am so excited to be able to call you my sister. I’ve always wanted an older sister.”

  “Hey, what about me,” cried Olivia.

  “I said older!”

  “I am older.”

  “By what, five years? I said older and I mean older—older like Jen older.” Everyone laughed at the exchange between Emma and Olivia. “I’m so happy you are moving here. We can go shopping, have sleepovers…”

  “Sleepovers?” Ryne whispered. “What about me?”

  “Shhh. You know what she means,” Jen said, elbowing him in the ribs. “Stop so we can hear what she says.”

  “Well, that’s all I wanted to say. I love you Jen, and I’m so glad you married my brother.”

  Jen pulled away from Ryne and stood as Emma ran towards her. She enveloped her arms around Emma. “Oh Emma. Thank you for that. I love you too! I’m so glad I can call you and Oliva my sisters.” She kissed Emma on the cheek; then Ryne reached for Emma as well, planting a kiss on her forehead.

  “Thanks for accepting Jen, Emma. It means a lot to me.”

  “You’re welcome. Oh and I forgot while I was up there,” she said pointing to the microphone. “I love you too, Ryne.”

  “Right back at you, Em’s.”

  Next up to the microphone was Rowena. Jen had been so focused on Emma and Ryne’s conversation that she missed her grandmother moving to the stage. As soon as she heard her voice, she groaned, unsure what she was about to say.

  “For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Rowena Steele. Jennifer is my granddaughter. I’m not very good at this, but I feel I must say a few words in the absence of her father.” Miles stood beside Rowena as she began her toast or rather speech that she’d all planned out and was reading from.

  “Jennifer is my only grandchild. I’m sure most, if not all of you, are aware that her parents were killed the evening of her high school graduation. Jen was going to be a photographer and follow in the footsteps of her renowned father, Marcus Steele. But that evening, she lost her way and gave up on her life’s dream. I have to say that my granddaughter hasn’t been the same since she lost her parents.

  “Now, fast forward all these years later. She’s a teacher at a Lakeview Private School where many of the students’ fathers are professional athletes. Not to forget Ed here is the owner of the St. Louis Generals…Jennifer was surrounded by athletes in some way.

  “Then, one cold night she runs into Ryne— quite literally. Isn’t that a story?”

  “Ah, Rowena, I don’t think we need to go there.” Ryne chimed in.

  “Shhh.” Rowena shushed Ryne and continued with her speech. “I thought everyone knew how you two met.” Everyone heard both Ryne and Jennifer groan. Rowena would tell the story. “So you see, fate played a part in these two meeting. I still can’t believe my granddaughter almost ran the star of the team over but enough of that.” Everyone chuckled.

  “Miles and I didn’t know Jennifer and Ryne were dating until they came out East for a Black Gold Management party honoring Tony and Ashley Rega
da. In fact, our family has ties to them.”

  “Grandmother,” Jen called out.

  “Okay honey, I won’t go into how we know Ashley Regada other than we knew her and her first husband, Morgan Cameron. Suffice it to say, Jennifer brought Ryne to dinner.” Rowena turned back to Miles. “Her grandfather and I weren’t sure what she had gotten herself into. Involved with a hockey player. I thought all hockey players were mean fighting machines. It seems like we always hear of these brutal fights on the ice. Anyway, I took one look at Ryne and I knew he was different.

  “For being a defenseman, he didn’t seem like he had a bad bone in his body. He actually was well behaved…”

  Everyone could hear Ryne clearing his throat. “If I may Ro, I’m a center iceman not a defenseman.”

  She glared at him as he corrected her. “You’re a hockey player, that’s about all I know. Anyway, where was I?” She looked at her notes clearing her throat. “Well, you were well behaved, that’s what I know, and even enjoyed my cooking.”

  “Which is very good,” he added.

  “See why I like him?” The crowd burst out laughing. “Now to get to my point. Even though I gave Ryne a little bit of trouble, I knew he was the perfect match for our Jennifer. I felt like the Jennifer of old had returned. She was smiling, laughing, and seemed happy. The happiest I’d seen since the day before her high school graduation.

  “During dinner, I discovered that she’d returned to photography. I know she was somewhat forced into it because of the fundraiser she was put in charge of, but she was doing what she was meant to do. Not only was she taking the pictures she loved to take, Ryne had talked her into taking sports photographs. From what I’ve seen, you’re going to be quite the sought-after sports photographer, but I digress there.

  “In the last year, Miles and I have witnessed the return of our beloved granddaughter. I know, Ryne, you were a little apprehensive about me.” Everyone saw Ryne nod his head in agreement. “And you should have been. I did ask a lot of questions.”

  “That you did,” Jen called out.

  “I did that because I needed to know what type of man you were involved with. Ryne, dear, you are a perfect gentleman. You are going to be the perfect husband for my granddaughter. I am thrilled to be standing here at your wedding. The one thing I’m not too keen about is your forcing her to move so damn far away from me and Miles, Wilford and Rose. But I guess that’s what a guest room is for, right Jennifer?”

  Everyone saw Jennifer roll her eyes. “Now dear, don’t roll your eyes at me.” Again laughter rang out.

  “Are you almost done?”

  “Almost, dear. Almost. Your grandfather and I will always be here for you if you need us. We’re all proud of you. And most of all, your parents are too.” Rowena reached for the glass that sat in front of her. “So let’s everyone raise your glass in a toast to our couple. To Ryne and Jennifer: May your life be filled with happiness but most of all, love.”

  By the time Rowena finished her speech, the tears Jen had been holding at bay let loose and cascaded down her cheek. No matter what happened in her life, Jennifer would always have her grandparents by her side, cheering her on.

  Ryne and Jennifer made their way to Rowena where Ryne pulled Rowena into a hug. “Thanks, Rowena. I’m glad you like me so much.”

  Rowena slapped him on the shoulder. “Do you think I’d have given you permission to marry her if I didn’t?”

  “No, you definitely wouldn’t.”

  “Just be true to her. Keep her happy and when she’s sad because she’s missing St. Louis, be an understanding ear to her. That’s all I ask. I know how much you love one another.” Rowena kissed Ryne on the cheek and then hugged her granddaughter.

  “Jennifer, be happy. Just be happy. That’s all I want.”

  “I am, Grandmother Rowena. I am.”

  The rest of the reception was filled with more toasts and dancing. It was late when Ryne and Jennifer snuck away. They’d enjoyed every minute of the day and looked forward to what the future had to offer. Most especially his move to the Storm and his chance at finally becoming a Stanley Cup winner.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  With Ryne’s trade happening so close to the wedding and the beginning of the preseason, they had little time to pack and find a home. Still, they wanted a wedding trip. The day after the wedding, they flew to Alaska where they cruised the inside passage and took a road trip around the state exploring the vast nature Alaska offers.

  Their honeymoon afforded them the time to relax before having to pack up Jen’s house, and for Ryne to begin the preseason. Their trip went according to plan up until they arrived at the airport to return home. Their schedule was tight as it was, having to travel to St. Louis, but at Anchorage’s airport, they discovered a delay. There was no flight out that day.

  Both were annoyed but they decided it wouldn’t put a damper on their special trip.

  They contacted Philippe since he was scheduled to be their chauffeur.

  “Heads-up, Dad wants to talk to you as soon as you get home.”

  “Wonder what he wants?”

  “Haven’t a clue. Maybe you should reach out to him.”

  “Sounds good,” replied Ryne. “See you tomorrow.”

  “What’s wrong?” Jen asked when he ended the call. “Did something happen?”

  Ryne shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”

  He dialed his father. “Dad, our flight’s delayed and we can’t get out until tomorrow. Philippe said you needed to speak to me.”

  “Sorry to hear about that. How was your trip?”

  “We had a great time. Oh, and Jen says hi.” She gave him a thumbs up.

  “Dad, what’s up?

  “It can wait until tomorrow. Enjoy your last day of freedom. You’ve got a lot on the horizon with packing up Jen and the start of training camp.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yep. Nothing to worry about.”

  Thankfully their flight was on time and when they pulled up at the house, Jacques and Jacklynne greeted them with open arms.

  “Welcome home. You look so happy and relaxed,” Jacklynne exclaimed as she hugged Jen.

  “We had the best time,” Jen said. “And I feel relaxed and rested although I’m not looking forward to packing.”

  Jacques motioned to Ryne.

  “Honey, I’m going to have that chat with my dad.” He brushed a kiss to her cheek. “Why don’t you and Mom catch up?” He smiled and leaned back for another kiss.

  “Don’t worry, Ryne. I’ll take good care of her,” Jacklynne said as she slipped her arm through Jen’s and led her to the house.

  “Your mom missed her along with Emma. She can’t wait to see her.”

  “I guess I’m old meat, huh?” he said, rolling his eyes.

  Jacques laughed. “I wouldn’t say that but you’re definitely not the new kid on the block.”

  “I understand.”

  Jacques led him across the yard where they hopped on the ATV and drove off towards the opposite side of the ranch.

  “So, you had a good trip.” Jacques asked as they drove along.

  “Yeah, we did. It was nice and relaxing.” Ryne ran his hand through his hair. “Now the tough part. We need to find a place to live, pack, and then move, all within a few weeks’ time. It’s definitely going to be a huge adjustment for Jen, especially with me starting training camp. Luckily, it’s being held at the Sauderhouse Arena and not in some far away hole-in-the-wall town.”

  “I remember our training camps were held out of town, making the season seem that much longer. Since they built Sauderhouse, the team has everything at their fingertips. Why travel out of town and have to pack and haul all of the equipment? It makes perfect sense to me.”

  “It does. But don’t get me wrong, Dad. I am ever thankful for this trade. I don’t know how it happened so fast. I approached Adam a while ago, but I didn’t think it would come until my contract expired. I have to b
elieve Adam spoke with Ed who made it happen.

  “Two years ago, when Anthony moved into the general manger role for the Storm, I even spoke with him, letting him know that I wanted to come home.” He stopped and looked across the fields still full of summer color. “Maybe in Anthony’s own way, it was a wedding gift to us.” He shrugged. “All I know is that I need to stop by his office before training camp begins and thank him— that’s for sure. He made my dream come true. Now we just have to win that Stanley Cup, right?” He paused shaking his head. “Gosh, I hate thinking about moving again. I was just getting settled.”

  “About that, son.” As they drove along, Jacques shared with him an idea that he’d been pondering since he discovered Ryne had been traded.

  “I know how hard it is with just getting married. It’s going to be a huge adjustment for both of you but especially Jennifer. I have a temporary solution for you.” He stopped and turned to Ryne. “We have the cabin.”

  “Yeah, and?”

  “And, I’ve fixed it up. I put in all new appliances, added a new furnace. We even painted. What about you and Jen moving in there while you take time to find a place to live? That way, you’re not being pressured into making a decision you’re not ready to make. The cabin’s far enough away from the main house that Emma shouldn’t bother Jennifer too much. And Jennifer will be close enough that if she gets lonely, she can come visit us. Plus, we’ll be close by if she needs anything. We’re not her grandparents, but we are her family now. So, what do you think?”

  “Wow, Dad,” he ran his hand along his whiskered jaw pausing in thought. “Thanks for offering it to us. Of course we’ll take you up on it.”

  “Don’t you think you should ask your wife?”

  “Yeah, definitely, but I don’t think she’ll have to think twice. I know she’ll say yes.”

  “Good,” Jacques added.

  “Have you completed all of the upgrades that I can take Jen by right now?”

  “Yep, it’s all ready for you.”

  “Thanks, Dad. This really means a lot. I know how difficult a transition this is going to be for Jen. Being away from the only home she’s ever known, living in a country and a climate that can be brutal during the winter. She’s definitely going to need family, especially when I’m on the road. I love you, Dad.” Ryne threw his arm around Jacques neck and hugged him.


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