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Facing Calgary's Dream

Page 37

by Anne Stone

  “Does your family know?”

  “They do since my grandmother drove us to the hospital.”

  “She did? What about Miles?”

  “Mom, that’s a whole other story that I think we’ll save for another day. Let’s just say, I had no idea Rowena had it in her.”

  They all laughed at his comment. “Ro is something else.”

  “Yes, she is, Jacklynne. She’s the best.”

  Jen’s doctor’s appointment went well and she and Ryne received more than enough literature on how to combat hyperemesis gravidarum. They returned home relieved. Jacklynne and Jacques had announced they were moving up to the big house to help with Ryne’s recovery. Everyone took the news in stride and thankfully Emma didn’t question the story as she knew it was best for her brother. In fact, she’d been a little reserved with the news which was a change for Emma.

  That evening Philippe moved their essentials and helped settle them into the guest room. “Let me know if you need anything else,” Philippe said as he carried Ryne’s suitcase into the room.

  “I think we’re good, Phil. We appreciate everything you’ve done.”

  “Not a problem. I gather Jen’s appointment went well.”

  “Yeah,” Ryne ran his hand along his jawline. “She needs to be cautious and keep the doctor informed. We hope she won’t need another IV.”

  “Did he say how long this is going to last?”

  “Nope. He said the majority of his patients with hyperemesis gravidarum have it through the third month, but in all reality she could experience it her entire pregnancy.”

  “Let’s hope for it ending soon. I have to say I took one look at her yesterday, and I thought she looked like death warmed over. I was concerned.”

  “I was and still am. At least we’re home and she’s close to her doctor. That’s what matters.”

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “Are you happy?”

  “I am. We didn’t plan this pregnancy, but I’m excited.”

  “What about your hip?”

  “I’ve been in quite a bit of pain, but I’m doing my best not to take anything. I need to be focused on Jen and not me.”

  “I understand what you’re saying, but you need to take it easy and not overdo it. You want to return to the ice sooner rather than later.”

  “That I do.”

  They chatted for a few minutes before Philippe decided to leave. “I’ll let you get some rest. Last I saw Jen she was watching a movie with the girls.”

  “I know. I just hope Emma doesn’t bother her too much especially when she’s not feeling well. You know how our sister can be.”

  “I think she’s happy to have her nearby. I’ve seen a change in Emma since you got married. She seems to have settled down a bit. Now that Jen’s nearby she doesn’t get worked up anticipating her visit. I hate to say this but Jen’s become old hat.”

  “That she has.”

  “Get some rest,” Philippe said. “I’m glad everything’s alright with Jen.”

  “At least for the time being.” Ryne raised his hand in goodbye. It felt good to lie back and relax, at least for the moment. Jen seemed good and for the first time since he’d been injured, he felt at peace.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  They waited until Jen was well into her second trimester to tell the rest of the family about the baby. Jen’s morning sickness had all but disappeared and Ryne hoped to return to the ice in a matter of days.

  On the day they were scheduled to move back to their house, Jen called a family meeting. Earlier in the day, they had phoned both Rafael and Jules, sharing the news with them. Both of his brothers were thrilled. “So you’re going to be a dad,” Jules stated. “I’m really happy for you. When’s the baby due?”

  “The last week of June.”

  “I hope she doesn’t have it early. With the Cup finals and all.”

  “The doctor said most first pregnancies are late, so I think we’ll be okay.”

  “Let’s hope so,” said Rafael. “Wouldn’t it be something if you went into labor during one of the games?” He laughed.

  “I don’t think that’s funny, Rafael,” Jen said.

  “Just teasing,” he responded.

  When the time came to tell the rest of the family, her nausea had returned. She’d been feeling pretty good up until they gathered everyone. Just as Ryne began to speak, she ran from the room. She knew the color had drained from her face as she saw the look of trepidation on Ryne’s face.

  “Is Jen okay?” a concerned Olivia asked.

  “I’m sure she is but I’ll go check on her.” As Ryne walked from the room, he noticed an anxious look cross Philippe’s face as well as those of his parents.

  Ryne found her rinsing out her mouth. “Sorry about that,” she said “I’ve been feeling good all day. Maybe it was something I ate.” She looked at him with sadness as she’d convinced herself the worst of her morning sickness was over. “I guess everyone’s wondering what happened.”

  “Olivia just happened to be standing right inside the doorway when you ran past, so I know she’s worried. And Philippe and my parents all shot me a troubling look as I left the room. I’m not sure if anyone else noticed.”

  “That’s good.” She reached for his hand, “Let’s do this.”

  He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “And when we’re through, we’re headed home. I can’t wait to spend the night in our bed.”

  Ryne led her down the hallway and back to the family room. She ran her hand along Olivia’s shoulder smiling as she reentered and took a seat on the couch. Ryne sat beside her and grabbed ahold of her hand. She nodded her head and grinned at him as he began to speak.

  “Jen and I are moving back home tonight. I’m comfortable taking the stairs and Jen— well she’s got something to say.”

  She was hoping he’d share the news but instead passed the baton to her. “I need to apologize for rushing out of here a few minutes ago.” She glanced back at Ryne, squeezed his hand and smiled. “We need to thank you for letting us stay here while Ryne and I recuperated.”

  “I didn’t know you weren’t feeling well,” Emma said.

  “Yeah, well, I need to explain that…I’ve been suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum.”

  “What’s that?” Emma asked as she scrunched up her face.

  “It’s a severe case of morning sickness.” Emma didn’t catch on at first but Olivia and Etienne did.

  “Oh my, you’re having a baby,” Olivia shrieked.

  “A baby… Is Olivia right? Is it true?” Emma jumped up and ran towards Jen. She threw her arms around her. “Does that mean I’m going to have a new cousin?”

  “Not a cousin, Em. You’re going to be an aunt,” Etienne spoke.

  She grinned. “You mean I’m going to be an aunt?”

  “You are,” Ryne said as she turned to hug her brother.

  “Congratulations, you two,” Etienne said as he hugged her. “Sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well.”

  “I guess it goes with the territory. At least now, Ryne can fend for himself in case I’m under the weather.”

  Philippe approached as everyone sat around speculating on whether they were having a boy or a girl. “You sure you’re up to returning home?”

  “Yeah. I’m good, getting stronger every day, and Jen’s much improved from when we first came home.”

  “It didn’t look that way a few minutes ago.”

  “Take it from me, Philippe, I’m feeling much better,” she said. “I’m not sure what caused me to get sick this time, maybe I ate something that didn’t agree with me.”

  “I hope that’s all it is. Changing subjects, do you need help taking your things back to your house?”

  “An extra pair of hands would be great. I don’t want him overdoing things,” she said as she placed her hand on Ryne’s forearm. “He needs to get back on that ice soon…”

  “Honey, I’m headed
there. Give me another week or so, and I’ll be out there skating like a rookie.”

  “That’s all I want to hear. When you’re happy, I’m happy and right now I’m happy to be going home.”

  “On that note, let me grab your suitcases and I’ll take you home.”

  Jen and Ryne hugged his parent’s goodbye. “Don’t be strangers, you two.”

  “We won’t, I promise,” Jen said as she reached for Ryne’s hand. “In fact you may just get tired of seeing me, since I don’t plan on going too far from the ranch.”

  “Never. We’ll never get tired of seeing your bright and shiny face. Call if you need anything.”

  “We will,” Ryne said as he pulled Jen out the door.

  He spent one game with the Storm’s minor league affiliate before being recalled home.

  Practice had already started when he arrived at the Sauderhouse Arena. He’d driven straight from the airport, so he exchanged his street clothes for his pads and jersey. He was wearing a new pair of pants that were reinforced with special padding that would hopefully protect his hip from further injury.

  His brothers were standing along the boards when he entered the arena. No one was aware of his return to the team except Ray, who stood near the blue line. His brothers were shocked and skated over to him. “What’s this?” Etienne asked as he slapped Ryne on the back. “I can’t believe you’re back already. I thought they’d have made you play the maximum number of games after being on the long-term injured reserve list.”

  “I did too,” Philippe added. “I sure thought we wouldn’t see you for a week.”

  “Oscar gave me the okay and Ray knew he needed my expertise to lead this team to the Cup.”

  Etienne cleared his throat. “When did you get such a big head? I think we did pretty well in your absence, didn’t we, Phil?”

  “We did but it sure is good to have you back.”

  “Okay, boys, it’s time to break up the welcoming committee. Show us I didn’t make a mistake in authorizing your return.”

  “Yes, sir,” Ryne shouted to Ray as he started warming up.

  “I’m glad he’s back,” Phil said, turning to Etienne as they watched Ryne fly around the ice.

  “Yeah, I was a little worried there. Two hip injuries in a short amount of time.”

  “We’re not going to think along those lines. He’s back and that’s what matters.” Phil jumped onto the ice and took a pass from Ryne. In a moment’s time they were back in the groove. Three brothers skating around the rink they called home.

  Ryne’s return to the team fueled an energy that at times was lacking in his absence. They were still in first place but had lost their momentum when he’d gone down with his injury. They were leading the standings by one point against Ryne’s former Eagles team.

  There were two weeks left in the regular season. Ryne had returned to the ice three weeks earlier and had played well. Jen’s morning sickness had settled down, and she was enjoying her pregnancy. During Ryne’s first road trip after returning to the team, she stayed up at the big house. They’d been expecting snow and Ryne had been concerned with her being alone.

  When Jacklynne had called insisting that she stay with them, she refused at first and then rethought her decision. Five minutes after refusing, she packed her things and before she knew it, Jacques was knocking on her door.

  When she opened it, he took one look at her and pulled her into his arms. “I’m so happy you took Jacklynne up on her offer. She was worried sick with you out here by yourself.”

  “It’s not like I’m that far from the house.”

  “She knows but, in all honesty, she’s missed you. We’ve hardly seen you or my son since you moved home.”

  “Sorry about that. In all actuality, I’ve hardly gone out. I’ve been to the doctor, and Ryne pretty much does the shopping. I’ve been hibernating.”

  “Honey, you still should be out amongst people.”

  “I realize that. In fact, I’m glad Jacklynne phoned. You’re right. It’s time for me to get out and about.” She turned to grab her bag, but Jacques beat her to it.

  “I’ve got this,” he said. He closed the door, locking it behind her.

  Jacklynne was waiting for them in the kitchen, steeping a pot of tea, and welcomed Jen with a kiss on the cheek. “With as cold as it is out there, I thought I’d fix tea. Would you like a cup?”

  “That sounds delightful,” Jen said as she rubbed her hands together. “I wonder, will I ever get warm again?”

  “Come May maybe.” Jacques chuckled. “Let’s sit by the fire,” he added as he led the way to the family room.

  “How are the girls?” Jen asked as she sipped her tea.

  “Good, really good. Emma has a game tonight. Would you like to go?”

  “I’d love to. I’m sorry I haven’t attended her earlier games.”

  “Both she and Olivia understand why you’ve been absent of late. They can’t imagine what you were going through with your morning sickness. That’s all pretty much passed, hasn’t it?”

  Jen nodded. “I’ve been holding my breath the last couple of weeks, but I have to say yes, I think I’m finally over it. I don’t know how women experience that level of sickness throughout their entire pregnancy. It was stressful, tiring… I never knew if I could leave the house. I was fearful I’d be on the road in the middle of nowhere and have to pull over. That’s one of the main reasons I’ve stayed home.”

  “Maybe we’ll see a little more of you then?” Jacklynne added. “I’ve missed you and I know the girls have too.”

  “Let’s put an end to that starting today.”

  And that’s what Jen did. She started going out again and visiting with Jacklynne while the girls were in school. She asked for her advice when she began shopping for the nursery. She needed a woman’s touch. Lauren and her grandmothers were too far away. Jacklynne became the ear that Jen needed. She sought her out for answers when she was unsure of what she was feeling as her pregnancy progressed. Jacklynne had given birth six times with a set of twins. If she didn’t have the answers, then who would?

  With the remaining games in the season upon them, Ryne’s stress levels increased. Jen could tell by his level of play he was pushing himself. His hip was holding up, but the number of minutes he found himself in the penalty box was on the rise.

  Jacques box was near the Hockey Tonight play-by-play announcers. Jen overheard them host their pregame segment before the start of the game.

  “We’ve got two weeks left in the season. The Storm is leading the Western Conference. They’ve already secured a spot in the playoffs.”

  “That’s right, Kelly.” Ted stated. “The team seems more focused since Ryne Ferguson returned.”

  “They do. He’s definitely a leader.”

  “You’re right about that except he’s spent a lot of time in the penalty box of late.”

  “He has, Kelly. It’s important that he keeps himself in check tonight. The Eagles are knocking on the Storm’s heels to win the division. They’ve won four of their last five while the Storm has lost the last two games.”

  “Ted, I have to wonder why Ryne has incurred so many penalties since returning from his injury.”

  “Yeah, you have to wonder if he’s one hundred percent healthy.”

  Jen was tired of listening to them talk about her husband. She knew he was healthy. She knew what was driving him. It was his need to see the team win the Cup. He would do everything in his power to make that happen. If he incurred a few penalties along the way, so be it. Ryne was focused solely on seeing his dream become a reality, and he wasn’t going to let anything come between him and that Cup.

  Within minutes of the puck being dropped, Ryne found himself in the penalty box. Jen shook her head at her husband’s stupid trip of his good friend Wiley that led to the penalty. He shook his head as he poured water into his mouth. She knew by his expression that he was madder than heck at himself. Tripping, she thought. Stupid penalty all the wa
y around.

  In the middle of the second period, Ryne led a two-on-one break down center ice with Philippe as his wingman. He passed the puck to his brother as he skated behind the goalie. Philippe controlled the puck and moved out to the point. Ryne slapped his stick on the ice signaling he was open at the side of the net.

  Philippe passed the puck sharply to him as he skated out from the side of the net. Spinning and spraying ice as his skates cut through the surface, Ryne turned on a dime and came out on the other side of the net. He faked a pass to Etienne and pushed the puck around the side of the net. The blue light went on. Ryne had scored his first goal in six games.

  She felt like she could breathe again. He’d scored a goal that she hoped would settle him down for the remainder of the game.

  Her wishes extended well into the third period. With less than five minutes left to play, the Storm was losing by one goal.

  Ryne’s line was sitting on the bench catching a breather when Vlad took a pass from Heinrich. His skate was just over the blue line when he accepted the pass and off sides was called.

  Ray took advantage of the stop in play and redeployed Ryne’s line. Ryne won the faceoff and tipped the puck to Josh who sped behind the net. Ryne stood out by the point waiting for Josh to pass the puck. He drifted towards center ice when he caught the pass. He faked a slap shot and skated along the blue line. Josh yelled at him. He raised his stick and let off his infamous slap shot. The puck flew right over the goalie’s shoulder. Ryne had scored his second goal of the night but also ended up flat on the ice. One of the Eagles players had run smack into him.

  Jen was excited by the goal until she saw Ryne lying on the ice. Her thoughts immediately went to his hip, but then she saw him moving around. She imagined he was stunned by the hit and held her breath as he stood and made his way to the bench. Then he turned towards the exit to the locker room. Her heart beat wildly, fearful of another injury but then looked at the clock. There was less than three minutes left in the period. It was a tie game, and she prayed he was just getting an extra breather before overtime began.


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