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Facing Calgary's Dream

Page 40

by Anne Stone

  He set down his bag and scooped her into his arms and carried her to bed. He jostled her slightly and she woke for but a moment but went right back to sleep. He eased into bed beside her and slipped his arms around her. On a whisper, “Daddy’s home, little one,” he stroked her stomach. “I’m sure glad you’re allowing Mommy to get some sleep.” He felt the baby move in response to his comment and drifted off to sleep.

  Time seemed to stand still but also flew by. As Ryne walked back into their home six days later, the series was tied at three games each, and a seventh game was needed to decide the winner. Ryne was tired and sore as he rubbed his hip. It had been one hell of a long season, and he was glad it was coming to an end.

  He didn’t think twice when he walked through the door and headed off to bed. He found Jen’s eyes on him when he entered the room. Every time he looked at her he thought she was bigger. For the first six months, you wouldn’t have known she was pregnant. And she still had about two weeks until her due date. He wanted the season over so he could devote his time and attention to her and the baby because before he knew it, September would again be upon them with the start of another season. “Hey there,” he said as he sat down on the edge of the mattress and ran his hand down the side of her face. “How are you feeling? Is little bits behaving?”

  “She wasn’t until about a half hour ago. I’m afraid she’s going to follow in your family’s footsteps and be a hockey player.” She yawned as she ran her hand along his cheek. “I watched the game. You won.”

  “We did and at least we’re still in the hunt.”

  “Would you want it any differently? Sweetheart, you played one heck of a game tonight.” She ran her hand along his thigh. “How’s the hip? You were a little slow getting up after taking that hit from Derek. And what’s up with that? I thought he was your friend.”

  “He is off the ice. He’s in it to win too.”

  “I realize that but he didn’t have to take your legs right out from under you.”

  “It’s all a part of the game.”

  “I know.” She yawned again. “Why don’t you take a hot shower and come join me. I promise not to fall asleep on you.”

  He took a quick shower and returned to their bed where she was fast asleep. As he lay down and pulled her into his arms, he thought. Three more days…Three more days until my dream could possibly come true.

  “Don’t argue with me, Ryne. I’m coming to the game. I took a nap earlier and I feel really good.” He decided it wasn’t worth his effort to argue with her. She’d do what she wanted, and he couldn’t do anything about it. He understood her reasoning, but the ever-protective husband he was wanted her to stay home.

  Thankfully, she’d be surrounded by his family. He knew they’d watch out for her, along with Lauren, who’d flown in for the game.

  Ryne arrived early and suited up, making sure his hip pads were well secured. His hip was smarting, and he just wanted to get through the game without causing further injury. He skated onto the ice. It was just him and the ice— no other players.

  He slowly slid around the rink. The sound of his skates cutting through the ice had a calming effect. It reminded him of his youth when he’d skate on the pond. He’d go round and round for hours taking in the scenery and dreaming of this day that seemed so far out of reach. Yet today he was here— living the dream he’d often thought would never happen.

  One step, two steps… He felt all the emotion of his career come full circle. At the end of the day, he believed his dream would be fulfilled. And then, in a few short days, he’d welcome the birth of his first child. He was anxious for it all… So much in so little time.

  He skated to a halt along the boards and sprayed the ice. In front of him stood his wife. They’d practically come full circle with her watching him in this manner. He was luckier than most and had found the woman of his dreams doing what he loved most, playing hockey.

  “You’re awfully early. I thought you were coming with Mom and Dad.”

  “Lauren brought me. I knew I’d find you out here before everyone else. I wanted to watch you as you took it all in. I’ll always remember the first time I watched you skate after our little incident.”

  He wryly smiled at her. “If that’s what you want to call it.”

  “Well, that is what it was.”

  “I know that’s what you want to believe…” He leaned over the boards and ran his hand along her brow. “That night changed my life forever. I found you. I don’t care whether it was you watching me warm up, or meeting you at the bar, or by running into your car. I found myself that night.”

  “I didn’t know you were missing.”

  “Funny,” he quipped. “Anyway, you set me on this course. I’m not sure I would have pushed Adam to trade me to the Storm if it wasn’t for you. I needed you to push me here. If tonight is the last game I ever play in the NHL, I will have experienced all of my dreams. I’m playing for the hometown in the seventh game of the Stanley Cup finals, and I have you and little bits right here beside me. I couldn’t be happier than I am right now.” He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I love you Jen, and I am ever thankful I found you.”

  She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you too.” The baby took that moment to let out a swift kick. She laughed and rubbed her stomach. “And little bits loves her daddy too.”

  He held her for a few moments when he heard footsteps. He looked up to see Lauren standing just behind Jen.

  “Sorry to interrupt...”

  “Oh hi, Lauren. I didn’t see you.”

  “I just walked up.”

  “I’d better go.” He turned and started to skate towards the tunnel and then returned. “I expect you to behave. Don’t get overly excited. I don’t need you to go into labor tonight.”

  “I’ll be good, I promise.”

  With that he skated away. In a few short hours, the season would be over. Only time would tell who the winner would be.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Jen stood nervously in Jacques’ box watching the Storm take the ice. She was surrounded by her family. She was nervous and excited all at the same time. Jacklynne had been mother hen making sure she wasn’t overdoing it. In fact, she’d ordered her to sit while the team warmed up.

  She watched Lauren. She knew her friend hadn’t taken her eyes off of Philippe. She hoped she’d convince her to vacation with them later in the summer. Lauren’s job was driving her crazy. Every time they talked Jen tried to convince her to look for a new position. The stress lately had caused Lauren some health problems. Jen kept reiterating that her health was way more important than a stupid job. She didn’t need to make partner to be a successful attorney. Jen hoped Lauren would listen to her and make a change.

  As she sat along the open box that overlooked the rink, she watched Ryne circle the ice. He seemed more relaxed and at peace than he had earlier. She caught a smile on his face as he ran into Etienne. Something must have been awfully funny for him to crack up the way he did. Before she knew it, the anthems were being played, and he was standing at center ice awaiting the faceoff that would ultimately bring a close to the season.

  As he leaned over awaiting the puck drop, she saw him tense and knew his mood had changed from only moments ago. Jen was so familiar with the way he held himself; she hoped he got through the game in one piece.

  She held her breath as the puck dropped and Ryne won the faceoff. The puck landed on Josh’s stick and he headed up ice. Everyone was fresh and scurried down the ice with Josh leading the charge. He entered the Generals’ zone and quickly passed the puck to Etienne who circled behind the net, spraying ice against the boards as he came around the other side.

  Etienne offered a quick pass back to Josh who shot it across the ice to Ryne. Ryne faked a shot, spun around Derek Pfeil, and passed the puck back to Josh.

  “They’re doing an awful lot of passing,” Lauren commented.

  Jen nodded as her eyes never left
the ice. Josh skated along the boards and was pushed up against them, momentarily losing the puck in his skates. A scuffle ensued for the puck when the linesman blew his whistle.

  “That was intense,” Jen stated as she watched Ryne skate off the ice for a line change. Josh took the next face off and lost it to Curt Wiles who controlled the puck as he skated up ice. Quickly he crossed the blue line, catching Jorge off guard with a wrist shot, scoring the first goal.

  Jen’s eyes sought out Ryne who’d been sitting on the bench, awaiting another line change. She witnessed the frustration on his face as he slapped his gloved hand against the wall. She knew he wished he’d been the one to take that faceoff.

  By the end of the first period, the Storm was losing by one goal. As Jen stood to take a bathroom break, she felt the baby move. It was a hard kick to the bladder. She couldn’t make it fast enough to the bathroom.

  When she returned, Jacklynne had taken Lauren’s place. “Everything okay? You looked like you were in pain.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. The baby’s a little active, that’s all.”

  Jacklynne reached over and laid her hand over the baby. “I promised my son to keep an eye on you.”

  “I know. I felt your glare the entire first period.” She guffawed. “I think I behaved myself pretty well.”

  “In all honesty, dear, there wasn’t anything to get overly excited about.”

  “You’re right there. At least they’re not losing too badly. They can easily make up one goal.”

  “They can and they will,” Jacklynne commented as the players returned to the ice.

  Jen’s eyes scanned the ice for Ryne and she didn’t see him at first. Philippe stood at center awaiting the faceoff. “I wonder where Ryne is?” she commented to Jacklynne. “Do you think he’s injured?”

  “There he is,” Jacklynne pointed to the bench. “Maybe Ray’s decided to shake up the lines.”

  “I hope that’s all it is. This game means so much to him.”

  “That it does,” Jacklynne said as they watched Josh lose the opening faceoff.

  The opening minutes of the period were a rush of back and forth. Ryne was just getting ready to return after a line change when Etienne broke up a Generals’ pass. Ryne flew over the boards, and as his skates hit the ice the puck was on his blade. He rushed up ice and crossed the blue line. He stopped and spun around, faked a pass and flicked his wrists. The puck flew into the air, deflecting off one of the Generals’ players’ stick right into the net. Goal. Ryne threw his arms into the air and was immediately surrounded by his teammates. He’d tied the game.

  Jen saw a look of relief cross Ryne’s face. They were back to square one. She sighed loudly and watched as everyone stood cheering the goal. She remained seated, doing her best to stay calm and not get too excited.

  By the end of the second period the teams were still locked in a tie. Lauren rejoined her as she’d spent the entire second period entertaining Emma and talking with Jules. “You doing okay?” she asked as she handed Jen a bottle of water.

  “I am. On the outside I’m doing my best to remain calm, but on the inside I’m a basket case. When Ryne scored I wanted to scream from the rooftops, but right as the blue light lit, the baby kicked pretty hard and decided I needed to stay calm and not upset her.”

  “That was smart.”

  The third and hopefully final period began with Ryne at the helm. He took the faceoff and thankfully won control. The puck shot between his skates and Philippe fought for it, winning and shooting it into the Generals’ zone. Josh skated in but lost control of the puck. Again it was end to end play. She knew Ryne had to be getting tired. Ray constantly switched up lines, but his line seemed to have the most ice time.

  They’d passed the half way part of the period, and the game was still tied. The more nervous she got, the more the baby moved. She ran her hand along her belly, hoping to settle her down. Yet all of the turmoil around her didn’t seem to help as she got more excited watching the play. At one point, Etienne took a shot that careened loudly off the post. Everyone thought he’d scored, and she jumped to her feet only to discover that he hadn’t. They watched as the Generals flew back up ice into the Storm’s end.

  Ryne broke up a play and grabbed the puck only to end up along the boards, fighting hard to retain possession. Then he was slammed into the glass where he lost control of the puck and fell hard to the ice. Play continued as he slowly rose and made his way to the bench.

  Her concern must have shown in her face, because Lauren said, “I’m sure he’s okay.” Philippe flew up the ice, passing the puck off to Etienne as Ryne moved to the bench for a breather. Off sides was immediately called as Josh stepped across the blue line before the puck.

  With the stoppage in play, she certainly thought Ryne would return but he didn’t. The longer he sat there, the more concerned she became. Lauren grabbed her hand. “Stop worrying. I’m sure he’s fine. He’s been on the ice a lot this period. I’m sure he’s getting a little longer to recover.”

  Jen listened to her friend, never taking her eyes off her husband. With three minutes left to play, someone laid their hands on her shoulders. Jacques had positioned himself behind her. He massaged her tight shoulders and waited for play to resume. “I have a good feeling,” Jacques whispered in her ear. “Ray’s just resting him. I’m sure of it.”

  Jen reached back and clasped his fingers. “I hope so…and that it’s nothing else.”

  Jacques stood over her shoulders as play resumed. Josh took another faceoff in the Generals’ zone which he won. He rushed down the ice, losing the puck at center ice. End to end play with less than a minute to go. Ryne hadn’t been on the ice for over five minutes when Etienne caught an errant pass. He looked up just as Ryne floated over the boards. He flicked the pass to his brother who flew into the Generals’ zone. It seemed as though time stood still. Ryne raised his stick and, in what appeared slow motion, slapped the puck towards the Generals’ goal. The goalie had committed to going down on the play when Ryne had approached, but the puck flew high over his shoulder, past the goalie into the net.

  She released the breath she’d been holding as the blue light lit. Ryne had scored the tie breaking goal with five seconds to remain in the game. The crowd went wild. Jen jumped out of her seat and into Jacques arms. “Oh my gosh! Did you see that, Dad? He did it, Ryne scored the winning goal.”

  “Honey, there’s still five seconds left to play, anything can happen.”

  “Not with my husband taking the faceoff,” she said with confidence. The arena was the loudest she’d ever heard. The rafters were shaking as everyone stomped their feet, screamed at the top of their lungs, and clapped loudly. Jen got caught up in the excitement, jumping up and down celebrating Ryne’s biggest goal of his career.

  And then she felt it— a stabbing pain. She clutched her abdomen and collapsed back into her chair. Jacques immediately noticed her sign of distress and caught her as she sat. “Honey, are you okay? Is it the baby?”

  Through clenched teeth she nodded her head. “Let me sit here a minute, okay. I’m sure it’s just a Braxton Hicks.” Clutching her hands against her belly, she watched the time tick down on the clock. Five…four…three…two…one…

  The cheers rang out and the Storm players gathered at center ice, out of control with excitement. They’d done it. Ryne had scored the game-winning goal with five seconds to remain in the game of his life. He’d won the Stanley Cup for his hometown team. When she looked back at the rink, the players had collapsed onto the ice. Ryne was at the center of their celebration.

  Next she felt Lauren’s arms surrounding her, cheering the Storm’s win. “Ah, did you just change alliances,” she quipped at her friend.

  “No, absolutely not,” she adamantly said. “I’m just happy for my friends.”

  Jen caught Lauren smiling wryly at her.

  The entire family was in celebration mode, high fiving and hugging each other. She leaned against the wall watching the fans
cheering their hometown team. Ryne was surrounded by reporters. He’d already thrown on a ball cap and a new t-shirt proclaiming they were Stanley Cup champions. She watched his interview on the television monitor in their box. The smile on his face shone brightly.

  “I haven’t seen him happier since your wedding. Look at that smile,” Jacklynne stated as she wrapped her arm around Jen. They continued their celebration in Jacques’ box and took in Ryne’s interview before the players headed off to the locker room. Ryne’s last words in his interview were priceless to her.

  “This is for you, Jen. I love you and can’t wait for the next chapter in our lives.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. She raised her hand to her lips to stave them off, but wasn’t successful. She turned to Jacklynne as a lone tear slid down her face. “He did it, Mom. His dream came true.”

  “That he did, honey. Now, let’s go congratulate the boys.”

  She reached for Jacklynne’s hand and was caught off guard again by a searing pain. She was sure it was just a Braxton Hicks as she’d overextended herself with excitement. She clenched Jacklynne’s hand, took a deep breath, and eased it out slowly.

  “Honey, are you okay? Shall we sit for a minute?”

  “I’m okay. Let’s get this reunion over with so we can go home. I think I need to lie down.”

  The entire family along with Lauren took a private elevator, and Jacques led them down a series of corridors to the locker room. She was ever thankful they arrived as quickly as they did. She didn’t want to put a damper on Ryne’s celebration, but she needed to get home.

  They’d waited for only a few moments when Ryne appeared. She opened her arms and he hugged her tightly. “You did it!”

  “Yeah, we did,” he said as he looked her squarely in the eye. As he ran his hand along her cheek, she knew he knew something was wrong.

  She leaned in and kissed him. “I’m so proud of you. Are you okay after that fall?”


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