Love: person without character; essential care and better evaluation.
Work/Finances: mistakes; need for legal support; danger.
Reversed: reconciliation; alert state; end of a cycle; perception of reality.
“Dogs, like men, are punished for their faithfulness.”
Françoise Chateaubriand
Keywords: loyalty, sincerity, integrity, strong connections, help, trust, follow a duty, be true to one’s principles, responsibility, esteem, instinct, trip, vacation, protection, security, pet.
In this card there’s a St. Bernard, a dog breed that is from the Swiss Alps, they are therefore trained as search animals during avalanche. They are dogs that have the reputation of being smart, apt to receive training as life-guards. Their motto is “noble, dedication and sacrifice”.
On the background of the picture there’s a mountain full of snow and a small town. The dog is sitting between a puddle of water or snow and a green landscape, demonstrating the rhythm of nature and of life, the promise and the improvement of projects and ideas that only with wisdom and patience can come true.
Love: integrity and fidelity, corresponding feelings, solid and honest relationship, reliable friendship.
Work/Finances: honest workplace relationships, projects that come true according to plan, duties, achieved obligations and responsibilities, certain amount of money retrieved, satisfaction towards finances.
Reversed: infidelity, lack of participation, irresponsibility, delays, a possible split in a relationship, aggressions, row, promises not granted and debts or uncontrolled expenses.
“Falseness has an infinity of combinations, but truth has only one mode of being.”
Keywords: prudence towards something or someone, dissimulation, misunderstandings, flattery, sudden changes, strong feelings.
In this card there’s a cat on a red piece of cloth. Red is the color of jealousy, envy and other powerful feelings. By being peaceful and sweet, the cat can hide its true self. Its claws, its dissimulation, its quick mood and attitude swing, the flexibility and agility that characterize this card which is about gossip and hidden agenda. Therefore, be careful with this disguised cat. In a way its scratches don’t hurt, but you should keep distance if you don’t want to get hurt.
It is always seen as a sweet and kind animal. The cat is always alert and about to strike. It characterizes people or situations that, in the beginning, seem extremely reliable, but hides a sly nature.
It is linked to the domestic life and to day-to-day routines from which soon we get tired and we find something different to do. It is also revealed in the love life, such as people that hit on our partners just to have fun with it and make us unhappy.
This person is gracious and sexy and it calls attention because he/she seems uninterested and indifferent, however, she/he hides his or her true self that can be selfish and cold. Due to his/her quick-thinking and because he/she seems very relaxed, it might not show us that this person hides something mean inside him/herself, but this card can also mean old or extinct feelings – or hidden that suddenly becomes reality.
Love: false partner, someone unreliable and smart, ephemeral interest, lack of love.
Work/Finances: people who have two personalities, misunderstandings, promises in vain, entrapment, take advantage, opportunity to make money.
Reversed: yes or no answers, end of a difficult period or situation, the perception of the end, betrayal, infidelity, mysterious behavior.
“Friendship is a sacred word, it is a holy thing. It never occurs except between honorable people…It maintains itself not so much by means of good turns as by a good life.”
Étienne de La Boétie
Keywords: honesty, trust, advice, help, appreciation, friendship, sincerity, inner peace, hear and be heard, self-help, help and let yourself be helped.
A very well dressed lady seems to come to visit. She’s holding a bunch of flowers which means support, trust and the attention when listening. The flowers represent not only fringe benefit, good will but also victory, a deserved award. All in all good premonition and accomplishments.
Her happy and serene structures, her inclined posture, the color blue in her dress, all these convey that someone or something is coming to help, to give support. It is announcing positive aspects towards the consultant.
There’s also the possibility of having events such as friends gatherings, good assistance, the company of friends.
Love: trust, compassion, balanced and healthy love affair, love is based much more on trust and friendship.
Work/Finances: receive good advice in this area, good input from a colleague, circle of friends from work, receive a good job opportunity, victories, receive a reward, recognition.
Reversed: unfaithful friendship, unworthy of friendship, friendship based on personal interests, friendship loss, hostile environment. Isolation, deal with a problem by yourself, inadequate insinuations.
“Frivolities captivate rash souls.”
Keyword: ephemeral joy, shallowness, serenity, positivity, immaturity, nonchalance, creativity, tenderness, rebirth, dead souls, hope, inconstancy, trips, transformation.
In this card we see a beautiful butterfly in its fullness of life landing on a flower. The landscape is the typical spring or summer afternoon, such moments that Mother Earth glows the most. The green and alive vegetation shows us the idea of balance, creativity and immutable life cycles.
The butterfly is a symbol that we can extract many interpretations from. Firstly for its lightness, because it hops and soars from one flower to another, it translates a shallow behavior, and an irresponsible one which underestimates the level of each situation.
Secondly it is a messenger from the soul and from the dead. In many traditions, the butterflies are the dead’s souls that come under this shape to show the exact moment the soul leaves the body.
Ultimately, the butterflies are the symbol of the transformation, a significant change in cycle, so pay a lot of attention, have patience, and do not take unthinkable or negligent actions.
Love: wonderful and intense moments, even if ephemeris, the famous “summer fling”. Immature feelings, the young love not yet tested by life force, we can question it whether it’s true or not.
Work/Finances: do not value your activities too much, changes, trips, inconstancy in your job, fast income and fast waste of money.
Reversed: lack of transformation, disappointment, infidelity, warning, something gets to its end, maybe a shallow or irresponsible behavior, a period of nonchalance.
“Envy gets secretly irritated, tough as an enemy.”
Publilius Syrus
Keywords: enemy, gossip, row, rival, action to be consummated, betrayal, evil, suspicion, hypocrisy, diffidence.
It can be seen in this card, a woman with a red scarf by the door of a shop with the expression of someone who wants to blend in. This card can be about a huge number of people. Friends, partners, family members, coworkers, girlfriends/boyfriends, and even a rival, since this card is about revenge, or someone who wants us to suffer.
The fact that the woman is by the door and the door is open, means that the action is about to be consummated. It gives the idea that someone let the door open or, maybe, we still haven’t realized this entrapment coming. However, if we’re smart there’s still time to stop it, we need to be alert. Time to be quiet, not talk about plans, not make everyone aware of out happiness. When love is concerned, it points at a rival, someone who plans against us, that wants what is ours.
In terms of work, it’s about a bad situation that we only realize when it’s too late. It’s better to stay away from people that intrigues or praises us out of interest that put themselves in the position of perfection or do everything perfectly.
When inverted, the card doesn’t go far from
its meaning. It shows that we can be victims of an evil person, someone who wants revenge, ready to cheat and cause us trouble, in any way possible.
The card will be positive if the ones around it show the end of a situation.
Love: rival, vengeful person, betrayal, separation.
Work/Finances: late perception, intrigue, adulation, cowardice, pretense.
Reversed: unscrupulous individual, difficulty in all areas, end of a situation.
“Fortune and love, favor the brave.”
Keywords: luck, wealth, success, destiny, divine providence, prosperity, big changes and opportunities.
It shows a beautiful lady floating in a self-assured way, however, her right foot is on a wheel. She is the goddess of fortune, Roman divinity of destiny, luck (good or bad), the personification of good or bad luck that manifests on people and on things in this world. It is capable of governing our destiny when she spins the wheel under her feet.
Such image is also the blind force of the unexpected in our existence, that’s why it is with its eyes closed illustrating that it distributes good and bad luck without preference. The image also shows its main characteristic which are the wheel and the cornucopia. From its cornucopia she drops many golden coins and money bills, which indicates the inflow of gifts as if wealth, material gains. In short, when accepting prosperity and dealing with material gains without arrogance, it leads to spiritual growth.
This card is the most beautiful and favorable from the Sibilla Della Zingara, once it’s capable of minimizing or even neutralize negative cards.
Even if the clouds in the image point to the existence of possible problems, they will be gotten over with due the possibility presented by it.
However, it’s worth it to be reminded that the female god is just blindfolded, she isn’t blind, therefore what seems now negative, in the future might be of great help. The contrary is also true, so we must enjoy it while luck smiles at us.
Love: beginning of an enriching relationship, of an affair, a reconciliation, a fortuitous encounter.
Work/Finances: favorable situation, conclusion of a business deal or a business transaction that is very positive, unexpected inheritance, win the lottery, professional promotion.
Reversed: a negative phase, only the cards around it will be able to indicate it. A static card like the Sickness for example, it shows a block or stagnation towards certain circumstances.
“Live everything intensely and treasure what you
feel as a gift from God.”
Paulo Coelho
Keywords: money, inheritance, financial gain, misunderstandings, emotional coldness, lack of love, caution required, material wealth, party moment, accumulation.
The card represents a bedroom with aristocratic and classic furniture. On one table, there’s a chest full of jewelry and precious objects and next to it, there’s a statue of the shape of a person with wings. Would it be Mercury? We still don’t know. The bedroom suggests a good taste even if a little old-fashioned.
At first sight, one can believe that the card deals with situations to do with receiving money, financial gain and inheritance. Therefore a sudden change in some kind of situation. It can mean, as well, the influence of someone powerful, inspite of leaving a chest full of jewelry open, lead us to recklessness.
The bedroom remains empty despite the wealth. If the cards around it show false friends or improper praise, it means lack of love and affection. Money might have been used to get something that it cannot buy. It might mean we are feeling as if deprived of love and spirituality and that the people around us are only there because the want something from us – be it financially or not.
This card shows a limit between material assets and the perception that we are being deceived. We should be even more attentive at this time.
When inverted, it shows money loss, the tendency to spend excessively, bad investments and carelessness.
In terms of love, it indicates a profound love, the joy between lovers and news, an engagement, a party.
At work, it suggests projects with good omens, success, a good time to increase profit.
Love: joy between lovers, parties, engagement or union.
Work/Finances: accomplishment and success, increase in profits, ambition or greed.
Reversed: blackmail, money loss, bad administration.
“I am not too bad, but in return, I am extraordinarily proud, and all my immense defects are that I myself have more fought in vain.”
Florbela Espanca
Keywords: pride, greed, arrogance, locks, competition, vanity, self-love, charm, mystery, ostentation, splendor, egocentricity, arts, beauty.
Bird of great beauty, the peacock was the iconic image chosen to represent pride, one of the seven deadly sins according to the Catholic conception. Displaying the exuberance of his tail in an arid environment, that is, poor allegories to express its main concept, as the figure of the bird landing on the tree branches - which symbolizes life, rebirth- devoid of their leaves enough to warn us of sterility, from the cold character of this feeling which is the pride.
Another very important element in this card is the wall that symbolizes limits, defines and protects a space because in a certain way the proud does not value the approach of another, does not understand and accept the meaning of the exchange and aid. To always want to prove their superiority over all, the proud remains closed in his own world.
Therefore, this card can also tell a lot about the character of a particular person, even the inquirer himself, referring to various defects or personality deviations and the problems caused by them.
Love: physical attraction that passion which goes beyond appearance; ego hurt, coldness and detachment; perfectionism, fear, conscious or unconscious of being unloved.
Work/Finances: competitions, struggles within enclosed spaces; the pursuit of professional rise as improvement in standard of living.
Reversed: in this position, this card is very delicate and requires a very accurate analysis of their position within the reading in relation to other cards. In a way, the negative aspects of it are minimized, that is, there is recognition of personal limits, the vanity satisfaction and recovers the humility.
“Hope, deceiving as it is, serves at least to lead us to the end of our
lives by an agreeable route.”
François de La Rochefoucauld
Keywords: nostalgia, spirituality, sorrow, the feeling of being left with no protection, intuition, on other shores, dreams, acute sensibility, oblivion.
In this card we find the representation of a famous painting called HOPE (1885), whose painter and sculptor is the English GEORGE FREDERIC WATTS from the Symbolist school. Actually, it is a piece that is part of a series of allegorical paintings from a decorative scheme called “House of Life”.
Traditionally the illustration of hope is an anchor, however in this painting, it seems that Watts wanted to be more original. So, there’s a lady (Hope) sitting on a globe, playing the harp whose strings are almost all broken. There’s only one string left. She lens on the instrument to better hear it, but it’s in vain.
The mist and the clouds that surround the globe, give to the atmosphere a shade of sadness.
It is believed that this painting is the authentic representation of the desolation spirit that the after was in because his daughter Blanche had passed away when she was only one year old.
Despite its melancholy sense, the painting was well accepted by the public.
All in all this card’s message is that when everything seems lost, there is still a reason to go after happiness, as the popular old saying conveys “never give up” and “where there’s life, there’s hope.”
Love: disappointment in love, illusions, exaggerated idealization.
Work/Finances: critical circumstance due to some loss, it demands however stiffness and the convic
tion that there’s still the chance of change.
Reversed: circumstance in which the communication is difficult or postponed, the plans are affected. There’s, therefore, the feeling of frustration and sorrow. It can also show the end of something or the uncertainty towards a project that we had in mind.
“The most important thing isn’t where we leave, but most importantly, where the house lives within us”.
Mia Couto
Keywords: stability, power, family, ancestry, comfort, investment, passionate love, pain, prison or suffering, assets, security, the dark side of one’s personality, fear.
Sibilla Della Zingara Page 2