Sibilla Della Zingara

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by Sophie Loesch

  It shows a big solid house. It shows the power of money. It’s a family home in which have lived generations and generations. A house is where people get together, where people find a refuge, feel welcome and where people hide. It represents a place that can also be a workplace or somewhere to have fun at. Somewhere people get together to do something. Therefore this card tell us about where our goal and ideas are. At first it shows us stability, good relationship, a stable family life.

  It can also show the most hidden side of people, only known by ourselves. It’s a card that in a way gives the idea of something concealed since we can only see the outside of the house.

  In the love life aspect, it shows reconciliation, passionate love and also a certain comfort towards the present situation and the worry that something changes.

  When business or money is concerned, in general, it shows good business, investments and profit, however the cards around it need to be observed, since it can show a misinterpretation, the loos of an amount, as acquisition that won’t either be profitable or bring good luck.

  When inverted, it represents a painful place, a hospital, a prison, or another environment in which we feel stuck in or uncomfortable. It is also the contrary of what we wish for.

  Love: passion, reconciliation, marriage, good family relationship.

  Work/Finances: profit, good investments, friends’ gathering.

  Reversed: loss, fear, separations, instability, disease, unaccomplished dreams.


  “Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.”

  Faith Baldwin

  Keywords: trip, changes, arrival and/or departure, moving, news, the need of planning and goals, transition.

  The card show us a well-dresses man, a horse, he is probably undertaking a trip. Apart from indicating an actual trip, a tour, a change in position towards a situation or even a city or nation, or even some change in one’s life style can warn us of something that gets to us or something that leaves us. It reveals something that has got to its end or has changed direction. It also alerts us in terms of our plans, about the need to think very well about what we are about to do, to have goals and have a clear aim in our minds.

  The horse suggests strength, agility, intelligence and energy to follow the aimed goal. It’s a card that shows a process, an ongoing action.

  It also indicates the need to accept the paths in life, our evolution as a whole. Life is a great trip that we take a little each day.

  In terms of love, it shows us precaution in the case of separations. Something started and it won’t have a desirable end, something which we think about going back to, but it’s too late. A situation that is stalled. On the other hand, it can show someone coming towards the consultant, news from faraway, but it depends on the cards around it.

  In terms of work, it signs a promotion that doesn’t happen, a position that we want but it’s not given to us, a transition that is not completed and delays. It refers to a person that works with some kind of vehicle or activity related to trips, an action through distances.

  Love: separations, stagnation, news, love on the way.

  Work/Finances: professional activity connected to trips and distances.

  Reversed: situation or person that took another path, theft, isolation, fear of the new, resistance, inertia.


  “When we cannot find contentment in ourselves it is useless to seek it elsewhere.”

  François de la Rochefoucauld

  Keywords: satisfaction, success, recognition, hope, wishes that come true, strength and energy, cure, birth, passage rite, celebration, joy, gratitude, appreciation.

  A green park, it might be spring or summer, there are three young people: a boy and three girls, dancing in a circle, holding hands. When one look at the image, one can take the impression that a contentment energy let go of a certain dance in a kind of a fusion of elevated purposes.

  Three is the number of joy, the manifestation. The Mother Nature, in its moment of completeness, promises its strength and energy, the necessary resources to deal with the challenges that our existence imposes on us. On the other hand, when sharing joy to celebrate something, life becomes lighter and funnier.

  To sum up, it is a card that presages news, events or realizations in all life’s dimension.

  Love: reconciliation, seduction, nonchalant flirt, engagement or marriage, wedding anniversary, friendship, new sweethearts to come.

  Work/Finances: promotion, a happy work environment, however there’s the possibility of relegating work to a secondary role, transfer responsibilities, reasonable situation towards money – it could be better if it weren’t for the lack of realistic vision towards the economic situation; improvement of a certain situation.

  Reversed: deception, situations or circumstances that bring difficulty, uncertainty, anguish, lack of harmony, friendship and affection, denying serious aspects of life, of the reality; unregulated life, irresponsibility.


  “If you have something to say or a message to give, write a

  letter. A novel is to write a story.”

  Jorge Luis Borges

  Keywords: news, messages, receive emails, phone-calls, invites, documents, exchange information.

  At first glance one can think that the image is enough to convey its meaning. However, when one looks at it more closely, many valuable things to a good interpretation can be seen.

  Firstly, we don’t know who wrote the letter. Secondly, the domestic environment suggests that the substance will directly affect the consultant’s life even if it’s still hidden from us. Only the cards around it can give tips on such information.

  This letter is about a physical document – a paper sheet, a written letter – as well as information coming from modern means: SMS, phone, radio, TV etc.

  Love: a love message from the loved one, a greeting, receive an invitation, reconciliation news, be asked to exchange information, a chance meeting, a long gone love that gets in touch.

  Work/Finances: contracts, documents, publicity, a communication consultant, a job proposal, money income, good news, a gain opportunity.

  Reversed: message that doesn’t arrive or when it does it’s too late and it isn’t what you expected, fake documents, fines to be paid.


  “Be the richest man in the cemetery does not interest me. Go to bed at night saying we have done something wonderful

  that matters to me.”

  Steve Jobs

  Keywords: generous and reliable man, pleasant environment, the help of other, direction, courage, innovativeness, willpower, determination, financial or cultural power.

  The card shows a relatively young man entering the maturity, aware of their personal value, next to a horse. His clothes and his hat show that he is a noble and he looks at us face to face. This suggests openness and good heart, a person ready to give you his hand. Despite carrying a stick and a sword, you do not see wickedness or malice in him, they serve to defend him and to compose his illustrious figure at the same time expansive. You can say that he is a person who knows the pleasures of life in the sense of culture and some financial power, which uses wisely.

  Kindness, generosity and capacity to undertake characterize this figure, it can also show a spiritual protection or a protector who does not want to appear.

  The landscape denotes a peaceful situation in which our rights are respected and we feel free and safe; also can sketch the company of a superior man at some level, aware of issues of our interest or even a step further in an academic career.

  When this card appears, we can wait for favorable situations and help in we are in need.

  Love: honest man and good heart; balanced love; a person who is able to love; love interest to whom consult the cards; also certain ascendancy towards the partner.

  Work-Finances: an adviser, employee or employer who can guide us and help; influential person; person who can contribute financially in any project

  Reversed: rancorous person and without scruples; disappointment; slanders and persecution; person, probably male, profiteer and older; risk of injury; dissimulation.


  “Foe there’s merely bad luck in not being loved; there is

  misfortune in not loving.”

  Albert Camus

  Keywords: answered feelings and affection, fidelity, passion, appointments, decision, joy, new achievements, partnership and opportunities, reconciliation.

  We can clearly see in this card the image of a round angel holding a bow. He is the Cupid, the god of love, with its arrows in the quiver and one on the floor ready to be used. Above him there is a couple of doves gay and free, flirting and doing something to remind us of a kiss. There is something clear to us, love is about to start, or to be relived, but is needed to let it grow naturally.

  Next to the Cupid, we can see red flowers, maybe roses, showing sensuality and passion in all its manifestations, however, so they can gloom they need time, care and a lot of love.

  Love: a happy period of love ahead, emotional stability, a sudden awake for love, the beginning of or relive an existing relationship, sustainable feelings.

  Work/Finances: a new activity, work with important people, love relationship at work, charitable work, prostitutes, promising business, satisfactory economic activity.

  Reversed: end of a relationship, failure, separation, deception towards love, loneliness, unanswered feelings, taking long to decide, lose a change of reconciliation.


  “The man as he converses is the lover; silent, he is the husband.

  Honoré de Balzac

  Keywords: the consultant, important masculine figure, husband, brother, father, son-in-law, close friend, the one that is loved, that pursues, that seduces.

  In this card, there’s a young man, good-looking, elegantly dressed, who looks sweet and calm, playing his mandolin. It is an emblematic and historical figure of a troubadour and his ‘courteous love’, the kind of love that never says no to the loved one, and that has nothing impeding it of wishing her and desiring her.

  The lover is in front of the loved one’s house, his look is towards her porch. A door can be noticed and the left corner, which leads us to believe there’s an opening, a receptivity from the heart to love and be loved. His serenade will be welcomed or not?

  Love: emotional stability, a trustworthy person, good and serious intentions, one wishes to express his/her feelings and make his/her love dreams come true, even if you’re not sure that you’ll be loved in return or not.

  Work/Finances: brave and firm attitude determine changes and improvements in a general manner. Competency, objectivity, serious intentions, there are not big financial resources, however there is energy enough towards any enterprise.

  Reversed: two-faced people, cheater, personal interest behind compliments, delays, theft, insecurity, doubts.


  “There’s no more incurable ill than the one who doesn’t recognize your own illness.”

  Saint Augustine

  Keywords: reduction, pain, prostration, reflection.

  In this card, we can see a man lying down on a bed, with a cup of tea in a chest of drawers and next to him, what seems to be a bottle of medicine. A sick person or someone in a convalescent state, someone whose soul is ill, closed in in itself, within its pain or sorrow, it its mannerisms or traumas. It could be a boyfriend, husband or even a child. In this situation we can look at reality to see what isn’t there, bringing up mistakes to oneself or others. An uncomfortable situation, one that brings moral suffering, an apathy.

  In terms of love, it shows sorrow, jealousy, or even pain caused by injustice, relatives distancing themselves, hopelessness of a reunion, though with a small possibility. However, one doesn’t believe in that.

  In terms of work, the card suggests there’s more negativity coming from someone than an actual difficult situation.

  The reversed card is about the end of a situation, reestablishment of health or a state of things or a disease, or if the cards around it confirm it. Some sort of healing is on the way.

  Love: jealousy, moral suffering, injustice.

  Work/Finances: negativity, disbelief, uncertain future.

  Reversed: reestablishment of situations, cure and new era.


  “Melancholy is many times stronger than desire, but sometimes they marry.”

  Olivier Weber

  Keywords: desolation, sadness, abandonment, reflex ion, sorrow, end, interruptions or distances, embarrassment.

  This card shows a woman wearing a scarf sitting on a chair outdoors. On the background and on her right there’s a tree with a few leaves and some of them already on the floor. Her eyes are on the floor, which shows she might be wondering about something. The whole picture shows desolation and sadness. The leaves on the floor represent things that have either gone or are about to end, whereas the ones still on the tree show that they still exist.

  Situation in which the abandonment and sorrow are in evidence, moment of reflex ion upon the past, inner search of answers for life. It might reflect upon the end of a relationship or a business deal, end of a period in which we’re still connected and hurt. The death of someone or a situation that was expensive to us, a job, an interruption of a friendship, a circumstance that was beneficial.

  If the former card shows a rupture, then the sadness can indicate that a difficult time is coming to an end.

  In terms of love, it shows unhappiness, sorrow and marriage without love or a separation, something that has been undone or has caused us a lot of sadness.

  At work, the card is about interrupted situations, maybe a restart after a bankruptcy, a situation in which it is necessary to reshuffle people or fire them.

  Love: marriage without love, death or separation, divorce, convenience marriage or sexual interest.

  Work/Finances: loss, renovation, compliance, bankruptcy, balance.

  Reversed: restart, irreversible separation, competition.


  “No nation was ever ruined by trade.”

  Benjamin Franklin

  Keywords: maturity, reflection, negotiations; trade, who knows a lot of life; person with good communication; ambition; new possibilities; money coming; unexpected situation regarding the results.

  A mature man, though still young, standing, looking thoughtfully at a ship to a ship approaching by sea. Around him, boxes and other utensils give us the idea that something will be sold, bought or exchanged. His clothes takes us back to the Middle East people, that is, the card from a merchant. A man who knows the secrets of the market, a person who knows how to convince others, which makes the trade, whatever it is, his life. He waits at the port for a ship arriving. A man who knows the right time to act.

  The card suggests someone skilled in negotiations, perhaps to speak several languages, who knows many people who are accustomed to travel. Its meaning is in accordance with the cards around, but hardly suggests a lack of character.

  In love, indicates the possibility of resolving problems through dialogue and settlement of issues so that everyone feels satisfied. It presents union with person away, perhaps out of the country with another culture and who may be older than the person who consults the cards. Need for mutual understanding.

  At work, suggests negotiation or association with people from afar, that can add value or exchange useful information. Likewise, can mean business buying and selling with profits, deal with individual public and influential, international travel.

  The inverted card shows broken agreements, dissatisfaction, person without firmness of ideas and attitudes. Also points disappointment, frustration with something or someone, a situation that was not expected. Union and association based on interests.

  Love: agreements and dialogues, person from afar and or older; advantages.

  Work/Finances: Business and people from afar; new functions, travel related to the h
eld position.

  Reversed: dissatisfaction; broken agreements, disappointment; association for interest; weak person; arrogance; person who thinks himself the best and wisest.


  “The two most difficult love letters to write are the first one and the last one.”

  Francesco Petrarca

  Keywords: messages, news, communication, official notification, court clerk, clarification, foreshadowing an event or meeting of great importance.

  The old figure of a postman in the street of stones to deliver the mail for a woman whose costumes refer to the past century. The sun is shining and there is no one to be seen. The street is clean and constructions are solid. In short, the urban environment, the place of multidimensional coexistence of the modern world.


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