Love: happy reunion, union, news from far away, new love, disappointment.
Work/Finances: receiving an answer, the end to a waiting moment, financial stability.
Reversed: something that doesn’t come true, disbelief and hopelessness, the end to a waiting moment.
“A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.”
André Maurois
Keywords: wedding, engagement, passage rites, union, beginning of something, achievement of business contracts and deals, wedding night, promise, loyalty.
Some can even argue ‘what a strange name to a card that is related to the wedding topic’.
The answer lies on the fact that Hymen, Apolo’s son, is the god of wedding ceremonies, parties and inspirational songs. Hymen is also a Greek lyric poetry’s gender sung during the bride’s procession to the groom’s house with the objective to plead god’s favors from haven.
The card shows a rough representation and a fragment of the picture “The Virgen’s Wedding”, from the renaissance Italian artist Rafael Sanzio, from 1504. The real piece of art represent Virgin Mary’s marriage to joseph and it’s in the Pinacoteca de Brera, in Milan. From the real painting, only the wedding scene with the priest was taken. Mary is on the left and Joseph on the right, and the big Jerusalem temple is on the background.
The virgin, dressed in blue and red, refers, respectively to her virginity and passion, Joseph, dressed in green and golden and holding a stick in his left hand, referring respectively, vitality, renovation, the fullness of a new era with the arrival of the Master, as well as its elevated and noble vibration, its authority power and mainly its quality of its fertility.
This card is fully good, it’s always announcing or reassuring a favorable answer to the consultant.
Love: marriage, declaration of love, answered love, cohabitation, to be prepared and conscious and aware to try sharing a life with somebody else.
Work/Finances: enterprise, it is the right moment to try out a new project, sign contracts, take on responsibilities, cash income and outcome, family business.
Reversed: misfortune, something that hasn’t come true, break-up of a relationship, engagement, divorce; frigidity, sexual impotence, impatience, just a fling, or even the sudden uninterested or paralyzation in all senses.
“The absence of love in our lives is what makes it appears coarse and
poorly finished.”
Ingrid Bengis
Keywords: loneliness, mourning, sadness, memories of the past, abandonment, departures, separations.
We observe a mature man, but not old, in a cemetery, standing in front of a tomb, where there is a cross. He puts something on the grave, probably flowers. His look is sad and his posture of grief. Dressed formally and bring a hat in his hands, symbol of a comfortable financial condition. On our right we see a part of another tomb, which visually reminds us of the number one. This seems to indicate that his biggest problem at the moment is not to prevent suffering, because he cannot do it, but understand why he suffers.
The card is a situation of abandonment and grief. A time of transition between what was common and a new situation. A mourning period for something that has gone, whether person, condition or event.
The card of the widower can be seen in different ways: a grieving person for a physical death or consternation for something, feeling lonely and adrift. It can also show the loved one, but suffering for something that happened among you (in case the person reading the cards) and that time is powerless to change the circumstances.
An association with this person seems to bring sorrow and suffering, because that is the way that person is now; or demonstrate that who consults the cards will be abandoned by a loved one somehow. Still, it can reveal the sudden and painful loss of a situation that seemed long and fruitful and, suddenly, is modified or terminates and leaves us uncertain as to which way to go on from there.
The cross on the grave may indicate the religion of that person or circumstance and faith in the future; the search for a consolation or a way to show you the direction.
Love: widower or widow; the beloved; painful event bringing disunity; separation; changing situation.
Work/Finances: dissolution or separation, perhaps the loss of a job or money; a situation that cannot be modified by the person who consults the cards.
Reversed: its meaning depends heavily on being accompanied by other favorable cards or not; negative event; death; chaos and confusion in many areas of life.
“Of all the home remedies, a good wife is the best.”
Elbert Hubbard
Keywords: trust, loyalty, generosity, wisdom, an honest and reliable woman, good ideas, calm and happy family events, news from far away.
A woman comfortably sitting with a girl on her lap. Her face looks lovely and relaxed. It is a married woman in her domestic life, or the representation of the Wisdom itself. It can also illustrate a person who can be trusted, family values, stability, life smoothness, or a situation without many conflicts and inconveniences. A business in direct progress.
In terms of love, if the person consulting the cards are male, it can mean that the chosen one will be a good companion and have good will. A person who understands her role as a wife and mother, tough on her opinions, loving and generous. This encounter will happen will happen quickly. She might be a foreigner that comes from far way, or her thoughts can be far away. It also shows a colleague or a passionate lover who is hot-headed in terms of sex.
In business, it may show an honest and open-minded person to deal with finances, someone who is organized and is aware of he/she needs to do. However, it can be someone who’s introvert, has not many friends and strict. This person can be very successful at work, but doesn’t have a good social life, he/she finds it difficult to make friends at work which makes people suspicious and intolerant.
In general it refers to a calm situation and to good perspectives towards the future.
Love: marriage to some who has a good character, a brave woman, a good mother, affection at home, calm and hot love life.
Work/Finances: efficient and trustworthy employee, someone who’s studious and has an organized mind.
Reversed: casual affairs, woman who is uninterested in fixed schedules, no moral, distancing, divorce, change in way of thinking, isolation.
Young Woman
“You are adorable, mademoiselle. I study your feet with the microscope and your soul with the telescope.”
Victor Hugo
Keywords: young lady, beginning, maturity need, growth, enthusiasm, insecurity, creativity, beauty.
A young lady on the edge of her youth, dressed in her best outfits. There’s on the background a garden and a fountain.
It can either represent a real young lady, beautiful, a little giddy and unworried about a situation that starts now, something light that will bring us joy. The water from fountain reminds us of the continuous flow of life, the inner strength and the garden suggests beauty, clarity, simple thoughts. Her youth can suggest the precocity of a situation, the immaturity of a project, the need to mature something inside us, around us in our environment.
In terms of love, it might one that starts, the beginning of a relationship, the joy in a new one, something beautiful that we’ve found in life, the ingenuity of the first love, the discovery of sexuality.
In terms of work, it may suggest a new activity or professional position, but it can also show that something we believed to be very simple, really isn’t. It can also represent a new place in an academic career. We not yet be prepared for what we wish for. It can eventually suggest ups and downs, emotional or in terms of certain situations, the lack of a concrete objective.
Love: woman, daughter or sister, sweet or gentile, a new relationship, first love, the discovery of sexuality.
Work/Finances: the beginning of a new activity, the need to learn something new, a new acad
emic graduation.
Reversed: immaturity, precocity, anticipation, insecurity, fake appearances, person with no objective in life.
Deal with an oracle is very serious, because you are dealing with Energy, with the mind, with people and the choices that formed their Destiny, and even the Magic, which is nothing more nor less than the power we have to transform our lives according to the guidance that the symbols of the cards come to our unconscious. So, be ethical, work with good humor, feel free and provide the inquirer a cozy and confidant atmosphere, a discrete space where he can speak freely about everything that is important to him.
It is important to direct the life in search of a destination better and better!
Then, I wish you great 'insights', wisdom, and inspiration all the time!
Sophie Loesch
CHEVALIER, Jean,GHEERBRANT, Alain. Dictionnaire des symboles. Paris: Robert Laffont/Jupiter, 1982.
Madame Esther, Leggere le carte–cartomanzia pratica per tutti. Firenze–Milano: Giunti, 2008.
Madame Sheila, L’Oracolo Della Vera Sibilla.Roma: Hermes Edizioni, 1999.
NEGRI, Mirko; Sibille–Cosa sono e come si leggono. Milano: Anima Edizioni, 2013.
Sibilla Della Zingara Page 6