Love: arrogance, crises, solving problems through a dialogue.
Work/Finances: advisor or a specialist in his/her area, wise person, good financial situation, the need to organize him/herself financially.
Reversed: lack of preparation, difficulty in communication, delays, ambitious person, bad character, intrigue.
“To give real service you must add something which cannot be brought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”
Donald A. Adams
Keywords: dedicated person, trust, career, secretary, servant girl, person of good will.
A woman dressed in uniform, possibly a maid or someone who works as a cleaner of a business place. She’s carrying a tray full of certain items. The place is clean and she resembles someone who is confident of what she’s doing. This card represents a person that takes care of us, or our houses or our business. A kind and trustworthy person. It illustrates either a maid, a secretary or an employee in a company. This person is someone we pay for his/her services and we should pay attention to how much this person’s work matches how much he/she earns.
It's also about a situation where certain things will come to us. We’ll be served in a way, but so it happens, we need to have someone loyal by our side.
In terms of love it shows a gracious person, probably a woman, friend or lover, someone who cares for us and wishes us all the best. This card is about love in general, from friends and family much more than it in a sexual way.
In terms of work it suggests that money might not be abundant at the moment, but it’s enough for our needs. The job is something the person is able to do, it’s full of details and responsibilities, it is done by a reliable person and the person’s performance is crucial to a certain group or sector.
When inverted this card illustrates a lazy employee, someone who’s only interested in gaining, or our ill will towards something. When this card appears, it always reminds us of some discomfort, a situation badly resolved, some gossip, or even a legal action, an immature person.
Love: caring and loving woman, brotherly love, care.
Work/Finances: restrained money, person who’s capable to perform the job, a conscientious person.
Reversed: lazy employee, uncomfortable situation, gossip, immaturity.
“Easy is a word to describe the work of others.”
Jason Fried
Keywords: faithful person, attentive employee, self-interested person, someone who provides us a favor, false humility.
The card shows a servant or steward, with a top hat in hand, opening the door of a carriage. He does it with slightly bowed head, in a sign of respect or subjugation, we can understand that can relate both to a person who we are grateful, so he provides us a favor; as a person who is at our service. The card seems to indicate, at the same time, a faithful friend, one helpful person, someone who can lead us to something or someone, or an employee, someone who makes us something for obligation or compensation. If the cards around are favorable, indicates a person who loves us, a loving boyfriend, an employee dedicated to us.
In love, both can indicate a person who truly loves us, as someone who acts with ulterior motives; or a secret love that we have no knowledge; an adulterous relationship; or a feeling that you should not totally rely on someone.
At work, suggests that we should be careful with contracts and document signatures, not everything is as it seems and nothing better than caution in those moments. Reliable person who cannot have good character and may be pretending to be attentive. Also indicates an activity practice, person with experience and aware of his task, perhaps a man already mature.
The inverted card shows a clearly false man who, in front of us, praise us, but at the back betrays us. Duplicity; empty promises; false appearances; someone whose interest is in what we can give, not what we truly are.
Love: deceit; betrayals; hidden situations.
Work/Finances: work practice, experienced person; pretense; caution; distrust; coup.
Reversed: betrayal; uncertain situation: financial interest; person of doubtful character; trickster person.
“A sigh is one not given kiss.” Anonymous
Keywords: waiting, expectancy, chance, dreams, dissatisfaction, detachment, renewal, need to let life flow.
This card, we see a well-dressed woman, outdoor, leaning against a pillar and his gaze is lost at sea and ship in the background and a red rose was thrown to his feet. Would she be thinking about who she was or who would she come to be? Feel the sadness of loss or is lost in the anxiety to come? It can be all these hypotheses, more basically a waiting or dissatisfaction. Sighs speak of thoughts, emotions, dreams and expectations of someone with deep and true feelings.
In love indicates the feeling of someone who loves with all heart, who feels. Also, can be a great and sincere affection between friends, maybe we wait the return of a person who is too much esteemed. Or even the desire to live something exciting, a romance that takes us out of the ground, adventures and the wear with the day by day may seem dull. A person who loves us ' by distance', without courage to reach us. Also, someone who goes and leaves miss the end of a relationship.
In the area of work may indicate impatience in relation to any business, the remorse corroding us, the expectation of a test. Likewise, shows dissatisfaction with the work done, a person who is only physically present or is not willing to take responsibility. Need to take the same to perform good deeds.
The sense of inverted card will vary depending on those around you, and may show that an expectation came to an end, because the expected object is finally with us; or a situation has come true; or that there is no longer this expectation, either for lack of interest or for some other reason.
Love: true love, affection between friends, desire for adventure.
Work/Finances: impatience, dissatisfaction, desire for freedom, lack of will and responsibility.
Reversed: the end of a waiting, concretized situation, withdrawal, disappointment, change of plans.
"A military commander must attack where the enemy is unprepared and must use that path which for the enemy, are unexpected ..." Sun Tzu
Keywords: authority, justice, protection, virility, duty, courage, conquest, determination, self-confidence, self-affirmation, fight, effort, caution.
In a card whose meaning is quite wide and the interpretation in a given reading depends on the surrounding cards.
A young soldier, standing, holds firmly and imposing his bayonet. He is the sentry responsible to guard the barracks and the fortress that is in the background, with the Italian flag waving in the wind.
Besides being an authority figure such as a policeman, justice agent and even a judge, or someone who uses a uniform like (e.g., a physician), this card also concerns the fact that in certain circumstances of life when it comes to win something or protect our domain, we must arm ourselves in every way, be prepared for some battles with courage, confidence and determination.
Love: even if the feelings are authentic and complete, you need to win the trust. Jealousy and demands.
Work/Finances: competition, fights and confrontations that require a lot of effort and energy; fight for a 'place in the sun'; receive help in some financial difficulty, appeal to any authority.
Reversed: weakness; lack of protection, confidence in himself, betrayal, clashes, oppression, verbal or physical abuse, usurpation, losses and hostility.
“Those who have never experienced sorrow will never meet joy.”
Khalil Gibran
Keywords: unpleasant news, excessive concern, anxiety, painful situation, deception, loneliness, unhappiness.
A lady is the only character of this card. It’s a lot visible that the reason for her prostration is the arrival of a letter and the message that it brings. What would it be: the end of a relationship? The news of the death of a loving re
lative? How does she feel? Betrayed? Humiliated? Offended?
Right in front of her, there’s a bunch of roses, with its red and green very alive, it signals that there’s still hope, there’s still the promise of a spiritual cure, which transforms this experience into an element of some sort of growth to the soul.
Obviously, this is not a simple interpretation card, so during a certain reading it can only be determined the level of negativity of the card according to the cards around it.
Love: the request for a divorce or a separation, discovery of a betrayal, repressed feelings, loneliness, existential emptiness, emotional stress.
Work/Finances: contract denial, resignation, contract dissolution, preoccupation, bullying, no professional growth, the awaited promotion doesn’t happen, bankruptcy, money loss.
Reversed: this position, the gravity of the situation is diminished, the difficult situation is almost over, almost the end of the obstacles.
“Our lives are made up of a series of moments. There will also be big moments. Life changing ones.”
Bob Marley
Keywords: unexpected surprise, deserved reward, gift, satisfaction, the realization of a dream or a wish, solution, wealth, prestige, victories, opportunity, discovery of gifts.
A young man by the lake throws his net and something happens! The specialists say that fishing is a form of art and its success relies on the fisherman’s experience, his patience and also luck.
Thus, this card shows the obtained reward after certain effort, however what came was a lot more than expected.
The man has a happy and tired face because he really worked and was successful, he knew how to wait and consequently he had a better result than what he had expected. This is the big difference between this card and the FORTUNE one. The reward was not a gift, it was worked for.
To sum up, this card is about this card is about certain events or circumstances and even some people that make changes and initiatives possible and, in a way, they’ll influence positively the future of the consultant.
Love: luck in your love-life, a request to date or a marriage proposal, the awake of certain feelings, the beginning of a passion, receive valuable gifts, crucial meetings.
Work/Finances: well-paid job, success in exams and business, meet deadlines, receive more than expected, be rewarded, an unexpected inheritance, reaching solutions.
Reversed: it doesn’t tend to be very negative. When surrounded by positive cards, it means a period of bad luck, postponed fortuitous events, exaggerated consumerism, greed, waste, reckless luxury, consider money as something negative, do not allow abundance happen in your life.
“Those who see the sun in the eyes of a lover, read the scars from her red painted lips and from her wave-shaped hips, those people can see much more than most.”
Pascal Jardin
Keywords: the one who is loved, consultant, sister, a female friend, nostalgia, health, acute sensibility.
Right in the middle of this card there is a beautiful young lady in a garden, the private sphere that is only familiar to and accessible to some people within a specific inhabitation. It is a lush environment which gives off the spring’s bloom and exuberance.
She is elegantly dressed and has an engaging way. Her right hand holds what seems to be a letter or a note which she’s reading in a pompous way. To her left, there’s a rosebush and her shawl or red cape symbolize passion, desire declaration, the will to be loved.
This is a card that normally refers to romantic matters, when loved back, the emotion dominates the reason. It’s a period of pure fascination and tenderness.
Love: when in conjunction with cards which are related to the romantic topic, it can suggest a very close marriage proposal, intimate happiness, someone who hides his/her feelings or affection.
Work/Finances: have to depend on someone financially, it’s advisable not to spend money unnecessarily, and to change the financial management, look for solutions.
Reversed: next to or crossed with negative cards, it shows intrigue, mistake, falsehood, sorrow, deception and frustration.
"A small thief is put in jail. A great villain becomes the ruler of a
Chuang Tzu
Keywords: theft, external threat, oversights, blow, unpleasant surprise, inattention, infidelity, rivalry, crime, dishonesty, distrust.
The card presents a relatively young man, entering, it seems, of hidden and silently way through an open window. The room appears to belong to a place where there is relative prosperity. At first glance, it is believed to be a thief, it is possible to ask "in what area of our life we are leaving the window open?”, in what are we being stolen ? Would it be our money, our energy, our intelligence?”; or “ what is being done in secret?”; “What, in our life, cannot be seen?”. It can also literally indicate the danger of one assault, robbery or a hit on our business. Anyway, it shows that we are inattentive and too open in some aspect of our life.
In love, may indicate rivals, people who want to "steal" our partner or that this partner has another relationship.
At work, advises caution with theft, with people who make himself humble, contracts that can hide unclear terms.
The inverted card speaks of dishonest actions, theft, bad news; lack of loyalty; someone still wanting to steal something that is dear to us; bad faith and ulterior motives.
In every way, the card alert us to something that can be taken from us and we may have not realized.
Love: betrayal, traps, falsehood.
Work/Finances: dishonest actions, disloyalty, blow, care of people who like to go unnoticed.
Reversed: theft; bad faith, ulterior motives, loss of something that is dear to us.
"The best way to improve the standard of living is improving the standard of thought."
U. S. Andersen
Keywords: reflection; meditation; study; investigation; spiritual and mystical matters; wisdom; concentration; inspiration; plans or strategies; prudence.
The image of the card gives us a man appearing to have an old age sitting at his desk in body posture and gestures that express the act of thinking about intellectual matters. His costumes remind us of a Roman magistrate. On the table, an incensory on fire, it may be burning herbs that somehow provide mental clarity and sharpen the psyche, as well as basil, caraway, mint. We can still see, on the surface a skull (death, transformation), an hourglass (time) and an open scroll. Whatever the content of this manuscript, the face of the man confesses something left him quite worried and thoughtful.
Love: to reflect about what is considered important in the relationship; thinking of turning the friendship into love; develop strategies to attract; draw the attention of the loved one; enlivening an already existing relationship.
Work/Finances: intellectual work, studies that have a major influence on the professional career; consider a job offer; develop strategies and plans to solve a financial issue; review ideas and projects to make them efficient and profitable.
Reversed: negative thoughts, concern, delays, brainwash, inability to reflect, to study; rise spiritually.
“One must always hope when one is desperate, and doubt when
one hopes.”
Gustave Flaubert
Keywords: expectation, hope, new situations, quick happenings, patience, jobs or news from far way, encounter, arrival, the analyses of facts.
There’s a young lady leaning on a wall with a dreamy expression. There are roses on the wall and the sky is blue and the clouds are white. Everything in this card illustrates waiting, the wait for something that might be wished for, the expectation we nourish for some situation. A union, a new job, a situation. It can also mean a person that is anxious, nervous towards a situation. As roses are mutable, it means that these things won’t take long to happen.
When love is concerned, we see that this card
means reconciliation.
A reunion with a person that is far way, the news that will cause us joy or even a new love. However, be careful with your illusions, not everything we see when we’re far is the same as when we’re close.
At work it is about answers, it might mean about a job, a proposal made to someone, waited money etc. In a way it is a card that announces good news, a certain financial stability.
When inverted it illustrates hopelessness, something expected that doesn’t happen, waiting for something that doesn’t happen. It tells us that we shouldn’t wait and that everything is in vain and that we should decide on a different behavior and direction. If, however, the cards around it are positive, we can believe that this card shows an end to something we’ve been waiting for.
Sibilla Della Zingara Page 5