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Boystown Season Five

Page 6

by Jake Biondi

  “No!” David cried loudly, trying to take Tyler’s body into his arms. “No...”

  One of the paramedics attempted to help David stand up, but he refused to let go of his brother’s body, cradling it in his arm gently.

  “Sir, we have to get you into a chopper,” the paramedic explained.

  David just held his brother in silence as rain began to fall from the sky.

  After a moment, the paramedic persisted. “Sir, you really must come with me.” He firmly helped David up from the ground and escorted him back to the rescue area. Reluctantly, David left Tyler behind.

  Upon returning to the crash site, David saw Gino arguing with one of the copter pilots.

  “I’m not going back without my brother! We have to find Marco!”

  Justin tried to calm Gino. “They will, they will.”

  “I can stay and help them search.”

  “They have a lot of people here to search. They’ll find him.” Justin ushered Gino into the helicopter as the rain increased in intensity. “Let’s go.”

  Gino did as Justin instructed and the pilot gave Justin a nod of thanks. Then Justin boarded the chopper as well.

  As Emmett was getting into another copter, he saw David approaching. Without hesitating, Emmett rushed over to him and embraced him warmly. David burst into tears again, as Emmett helped him into the helicopter.

  One by one, the choppers rose into the sky, their dark silhouettes blending into the horizon along with the smoke from the wreckage. As they headed toward San Francisco, they became smaller and smaller against the sky, their flashing lights and the flashes from the lightning blending together. Sometimes there is little comfort to be found in life’s plan.

  Episode #43

  Making sense of seemingly senseless situations can bring people together or tear them apart. That’s exactly what Michael Martinez was discovering as he stood in the motel parking lot, the flashing lights atop several police cars illuminating the area with blue and red.

  Two paramedics carried Ben Donovan’s body, already wrapped in a body bag, from the motel room to the ambulance, while other police officers continued to snap photographs of the room and carefully collect evidence.

  Michael walked over to an officer who was standing nearby questioning the maid who first found Ben’s bloody body. Noticeably upset, she was trying to respond to the officer’s questions between her sighs and sobs.

  Michael gestured to the officer to wrap up the interrogation and walked back to his car. Leaning against the hood of the squad car, Michael shook his head. He watched two of his men place police tape over the door and window of Ben’s motel room.

  “Commander, here you go,” an officer said to Michael as he handed him an evidence bag filled with some items collected from the room.

  Michael examined the items. “Ben Donovan.” Michael shook his head again. “How does someone die twice?”


  “Never mind,” Michael declared.

  The officer handed him another small bag. “We also found this buried in the carpet. It looks like an earring in the shape of a ‘C.’”

  Michael examined the earring closely.

  The officer added, “With the way they sometimes clean these rooms -- or don’t -- that thing could have been in the carpeting for a very long time. Months maybe.”

  “Get back to the station and get the photos uploaded. We’ll see what the autopsy and ballistics reports have to say.” Michael paused. “And I’ll figure out how to tell Jacqueline Morgan that her husband has died...again.”

  At the same time in California, Gino Ciancio and his half-brother David Young, now David Ciancio, were talking in the library of the enormous Ciancio mansion. Both dressed in t-shirts and sweatpants, they lounged on two large leather sofas near the warm flames dancing in the fireplace. Each man had visible cuts from the crash on his forehead.

  “You did a great job at the press conference this morning,” David said, looking up from the fashion magazine resting in his lap. Cole O’Brien was featured on the cover. “It had to be hard for you.”

  “I heard myself saying the words as if they were coming from someone else,” Gino replied. “It’s surreal. But I had to reassure our employees and customers all over the world that business will continue as usual as I take over the company.”

  “We’ll all get through this together,” David declared.

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I feel so underdressed,” David joked, looking around the ornate room. “I’m not sure I could have grown up in a palace like this.”

  Gino smiled as he sipped his brandy. “You get used to it, especially when you don’t know anything else.”

  “It’s nice that you’re letting everyone stay here for the funerals. And we all appreciate you having your shopper get us some clothes to wear.”

  “First of all, this is your home now, too,” Gino explained. “You need to get used to that. You’re a Ciancio now. Besides, everyone was going to be here for the weddings, so the staff was prepared for guests.”

  David looked around the room at the huge bookshelves, the large windows, and the ornate tapestries on the walls. “I think this is all more Tyler’s style than mine. He would really have loved staying here.”

  “You said one of the last things he told you was that he wanted to be buried here as a Ciancio and that he wanted you to take the family name as well. We are honoring his wishes.”

  “You talked to Vince Provenzano?”

  “This morning. Everything has been taken care of and you are both legally Ciancios. He took care of it personally.” Gino sipped his drink again. “Of course, you’re going to have to change a lot of things when you get back to Chicago -- driver’s license, things like that. But he has all the documentation to make it easier.”

  “Thank you,” David said, reaching forward to grab his beer from the coffee table in front of him. “I can’t believe he’s gone.”

  “I know,” Gino agreed. “I think we’re all in shock.”

  “Have you heard anything about Marco?”

  “The authorities are still searching the area for his body. And my private team is out there, too. But if he went over that cliff, his body may have been washed away by the river.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sure the waiting is killing you.”

  “My mind’s been all over the place. With my father and Tyler and Marco. And the responsibilities of the company.” Gino sipped his drink. “This was supposed to be my wedding -- and I’m writing a eulogy instead.”

  “I know. Believe me, I’m suffering, too.”

  “We all are,” Gino agreed. “Thank God for Justin. He’s been my rock these past few days.”

  “He loves you very much.”

  “And what about you? You’re gorgeous and compassionate and bright and employed. And a Ciancio now, too. Surely, there’s some man in your life or that you have your eye on.”

  David chuckled and held up the magazine with Cole’s photo on the cover. “There was. I kind of blew it, though.” David took a swig of his beer. “Besides, Cole’s heart was always with Derek, never really with me.”

  “It’s my understanding that their relationship has been a complicated one. I’ve only recently gotten to know Cole now that he’s the face of our Cio clothing line,” Gino explained. “But I will say this -- it’s his loss. You’re a great guy. And I believe there’s someone even better waiting out there for you.”

  David gently tossed the magazine onto the coffee table. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “We’re brothers and after all that we have lost in the past few days, it’s important that we value what’s truly important. Relationships, family...”

  There was a soft knock on the library door and then Justin Mancini, dressed as casually as the others in the room, entered.

  “Hey guys,” Justin said.

  “Come on in,” Gino said, gesturing for Justin to sit on the sofa next to him.

  “I j
ust spoke to Bella and she said everything is under control. Joyelle’s room is ready for her arrival and the florists just left. The flowers for the funeral are gorgeous.” Justin poured himself a drink at the bar and then sat down beside Gino.

  “They should be wedding flowers instead,” Gino mumbled.

  “They will day soon,” Justin said, kissing Gino on the cheek. “It’s just a delay. Oh, and the kitchen is preparing some food for us as well.”

  “How’s everyone else doing?” Gino asked.

  “They’re fine. Chadwick just arrived and is getting situated in his guest room. I think Emmett and Derek are coming down for a drink, but Max is heading back to Chicago.”

  David seemed surprised. “He’s not staying for the funerals?”

  “Jacqueline had her baby the other night, a daughter, and I guess she’s very sick. I’m sure Emmett will explain when he gets down here,” Justin said. “Oh, and Michael called. He’s involved in the investigation into the plane crash so he wanted to ask me a few questions. I’m sure he’ll be in touch with each of you as well. He sends his condolences, of course.”

  “Do they have any leads?” Gino asked.

  “None that he mentioned, but he seemed confident they’d get to the bottom of it. I’m sure it’ll just take time.”

  Outside the library in the main hallway of the mansion, Emmett Mancini and Max Taylor were walking down the two-level, twisting staircase toward the home’s front entrance.

  “I wish you could stay for the funerals,” Emmett said.

  “I’d like to -- you know that. But Jesse needs my support. Between Jacqueline’s baby and Logan’s suicide attempt, I think he’s overwhelmed. Our relationship is finally in a good place. I need to get home to him,” Max explained. “And if we still plan to open the restaurant and club on Pride weekend, one of us needs to get back to supervise the construction team.”

  “I know, I know,” Emmett agreed. “How is Jacqueline’s daughter?”

  “Not good,” Max replied. “According to Jesse, she needs to make a decision about the baby’s care soon, maybe even today.”

  “I feel so bad for her. I can’t imagine making that kind of a choice.”

  “Jesse’s been there for her. I’m sure that helps.”

  Emmett smiled as they reached the bottom of the stairs and stood beneath the gigantic crystal chandelier that hung from the ceiling. “He’s a good man, like his father.”

  “I love you,” Max declared, kissing Emmett.

  “I love you, too,” Emmett said. “I’ll be home as soon as the funerals are over. I need to check on Jensen, but I want to be here for David.”

  “He appreciates that. And I’ll check in on Jensen for you. Mateo said the surgery was successful and they expect a full recovery.”

  “Keith said the same thing.”

  “You talked to him?”

  “Of course. A couple of times. I wanted to know about Jensen. He’s been checking on him until I can get home.”

  “I see.”

  A chauffeur entered through the front door to escort Max to the limousine as Derek Mancini, dressed in a Michigan sweatshirt and sweatpants, made his way down the stairs behind them.

  “Get home safely, Max,” Derek said as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “Thanks, Derek. Tell the others I said goodbye and thank Gino for everything.”

  Emmett hugged Max. “Will do. Text me when you land in Chicago.”

  Max smiled and followed the chauffeur out to the car. He helped Max into the back seat and found his way to the driver’s seat.

  As the limousine headed away from the mansion, Max pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. “Sam Provenzano, please.” Max paused a moment. “Hi, Sam. It’s Max Taylor. I’m on my way back to Chicago. I’ll come directly to the hospital from the airport when I land. Meet me there.”

  Emmett and Derek entered the library to join Justin, Gino, and David for a drink.

  “There they are,” Justin said as his brothers entered and went directly to the bar to get drinks.

  “Anyone need a refill?” Emmett asked as he grabbed himself a beer.

  “I’ll have my usual,” Justin replied.

  “Is Max headed to the airport?” David asked.

  “He just left,” Emmett explained, as he made Justin’s drink.

  “I’m glad you stayed,” David stated. “Thank you.”

  “We’re all brothers,” Emmett replied. “We need to stick together.” Emmett handed Justin his drink and took a seat in one of the nearby winged back chairs. “Gino, Max wanted to thank you for your hospitality.”

  “He’s always welcome,” Gino said, smiling. “You all are.”

  “And tell your staff they did a great job picking out my sweatshirt,” Derek said, taking the chair opposite Emmett. “I’m sorry all this has happened, for obvious reasons. But I’m even sorrier that it happened because I know how excited you were for your weddings.”

  Justin put his arm around Gino. “They’ll happen, just not quite as we planned.”

  “We’ll figure it all out,” Gino added.

  “Is there anything we can do to help you with the funerals, Gino? You’ve been such a comfort to all of us these past few days.”

  “Thank you,” Gino replied. “The staff has everything under control. We’re limiting the ceremony to family and close friends. If people demand it, I’ll plan some kind of celebration of life for Father at a later date. With Marco missing, I just can’t handle a massive event right now.”

  “Has there been any word on him at all?” Emmett asked, sipping his drink.

  “I was just telling David that the authorities are searching as well as the private firm I hired.”

  “Maybe he’s just fine. Maybe he was behind the whole crash,” Derek suggested.

  Emmett glared at his brother. “Derek!”

  “I’m just saying,” Derek continued. “Marco isn’t always the most trustworthy.”

  “Derek, stop,” Justin ordered. “Why the hell would he crash a plane that he himself was on? That’s ridiculous.”

  “They’ll find him soon,” David stated, trying to calm the situation.

  “I’m afraid of what condition his body may be in when they do find him,” Gino said. “I have to be realistic.”

  “Hang in there,” Justin whispered. “It’ll be okay.”

  Emmett looked at Derek. “Have you told them what Cole told you?”

  “You spoke to Cole?” David asked.

  “Of course,” Derek replied, picking the magazine with Cole’s cover photo up from the coffee table. “He was worried sick about…all of us.” Derek held the magazine up and said to Gino, “Great photo. He’s fucking hot.”

  David stood up and walked over to the bar to get another drink as Emmett gave Derek a stern look.

  “He’s a natural,” Gino commented. “You should see what he’s doing for our clothing line sales. People love him.”

  “You’ll get no arguments from me on that one,” Derek agreed.

  “What did Cole say?” Justin asked.

  “They know who shot me. Dustin Alexander.”

  David returned to the sofa. “Dustin? Why would he do that?”

  “It’s a long story,” Derek mumbled.

  “Did you know him well enough that he’d have a reason to shoot you?” Justin asked. Gino looked at Justin who added, “Sorry. That came out wrong. I just meant--”

  “I know what you meant,” Derek stated. “Like I said, it’s a long story.”

  “Have they arrested him?” David inquired.

  “Not yet,” Derek explained. “He’s in the hospital.”

  “And so is Jensen,” Emmett added. “He got hit by a car.”

  “Jensen? What the hell happened?” Justin asked.

  “Keith said that a car came racing down Halsted Street toward him and Jensen tried to push him out the way.”

  “And he got hit instead? Oh, God.”

  “He had i
nternal bleeding and some swelling of his brain, but they successfully stopped the bleeding with surgery and the brain swelling is down. Mateo expects a full recovery,” Emmett added.

  Gino sat up. “Did the driver stop?”

  Emmett shook his head. “Apparently not.”

  “And any word on Logan?” David asked.

  “Max talked to Jesse this morning. They are trying to get him to agree to enter a rehab program to deal with his depression and drinking.” Emmett took a sip of his drink. “It would be a really good thing. He’s been grappling with drinking issues for a long time now.”

  “We’ll all need to offer him lots of support,” David said.

  Carrying his guitar in one hand, singer Chadwick Stadt cautiously entered the room.

  “Excuse me, guys.”

  “Chadwick,” Justin said, standing up to welcome his friend. “Glad you’re here.”

  “I didn’t mean to barge in. I just thought I’d rehearse for tomorrow outside on the terrace where I wouldn’t disturb anyone.”

  “Disturb anyone?” Emmett asked. “Don’t be silly. You’re practically family. Grab a drink at the bar and join us.”

  Chadwick smiled and walked over to the bar to fix himself a drink.

  “One thing’s for sure,” Justin declared. “The events of the past few days have really brought us all together.”

  “It’s nice, actually,” Derek said. “All of us getting along for a change.”

  “If it’s the one positive thing that comes from my father’s death, I think he’d be very happy about it.”

  “As would Tyler,” David added.

  Emmett held up his glass as Chadwick walked back over from the bar to his friends. “Let’s have a toast. To Carlo and Tyler.”

  The others raised their glasses as well.

  David continued the toast. “We’ll never forget them.”

  As the men finished their toast, the door to the library flew open and Camille Ciancio entered the room. Dressed in a beautiful black suit with a huge diamond pin on her jacket lapel, she quickly demanded everyone’s attention.


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