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Angel For Christmas

Page 11

by Caroline Clemmons

  “Wouldn’t it be awful to be a person people hated but pretended to like? What a terrible way that would be to live.” She opened the door to her home.

  Jacob scooted sideways through the opening without banging the box on the frame. “Speaking of that, I’ve hired two policemen to monitor guests tomorrow evening. They have a photo of Welwood and Harper and know to bar them from entering or causing a problem.”

  Her insides knotted at the mention of Welwood’s name. “Scary, Jacob, but thank you for taking that step. Maybe you should include a photo of Petit.”

  He set the box down near the Christmas tree. “Yeah, I should. Now don’t start worrying more. I only told you to reassure you that things are under control where Welwood is concerned.”

  Paddy came into the room. “I thought I heard voices.” She peered inside the box. “Looks like you have quite a haul.”

  Jacob straightened. “I’ll run along and let you sort your gifts. See you tomorrow.”

  Jacob jogged to his truck in the school parking lot. He drove straight home. Five more days with Suzi, Mike, and the kids. Loving his brother was only natural, but how had Suzi and the school and the children become so important to him in such a short time?

  He’d connected with Suzi as if he’d known her a lifetime. Her smiling face and sparkling blue eyes haunted him when he wasn’t near her. Leaving her was too awful to consider.

  Yet, he had to. All along, he’d known he only had until December 24 at midnight. Sorrow pressed on his shoulders like a giant weight. Not that he had the build, but he knew how the mythical Atlas would have felt carrying the weight of the world.

  How could he prepare Suzi? Was it better to simply disappear or to force a disagreement that would appear to separate them? Selfishly, he wanted her to remember him fondly. Who was he kidding? He wanted to remain here with her and Mike.


  Jacob and Suzi had completed setting the reserved placards on tables and added name cards for those who purchased one or two tickets. Mike’s two tables and that of Homer McConnell were at the front as the most important. Seating by proposed importance put the staff members at the rear of the gym. Suzi assured him the staff expected no less.

  They stood surveying the gym that now was ready for tonight’s event. Katie, Ainsley, and Brandi stood beside them.

  Jacob stuck his hands in his pockets. “You did a great job. This place looks perfect.”

  Suzi hugged each of the decorating committee. “You did an even better job than I expected. This is awesome.”

  Katie turned slowly. “It is, isn’t it?”

  Ainsley nudged her. “You don’t have to sound surprised.”

  Katie laughed. “Well, frankly, I am a bit. I knew the room would look good, but I had questions about everything coming together in time.”

  “How could you doubt us?” Brandi raised her arms in a cheer. “We’re number one. We’re number one.”

  Suzi propelled Brandi toward the exit. “Come on, number one. Time for us to get into those glorious dresses.”

  Jacob faked a demure woman. “I don’t know that mine is glorious. It’s the same old black I always wear.”

  They all dissolved in laughter.

  Jacob bowed. “I’ll see you lovely ladies in a few hours.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jacob called for Suzi an hour before the gala opening. Both somewhat nervous, they planned to be there in plenty of time for Suzi to greet the first guests. When Paddy opened the door, she actually smiled at him. That was twice she’d done so.

  “Well, don’t you look nice all duded up? Come in. I hear Suzi Q on the stairs.”

  When he saw her, his knees went weak. In a green cocktail-length dress and her gorgeous red hair around her shoulders, she took away his breath.

  Paddy nudged him. “Close your mouth. And quit looking at my girl as if she was dessert.”

  He winked at the older woman. “Yes, Ma’am.” Then, he stepped forward and held Suzi’s coat for her.

  They walked toward the school. The two policemen he’d hired arrived at the same time as the three valet parking attendants.

  Suzi squeezed his arm. “You’ve thought of everything. We’ve never had valet parking. They’ll be needed.”

  “Rhonda supplied them, which means they have experience. With almost three hundred people expected, they’ll be busy.”

  Fairy Christmas lights gilded trees and candy cane signs pointed the way to the gym doors. Jacob guided Suzi along the marked path rather than cutting through the school. He had to admit, the result was impressive.

  As they approached the door, a black Jaguar pulled up and Mike exited. He tossed his keys to the attendant who gave him a claim ticket.

  Jacob paused to give Mike time to get to them. “Suzi, this is Mike Richison. Mike, Dr. Susan Stephens.”

  They exchanged greetings as they walked into the gym. With the building lights dim and the Christmas lights shining, the large space took on another identity.

  Santa’s workshop was set up in one corner. Toys and a realistic-looking cottage front and side were accented by fake snow. Painted cottage windows gave a glimpse of Santa working on his list while elves carried toys to his sleigh.

  “If this is Ainsley’s work, she’s an exceptional artist.”

  Suzi’s smile beamed. “This is and she is. We’re fortunate she likes teaching here.”

  Across from Santa, a cloak room had been arranged. The youngest teacher, Fran Evans, had volunteered to work that service. She was there with racks behind her.

  Suzi picked up the clipboard on which the seating was written. “Mr. Richison, thank you for sponsoring two tables. We’ve put you at the front.”

  “The name’s Mike. I saved a place for you and Jacob at my table. I hope you two can join me.”

  “I can’t speak for Jacob, but I’d love to.”

  Jacob shrugged. “I just follow directions.”

  Mike clapped him on the back. “Since when?”

  Suzi smiled at the men. “Well said, Mike.”

  Katie, Ainsley, and Brandi arrived and she introduced them to Mike. She noticed Mike appraise Katie and crossed her fingers for her friend to catch his interest.

  She said, “If you’ll excuse me, I need to be the greeter. Be sure to save my seat.”

  Katie said, “We decided we’d wait with you to help people find their table.”

  By the time everyone was seated and Suzi had made her welcome speech and offered thanks to those present, she was exhausted. Having Jacob smile at her while she was speaking was the encouragement she needed. Beside him, Mike acted supportive too.

  After the children carolers exited, she returned to the microphone. At her mention of the pledge cards and donations, fourth graders dressed as elves passed a collection basket at each table. Their appearance elicited murmurs and rumbles of laughter from the crowd. She could hardly suppress a giggle because the tiny elves were adorable.

  When she was seated, she loved listening to Jacob and Mike interacting. “You must be good friends.”

  Mike smiled at her. “This guy’s like a brother to me.” Then he clapped Jacob on the back and the two men laughed.

  Sheran Keyton took the stage and music began.

  Jacob stood and held his hand toward her. “Shall we?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Mike rose and peered around. “Where are those three ladies I met when I arrived? Oh, there they are standing at the back. Don’t you let your teachers sit down, Suzi?”

  She looked over her shoulder. “What, and take up valuable real estate?”

  The three teachers had opted to circulate rather than tie up three seats when they realized there was a waiting list for the event. Suzi gave thanks for such good friends as Jacob pulled her into his arms. Other attendees joined them on the floor.

  He held her close and she reveled in his nearness. A superb dancer, he led her as if she were floating on air. This was much nicer than when she’d worn slacks
while they shopped for entertainment.

  When Mike and Katie danced by, she whispered in Jacob’s ear, “I hope Katie and Mike hit it off.”

  “That would be nice I suppose.” He tightened his embrace. “Don’t care about him right now.”

  “When you put it that way, neither do I?”

  Later, she danced with Mike.

  He asked, “Are you good friends with Katie?”

  “Best friends since kindergarten. I take it she’s caught your eye.”

  “That she has. I can’t explain my feelings, other than that I’m smitten.”

  She leaned near Mike’s ear. “You know, my teachers are family. Don’t mess with my family unless you’re serious.”

  He smiled as he guided her around the dance floor. “Jacob is my family. Take your own advice.”

  “You can count on that.”

  Mike leaned back to look into her eyes. “Even though he’s a janitor?”

  “Makes no difference to me. Although, the fact that a man with a university degree is working here as a janitor puzzles me. Did he burn out at his former profession?”

  “Hmm, I guess you could explain his situation in that way. Apparently, he likes working here.”

  “Would he consider changing to the director’s position? I’d love to go back to being the counselor full time.”

  “He’d be great as director. He… he has a prior commitment he’s working to extricate himself from, so you’ll have to be patient.”

  A prior commitment? Why hadn’t he mentioned that to her? Why would he hire on here if he was only staying a month or two?

  When the guests except Mike had left and the pledges and checks had been totaled, Suzi wiped tears from her eyes.

  Jacob hugged her shoulders. “Hey, don’t cry. You’ve more than enough to cover the next two years.”

  “I’m not sad. These are happy tears. I can’t thank you enough, Jacob. And, you, too, Mike.” His donation had put them way over the top.

  Mike gave her an “aw shucks” grin. “What’s the point of having money if you can’t make a difference in people’s lives? I figure a children’s home is a good way to improve lives now and build for the future.”

  “Jacob said you were that kind of person. I’m honored to have met you.”

  He leaned back and spread his hands. “Hey, this isn’t goodbye. I plan to hang around.” He sent Katie a smile. “Especially now that I’ve met Katie.”

  Katie blushed but beamed at Mike. Obviously, she was under his spell. Suzi hoped her friend didn’t get hurt. She’d warned Mike and he’d warned her in return. Time would tell if he heeded her caution with Katie.

  Jacob separated out the pledges from the checks. “Do you have a safe to store these in until Monday?”

  “Granddad had one installed in his office at home. We only use it for wills and such but it’s fireproof.”

  “Let’s take these to your place then. Having this much money lying around makes me nervous.”

  “You’re right.” She turned to Mike and Katie. “Are you two coming with us?”

  Mike glanced at Katie before he answered. “You don’t need a posse. Katie has agreed to let me take her home.”

  “Then we’d better get on our way and lock up this place.” Jacob piled the checks and cards into a basket.

  Suzi peered around the interior. “Everything was so beautiful tonight. Magical even. Thank you, Katie, for masterminding this.”

  “I’m glad we can leave it up for Christmas Eve. The kids and cottage parents will enjoy seeing the decorations.”

  Katie and Mike walked away with him questioning her about her part in the décor.

  Suzi smiled at Jacob. “Your friend appears interested in Katie. I warned him not to hurt her.”

  “He wouldn’t. I guarantee you he’s genuinely interested in her or he wouldn’t be showing her attention. Too bad, as I had someone else in mind for him.”

  “Apparently, he knows his own mind. You’ll have to play matchmaker with someone else.”

  He grinned at her. “Naw, I’m out of that business. Can you wait while I lower the heating and shut down the lights?”

  “I’ll walk with you. If I sit much longer, I’ll fall asleep. You must be tired, too. You worked hard and still danced all night.”

  They walked through to the storage room where the furnace controls were and he adjusted a setting. “I’ve had fun. Nice to be involved with a successful project like this. Everyone worked together and accomplished the goal. Feels good.”

  “Things like this make us a family. Although, I’ve been good friends with Katie since I was in kindergarten. She grew up here and we’ve always hung out together. I was excited when she became the kindergarten teacher.”

  They turned out all except the hall nightlights and left. As they walked she stopped to peer at the sky.

  “Look at all the stars. I love snow but I’m thankful we had clear weather for tonight.”

  “Likewise. Snow would have decreased attendance and made parking crazy. And, we don’t need for someone to fall on ice and sue us.”

  “What a horrible thought. Don’t even talk about bad things tonight.”

  “Well, I do have one thing I need to tell you. The police stopped Welwood from entering. He was irate and threatened them. He couldn’t produce an invitation, which meant they ushered him off the property.”

  “That news made my heart skip several beats. Thank you for taking precautions. Having him ranting at the event would have ruined everything.”

  “Don’t forget, most of the people there tonight have either dealt with him or heard about his dirty tricks, so it wouldn’t have been as much a disaster as you might think. Still, he would have cast a pall on everything.”

  “Come inside if you’re not too tired.”

  “The day will never come when I’m too tired to spend time with you.” An odd look crossed his face then he recovered his normal pleasant expression.

  “About time you two made it home. I have hot cocoa ready and I expect a full account of the evening.”

  “I’ll help you, Paddy, while Suzi puts the fortune we raised in the safe.”

  The housekeeper stared at him. “Aren’t you going to watch her?”

  “Um, hadn’t planned to unless asked. She can manage the job alone. Checks and pledge cards aren’t heavy.”

  She muttered, “Well, I’ll be. Lately I’m always getting surprised.”

  He leaned toward her. “Sorry, I’m not sure I heard you.”

  “I said I imagine you take marshmallows, don’t you?”

  “You bet. And a peppermint stick for stirring, if you have one.”

  Paddy sent him a conspiratorial grin. “Suzi always gets extra for us when she buys them for the kids.”

  Jacob sat at the kitchen table with Paddy.

  Suzi locked the money and pledges in the safe and rejoined Jacob and Paddy after only a few minutes.

  “Paddy, I wish you could have seen the gym. It could have passed for a fancy ballroom. Most of the decorations will still be up on Christmas Eve so you’ll see them then.”

  She frowned. “What’s not there?”

  “Rhonda took her things, of course. And there won’t be a singer and band. But the rest will be there.”

  Paddy yawned. “Past my bedtime. You put the pan in the sink and fill it with water to soak when you’re finished with your drinks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  When she’d left for her apartment off the kitchen, Suzi asked, “Will we see you tomorrow?”

  “If you’ll let me I planned to accompany you to church.”

  “I’d like that. And I hope you’ll stay for dinner. Paddy has such fun cooking for more than the two of us.”

  “I’m always available to eat. She’s a good cook and the company is exceptional.”

  “Just so you know, flattery works on me, too.”

  He stood and poured the remaining hot chocolate into their cups. “First time I’ve had this in year
s. Tastes as good as I remember.”

  She stirred a peppermint stick in her mug. “We drink it on cold winter nights. The fireplaces have been changed to gas logs, but they look very realistic. I enjoy sitting by the fire with a cup of chocolate and a book.”

  “Sounds heavenly to me.”

  “You’re welcome to join me anytime.”

  “Thanks.” He drained his cup. “Right now, I’d better head home and give you a chance to rest before morning.”

  She stood and followed him to the door. “Thank you again for your help, Jacob.”

  He brushed a stray curl from her face. “Please, don’t keep thanking me. I enjoyed doing whatever helped.” He caged her in his arms.

  She rose to meet his lips as he lowered his head. His kiss tasted of chocolate and peppermint. Her arms closed around him and she melted in his embrace.

  Did her kiss affect him the way his did her? She hoped it did because she had fallen hard for this wonderful, mysterious man. She wanted them to stay together always. She prayed she wasn’t setting herself up for disappointment.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jacob sat with Mike Sunday evening. “I can’t figure what to tell her. She’s like a magnet and I can’t stay away. What can I possibly say to make her understand I can’t stay?”

  “You talked to those angels? Asked for a reprieve?”

  “Haven’t worked up the nerve yet. I’m laying out my plea, though. Playing words over in my head. So far, I sound like a pitiful whiner who wants his way.”

  “Come up with something impressive, man.” Mike plowed his fingers through his hair. “You can’t leave again. I don’t think I could bear losing you a second time. I barely survived the first time.”

  Jacob stared at his hands. “Look, if I can’t manage to change this, I want you to promise you’ll look after Suzi after… you know, afterwards.”

  His brother’s angry gaze met his. “Didn’t you hear me? Come up with a way to avoid leaving. I won’t survive if you go.”

  “Mike, you don’t know what you’re saying. You wouldn’t… you wouldn’t kill yourself?”

  “I wouldn’t have to. The blow would do it. I’ve met Katie and there’s a chance she and I can build something, but I need you around too.”


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