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Paths: A Killers Novel, Book 2 (The Killers)

Page 23

by Brynne Asher

  When we woke up this morning, she seemed quiet, but explained it was about dealing with her mom before we left. She told me as much as she’s enjoyed the time with her brother, she couldn’t wait to get home.

  It made me feel really fucking good she doesn’t consider this monstrosity her home anymore.

  Sensing something from my side, I turn as he’s heading into the kitchen—Clint Augustine.

  “Good morning,” he greets.

  “Morning,” I reply and watch him head straight to the coffee, reaching for a mug in the cabinet above.

  Talking to me as he pours himself a cup, he goes on. “You’re leaving today?”

  I tip my head, not sure if he’s referring to me or us, so I decide to set him straight. “Yes. We leave for the airport in about an hour.”

  “I see.” He nods and turns fully to me. He’s in suit pants, a dress shirt, and tie, looking very much the part of a Fortune 500 business man. He leans against the counter and assesses me before continuing. “My wife left early this morning, you won’t need to worry about another run-in. I’d apologize, but…”

  He lets his words trail off. I’m guessing a lifetime with Vanessa Augustine would leave one tired of apologizing.

  “So, you and my daughter,” he continues. “The engagement was a surprise. I can’t say I’m upset, though. My Maya, she’s nothing like her mother. I never could figure out what she was doing with Weston. When she found out he cheated on her, I told her to dump his ass. I had no idea she was threatened in any way—it was worse than I thought. I wish I had known, I could’ve done something.”

  I say nothing but nod, happy to see her dad cares about her, even if Maya says he was never around much.

  He keeps going. “She seems comfortable with you in a way I’ve never seen her before. Regardless of her mother’s behavior, we’d like to see more of her.”

  “I can make that happen if she wants it,” I concede. “But I don’t like her stressed. I will tell you she’s happy in Virginia. She’s got people there who care about her and she’s starting to open up to them.”

  He takes another drink before setting the mug down and crosses his arms. Leveling his eyes on me, he’s no-nonsense when he lowers his voice and lays it out. “Grady, regardless what Maya might have told you about me, even though I’m a busy man, I care about my family. You think I’d let my daughter disappear off the face of the earth without doing everything I could to find her? I have the means to hire the best and I did. I’ve known where she’s been the whole time. She did what she thought she needed to do, and so did I. Once I found out she was safe, I gave her the space she needed. Had I known she was running because she felt threatened, I never would have allowed her that space.”

  I tip my head, surprised. “You’ve known where she was all this time? I thought Weston’s been looking for her.”

  “He was, but he and his dad are morons, and Vanessa didn’t need to know. I told her our daughter needed time away and we should give it to her. Maya did what she needed to do and found you in the process. You, on the other hand, I’d like to know more about.”

  I shrug and keep my face neutral. “Told you I work in security. What else do you want to know?”

  He shakes his head and looks toward his daughter. “I only want her to be happy and provided for.”

  “I can do both,” I answer immediately.

  He nods slowly. “I hope so. She deserves it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to say goodbye to my daughter and get to the office. As long as Maya’s happy, you’re welcome here anytime.”

  I’m pleased to know I have her dad’s support. “I’ll bring her back whenever she wants.”

  He pushes away from the counter and moves past me to his kids. I watch him wrap up his daughter in a hug and talk to her quietly.

  With the side of her face pressed into her dad’s chest, she looks across the room at me and smiles.

  Yeah, I’ll do whatever I can to make her happy.


  Maya –

  I feel him take my hand and I look from my window to him.

  “You okay?” Grady looks concerned. He’s done so much for me. I hate to see that look on his face.

  I give him a smile and hope it looks genuine. “I’m good. Thank you for coming with me. I can’t imagine dealing with all that happened last night on my own.”

  He gives my hand a squeeze as he watches the road and smirks. “Not that I would’ve let you come alone, but after seeing you handle your mom and ex, I’ll think twice before going head-to-head with you.” He looks over to me quickly. “You’re no damsel in distress, that’s for sure.”

  I narrow my eyes and pull my left hand out of his to wiggle my fingers. “I’m not so sure about that. You sure swept in at the end, didn’t you?”

  We’re close to the airport and Grady makes the last turn. When he pulls into the lot and parks, he turns fully to me. “The way I see it, I just sped up the inevitable. This was going to happen Maya—sooner rather than later.”

  I lean in and smirk, lowering my voice. “You seem very sure of yourself.”

  He smiles smugly. “I am, and seeing as though our need outweighed our brains last night and we might’ve made a baby, it’s a good thing you’re wearing my ring. At least we’ll get to tell him we had a plan.”

  That’s something I can’t get out of my head—Grady’s sperm.

  I’ve been trying to calculate where I am in my cycle all morning. If his swimmers are as strong and resilient as the rest of him, the chances we made a baby last night are not low. I don’t know if they’re high, but the possibility is definitely there.

  “Hey,” he interrupts my thoughts. “Don’t think about it. Whatever happens, I’m happy.”

  He’s said that more times than I can count since last night, and I believe him. The more I let that settle, the more I’m unsure about myself. Last night, I freaked after our irresponsible first time together, but what I’m more worried about is that I’m not truly worried.

  Worrying about not being worried might be even more stressful because who doesn’t worry about a pregnancy scare?

  That’s not me, or at least it didn’t used to be. But this is the new me, who I’m pretty sure is engaged to a man I creeped on long before we barely spoke a word to one another. And to top it all off, I could be pregnant with his baby and not be in a panic about it.

  Who the hell am I?

  Now this is something for me to worry about.

  I don’t tell him about my lack of worry about maybe being pregnant, because I’m afraid he’d jump me right here in the car. And I’d probably let him. And he probably wouldn’t use a condom. And even worse, I’m afraid I might be okay with it.

  So instead of admitting to what a freak I’ve become, I say, “It could be a girl, you know.”

  He smiles bigger. “I grew up with four sisters. The universe wouldn’t do that to me. It’ll be a boy.”

  Holy shit, he really doesn’t mind if I’m pregnant.

  Not knowing what to say, I do what I always do when I get nervous, and start to blather on without a filter. “But you don’t know where I am in my ovulation cycle. I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve heard girl sperm swim faster than boy sperm. If I’m ovulating, it will most likely be a girl, if not, the boys have more of a chance to get there. They might be slow, but they live longer. But, if it’s all an old wives tale and the opposite is true, I’m still not quite sure where I am in my cycle, it’s not like I take my temperature every morning. So, who knows? What I do know is the universe has nothing to do with it.”

  His smile grows into a devilish grin and he closes the dista
nce between us, laying a hot, heavy kiss on me. Cupping the back of my head with his big hand, he kisses me possessively, but does it smiling the whole time.

  Gah. Grady kissing me while smiling about his boy and girl sperm is too much.

  I pull away from him and he smiles even bigger.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I admit.

  He reaches for his door. “You should talk about my sperm and your ovulation cycle some more. I’m learning a lot.”

  I get out and meet him at the back of the rental. Watching him lift the bags, I warn, “Be careful with your shoulder.”

  He looks over, still smiling. In fact, I don’t ever remember him ever smiling this much. “You weren’t worried about my shoulder when I picked you up last night.”

  Oh shit. He has a point.

  “Come on.” He tips his head toward the office that’s attached to the hangar at the private airport. “The rental company is picking up the car here, we’re scheduled to leave in ten. We’re cutting it close.”

  After he checks in at the desk, he hands our suitcases over to the same pilot who flew us here. I stand next to Grady, feeling guilty again about him paying for the private flight when there’s no way I can pay him back.

  When he’s done, he takes my hand and leads me out the same door the pilot exited.

  “You know,” he starts as he looks down at me with a smirk, “the flight’s long enough, I might tell the pilot we don’t want to be disturbed. It’ll be your choice if we use a condom or not.”

  I shake my head, looking up to the gray winter sky, yet can’t keep from grinning as we walk to the plane. “You’re too much. The answer from now on is yes—”

  But I don’t get to finish my sentence, because Grady yanks me to him with such force, it’s enough to take my breath away.

  When I look up, his face has turned to stone as he stares over my head. He holds me to his side and his other arm comes up, elbow out.

  I finally realize what’s going on, and see Byron, the old guy who works for Weston’s dad—the same one who showed up at the Ranch.

  “Get her!” Byron yells, and I realize there’s a younger man, faster and in much better shape who I’ve never seen before. His dark hair is cut short, and he’s tall and fit. But his eyes are on me since he was given a directive.

  My heart races, and I fist Grady’s shirt as he tries to maneuver me behind him.

  Byron advances on Grady again right as the other guy reaches for my arm. He grabs my bicep and it makes me yelp in pain.

  Oh fuck.


  Grady –

  We were walking to the tarmac as these guys appeared from the other side of a nearby plane. I knew we’d have trouble right away when I recognized the old, heavy-set guy. He was the one with Weston at the Ranch. The second I made eye contact with them, they made their move. I tried to pull Maya out of the way, but they were close.

  When the old guy goes for my throat, I do the only thing I can with one free arm since I’ve got Maya in my other. I go for his pressure point on his jugular with my thumb. The guy’s eyes widen and his grip on me loosens, but he doesn’t give up.

  That’s when I hear Maya yell and feel her being pulled from me.

  The younger guy has his hands on her. No fucking way is anyone going to take her from me.

  “Damn it, Trevor. Get her!” the old guy yells again.

  I try to pull her in back of me, but the old guy goes for my hair and chin, trying to yank my head back.

  Amateur move.

  I swing my free arm up and over, easily dislodging his hands, and quickly kick, putting a foot to his chest. He loses his footing, landing hard on his ass and back.

  “No!” Maya screams and I tighten my arm around her waist. The younger guy is big, strong, and seems to be ten times the adversary compared to his friend who’s lying on the ground. Even so, for as big as he is, he doesn’t seem to be trying very hard.

  Turning Maya as much as I can, I lift my leg and put a foot into the side of the younger guy with all my might. He stumbles back a couple feet, but out of the corner of my eye, I see movement.

  The old guy is rolling to sit on the ground and when he brings his gun up, I don’t have a choice.

  I’m forced to let Maya go, and yell, “Get on the plane!”

  I hear a scuffle behind me, but don’t take my eyes off my target. I swear, every hair on my body stands on end when I hear Maya let out a painful cry.

  By the time the old guy’s arm swings forward, gun in hand, I’ve made the three strides it takes to get to him. He’s still on his ass, so his hand is an easy mark. I circle my leg just in time.

  He gets a round off, but he’s fucking slow. My boot already made contact and the shot goes astray, his gun flying through the air.

  Then I put my boot to the side of his head.

  His body follows, flipping over to his side and rolling onto his face. I bend, yanking up the leg of my jeans and reach for my gun that’s holstered at my ankle.


  I stand and turn with my weapon, but I’m too late, the younger guy has her. Her back is plastered to his chest with her wrists bound in one of his big hands. It’s not enough, and he’s doing everything in his power to keep hold of her.

  This is because she’s struggling, kicking, and twisting her body. Even though he’s twice her size, she’s strong, in shape, and making him work for it. But her face is full of fear and I grit my teeth when I see blood seeping from scratches on her cheek.

  I take two steps to the right so the old guy isn’t behind me, although I’m pretty sure he’s knocked out.

  The young guy glances quickly at his unconscious friend as he struggles with Maya.

  I raise my gun, making him my target. “You’re fucking crazy if you think I can’t put a hole in your head without touching a hair on hers. Let her go.”

  His eyes narrow, shifting quickly between me, my gun, and his friend lying on the ground. I’m not sure what I expected, but he instantly gives in, lifting his chin, and lets Maya go, giving her a little push in my direction. He raises his hands to show me he’s done.

  Once freed, Maya runs to me. Without taking my gun off my target, I wrap her up in my free arm and move us sideways to the plane. When we get there, I push her up the stairs first and the pilot reaches for her hand to pull her in the rest of the way.

  After we board, he yanks the door quickly and locks it before looking from me to Maya. This is the same pilot Asa, Crew, and I have used for years, so he doesn’t question me as to what just happened, but says quickly, “We’re cleared, let’s get out of here. Get yourselves belted in and then get her some ice after takeoff—she hit the ground hard.”

  Looking to Maya, she’s sitting on the sofa holding her head in her hands. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket at the same time I bend to look out a window. The young guy has moved away from the plane and toward his friend on the ground, but what’s weird is he just stands there, with a hand on his hip while running the other through his hair.

  Making sure he doesn’t turn on us, I don’t take my eyes off him until he’s out of view as the pilot taxis to the runway.

  “We’re going, Cain. Buckle up,” I hear him call to me from the cockpit.

  But I don’t buckle. I go to the galley and brace myself as we speed down the runway. With nothing else to use, I wrap ice in a towel, and wet another one to clean her face.

  Feeling my phone vibrate again, I ignore it and move to Maya, who’s visibly shaking. My gut wrenches as I gently lift her face. Her beautiful face—that’s wet with tears, laced with fear, and now seepin
g blood—has what looks like road rash across her cheekbone.

  “I’m sorry, baby. So sorry I had to let you go. He pulled a gun—I had no choice.”

  She shakes her head and shifts into me, but I need to check her out.

  I lift her face to mine again to get a good look. Wiping away her tears gently, I ask, “What happened?”

  As she finds her voice, I wipe the blood from her scratches before applying the ice to her cheek.

  She winces. “He works for Weston’s dad. Holy shit, they don’t mess around.”

  I know all this, but don’t want her to think about it, so I ask again, “Not that. Tell me what happened when I had to turn my back. How did you get hurt?”

  Her hand comes up to mine to hold the ice to her cheek. “I was trying to get away from him. I thought I had, but he grabbed me and I fell, sort of skidded. I’ve never seen that guy before, just the older one with the gun.”

  “How hard did you hit your head?” I turn on my phone light and lift her chin farther to check her pupils.

  She blinks rapidly as I flash the light in and out of her eyes. “Not that hard. Stop it.”

  I feel the plane lift off the ground and breathe a sigh of relief when my fucking phone vibrates again.

  I see Crew’s name across my screen. Frustrated, I answer, “What?”

  “Answer your fucking phone,” he clips. “We got word they’re gonna make a move on Maya. Where are you?”

  “How do you know this?” I ask.

  “Asa’s contact at the FBI got a tip. Where are you?”

  “They got their tip a little too late. Our plane just took off, but we were jumped at the airport. One of them was the same guy who showed up at the Ranch that day with her ex. I don’t know the other. One pulled a gun on us. I took care of it, but not before Maya got tossed around and scraped up.”

  “You’re good then?” he asks with more meaning than I like, but I get that he might wonder where my head is.


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