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Moonshine in a Mason Jar

Page 17

by Kimbra Swain

  I wanted to scream that I wish I were fucking her, but I assumed that wasn’t the appropriate response at the moment. “Grace and I had a relationship in the past. However, she has a long-standing good relationship with this department. She has helped in many cases, none of which involved any publicity. In fact, if you look around, you won’t find anything that lists her as a psychic. She doesn’t promote it. In fact, I think she’s ashamed of her gifts. Hell, I didn’t believe it until I saw it. The fact of the matter is, we searched all over those woods for those children, but until Grace showed up, we weren’t going to find them. She did not kill those kids. That is my official statement.”

  “Very well. Sheriff, you are relieved of duty until further notice. Gentlemen, give me a moment alone with Dylan,” she said. The suits left the room. She crossed her leg and looked at me kindly. “Dylan, we found her fingerprints and DNA at the scene. You obviously care about her, but if you value your job, you need to stay away from her.”

  I shook my head. “You see, Miss Capps. When it comes to Grace, I’d do anything for her. Even lose my job.”

  “Very well. I warned you. She will go to death row for this,” she said as she stood up to leave. “Please have your things out of this office in an hour.”

  “Not a problem,” I responded.

  She waltzed out of the room, as I dialed Grace. I started packing my personal belongings in a box. I knew I’d never see the inside of this office again. I had to do whatever I could to help Grace. If I could get to her before they did, maybe we could run together. I called again. And again.

  I ran out to my car with my box of stuff. I didn’t see Troy anywhere. Capps must have recruited him to help arrest her. I called the diner.

  “Hello. You’ve reached the Grove,” Betty’s voice answered.

  “Betty, have you seen Grace?” I asked.

  “Slow down there, Dylan. What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “The cops are coming for her. I can’t stop them. Have you seen her?” I asked.

  “She just left her with Levi. They went into the Food Mart,” she said. I hopped in my car.

  “Thanks, Betty,” I said.

  I dialed her again. She finally answered. “Hello.”

  “Where are you?” I asked frantically.

  “At the Food Mart with Levi. What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I’m sorry, Grace. I swear to you that I had nothing to do with it. Amanda was a plant with the Alabama Bureau of Investigations. They were investigating you working with us on cases. They think you killed those kids so you could find them,” I said.

  “You better be joking,” she said. I could hear the fear in her voice.

  “No, Grace, I’m serious. I tried to tell them, but now they think I might be an accomplice. I’ve been put on administrative leave.”

  “Shi-yat,” she said drawing out the cuss word. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll get you cleared, but you keep your mouth shut.”

  “Grace, they could send you to prison,” I said.

  “Aw, honey, you know better than that. Keep your mouth shut. Stay away from me. Got it?” she said.

  “Okay. I’m so sorry,” I moaned, hanging up the phone. I forced myself to get moving. Maybe I could make it to her in time. I reached for my keys but realized I left them inside on my desk. “Fuck!” I yelled running back into the station. Everyone stared up at the television. Grace was lip-locked with Levi, standing in the parking lot of the Food Mart. Amanda and her minions stood watching them. Several people in the room shot looks at me. Most everyone knew that Grace and I were close. Something broke inside of me when I saw her kissing him. I’ll get you cleared. Her words rang in my head. She was doing it to draw attention away from me. I loved her and hated her all at the same moment.

  I watched as Amanda approached them. She warned Levi who looked like he was about to tear through the agents. I didn’t know what kind of power he had, but I hoped he could control himself for her sake. He backed away as they cuffed her. Amanda stuffed her into the back of Troy’s car. I texted Troy telling him to take care of her for me until I figured this out. I got back a simple 10-4.

  Taking an opposite road to town, I didn’t want to do anything rash by seeing Troy and her on the road. I had to get to Nestor to find out if he got in touch with Jeremiah. I busted into Hot Tin to find Luther, Betty, Nestor, and Mable all talking.

  “What are we going to do?” I asked breathlessly. “We have to do something.”

  “Dylan, come sit down,” Nestor said.

  I shook my head, but Betty grabbed my hand pulling me to a stool. I sat down as Nestor sat a cup of coffee in front of me. “We wait,” he said.

  “I can’t wait. I’ve got to get her out of town. We will run,” I said.

  “It’s not that easy,” Mable said.

  “Oh, really?” I snapped at her.

  “He’s coming,” she said. I knew who she meant. “He’s going to talk to her. We wait for him.”

  “You may wait for Oberon, but I don’t. He’s had years to take her home, but he hasn’t tried. He doesn’t care about her,” I said.

  Nestor shook his head. “He and I have our differences, but he loves Grace. He always has.”

  “No. No one abandons their child,” I said.

  “She has always been well looked after, and now she has a whole town of fairies behind her if need be. He wanted her on this side away from the corruption of the Otherworld. You see that she’s different. She’s what he wants the future to be, but she’s got to be ready to take on his inheritance,” Mable explained.

  “She is his heir?” I asked.

  “Yes. She has many siblings. All corrupted by the Otherworld to some extent. Grace is pure from that influence. Do you understand now, Dylan?” Nestor asked.

  “She will never go with him,” I said.

  Nestor smiled. He looked at each person in the room, then back to me. “That’s the plan,” he said.

  “What plan?” I asked.

  “We have no intention of letting her go back to him, but it’s a moot point. However, we do want her to claim her inheritance. She will be our Queen here. You play your cards right and you might be a king,” Nestor explained.

  “A protection for the exiles,” I said. “If she claims them, then she rules them.”

  “Yes,” Luther said. “Then many more will come to find safety in her protection. It has long been needed to save us from the Sanhedrin.”

  “But Jeremiah is Sanhedrin. He brought her here,” I said.

  “He’s with us. Most of the time,” Nestor said. “But he’s wrong about you. Levi will fit in with us. He should be here, too. He will help Grace. It’s time she learned what it was like to have a servant.”

  I groaned. “Geez.”

  “Not like that,” Nestor said. “He’s a bard. There hasn’t been a royal bard in a century. Oberon had the power to bless a changeling with the gift. Soon enough, Levi will be as powerful as the rest of us. Grace will guide him.”

  “Doesn’t sound like my Grace,” I said.

  “Maybe your idea of Grace should change. She will lead us,” he said with confidence.

  I had a hard time seeing it. She spent her time worried about the next trouble that would run her off. I was afraid this would do it. Wherever she went I would go. I didn’t doubt that. “I’ve got to go try to talk to her,” I said.

  “Don’t blame yourself for this, Dylan. She will come out better on the other side of this. You know she will,” he said.

  “I don’t care about better. I just want her,” I said.

  “Then get with the program. Eventually, she will see you as a partner in all of this. She will want you by her side,” Nestor said. “Do you still have the dream?”

  “Fuck the day I told you about that,” I spouted at him. I couldn’t believe in a weak moment I told Nestor about the wedding dream. He bought it completely. Hell, even I knew it was still one of my future dreams. It was the only one I had now, but it seemed so far
away to me.

  Nestor chuckled, “I love it. One day, I’ll get to see it. I’ll see her happy. By the way, have you seen Winnie Jones lately?”

  “Yea, why?” I asked.

  “Does she look like the little girl in your dream?” he asked.

  I paused thinking over the vision I’d seen a dozen times. The little girl holding Grace’s hand in the wedding was Winnie Jones. I didn’t know how or why, but Winnie would be our daughter.

  “I need to make a room for her at the house,” I murmured.

  Betty smiled, “Okay, Daddy. One thing at a time.”

  I looked at her in wonder. “A little girl.”

  “Be careful, Son. It’s not over,” Nestor said.

  “I know. I know,” I said running out the door. “I’ve got to check on her.”


  The next few days were a whirlwind from the moment she cussed me to protect me in the holding cells to the moment she found me in her bathroom in the trailer. Then, Stephanie’s mother got sick suddenly. I wasn’t completely sure that wasn’t some sort of set-up the way Stephanie came after me. There just happened to be someone taking a picture of one kiss. I couldn’t buy it, but it put me in a bad place with Grace all over again.

  I discussed it with Nestor. I’d seen her with Levi, and I knew that once he came into his power, that he would be good for her. Perhaps I should step back for her own good. I’d hurt all these years for her. Nestor and I worked on a plan to help me exit the picture without her ever knowing. He tried to talk me out if it, but I was committed.

  I went to say goodbye to her at the courthouse. She looked pained. Confused. I hated the idea of leaving her, but it felt right. She exited the courthouse with Levi into the crazy crowd. We had a deal with one of the relatives of the children to take shots at her. I intended to take those shots for her. The families would get more money than they could imagine, but I knew it would never replace their children.

  Positioning myself to get between her and the bullets, I saw her in the crowd. She was genuinely scared. Levi did his best to protect her, but when I saw the man make his move, I made mine quickly.

  Two shots fired.

  As the darkness consumed me, I saw Grace. Fighting Levi to get to me. He kept pulling her away. I saw the desperation in her eyes. She didn’t want me to leave or die. I’d messed up. I should have stayed. It was too late, and once again I died.

  Nestor and crew cleared the scene with the help of some cops. The panic caused the people to run. When I rose, instead of changing into human form, I flew into the sky as the Thunderbird straight to the trailer park. I saw them carry her limp body into the trailer. Someone had to subdue her. I felt like such an idiot.

  From that point on, I watched out for her. Unfortunately, I saw her getting closer to Levi too. The kid had power, but he was a good kid. No matter what I decided to do. I knew she was in good hands.

  Nestor tried coaxing me from a perch one day as I sat watching the trailer. I ignored him. He yelled up at me.

  “You gotta come back. She can’t do this without you,” he said. I didn’t know what changed his mind, but I saw fear in his eyes. I watched even more closely. I even started leaving her clues to let her know I was still alive. Each time I failed. Even when I took the leather jacket that she loved so much.

  When she confronted her lawyer and Amanda Capps in the forest, I knew I had reached my moment to reveal myself to her. Jeremiah wouldn’t be able to stop me. I’d do it in front of the Sanhedrin. There wouldn’t be any mind erasing this time.

  Demetrius Lysander deserved to die for what he did, but Amanda needed a second chance for her son’s sake. When I landed between them, I saw the fear in Grace’s eyes. She didn’t recognize me. None of her memories of the past were jostled by the sight of me in Phoenix form. She threatened Amanda in fear of me. I had to reveal myself.

  “Grace, don’t do this,” I said.

  Recognition and confused flashed through her face and body. “What the fuck are you!” she screamed at me.

  “Not what you think. Please, Grace, come back to me. This cold, heartless woman is not you,” I said. I knew now why Nestor panicked. Grace was teetering on the edge of darkness. I had to pull her back to the light.

  “I told you, Dylan Riggs, I don’t have a heart!” she yelled through her tears.

  She had a beautiful heart, and at the moment, she wore it on her sleeve. “Yes, you do. It’s freezing, and I’m standing here naked. I’d really like you to back down now, so I could put on some clothes. Although, I know you like me better this way,” I grinned at her.

  “You are dead. They gave me your ashes,” she said grasping for excuses.

  “The urn was empty,” I said.

  “How do you know that?” she questioned.

  “Because I rose from the ashes,” I replied.

  A flood of emotions racked over her body. “You never told me. You were there and never showed me. You let us suffer,” she cried.

  “I had to know who was behind it. I was trying to protect you,” I claimed.

  “As you can see, I don’t need your protection! You lied to me, Dylan Riggs!” she screamed. Damn. She had no idea how much I had lied to her. I had to work through this because I wasn’t giving up on us.

  “Grace, they sent me here to keep you in check. They put you with me, so if it ever came to this moment, I could stop you from killing someone,” I said.

  She looked over my shoulder at Amanda cowering on the ground. “She is not someone! She lured those children in the woods and stood by as they were murdered by whatever Lysander was,” she said still not knowing the full scope of the fairies around her.

  “Aswang,” I said. I finally noticed she had made her way to the tree. She was going through to the Otherworld. I grabbed her wrists. She tried to freeze me. Damn, it was cold, too. “No, you won’t hurt me.”

  “Let me go. They will kill me,” she begged. I looked around me seeing that the whole Sanhedrin finally decided to come out from their hiding places. She cried in terror now. Every one of them would have to go through me to get to her. I saw Jeremiah nod to encourage me to keep trying to convince her to stand down.

  “You’ve done nothing wrong. They are not here to execute you, Grace. Please don’t go. You don’t want to go back to your father,” I said. “Let me take you home. I will try to explain everything. Levi and Winnie will be waiting for you. I made sure they got out of the forest and back to the truck safely.”

  It was the first time I got to look on Winnie as my future daughter. It felt weird, but she was adorable. She was clearly attached to Levi which was fine for now.

  She released the tree, allowing the portal to close. She looked around frantically trying to decide what to do. I wanted her to focus on me. Nothing else mattered. I cupped her cheek in my hand like the night I kissed her for the first time, and suddenly the ice queen disappeared leaving me with my beautiful brunette trailer park queen.

  “There’s my Grace,” I said leaning in to kiss her.

  She dodged me. “I’m not your Grace. Dylan, you can’t just die and come back thinking the lies would just go away. Everything is not copacetic.” She even stomped her foot at me. It was damn adorable. I laughed at her hissy fit.

  “Copacetic! Grace, you are the most southern, non-southern woman I’ve ever known,” I said laughing at her.

  “I’m not done with you,” she pointed at Amanda Capps.

  “Grace, wait!” I called out to her.

  “No, I’m going home,” she said stomping away from me.

  “I’ll be by in a little while, and you can make me some breakfast,” I teased.

  She flipped me the bird. Everything was going to be okay.

  When I saw the big black truck sitting outside the Baptist Church, I couldn’t believe it. She climbed out the truck wearing a modest dress. I’d never seen her wear anything like it except at her trial. I was convinced she would look good in a burlap sack, but I was probably biased. />
  Levi noticed me first. The kid actually made her talk to me. I decided I liked Levi despite the reason Jeremiah brought him to town. When she talked to me, I still saw that look in her eyes like she wanted to bolt. I managed to coax her into the church so she could see what awaited her there.

  Stepping inside, she stopped dead in her tracks. I had to push her forward so the portal behind me could close. Suddenly she realized what kind of town she lived in. She walked into the burden of ruling the exiles that she would carry on her shoulders. She stood tall accepting the reverence of everyone there. Nestor was right. They had waited a long time for their queen. When the time arrived for her to accept it, she did without hesitation. She was made to rule, but I was sure Oberon never expected it to be a fairy town in Alabama.

  When I took her out to the stone circle, I thought I was going to lose her again, but in the end, she came around. It was a long, drawn-out argument, and for most of it, I didn’t think she would come around. My only reservation was that there were more things she didn’t know. The memories that Jeremiah had hidden from her. I wanted her to have those things so that we would have a clean slate. Even in that conversation of spilling out all the lies, I had to cover for a few things that I knew would have gotten us both in trouble with Jeremiah. I even told her I would leave if she didn’t want me. I wasn’t sure if I could follow through on that or not, but thankfully, I didn’t have to worry about it.

  She certainly made me pay. For months, we teetered back and forth on the brink of a fight. But there was something about Christmas time and family that sparked the need to settle things. I would have married her on the spot, but Grace needed the time. So, I gave it to her. It only made sense, because I had waited through so much to have her. Now that I did, we would do things her way. Occasionally, she would get that look in her eye like she was going to run, but she never did.

  When Winnie became a part of our family, the pieces of my dream began to fall into place. I already knew my best man in the dream was Levi. Now, the mini-Grace standing at our wedding was my daughter, Wynonna Jones. We planned to file with the state and have her last named changed to Riggs. I asked Grace if she wanted it to be Bryant. She refused on the grounds that Winnie was a Daddy’s girl, and that before long, her name would be Riggs too.


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