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Choosing Her

Page 3

by Jessika Klide

  Grinning, he says. "We started a fire. The hell with shutting it down. It won't run out."

  I giggle with that and nod up and down. "That's right!" He pulls me in his arms and we laugh together as the song finishes.

  Chapter Five

  The DJ talks about something happening on post next week.

  "You definitely made it hot out here. You hula and belly dance. Is there any dance you don't do?"

  "Nope. I can skip a mean jump rope too!" He laughs out loud at that.

  "I bet you can. I bet you can."

  "That wasn't too bad, was it? I tried really hard to tone it down."

  "Belly dancing is toning it down?"

  I pout. "But I was dancing for you."

  "Is this pretend drama?"

  I giggle. "Well…. Maybe. Maybe not." He chuckles and pulls me in for a hug.

  The first strains of the next song starts, which is "Let It Go" from Frozen. I pull away and give him my most innocent, but totally sincere face. "I can't control it. It just comes out." He peeks at me, looking so adorable. I cup his face. "Aurei, I truly can't help it, but more than that, I don't want to. I love what I do. I love who I am." I hang my head and laugh a little embarrassed. "This song is so me! I felt that way when I found myself in Vegas. Once I let the naughty girl dirty dance, she burst forth and … I was free! There is no going back for me." I look into his emerald green gaze, serious now too. "I don't want to give it up."

  "Who said anything about you giving it up?" He sucks my bottom lip. "Don't you worry, Wild Thang. I've seen you dance. And if you can dance like that, you should. Whatever comes with you and whatever comes your way, I got ya 'cause I get ya. I'm committed. Forever. There is no going back for me either." He kisses my forehead. "And don't forget, I inherited thunder too." He gives me that killer wink.

  I giggle at the hint. "Oh, I haven't forgotten that juicy tidbit of information."

  He spins me around and puts his mouth on my neck. "You aren't exactly like this song either. One, you are a perfect girl, and two, you aren't a damn frozen bitch."

  Laughing, I lay my hands over his neediness and lean back on them.

  A waitress comes outside and speaks to the bouncer. They each pick up a chair and go back inside closing the doors. The silence is deafening. People start to boo. "Well, baby, you tried to help them out." Aurei tells me.

  A couple in front of us turn around and look at me. He is in the military based on his hair cut. She is his wife or a lover based on the way he is holding her.

  I put my hands up in a shrug. "I tried."

  The girl laughs. "We were trying to figure out where we've seen you before."

  "What the fuck?" A girl behind us shouts. "Turn the damn music back on! Hey, Ruth! You and your bitches storm the door, why don't ya? Or are you scared?"

  A pretty brunette girl, close to the front standing in the middle of a pack of 10 girls, turns around to see who shouted her name. When she spots her, she flips her off. "Fuck you, Rita!"

  The girl in front of us is grinning at me. "You dropped your jacket." She holds it, but doesn't hand it back.

  The guy introduces them. "Hi, I'm Roger, and this is Brandy."

  "Hi, I'm Siri and this is Aurei." When I turn to introduce him, he is not looking at us. His face has a slight scowl and his body is tense. He is on high alert. I follow his eyes concerned. Two girls, one is the pretty brunette, Ruth, and the other is a smaller bleach blonde, have left the pack and are eyeballing him, honed in.

  This appears to be a storm brewing. My eyes narrow. Ruth is working some serious, possessive body language.

  I leave my jacket in Brandy's hands not taking my eyes off the approaching competition.

  Brandy turns back to Roger. "This is about to get real interesting."

  Ruth walks up to Aurei. "Hey Aurei! It's been a while. You're looking good as ever."

  She completely ignores me.


  "Hey Ruth. I see you and your band of bitches are all here." His voice is cold, distant, on edge.

  She throws her head back and feigns laughing. "Of course. I was hoping you would be here tonight." She tosses her brunette hair over her shoulder, lowers her chin, looking at him with seduction reeking from her posture. "Maybe we can dance together later or maybe more, like old times." She starts to touch him. "I've been waiting on you a long time."

  I don’t wait to see his reaction. I respond.

  Oh, hell no! That ain't happening.

  I slap his chest right where her hand is heading, and I know he knows what I'm thinking.

  I got this.

  She stops, frozen by my hand, and stares at it resting possessively on him. A sneer flits across her mouth, then she turns her cold blue eyes on me with a look that says, "Who the fuck do you think you are? And you have no idea who you are fucking with!"

  I stare directly into those cold blue eyes unflinching, unafraid, and unimpressed, with my clear, light, crystal green eyes that sees right through her bullshit. My dominate look tells her emphatically, "I don't give a flying fuck who you think you are, and you don't have any idea who you are fucking with, but you should." She starts to say something, but my eyes flare and get wild.

  Back off, Bitch, or be prepared to bring it on.

  Ruth blinks and for a split second, doubt then fear flash. Her girlfriend touches her arm and she drops her gaze to the touch. The girlfriend leans in and whispers in her ear. She turns those cold blue eyes on me her bitch composure back and laughs, trying to intimidate me.

  I smirk. Really? That's a scripted, choreographed, childish bully tactic. Let me show you how a real woman intimidates.

  I roll my head so my hair gathers momentum and swing it off my left shoulder, letting it hang like a curtain, between me and Aurei, blocking his view of my face. I look into her eyes with my wild ones and say loud enough for everyone around to hear. "Aurei, did you drop something?" I keep my eyes glued on her as I slide my hand down his chest, with purpose, as it heads to his crotch. She cannot take her eyes off mine for fear I might strike, but she can't help watching the progress of my hand either. She is unsure what to do, but when my hand slides over the bulge in his pants, she turns her full attention to it.

  I stroke it and it hardens for me.

  She blinks.

  When I squeeze it, her eyes flare. As she stares at his aroused cock silhouetted, I lean over so my face is between her eyes and his hard-on and lock her gaze, then smile. Cocking my ass, I push my hand down the inside of his thigh toward the ground.

  Her eyes bore into mine until the angle makes it impossible.

  When her eyes break for Aurei's cock, I drop my ass to the ground, fling my hair up and over my head in the same dramatic move that got his attention in the lobby when we first met, but this time, I sit like a cat about to spring. Her eyes are drawn back to mine and what she sees makes her blink. Doubt and fear flash me again. I narrow my eyes, place my hands on the inside of my thighs and spread them wide, like I did for him to fuck me at the farm.

  Her eyes flare shock at my willingness to expose myself to her, and when she looks up to find Aurei's face in disbelief that this is happening, I thrust my hand to his cock and latch on it. Her eyelids twitch rapidly, trying to absorb my total possession of him and his willingness to let me.

  I slowly stand back up, then step in-between her and him, completely blocking her access. Facing her fully, eye to eye, toe to toe, I bite my bottom lip and let it slowly slide off.

  That’s how you intimate, Bitch.

  The confidence is completely gone out of her face. Her eyes are bewildered.

  I don't take no shit from nobody, Sista. He is mine!

  I face Aurei satisfied I have won this battle for him. But my heart skips a beat, when I look at him.

  He is standing tall, proud, and rigid. His face is quiet, and outwardly relaxed. To everyone there he is cool with what happened. But I sense the darkness smoldering. Our eyes lock.

  The thunder is back. Th
e intensity blows my mind!

  But my eyes stand firm against it, telling him. I can handle your thunder.

  His jaw sets and he closes the remaining gap between us. His hand slides up my hip to my breast. He copes a quick hard feel, then it’s on the way to the nape of my neck. He wraps his fingers in my hair there and pulls my face to his.

  I can feel his breath on my face, but I don’t back down. My eyes are not wild or challenging, nor wild or defiant eyes, but wild, passionate eyes that clearly state, you are mine and I don’t share! I only give him the look for just a moment, then I heed his thunder, take a deep visible breath and exhale. Blowing softly on his face as I break our gaze, I look down submissively. Then with my next deep breath, I raise my wild eyes to tell him and tell him.

  Territory marked. I'm done.

  I let my eyes caress his face, and his body relaxes. Then I look down again, submitting to him completely.

  He pulls my face up, making me look into his eyes. I see the the desire to own me, but not control me.

  I smile and reassure him, locking my wild with his thunder, telling him. I got ya! With my next deep breath, he joins me and together we gain control of our raging natures, breathing together as one.

  I become aware that Ruth is still standing there. I can feel her eyes boring into the back of my head.

  When Aurei releases my hair, he slides his hand down to my ass and squeezes it, then he puts it around my waist and pulls me tight against him.

  We look at Ruth as one.

  She has stood there waiting, unsure if his thunder is directed at me or for me. It is obvious now, it is for me. She looks first at me dazed, then at Aurei confused. Her eyes drop to his arm around my waist and I lay my hand on his chest. Her friend again touches her arm. She snatches away, but turns and walks with her silently to her pack.

  The people around us start talking at once to each other, or texting on their phones.

  The guy behind us slaps Aurei on the back. "Fuck, man! That was crucial!"

  Aurei laughs with him politely as I watch her walk back to her bitches. Although I handled her, jealousy is a new emotion for me.

  Damn! I could have clawed her eyes out and eaten them.

  Aurei rubs my arm absentmindedly. I observe the pack when she arrives. The other girls all gather around, not knowing exactly what happened. They crucify me with their stares and whispers.

  The bouncer comes back out and we hear a snippet of Taylor Swift's, "Red." The crowd starts complaining about the doors being closed and wanting to hear the music. He ignores them and walks down the line looking for someone.

  Brandy hands me my jacket and smiles. "Bravo in putting Ruthless in her place."

  "Ah, that's a fitting nickname." I smile as I take it from her. "Thanks for holding it."

  "No problem. I think I know where we've seen you before."

  Aurei takes my jacket from me and nods to the bouncer. He is pointing at us with two fingers motioning for us to follow him. I turn back to Brandy and say as Aurei cinches our fingers and pulls me away. "It was nice meeting you two."

  The bouncer tells us. "Y'all can come on in."

  As we follow him, people begin to boo loudly and it runs down the line. The bouncer stops and tells us. "Y'all go on in." He stands watching the line for trouble. We are almost to the door when it opens and several servers bring a table out followed by a couple of huge speakers that blasts us with "Red." Three cashiers set up to process people faster and four servers head down the line to take drink orders. Now everyone cheers!

  When we walk by Ruthless and her crew of bitches, I lock eyes with her. She shoots daggers, but I smile sweetly, bring Aurei's hand up to my mouth and kiss it. He glances at me and smiles at my gesture, totally oblivious to Ruth.

  She's seeing red!

  We stop at the table to get our hands stamped, then head in.

  Chapter Six

  When we enter, the bar is hopping as Katy Perry's "Roar" starts to play. Aurei takes his phone out and sends a text while I pump it up behind him.

  The place is rocking! Military men know how to have a good time.

  A guy steps up to dance with me as Aurei puts his phone in his pocket. He puts his hand on the bro's arm, spins him to face him, shakes his head at him and holds his hand out to me. I place mine in his as I smile at the guy. He shrugs and moves along. Aurei cinches our hands and leads me away from the door. I lean my head back and "Roar" with the packed crowd. As we weave slowly inside, the song ends and the open area becomes so crowded we can't move. People are leaving the dance floor wanting to get drinks while the DJ starts talking about one of the classes that received their aviator wings. Hoots and hollers go up from the whole place as Aurei faces me, making sure no one moves in on me again. I giggle at him and he smirks, then a drunk cowboy bumps into me and turns to apologize, but when he sees my face then my tits, he starts to hit on me. Aurei steps between us and explains without words to back off. A waitress walks up to me and sticks out her hand. "My name is Jess. I'm the manager. Lady, that was a brilliant idea and deserves the VIP table."

  I shake it and introduce us. "Nice to meet you. My name is Siri, and this is …."

  She looks surprised. "Aurei! Are you with her?"

  He laughs. "Hey Jess, don't look so surprised. I can have a date."

  "Fair enough." She laughs too. "Y'all follow me. We have a table upfront cleared off for you."

  I look at Aurei and raise my eyebrows. "Wow!"

  He smiles and takes the lead again, pulling me along as he follows her. She walks us right through the middle of the packed dance floor.

  Ladies night has definitely filled the house.

  We pass several groups of girls on the take. All of whom stop and stare as Aurei walks by.

  I know how this night is going to go.

  Jess has her hands in the air so we can see her as she threads her way through the crowd. The DJ spots her. "Who is getting the VIP table tonight?" He taps the mic three times "Ladies, this is your lucky night. Look who is on the dance floor! MR. UNTOUCHABLE!"

  Aurei shoots him a bird, flipping him off, as he crunches my fingers in a death grip.

  "Ouch!" I yell.

  The DJ taunts the crowd. "Whose going to win the bet, Ladies? Maybe tonight will be the night!"

  I see the muscles in his arm harden, then he pulls my hand around his waist. I’m forced to match my steps to his.

  "Looks like he has a surprise for you, girls."

  Aurei flips him off again as we thread our way toward Jess. He's practically dragging me behind him. We are almost to her when the DJ spins Shawn Michael's, "Sexy Boy!"

  Immediately girls pumping the air close around us. He turns to look at me with a 'Shit! Tell me this isn't happening' look on his face, making me laugh at him.

  I raise my eyebrows and smirk. It most certainly is.

  I mouth the words to him. "Don't worry, Sexy Boy. I got this!" I start to pump it up with them while holding my position, easily blocking out any competition that threatens.

  He maintains eye contact with me the whole time with appreciation in his eyes as I dance in front of him until the song ends. Then he reaches for my hand, but "Wild, Wild Love" by Pittbull immediately starts to play.

  "Oh shit! This is serious!" I mouth to him.

  He looks at me with a pitiful, miserable expression, then rolls his eyes, closing them.

  Poor baby, he isn’t enjoying this…. Time to dance, Siri. Own the floor!

  I put my hands on his chest and pat him. He opens his eyes and I tell him. "STAY." Bouncing as high as I can, I move my head so my hair fans out.

  His eyes are glued to me.

  He knows what's coming.

  Clapping wide over my head, I encourage the ladies on the dance floor to join in. When the girls in the song start to sing, I lead them, pumping the ceiling, staying directly in front of Aurei, bumping him occasionally. When Pittbull gives his cry and starts to rap, I stripper twirl my head, fanning my hair out and
face Aurei. Winking at him, I take control.

  The girls closest to us, push back and open up a small space for me to dance. When the new playboy is introduced, I pat his chest. Immediately, the girls shout with the song, joining in.

  Aurei smiles at me.

  That's better, baby. Let me work some magic.

  I "pet" myself getting nasty as the pretty little kitty, then I twerk on Aurei, totally owning him.

  The girls closest twerk with each other.

  By the time Pitbull sings about needing it and wanting it, the space around Aurei is clear for me to dance and I'm up all over his body with all of my body. Each time I make eye contact with him, I wink and he smiles.

  At the chorus, I lead everyone in pumping the ceiling and clapping, staying in front, making sure no one wedges in, but no one tries. I'm owning him. On the next verse, the girls keep clapping and jumping letting me dance solo. And I dance, whipping my hair, slithering, getting low, rubbing him all over his gorgeous body with dramatic hand movements, trying to keep the erotic to a minimum. I don't want to conjure his thunder. I want him to relax and enjoy the dance while I control the crowd. I freestyle the rest of the song.

  At the end, I lock our eyes and see that I’ve done a fantastic job. I push his chest with my finger on each word at the end of the song, pleased with myself, watching it sink into the deep muscular tissue of his pecs. "Wild. Wild. Love."

  I look up into his eyes and his gaze deepens. I see sincerity in them. Feeling like the tease I am, I can’t help myself. On the last two words, I put my finger to my lips and slide it in and roll it around my tongue.

  Instantly, his eyes hood and darken.

  I grin and crinkle my nose.

  He reaches up, takes it out of my mouth and cinches it, staring me down.

  The DJ hits the mike. "Ladies, it looks we have a real contender." He spins JT, "Mirrors" and the crowd of girls disperse. Hooking arms, they regroup to start the prowl of the men hovering around the edges, waiting for the dance to end. Several of the girls give me high fives and knuckle bumps, as we weave our way off the dance floor to where Jess is waiting at the table.


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