Scarlet Fever

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Scarlet Fever Page 2

by Sable Hunter

  “Alex, I’m so glad to see you!” A cloud of expensive perfume nearly choked him as Sandy launched herself at him.

  “Easy, darlin.” Alex attempted to extricate himself from the amorous grasp of the overly enthusiastic blonde who was attached to him like a grass burr on a cat’s tail.

  “When will you go out with me again, Alex?” Sandy Moffett whispered the question as she maneuvered herself up two levels on the front steps of The Lost Maples B&B. “Now, I’m on your eye level, you sexy hunk.”

  Alex was standing on the ground with his back to the parking lot. Her arms were around his neck and it would appear from the rear that they were locked in a heated embrace. Alex hoped Ethan or Bobby didn’t show up, he wasn’t in the mood for any damn teasing. Sandy was a girl he had dated a few times. She worked at the county clerk’s office and he had met her through a mutual friend, the county judge.

  “I don’t know, Sandy. We have a wedding here in just a few days, and there is a butt-load of company coming in.” He had his hands on her arms, steadily trying to loosen her grip on him. This little woman was strong!

  “Can I come to the wedding?” Sandy looked up at him expectantly with bright green eyes, their not quite true-to-life shade came courtesy of colored contact lenses.

  “No, Sandy. This wedding is mostly family. Invitation only. Look, why don’t you come over in a couple of days, we’ll throw a few steaks on the grill, just you and me.”

  “Promise?” Sandy pouted, her plump lips parting slightly, waiting for his kiss.

  “Promise.” Alex wasn’t tempted in the least. He loved women and he certainly loved sex, but right now he had too much to do and not enough time to do it in. After a little more persuasion, he finally got Sandy Moffett off the property.

  Whew! After she had left, Alex walked around the outside of the B&B, checking the flower beds, picking up a stray pecan limb. If he only knew the time of Scarlet’s arrival, he could have planned his day more effectively. He had been surprised to learn from Annalise that Scarlet didn’t have a cell phone. Who doesn’t have a cell phone these days? So, he was reduced to waiting. And waiting. Frankly, Alex was ready to meet her, greet her, get her safely ensconced in a guest room and go about his business, forgetting that she was here.

  Out of the blue, his cell rang. Alex looked down, it was Ethan. Thank God.

  * * * *

  The drive had been incredible. Scarlet very rarely got to leave East Texas and she thoroughly enjoyed the road trip. She had sung with Elvis, drank an icy cola, and bought a loaf of Jalapeno cheese bread at a smokehouse in Centerville. It had been great! Inexpensive, to boot.

  She turned down Lonely Street and broke into her rendition of Heartbreak Hotel, imagining the comparison. Annalise had said that Ethan and Alex had not booked any guests for several weeks, not until she and Ethan could get back from their honeymoon in Hawaii.

  Rounding a curve, the Bed and Breakfast came into view and Scarlet was instantly entranced. It was absolutely beautiful. The grounds were covered in large oaks and pecans that were now in their full fall colors. Flowerbeds were overloaded with plants of every description and a garden full of antique roses was putting on its last show of the season. Whoa! All of the natural beauty put together wasn’t as eye-catching as what stood on the front walk. “Be still my heart,” she whispered. Scarlet knew what Ethan looked like, Annalise had e-mailed her a picture of him. The only photo that she had seen of Bobby was in his football uniform, but she knew that he had dark hair. So, the man standing before her had to be Alex. Scarlet realized that her sister was the worst kind of liar. Alex was not good-looking, he was breathtaking. He had to be at least six-foot three, with a body sexy enough to make any woman drool. His shoulders were as wide as a city-bus. And his hair, swear to God, it was golden and hung in wavy curls that almost touched his shoulders. No, this man wasn’t good-looking, he was Greek God Gorgeous.

  Scarlet instantly abandoned her plan to ask Alex to make love to her. Completely and without reservation she laid it aside. There was no way in hell that she could ever seduce this man. Lord, she wouldn’t even know how to start.

  Scarlet didn’t do well around good looking men. She had learned a trick, however. Scarlet Evans could almost make herself invisible. If she were a superhero, invisibility would be her power of choice. Since that wasn’t possible, she used the mask approach. When she wore the mask, no one could see the real Scarlet, she could go about her business, bothering no one and getting in no one’s way.

  Here was the updated plan. She would be nice, she would be helpful, and she would be gracious. And no one would ever have to know that she had ever had a single sexual thought about Alex or anyone else. Scarlet Evans could pull off asexuality with finesse.

  After she had parked, she eased the car door open, not wanting to disturb his phone call. He was standing with his right profile to her, and thankfully as she got out, he shifted to where his back was completely to her. Carefully, she removed the big box out of the back seat that contained Annalise’s wedding dress. She tiptoed behind Alex and sat it down on the grass. She was about to return to the car for the rest of her things when she heard him.

  Honestly, she wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but he was right there. She immediately wished that she was anywhere else.

  “I know, Ethan. It’s just that having to be stuck with Scarlet is going to make all of this freaking difficult. What are we going to do about the cakes? No, don’t tell Annalise. I’ll figure something out. I know. I’m sure Scarlet is a very nice girl, but come on—we can’t possibly have anything in common. What will we talk about? She’ll probably be drooling all over me and Bobby. My chief engineer went to high school with her and he said that everyone calls her ‘the church mouse’. She’s always making things for people, my engineer says, in hopes that it will make people like her better. I wonder what she made for us. Anyway, he said that she’s sort of pitiful, an old maid in the making, the town spinster. And you know how dangerous women like that can be. Sex starved and lonely. I know, I know. I’m just talking to you. I would never say any of this around Annalise. I love her. But good grief, Scarlet is coming for two weeks! Couldn’t she have just come for the wedding and then left? And the two of you will be gone after Saturday and I’ll be forced to spend all of that time with her! By myself! Can you imagine what torture that will be? All right. I’ll get a grip. She should be here sometime today. When is Annalise coming? Well, good. Maybe, she will be here to meet Scarlet and I can avoid her as long as possible.” Alex turned slightly sideways. A movement caught his eye. Then he saw her. “Shit! Someone’s here. I’ve got to go.” He closed the cell phone and Scarlet wished she could disappear.

  “Excuse me? Sorry, you had to hear that. The Bed and Breakfast isn’t open for the next couple of weeks. You can make a reservation for a later date if you’d like. We have a wedding planned. My brother is getting married. I’m rambling, forgive me. You just took me by surprise. If you could give me your number, I could send you some coupons for a discount on your next visit.”

  Scarlet stood still for a moment, not really sure what to do. His words had cut her like a knife. The hurtful moniker surprised her. Who did they know that would call her by that name, the church mouse? She had hoped that she could escape her regular life, just for a little while. It seemed that it had caught up with her. It was obvious that Alex did not realize who she was. For a moment, she considered just leaving, but she couldn’t do Annalise like that. As he talked, she closed her eyes and willed herself not to cry. Her chest was aching and tears were burning the back of her throat. On top of all that, she realized that she was trembling. Shutting her eyes tight, she sought calm. Calm.

  Apparently, she must have delayed a bit too long. She heard him clear his throat. Raising her eyes to meet his, there was no way to hide the tears that shone in them, or the way her thick lashes were spiked with moisture. What could she do? She had to think of some way to save face for both of them.

  * * * *<
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  Wow. When he had looked around it had been a shock. Standing behind him, with the biggest, saddest eyes he had ever seen, had been the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Lord, she was gorgeous. He had rambled like a two-bit radio—just couldn’t hush. But damn, this woman was hot! He hated that she had heard him spouting off, he liked to make a good first impression. Maybe, he could get her number before she left. Had he actually offered her coupons? Sexy move, Stewart.

  But, when she raised her head and looked at him. Alex realized something was wrong. Why was the lovely girl crying? She must be really disappointed. For a moment, he considered making an exception and renting her a cabin anyway.

  She looked so familiar. Did he know her? Then, the truth hit Alex like a ton of bricks. He let out a harsh, ragged breath. Dammit! She looked like Annalise! “Scarlet?” This beautiful creature was Scarlet? “God, I’m so sorry.” Alex couldn’t breathe. What had he done?

  He watched her face change, just as if she was pulling a mask into place. Standing up straighter, clearing her throat, she smiled a small smile. Obviously, she was doing her best to salvage the awful situation. With a sinking heart, he watched her hold out her hand in greeting. “Hello, Alex. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Annalise speaks so highly of you.” Hell, she was trying to put him at ease.

  Alex was so shocked, he couldn’t move. Scarlet’s hand wavered, then Alex realized how much worse it would be if he let it drop, untaken. Accepting her little hand into his large one, he was amazed to feel a sensual current as real as any electrical charge pass between them. She pulled her hand from his and put it behind her, confusion darkening her eyes.

  Feeling like a fool and not knowing what to say, Alex began to speak, anyway. “Scarlet, please let me apologize. It’s no excuse, but I’ve been cranky as hell. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, and I was taking it out on you. Please…I’m so sorry.” He had never felt like this before, as if something beautiful had slipped through his fingers and now lay shattered in a million pieces on the floor. His eyes took her in. She was not just beautiful, she was delectable. Wearing simple, soft, faded blue jeans and a pink lace camisole, she was completely and utterly feminine. Her long brown hair was captured in a braid that hung halfway down her back. There was a definite similarity to Annalise, in their coloring and in their expression. But she was very different, wonderful, in ways that he couldn’t put his finger on. Standing no more than five three or four, she was perfectly, exquisitely curved. And God in Heaven, she wasn’t wearing a bra. His eyes followed the gentle swell, the hint of a dusky pink nipple peeking through the lace.

  She stepped back from him slowly, talking all the while. “It’s all right, Alex. Don’t think another thing about it. Eavesdroppers never hear well about themselves. Besides, everything that you said about me is true, except I’ll be very careful not to drool on you, or Bobby. The good news is that there has been a change in plans.” She smiled at him weakly, still backing up. “I’ve decided it would be smarter if I got a hotel room in town, close by a fabric store. That way, it will save me trips into town to buy things that I need for the dresses that I’m trying to finish. I really only stopped by to do a fitting on my sister, then I’ll be on my way. Do you think I could see her, please?” By the time she had finished speaking, she had put at least ten feet between them.

  “Dresses? What dresses?” Alex couldn’t think straight. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her face. She was everything he had initially dreamed she would be. And stupid oaf that he was, he had ruined it before she even walked through his door. A lump formed in his throat as he watched her quickly swipe a few tears from her face. Alex winced at the fact that Scarlet was doing her best to hide the hurt that she was feeling. Hurt that he had inflicted. Alex’s chest tightened. He wasn’t used to hurting small, precious things.

  “I’ve made the bridal gown and the maid of honor gown, but they still need to be fitted.” He had to lean over to hear her voice. It had dropped to an almost indiscernible level. To his dismay, he saw that Scarlet couldn’t bring herself to meet his eyes. Instead, she worried her full bottom lip with her teeth, all the while studying the interesting details of the sidewalk.

  “God, Scarlet. I had no idea you were sewing the gowns. No wonder you needed to come early.” Alex mentally castigated himself for his stupidity. In all of his years, he had never been so clumsy with someone else’s feelings. Cursing himself, he racked his brain for the words to say to make it better. “Come inside with me, please. Annalise should be here any minute. And no one wants you to leave. You are more than welcome to stay with us. I want you to stay here with me.”

  She was unfailingly polite, but adamant. “Thank you, but I’m sure it would be better if I stayed in town. It’s such a lovely day and you have a fabulous yard. Would it be all right if I waited out here?” She motioned to a nearby bench.

  “Of course.” He looked over at her little car. It was obvious that she had intended to stay at The Lost Maples, her luggage was sitting beside the left back tire.

  She left all of the boxes where they lay and made her way to the rustic wooden bench. Alex followed. When she realized that he was aiming to join her, she blanched. “Oh, please. Don’t feel like you have to baby-sit me.” He noted her use of his unfortunate choice of words. “I don’t mind waiting alone. Please, go and do whatever you’d be doing if I weren’t here. I promise that I’ll stay out of your way.” She wasn’t being coy or sarcastic. Alex could tell that she was truly contrite, thinking that her small presence in his life was causing him problems. Alex felt like the biggest heel in the world.

  He sat down by her, feeling her draw up and scoot to the very, far edge of the seat. Alex bent over, holding his head in his hands. For a moment they sat in silence. “Scarlet, I love your sister as if she were my own. I would do anything in the world for her. If she finds out that I’ve made such a mess of things with you, she is going to be devastated.”

  * * * *

  For a few moments, Scarlet didn’t know what to say. Her chest felt funny, and she was having problems getting a deep breath. Her skin felt tingly from just being close to this incredible man. Scarlet realized that she needed to say something, but all she could think about was getting back into her car and putting as much distance between herself and Alex as possible. Thoughts of the bucket list, seducing Alex, taking joy in being a part of a real family for a few days—all of this flew right out of her mind. She just wanted out of here! But, what about Annalise? She hated to disappoint her sister.

  Lifting his head, he turned his big body until he could look her in the eye. “Is there any way in the world that we can start over?” She could tell he was sincere, and what the heck, she had nothing to lose. She could afford to be nice. In fact, considering that she might be meeting her maker, sooner rather than later, it might pay to turn the other cheek as the Good Book required. Bucking up her courage, she gave him a real smile. “All right. But, please don’t feel bad because my staying here isn’t convenient. I’m sure that Annalise will be fine with my staying in town.” Scarlet refused to think about the cost. She would deal with it, somehow.

  Before she knew what was happening, Alex knelt in front of her. It was odd, but every muscle in her body was clamoring to get close to him. She had to stiffen her joints, just to stop the reflexive action of reaching out to pull him close. This was highly unusual, she just didn’t react to men this way. It was going to take all of her strength to act normal around him. Never, ever, must she let him realize she was attracted to him. But what he had to say touched her heart.

  “I want you to stay. After all, this is a B & B, we have more than enough room.” He slowly reached out and rubbed one strong finger down the back of her hand. “Please, Scarlet.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. Nervously, she let her tongue move over her lips. “If you’re sure it won’t be too much of an imposition. I never meant to be a burden. And to clarify a point, I always intended to leave the day after t
he wedding. Actually, I have reservations and an itinerary. It never crossed my mind to ask you to show me around or take me anywhere, really.”

  Taking her hand in his, he entwined their fingers. She watched their hands, mesmerized. “Sweetheart, everything that I said before was a pile of crap! I’ve stupidly hurt you with words that meant absolutely nothing. I was frustrated with other people and little things that were going wrong. I was just spouting off. Please say that you can forgive me and forget I ever said any of those hateful words.” He looked so sad, her heart went out to him.

  “There’s nothing to forgive. And life is much too short to dwell on unhappiness. Let’s pretend it never happened. You’re very important to Annalise, and I’d never want to do anything to make any of you uncomfortable.”

  “So, you’ll agree to stay in the main house, with us, like you originally planned? None of this talk about going to a motel or anything?”

  Scarlet answered very carefully. “Only if you’re absolutely sure.” She stopped talking. Dizziness washed over her. “Alex, could I trouble you for a glass of water?” Scarlet felt like her blood pressure was through the roof, and her mouth was so dry, she felt like her lips might be cracking. She knew that these were warning signs that soon she ought to lie down and take it easy, but there was too much to do. Living with kidney problems was a hassle.

  “What’s wrong? Do you feel sick?”

  His voice was gentle and sweet, making her want to lean into his magnificent body and make herself at home. “No, I’ll be fine. It was a long drive, that’s all.” She wasn’t about to tell him her problems, pity was one thing that she could live without. And now that she had accepted the foolishness of even considering a sexual connection with him, there would be no reason for him to know any of the shameful details.


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