Scarlet Fever

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Scarlet Fever Page 3

by Sable Hunter

  * * * *

  Alex was up like a shot. A few moments later, he was back with a tall glass of iced water. “Here, love. Drink this.” This was pitiful. Here he was, a man who made a good portion of his living being a good host, and he had treated this sweet girl like an unwanted intruder. First, he had made her feel totally unwelcome, and second, he hadn’t even had enough manners to offer her a simple glass of water.

  He watched her drink, jealous of the glass that felt the touch of her lips. “Feel better now?”

  She took a deep breath and nodded, “Yes, I believe I do.” He counted six freckles that played along the bridge of her nose and he saw thick long eyelashes that shyly shielded eyes that he swore were the deepest sapphire blue he could ever remember seeing. He was totally enchanted. Funny. Before, all Alex had been concerned about was avoiding Scarlet. Now, all he could think about were excuses to be around her.

  Unexpectedly, she touched him. Covering his hand with her small one, she offered him comfort. “Thank you, I think I will be just fine, now.” Much to Alex’s dismay, she moved her hand. He searched her face for any sign that she had been coming on to him, but there was none. Damn!

  “Since you’ve decided to stay, can we go in and get you settled?”

  “Yes. Of course. I’m sure there are better things you could be doing than sitting with me.” She stood up, and swayed, not altogether sure on her feet. Alex reached out a hand to steady her, sorely tempted to just sweep her up into his arms and head for his bedroom.

  Instead, he settled for one more touch. Allowing his fingers to trail along her cheek, he got her full attention. “There is no where I’d rather be than with you. You are the sweetest, sexiest thing that I’ve seen in many a day, and I fully intend to spend as much time with you as possible.” When she didn’t reply, he went a little farther. “Are you seeing anybody, Scarlet?”

  She stood very still, looking at him closely. Chewing on her bottom lip, she seemed to weigh her words. “Of course not. I’m the church mouse. Remember? The spinster. The old-maid in the making. You thought you were being insulting, but you only spoke the truth. So, please don’t think that you have to say things to flatter me. I’m not used to it, and I certainly don’t expect it.”

  Her answer had flowed in a heated whisper. He watched her, she hadn’t taken her eyes off of his lips. Seeing her focus, Alex groaned his own hunger. There was no way in hell that he was going to be able to resist her. Placing a hand on the small of her back, he pulled her close. A tender little gasp escaped her throat. “Are the men in your hometown crazy? I’ll tell you what the truth is. The truth is that you are totally hot, and if I can’t have your lips soon, I’m going to go out of my mind.” Their eyes locked, he slowly began to lower his head. He was a fraction of an inch away from her mouth. He was so close, he could taste her breath. Time stood still. Her lips parted, ever so slightly. Alex felt his cock rise to the occasion, knowing that this was going to be the sweetest, most arousing kiss of his life.

  They didn’t hear the car pull up. They had eyes only for each other.

  “Scarlet! You’re here!” The bride had arrived.

  Alex growled his frustration. Damn! He pulled back, leaving her looking at him with the dreamiest expression that he had ever seen on the face of a woman. She looked at him like she was seeing her first Christmas tree or her first falling star. And he was determined to follow through. There was nothing in the world that would stop him from giving her everything that she wanted. He couldn’t keep from smiling, for he knew what Scarlet wanted.

  Scarlet wanted him.

  Annalise’s view of the couple had been hampered by a strategically placed azalea bush. Before she came close enough to make anything out, Alex knew he needed to step away from Scarlet. He had no desire to share their magic with anyone else, not yet.

  “I’m going to let you go now, sweetheart. But I want you back in my arms. Tonight.”


  Scarlet couldn’t breathe. He was standing so close. And, God help her, she wanted to be closer. Heat emanated from his body in waves and it was all she could do to remain upright. It was as if his body was a powerful magnet and she was a helpless, hapless piece of metal, completely vulnerable to his attraction. Had he been about to kiss her? What a thought! All she had wanted was one taste. One taste. Just to see if his lips could possibly be as sweet as they looked.

  Suddenly, she had her doubts. This had to be something else. She was so ignorant of the ways of a man and a woman, she just couldn’t be sure. It could be part of his apology, trying to make up to her for what she had overheard him saying on the phone. Worse, he could be making fun of her. Like prom. Like any number of incidents over the years, where boys had pretended to like her for a few laughs, for a joke. That was probably it. A joke. And if it was, this was going to hurt worse than anything ever had.

  Later, she’d have to thank Annalise for her timely arrival.

  “I’m so glad to see you.” Her sister enveloped her in a huge hug and Scarlet was equally thrilled to see Annalise. “I’m getting married!” Scarlet laughed as her sister twirled in a state of absolute joy. She exchanged glances with Alex, who was watching his future sister-in-law with affection. He gave Scarlet a private wink. Her heart turned over in her chest. “What are you doing out here? Let’s go in. Alex, isn’t she beautiful? I told you she was beautiful. Will you get her bags, Alex? Can I see my dress? Oh, I’m so glad you’re here.” Annalise was talking ninety to nothing, giving no one else a chance to inject a word.

  Alex went to get the boxes and luggage, faithfully following Annalise’s instructions.

  “Isn’t he absolutely gorgeous?” Scarlet leaned in to listen as her sister whispered conspiratorially.

  “Yes, he is.” The truth was the truth. Lowering her voice, Scarlet whispered intently. “Please don’t tell him that I’m beautiful. I’m not and it’s very embarrassing.”

  “But you are.” At Scarlet’s intent, serious stare Annalise relented. “Okay, I won’t say it anymore.” Putting her arm around her sister, she changed the subject. “How was your drive?”

  “Great. I sang all the way.”

  “Did you practice my wedding songs?” Annalise asked. Alex caught up with them, put the bags down and opened the front door of the B&B.

  “You sing?” He looked right at Scarlet. “I can only imagine what your voice sounds like, I bet it’s beautiful.”

  With a flourish, Annalise gestured for Scarlet to step over the threshold. “Welcome to my new home. And yes, she sings like a dream. Deep, throaty, smooth as velvet. I’ve asked her to sing two of my favorite songs at the wedding, Unchained Melody and Love Me Tender.”

  “Elvis.” Alex said, knowingly. “I love Elvis.”

  Scarlet glanced at him with new appreciation. He didn’t have to like her just as long as he liked Elvis. Anybody that loved Elvis was okay in her book. Walking into the lobby of The Lost Maples, she inhaled sharply. “It’s breathtaking. You have a beautiful home.” And it was. The B&B was decorated in a Country French flavor, favoring white wood, blue accents with a hint of lemon yellow here and there. “Living here must be a dream come true.”

  “It is heavenly,” agreed Annalise. “Especially being with Ethan.” Alex snorted playfully. Turning to glare at him, Annalise promised. “Just wait till you fall in love, Alex. You’re going to fall so hard, and I’m going to enjoy watching every minute of it.”

  While Annalise teased him, he looked right at Scarlet with a hungry, heated expression. It made her heart pound. “You may be right, Lise.”

  “I can’t stand it. I’ve got to see my dress.” Annalise scurried around, hunting the large box that contained her dress.

  “Is this what you’re looking for?” Alex held it up over her head, teasing her.

  “Yes!” She jumped, but he was too tall. He finally placed it into her outstretched arms, giving Scarlet another tender smile. Annalise sat flat out on the floor and opened the box. “Oh. My. God.
” She jumped up, pulling the ornate gown out the box. Yards and yards of organza and lace flowed from her fingertips. “Scarlet, this is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.”

  “It’s not completed, yet. There are thousands and thousands of seed pearls still waiting to be sewn on.” Scarlet enjoyed Annalise’s joy.

  “I’m going to go try it on.” She dashed from the room, the dress over her arm.

  Scarlet started to follow her, but Alex stopped her with a gentle touch. “I’m not an authority on wedding gowns, but that dress looked incredible to me. You’re very talented.”

  “Thank you.” Scarlet leveled her gaze on his chest, he was wearing a soft burnt orange University of Texas T-shirt and it molded every luscious muscle of his chest and shoulders. “I enjoyed making it for her. Every girl dreams of wearing a beautiful wedding dress and I’m glad I could make my sister’s dream come true.”

  “Do you dream about your wedding, Scarlet?” Alex’s voice was hypnotizing.

  Scarlet answered without thinking. Some questions need to be pondered, this one was easy. “No, I don’t dream about my wedding. I won’t be getting married.”

  * * * *

  Before he could ask her why she felt that way, she retreated from the room. Her answer had left him speechless, and for some odd reason, strangely bereft. Which was odd. He was allergic to weddings and to brides. Once divorced, he had carefully avoided any and all close proximity to matrimonial affairs—until his brother had been reunited with his soul mate. Now, it seemed different somehow.

  A noise at the front alerted him that Ethan was home. Good, he wouldn’t be the only man. There was safety in numbers. He met his brother at the door, and together they headed for the kitchen.

  “So she heard what you said?” Ethan sat by his brother, pouring himself a steaming cup of coffee.

  “Every word.” Alex stated matter-of-factly. “That incident has to rank as the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.”

  “I wonder why LeBeau fed you that crazy line about Scarlet being plain and mousy?” Ethan and his brother spoke frankly about everything. They were one another’s best friend. “She isn’t mousy is she?”

  Alex looked at his brother steadily. “No, she’s stunning. In fact, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Her face is incredible and her body…” His voice trailed off, leaving himself wide open for Ethan’s teasing.

  “My God, you’re smitten.” Ethan grinned, enjoying his brother’s predicament.

  Alex had to laugh. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” He reached for the pot and freshened both of their cups of coffee. “She has no idea that she’s beautiful. I don’t believe that anyone has ever told her, before.”

  “And you have?” Ethan wasn’t going to cut his brother any slack. “Already? And you’ve known her how long?”

  “Long enough.” Alex had broad shoulders, he could handle anything his brother dished out. “You know, Scarlet is oblivious to the fact that she has anything a man could want.”

  “I guess you’re going to enjoy enlightening her to that fact,” Ethan said dryly.

  “It’s my new mission in life.” Alex pulled another chair around, so he could prop up his long, strong legs.

  “How long do you think they’ll be in there trying on wedding finery? I’m hungry.” He was always hungry.

  “Till the cows come home.” A dry wit ran in the Stewart family.

  “We don’t have any cows.” Some were wittier than others.


  * * * *

  “Please don’t try to set me up with Alex, Annalise. I’m begging you.” Scarlet looked at her sister imploringly.

  “By the way he was looking at you, I don’t think I’m going to have to do a thing.” The bride-to-be carefully hung her wedding dress up on a hanger. Looking over at her sister’s determined expression, “I can see the subject is closed—for now. Will you cook for me?”

  Scarlet softened. “Of course I will. What do you want?”

  “I bought everything for Shrimp Creole and Rum Raisin Bread Pudding.”

  “Lead the way to the kitchen.”

  The time that Scarlet had spent with her sister had not been wasted. She had used it to calm her nerves and firm her resolve not to react to Alex’s teasing. There was no way he could really be serious about being attracted to her. So the best thing she could do was steel herself against his charm and just be casually friendly. After all, he would soon be her brother, almost. They would be practically family. Of course, she would probably never see him again after this trip. She might not ever see Annalise, again, either. It had taken her months to save up for this vacation, and she knew that soon, she wouldn’t feel up to traveling. A wave of sadness washed over her.

  Alex and Ethan were sitting at the table. Scarlet’s eyes immediately met Alex’s. So much for her resolve. She could almost feel the touch of his gaze. He wasn’t even trying to hide his interest—if that was what it was.

  “Before you leave, you’ve just got to make me a few batches of cookies. Please.” Annalise unashamedly begged.

  “Girl, do I have a surprise for you.” Scarlet was glad for the distraction. Those gift jars were going to make her sister smile. Running out to the car, she retrieved a heavy bag. Before she could extract it from the car, strong arms reached around her and picked it up.

  “What have you got in here, bricks?” Alex smiled at her.

  “Cookie mixes in a jar. From scratch. I brought enough so Annalise can satisfy her sweet tooth for a long time.” As he walked, he rummaged through the bag.

  “Brownies, M&M cookies, Cowboy Cookies, Oatmeal Raisin...damn girl, Annalise won’t be eating these by herself.”

  Reentering the kitchen, she let Alex put up the jars as Annalise closely examined each one. She watched Alex out of the corner of her eye. He was a bigger distraction than the cookies.

  “My baby sister is going to fix us a fabulous home cooked meal.” Annalise announced, happily as she bounded into the room.

  “Great. I’m starving.” Ethan pulled Annalise onto his lap and greeted her with a passionate kiss. “For you.”

  Scarlet turned away, embarrassed. She began to rummage in the refrigerator, pulling out items needed for the flavorful Creole stew.

  “Let me help. I make a great sous-chef.” Before, she could turn him down Alex had begun to gather knives, skillets and pots. It was obvious he knew his way around the kitchen.

  “This is your kitchen isn’t it?” she observed as the obvious truth dawned on her. “I should have asked before I began pilfering through your things.”

  “Nonsense. Make yourself at home,” he handed her a shrimp deveining tool, their fingers accidentally touched. She felt the contact over her entire body. “Can I chop the vegetables for you?”

  “Sure.” She smiled at him. “I think that a man who can cook is very sexy.” Where did that come from? The conversation behind them lulled, Scarlet blushed at her unusual candor.

  Alex smiled at her, a bone-melting smile. “Remind me to pick up on this conversation later.”

  Scarlet made quick work of the shrimp then placed them in cold water until she was ready for them. “Do you have a cast iron skillet?” Alex knew right where to look, pulling one out and placing it on the stove for her. “I make my roux in the oven, how about you?”

  “I’ve always stood and stirred.” He watched her combine the oil and flour, and then he set it in the oven to brown. “I like yours way better.”

  “Scarlet,” Ethan interrupted them. “Tell me about your work at the library and the church. How did you happen to combine the two?”

  Scarlet finished putting the spices into the tomato mixture.

  “I’ll finish adding the vegetables, babe.” Alex took the spoon from her, as she turned to answer his brother.

  “The retiring librarian was a member of my church. She knew me well, and thought I would do a good job at the library. As for the church, one summer the church se
cretary ran off to get married. I filled in as emergency relief, and gradually it became permanent. I’m fortunate that they are so close in proximity.”

  “She does everything at the church, except preach.” Annalise was on a roll. “She’s the pianist, she takes care of the food pantry, runs the church office and best of all she conducts an after-school program for children. They all call her Miss Scarlet.”

  “Miss Scarlet, huh?” Ethan asked. “So you must be very religious.” At his question, both Scarlet and Annalise fidgeted. The soon-to-be newlyweds apparently had not discussed religion, in depth, so Scarlet’s answer might come as a surprise.

  Scarlet began to talk, ladling the shrimp into sauce. “Our parents were religious. Overly so. In fact, they made our childhood miserable. They talked about religion, but they rarely ever did anything for anybody. I don’t talk it, I’m not even sure I actually agree with everything the church believes. But I try to do for other people, especially children.”

  “Scarlet tries to practice what our parents preached,” Annalise started to say something else, but stopped. Then, she started again. “Our dad’s dead now, but he was harsh. Especially to Scarlet.” Alex’s head jerked up at Annalise’s words.

  “How so?” Ethan asked, curious.

  Scarlet sent her a warning glance, but Annalise ignored it.

  “Scarlet was born with a club foot.”

  “That’s easily corrected,” Alex inserted.

  Scarlet blanched with mortification. She hadn’t wanted him to know about her deformity. That knowledge always changed things.

  “Except he refused to let the doctors fix it,” Annalise’s voice became bitter.

  “He what?” Alex’s tone betrayed his shock. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “Your little foot looks perfect.”

  Scarlet saw him examining her foot. She held it up, and showed him the scar. “When I was sixteen, I was referred to the Shriner’s hospital. I was old enough, then, to make my own decisions.”


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