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Scarlet Fever

Page 21

by Sable Hunter

  Libby hadn’t stopped her sensual onslaught. She was about to give her first hickey – ever. He tasted so good. She sucked on his neck like she was auditioning for a vampire movie. She wanted more. Reluctantly, she stopped long enough to answer him. “You’re my first kiss. My life so far hasn’t been exactly normal. I’ve been sort of isolated and out of circulation, family problems…” she offered against his skin.

  With one last sweet kiss, Aron pushed back from her until only their hands were touching. “Baby, are you telling me that you’re a virgin?”

  He didn’t look happy.

  Well, hell.

  Libby could sense that everything had changed. She felt guilty. Why should she feel guilty? Somebody had to be her first. “Yes,” she slowly answered.


  Aron backed off, even more. She reached to pull him back, but he evaded her touch. Embarrassed, Libby let her hands drop.

  “I don’t do innocents, love. I refuse to be the one to besmirch your virtue.”

  Besmirch? Besmirch? “What if I want to be besmirched?” she questioned, more disappointed than she ever thought she could be about anything.

  “I’m sorry, Baby Girl.” Aron put his hat back on and gently picked her up off the counter and sat her down. “You don’t know what you’re asking.” With those last sad words, he turned and walked away.

  Cowboy Heat

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  A scene from…


  Hell Yeah! Cajun Style

  Beau’s passion burns hot for Harley Montoya. When he discovers that the woman who has enflamed his libido is the girl he fell in love with so long ago in a runaway shelter, he is overcome with joy. But Harley - or Nada as he knew her - has been burned by tragedy. They both live lives full of adventure. He builds custom weaponry and owns a reptile preserve, and she is an EOD expert - Harley defuses bombs for a living. But nothing is more explosive than the love they share.

  Mon Dieu! Beau stood frozen at the entrance to the lobby, stunned at exactly what had fallen into his lap. If Indiana only knew! This sweetheart was much better than a gun, no matter what the caliber.

  There was no way in the world he could take his eyes off of her. She was absolutely delectable. The Ma Deuce was forgotten, he’d check it out later, much later. He’d much rather talk to this hot little honey. Lord Have Mercy! She had her back to him, but what he could see caused his cock to swell. Tight little blue jeans cupped a behind so round and sweet, he wanted to go to his knees and genuflect. Her hair, swear to God, hung to the top of that little rump and all he could think about was lying beneath her, letting that curtain of dark silk enclose them in their own private paradise. Damn! And he hadn’t even seen her face yet.

  She was making a point and he was entranced at the way she moved her hand and cocked her hip. It really didn’t matter why she had come, he would give her anything she wanted. Hell! What if she was married? Surely God wouldn’t be that cruel.

  “There you are.” Dandi motioned him over and when she did, sweet-doll turned around and Beau audibly growled. Okay, he surrendered. It was over. This was the future Mrs. Beau LeBlanc. His eyes almost crossed, he couldn’t decide whether to stare at her perfectly adorable face or the two handfuls of tit-heaven that seemed to be begging for his touch. “What’s wrong with you?” Dandi asked. Thank God, his cousin couldn’t recognize that he was completely lust-struck. “Come meet Harley Montoya. She has a couple of questions for you.”

  Her heart almost stopped beating. It was impossible – absolutely impossible. Harley couldn’t believe it. Every psychic nerve in her body tingled – even before she made a move to turn around. Never, ever had she expected to see Beau again. All breath fled her body. It was Beau, and he was drop-dead gorgeous. Taking one-step toward him, she prepared herself to greet the person who meant the most to her in this world. Did he recognize her? Her mouth had gone dry. Meeting his gaze, Harley searched his beautiful blue-black eyes for any hint he knew who she was.

  He didn’t.

  He was smiling, but there didn’t seem to be any surprise in his expression. He grinned and there it was, that little half dimple she had dreamed about so often. Her Beau. God! She wanted to sink to her knees and thank heaven. He was alive and within touching distance. She had to drive her fingernails into her palms to keep from reaching for him. Harley didn’t know what to do; she was so tempted to just launch herself into his arms. But, she resisted. Not only would it shock him but her ingrained fear of intimacy made her skittish. There was no need to embarrass both of them. The only thing she allowed herself to do was extend one trembling hand in greeting.

  “Hello, cher,” Instead of shaking it, Beau surprised her when he brought it to his lips and kissed it. “What a pleasure it is to meet you. I’m Beau LeBlanc.”

  No, he didn’t know her. At all. Harley didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed. “I’m Harley. It’s nice to - uh - see you, Beau.” The name slipped off her tongue like a prayer. She had known the owner of Firepower Munitions was named Beau, but Beaureguarde and its derivative were common in South Louisiana. Plus, she had never known her Beau’s last name, and he certainly had not known hers. Details like that hadn’t been important. They had been more concerned with just staying alive. Still, she drank in his face with her eyes, her whole body shaking from the shock. “I’ve heard wonderful things about your weapons business.”

  “Thank you, I’m proud of it,” he was staring at her face so hard, she just knew any moment he would realize who she was. But he didn’t. “Do you live near here?”

  “Yes, I just moved from Southeast Texas, before that I lived near San Diego.” Why was she being so specific? There was no need for her to share so much, unless she intended to remind him of days gone by. Would he want to know? Harley wondered if Beau would even remember the thirteen year old scrap of humanity named ‘nothing’ that had clung to him like he was a life preserver.

  “Well, welcome to the Atchafalaya Basin. I’m sure you’ll love it here. As a home-grown boy, I sure would be glad to show you around. Would you like that? ”

  He looked so expectant she had to smile. His voice had the same sexy Cajun cadence she remembered from their youth. Sixteen years might have gone by, but she would have recognized him anywhere. His hair was the same. Longish, slightly curly and black as sin. High cheekbones, a chiseled face and a smile that would make any woman in the world sigh with longing. It was all just as she remembered, except mature and perfect. The last time she had seen him, he had been climbing out the window to safety. She had stayed behind to provide a distraction for Pell while he escaped. Harley had never seen Beau again, until this moment. She had often wondered how he had fared. Hopefully, better than she had. Pell had beaten her six ways to Sunday for aiding in the loss of his star pickpocket. And that wasn’t all he had done. But, she pushed the painful thought from her mind. No use dwelling on that nightmare. Beau had gotten away, and she had escaped. Pell’s final attack on her had given Harley enough courage to take the risk and get out of that hellish place. After all, with Beau gone, there had been no reason to stay.

  Wait! What had he said? He was asking her out? Harley was so distracted by the wonder of finding him again that it was difficult to process simple English. She was about to try and answer him, but Dandi cleared her throat, reminding them both she was there. “Harley wants to talk to you about a conversion job.” It was obvious she was growing bored with their by-play.

  Beau’s mind was fogged by arousal. Conversion job? He wasn’t familiar with that term; all he could think of was blow jobs, hand jobs. You know, critical jobs. “Did you bring your weapon with you?” He didn’t need for her to answer that; he could tell she was fully armed and dangerous. And he was cocked and primed and on a short fuse. Hell, he was beyond aroused!

  “Yes, I did.” Harley tore her eyes from his and unzipped the gun case, removing the Remington rifle
for his inspection. “I’d like to see about getting a reaper conversion and having it accurized, if that’s possible.”

  Beau held his breath while he asked the next question. “Is this a surprise gift for your boyfriend?” There was no way this baby-doll could handle a sniper rifle. Everything within him hoped her answer was no.

  Boyfriend? Harley paused before answering. “No, there’s no boyfriend. This is a birthday gift. Do you think you can do it?” She didn’t explain that the gun was a gift to herself.

  Boyfriend? That was almost funny. If he only knew her crazy history. To start off with, for three years she had lived as a boy after leaving Brownwood. After escaping, Harley had run off into the night, hiding underneath one of the bridge overpasses near the river. A homeless man had loaned her a knife and she had sawed off all of her long, dark hair. After what had happened with Pell, if she could have stripped herself of her femininity, she would have. She handed the .308 to Beau, anxious to get the focus back on the gun and off of her.

  No boyfriend. He couldn’t help but smirk. Okay, so the coast was clear. She sure as hell fascinated him. All he could think about was what her kiss was going to taste like and how it would feel to run his hands all over her incredible body. Taking the gun from her, Beau admitted that Harley handled the firearm pretty well, for a girl. Beau was intrigued. He had seen women shoot big guns before, but the thought of this woman handling a rifle was turning him on to no end. God, he’d love to feel her hands on his weapon. “Well, sweetheart, it would be my pleasure to do this for you.”

  “Okay, good.” Harley felt so torn. What should she do? But, he deserved the truth, didn’t he? “Beau, there’s something that I need to. . . .”

  “Here’s the brochures,” Dandi breezed back in and gave them to Harley. “Have you brought in the Ma Deuce, yet?”

  That got his attention. “You’re the owner of the .50 caliber?” Damn! He hadn’t even thought about the machine gun. She was just so beautiful everything else had slipped his mind.

  “It’s in my vehicle.”

  “She drives a Hummer.” Dandi shared the information like she was whispering the most delicious gossip.

  “Dehelyousaye?” There was more to this woman than met the eye, and he couldn’t wait to peel back every layer…of clothing. Feeling his cock jerk in his jeans, Beau found himself smiling again. “Shall we bring it in? And what do you want to do with it?” Fighting to regain a little decorum, Beau couldn’t believe he was acting like a sex-starved teenager and liking it.

  “Sure,” Harley felt like she had gotten a reprieve. It would give her a few more minutes to get her thoughts together for her confession. “I inherited the machine gun. I hope you can help me find a buyer for it.”

  “Damn! I’d sure love to have it.” Beau ran a hand through his thick hair, ruffling it.

  Harley was entranced by his hands. They were strong, wide and capable. The veins stood out prominently on the top and she found herself wanting to trace them with her tongue. Land sakes! What was wrong with her? Beau was talking; she tried to focus on what he was saying.

  “Depending on the condition, those things are going for fifty to fifty-five thousand dollars.”

  ‘This was perfect,’ Harley thought. “It’s in mint condition. Of course, I encourage you to check it out.” She could get rid of the gun and do something nice for Beau. “If it passes your inspection – how does ten thousand sound?”

  “Ten thousand?” Beau was flabbergasted. “Why? If it’s all you say it is, I could find you a buyer in a couple of days who would be glad to pay you full price.” Was she that hard up for money? He had no desire to cheat her.

  “No, I’m not interested in making a big profit. I just want to get rid of it. So, if you’re interested, it’s yours.”

  “Hell yeah, I’m interested.” This was turning out to be his lucky day, in more ways than one. “I’m interested in the gun, but I’m more interested in you.” Beau grinned. He was happy. There was no two ways about it. And he wasn’t shy, so he just decided to lay all of his cards on the table. “You are the most incredible looking woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” Behind him, Dandi choked. Crap! He had forgotten about his cousin being in the room. And his little bombshell, Harley? She blushed! Good Lord in Heaven, the little darling blushed!

  Digging the keys out of her jeans pocket, Harley held them out to him. “You’ve just bought yourself a .50 caliber machine gun. It’s in the back of my truck. Let’s go get it.” She decided not to comment on Beau’s admission that he found her attractive. It would be better if she just ignored it. Her body seemed to have other ideas, however. Harley felt her nipples puffing up and her pussy began to swell and an unfamiliar ache started deep within her sex. God, she was turned on! A myriad of emotions flooded through her. This type of reaction to a man was unheard of for her. But this was no ordinary man, this was Beau. “Come on.”

  She led him outside and Beau had a good time trailing her. Fuck! He couldn’t decide if she looked better coming or going. If he had ever seen a hotter woman, he couldn’t remember it. She walked with confidence, yet sensuality defined every step she took. The sway of her hips mesmerized him and he vowed he would have his hands on that ass before the week was out. Now that he had found this tempting morsel, he wasn’t going to let up until he was pumping between her thighs. Damn! He shifted his package around in his jeans, grateful that she was a couple of steps ahead of him, unaware of his aroused state.

  “Here we are.”

  Beau looked up. He had been so captivated by Harley; he hadn’t noticed he was in the presence of another beauty. “Wow.” Now, this was a ride! “You drive this?” He loved powerful machinery and the Hummer sitting in his parking lot was the ultimate machine. This wasn’t just an H1. This was a custom, military-outfitted Humvee. The real deal. It even had the helicopter hook so it could be picked up and moved through the air to another destination.

  “Yeah, I manage to keep it between the ditches.” His skepticism about her choice of a vehicle was something she had heard before, way too many times. Standing back, she watched him open the double doors to the large storage compartment. “Actually, I’ve owned this truck for a couple of years.”

  What in the world was all of this? Beau stood at the rear of the Humvee in amazement. “Baby, what kind of work do you do?” He had never seen so much technical looking hardware in one place. The Ma Deuce was there, within easy reaching distance but it was surrounded by other equally intriguing items. Electronic gadgets and tools were neatly arranged, and he had no idea what they were for. His fingers itched to pull them out and inspect them more closely. “This stuff looks like Radio Shack on steroids!”

  Harley laughed. Beau was having a typical male reaction to her chosen mode of transportation. And as far as the explosive ordinance gear, she knew how to be evasive. “I’m a government contractor.”

  “That tells me a helluva lot.” Beau realized she didn’t care to elaborate and that was all right for now. “Man, that’s a pretty lady.” He pulled the machine gun closer to him. “Where did you get this?”

  Well, there was no secret there. “I inherited it from my father.” And that was why she didn’t want it. He hadn’t cared anything about her when he was alive and she couldn’t muster up any sympathy for him now that he was dead. In the Navy, Harley had always been surrounded by men. In her line of work, a female was the exception not the norm. But there had only been a handful of men in her life she had trusted implicitly: Captain Thibodeaux, Admiral Gaines and Beau. She had never trusted her father; Manuel Montoya had rejected her from the moment he had laid eyes on her. Being born with a caul over her face had been a sign of the devil to her superstitious parents. Manuel had made it clear to her, in every way possible, that he wanted nothing to do with her. That was the reason he had named her ‘nothing’ - Nada. The only reason she had ended up with the gun and a few other items was because she was his only living relative at the time of his death.

  “I can’
t wait to try it out.” Beau picked it up. It weighed about a hundred and fifty pounds, but he carried it easily. “All we need to do is get all the transfer papers filled out and I’ll write you a check.”

  Harley hurried ahead of him and opened the door. Dandi was there anxiously waiting to admire Beau’s newest acquisition. Clearly, she was as taken with it as he was. He carried it into his office, a large adjoining room that was crowded with stacks and piles of books and papers; there was barely room to walk. Organized chaos. She was fascinated to see this side of Beau. There was so much she didn’t know about him and she was hungry to know it all.

  While they were inspecting the Ma Deuce, Harley watched him. He was so good-looking. There hadn’t been anyone in her memory with a body better than his, and she had worked with the best - Navy Seals, Black Ops. Beau’s shoulders were so wide; she would love to stand close to him on tiptoe and see how far her arms would go around him. Despite her problems, she could still appreciate male beauty. So she stole a few glances at him. When she heard a throat clear, she realized Dandi was watching her. Hastily, she tried to at least pretend to study the papers in her hand. How unprofessional could she get? “I think this will do for the .308. I like the way it looks.” Glancing at the clock on the wall, she saw it was time for her to leave for the doctor’s office. Lord, she dreaded this visit. “Look, I’ve got to go. Why don’t I come back later in the week and we can get things settled with both transactions?”

  “Wait,” Beau stood up, there was no way he was letting her leave without a little more information, like when she was going to go out with him. “Where do you live?” He hadn’t recognized the street name when he reviewed the firearm transfer papers. “I could drop off your check tonight and get your signature on the bill of sale and we could iron out the reaper conversion details. I need to get some measurements and make sure we get the stock the right length.” He started to ask the identity of the lucky man she was giving the gun to but one thing at a time.


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