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Colters' Woman: Colters’ Legacy, Book 1

Page 6

by Maya Banks

  He leaned over and pressed his lips to her belly just above the band of her underwear. Then he began pulling them down her legs, his lips burning a trail in the same direction.

  When she was free from the panties, he tossed them over his shoulder and nudged her knees apart. He knelt between her legs and ran a finger over the soft folds of her pussy.

  She jerked in reaction. God, she was wet. Her clit hummed, waiting for him to touch her there.

  He spread her wider then teased her entrance with his fingers. Then he bent his head and flicked his tongue over her clit.

  She nearly shot off the bed. Ethan gently pushed her back down. The mattress sank under his weight as he sat down beside her and began rolling the tips of her breasts between his fingers.

  Ryan swirled his tongue around her tight button then lapped downward to her opening.

  Ethan’s mouth closed over her nipple. Then her other. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth in a silent scream.

  Ryan slipped a finger inside her, then two. He slid them back and forth as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  Her entire body tightened, jerked, then the world exploded around her. She lost the battle to remain silent, and she cried out as her orgasm racked her body.

  She felt a gush of wetness between her legs, but still Ryan tormented her with his mouth. Ethan sucked one nipple and pinched the other with his hand. Unbelievably, she felt the slow crawl of her release build again. Not again. She couldn’t.

  Suddenly Ryan pulled away, and she felt her legs spread unbelievably wide. Ethan moved his lips to capture hers in a breathless kiss.

  “Relax, doll,” he whispered.

  And she knew what was coming. Craved it, wanted it more than anything.

  Ryan’s cock nudged her entrance then in one firm push, he slid all the way in.

  Her eyes flew open at the myriad of sensations accosting her. Pain, incredible pleasure, longing, want. Need.

  He remained still for a moment as her body adjusted to his invasion. He was big. He wasn’t all the way in. Could he fit?

  “I can’t hold on anymore,” Ryan rasped.

  He pulled back then surged forward, more powerfully than before. She gripped Ethan’s head, yanking him down to her mouth. He held her tightly as Ryan began thrusting between her legs.

  She’d never felt anything like this. Ryan leaned forward and jerked his hips powerfully.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed as he seated himself fully within her. She could feel his balls nestled against her ass.

  “Am I hurting you?” Ryan gritted out.

  “God no, don’t stop,” she pleaded.

  Her words seemed to shove him right over the edge. He began tunneling into her, his hands gripping her hips.

  In her haze, she registered another presence. Adam. The bed dipped again.

  “I’m missing all the fun.” His deep voice washed over her, nearly sending her over the edge.

  Adam put a hand behind her neck and pulled her head up far enough that he could slide his cock into her mouth.

  She closed her eyes and sucked him deep within, in matching rhythm to Ryan’s thrusts.

  Adam gripped her head tightly and thrust hard, not allowing her to control the tempo. He paused to let her catch her breath then began stroking to the back of her throat.

  Ethan’s mouth closed over her nipple once more, his teeth grazing the sensitive tip. Then he sucked it into his mouth, and she nearly lost all sense of time and place.

  She couldn’t think. She could only react. Ryan’s urgency mounted, and he shook the entire bed with the force of his thrusts. Then he tightened between her legs, and the hot jets of his release flooded into her body.

  She whimpered in protest. She wasn’t ready yet. She was close, so close. She didn’t want Ryan to stop.

  Adam pulled out of her mouth and paused a moment. Then he curled his hands into her hair and thrust all the way back in, his cock sliding down her throat. His balls rested on her chin, and he kept her still, allowing himself to fill her mouth completely.

  Ryan pulled out, and she felt the loss keenly. Adam withdrew and began pumping in and out of her mouth. He was close to his release, she could tell. He’d tightened, swelled, become even harder in her mouth.

  Pre-come filled the back of her mouth, and she swallowed quickly as he thrust faster.

  The bed dipped and her legs wobbled and fell as Ryan left her. Before she could utter any sound of regret, her legs were spread wide once more.

  Ethan slid into her. She moaned around Adam’s cock. Ethan felt so different yet every bit as good as Ryan had felt.

  Ethan began a slow in-and-out motion, gentle, deep.

  She gagged slightly as Adam’s hand gripped her neck tighter and he surged forward again.

  “Oh God, baby, I’m coming, get ready.”

  The wet sounds of her sucking filled the room as he fisted his cock in his other hand and forced himself deeper.

  Hot liquid filled her mouth, jetted against the back of her throat and spilled down her chin. She swallowed as fast as she could but it kept coming. He thrust one more time, holding her against him as he finished in the back of her throat.

  Slowly he let her head down until she was flat against the mattress again. She opened her eyes to see him staring down at her, desire and approval in his eyes.

  He lowered his hand to caress her breasts, feathering his fingers across her taut nipples.

  Ryan took the position vacated by Ethan, and he turned her head toward him. He was already hard again. He slid his cock into her mouth and groaned. He was surprisingly gentle, much more so than when he’d fucked her.

  Ethan stroked between her legs, the soft smacking noise of flesh meeting flesh filling the air. He pressed a thumb to her clit as he thrust deeper, and she began to squirm restlessly as her orgasm built, fanned out of control.

  Ryan’s cock in her mouth, Adam’s hands on her breasts, Ethan deep within her pussy—it was all too much. She’d held on as long as she could.

  As Ryan filled her mouth with his come, Ethan sank deeply inside her and poured himself into her. She bucked wildly beneath them, spasms rocking her body.

  Ethan slipped from her and leaned heavily on her belly, his breath coming in ragged bursts. Ryan eased his cock from her mouth then gathered her in his arms.

  She closed her eyes and sucked in deep mouthfuls of air, trying desperately to calm her raging senses. She shook from head to toe from the force of her orgasm. In short, she felt like jelly.

  She felt her legs lifted then separated. A hard cock slid into her, and she moaned. “I can’t.” She couldn’t take another orgasm like she’d just experienced. It would kill her.

  Adam chuckled, the sound husky and erotic to her ears. It was the laugh of a predator. One who knew he had his prey right where he wanted.

  “Oh yes, baby. You can. Just lay back and feel.”

  She was impossibly sore, and yet as he pushed into her, she felt her body react.

  “That’s it, baby.”

  Ryan and Ethan ran their hands soothingly over her body, feathering over her soft belly, her ribcage, then to her breasts. Both dark heads dipped and sucked at her nipples, lavishing them with attention.

  Her body shuddered as Adam drove powerfully into her. Then he withdrew, and she opened her eyes.

  “Turn over,” he commanded.

  Ethan and Ryan helped her, their hands warm and comforting.

  “Up on your knees,” Adam said.

  She shook in reaction. Was he going to take her from behind? This was by far the most erotic of her fantasies. The thing she’d wanted to try most. It was the one position guaranteed to turn her on.

  He gripped her hips in his strong hands and with his thumbs spread her buttocks until she felt cool air wash over her ass and pussy.

  He ran a finger over the seam of her ass, pausing at her back entrance.

  She flinched and tightened reflexively. Surely he wasn’t going to…

  He c
huckled again as if reading her thoughts.

  “Not yet, baby. But soon. Very soon.”

  Chills washed over her entire body at the idea of him fucking her ass. Would it feel as good as she imagined? Or would it be one of those things better left in fantasy and not in reality?

  She didn’t know, but she wanted to find out.

  He positioned himself behind her then surged forward, nearly rocking her off her knees.

  She screamed as a wave of pleasure, so sharp, raced over her. He was so deep. Deeper than she imagined he could go. He rocked forward, setting an insane pace, driving her forward. The slap of his thighs against her ass ricocheted through the room, the sound incredibly erotic to her ears.

  Ethan knelt on the bed and positioned himself in front of her. His cock stood erect mere centimeters from her mouth. She opened her mouth obediently, and he thrust inside.

  Ryan’s lips slid across her back, making her shiver. His hands curled around to tweak and pinch at her nipples.

  “You like this?” he murmured.

  She nodded, unable to speak around Ethan’s cock shoving impatiently into her mouth.

  “Imagine how it will be when you are taking all three of us,” he continued, his voice raspy with lust. “Would you like that? Adam in your ass, me in your pussy, Ethan in your mouth.”

  She shuddered and bucked in reaction to his provocative words.

  Adam thrust harder in response, making her cry out.

  “I think I want to fuck you again,” Ryan whispered. “Would you like that?”

  She let Ethan’s cock slide out of her mouth long enough to shout yes before Ethan reclaimed her lips.

  Adam withdrew, but he hadn’t come yet. Ryan took his place and slid his hard cock inside her.

  “Oh yeah, you feel so damn good,” Ryan said with a groan.

  He fucked in and out, his fingers digging into her hips as Ethan continued his assault on her mouth. Never had she felt so powerful, so desirable and so in control of her own destiny. She reveled in it, giving as good as she was getting.

  Ryan stopped all too soon, but Adam was there to take his place. They began taking turns, driving her up the peak to her release only to stop before she catapulted over the top.

  Three, four, five thrusts, then another would take his place.

  She sucked Ethan’s cock with all the intensity of her raging desire. She wanted to come, damn it. She needed to come.

  “I’m coming, doll,” Ethan said hoarsely.

  He shot into her throat, thrusting forcefully. She swallowed as she bucked back into the cock impaled in her pussy.

  Finally she felt Adam tighten against her ass. She rose up on her hands and pushed back against him. He gripped her shoulders, pulling her back as hard as he could.

  He shot come into her pussy until she felt it run down the inside of her thigh, but still she hadn’t found her release.

  He pulled out and Ryan quickly grabbed her hips and plunged into her. The fire within her burned out of control. It ballooned into her pelvis, into her stomach, tightened her legs until she feared she would collapse.

  He fucked her harder, knowing what she needed.

  She closed her eyes and screamed as his hard thighs slammed against her ass. He reached underneath and pressed his fingers to her clit.

  Black spots filled her vision. The world blurred around her. Her pussy felt as though it exploded as her orgasm finally burned over her.

  Behind her, Ryan cried out. He thrust and then convulsed against her.

  She collapsed forward, no longer able to bear her weight with her hands. Ryan came with her, his big body covering hers, his cock still buried deeply within her.

  She couldn’t catch her breath fast enough. She panted as the aftershocks rocked her limp body. Then she simply blacked out.

  Colters' Woman: Colters’ Legacy, Book 1

  Chapter Seven

  Holly opened her eyes and blinked to adjust to the darkness. Her body was cocooned in warmth, and she let out a drowsy yawn.

  She was curled against Adam’s chest, his arms wrapped around her. A bare back pressed into hers, and she glanced over her shoulder, trying to see if it was Ethan or Ryan.

  Best she could make out, it was Ethan. She frowned. Where was Ryan?

  “You’re awake,” Adam murmured.

  She ducked her head shyly, glad he couldn’t see her well in the darkness.

  His arms tightened around her and he tucked her head under his chin.

  “Are you all right?”

  She nodded against his chest. She was better than all right. She’d never felt righter in her life.

  She snuggled deeper into his chest, loving how safe she felt in his arms. She turned up her face so that her lips were in the direction of his ear.

  “Where is Ryan?”

  Adam stiffened slightly but continued to rub his hand up and down her back.

  “He went to his room,” he said quietly.


  Adam leaned back on his pillow, taking her with him so her head was cushioned on his arm. He stared up at the ceiling.

  “He doesn’t sleep well. He has nightmares, and he doesn’t want us to hear.”

  Holly frowned. She knew she’d seen torment in Ryan’s eyes, but what could be so bad that even his sleep would be haunted?

  “Ryan got back from Iraq a little less than a year ago. He was Special Forces, got captured behind enemy lines. He was a POW for several weeks before our men got in to rescue him. He hasn’t been the same since.”

  “What happened?” she asked in horror, afraid to know what he might have endured.

  Adam sighed. “I wish I knew. He won’t talk about it.”

  “Will you two shut up so I can sleep?” Ethan complained, his voice muffled by his pillow.

  She grinned and elbowed him in the side.

  How natural it felt to be in bed with these two men: comfortable, easy, no awkwardness.

  Ethan rolled over and slid his hand up over her breast. “Come snuggle me. Adam’s gotten you the entire night.”

  She giggled but curled into his arms and laid her head on his chest.

  “Now shut up and go back to sleep,” he muttered.

  She closed her eyes, marveling at how truly happy she felt.


  When Holly woke again, sunlight streamed through the window, nearly blinding her as she cracked her eyes open. She was alone in the bed, a fact she found disappointing.

  A quick glance at the bedside clock told her why she was alone. It was nearly eleven.

  She stretched, testing the limits of her body. She felt sore but unbelievably content. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, groaning a little when her muscles protested.

  She started to grab the sheet to cover herself then laughed at the absurdity of that notion. Instead, she padded nude across the floor to the bathroom. The idea of a long, hot bath sounded like heaven.

  She started the water running, and soon steam filled the large bathroom. When there were several inches of water in the bottom, she stepped in, sighing as the hot water lapped over her.

  She leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes, allowing the water to rise around her. Images from the previous night filled her mind. Her body tingled, her thighs clenched, her nipples tightened in response.

  It was the single most fantastic experience of her life. If she didn’t remain with the brothers, what could she possibly look forward to in the sex department? It wasn’t as if she’d find someone else to satisfy her as they had.

  And there was the fact that she had no desire to leave. She was tired of running, tired of living in fear, but could she trust that she would be safe here? What if she brought Mason to their doorstep?

  Her conversation with Ethan the day before wavered in her mind. The truth was, she could see herself falling in love with them too. Maybe she wasn’t yet. Maybe she was on her way much like Ethan had said.

  She sighed. She should be happy. Instead, she was fill
ed with dread.

  She shook her head, not wanting to get mired down in the muck of her reality. Reaching for the soap, she lathered her body and quickly rinsed. When she was done, she stepped from the water and wrapped a towel around her.

  She went in search of her clothes, unsure of where Ryan and Ethan had put them after their shopping trip yesterday. Her stomach clenched. Had it only been yesterday that she had seen Mason in town?

  Sweat broke out on her brow as sudden realization hit her. He was just a few miles away.

  She sank onto the bed, her breath coming in painful wheezes. It was a full-scale panic attack.

  “Holly? What’s wrong?”

  She looked up to see Ethan standing in the doorway, a look of concern marring his face.

  He hurried over and knelt in front of her. He gently pried her hands apart and curled his fingers around hers.

  “What is it, doll?”

  “Mason’s here,” she croaked. “He’ll find me.”

  He cupped her chin in his hand and forced her to look at him. “Get dressed and come into the living room. We’ll tell you what we’ve come up with.”

  She stared at him, daring to hope that maybe they could keep her safe and that she wouldn’t be the cause of their deaths.

  He stood and kissed the top of her head. “Your clothes are in the top drawer.”

  He walked out, leaving her alone to dress.

  She rummaged through the drawer and pulled out a shirt and a pair of jeans. To her surprise, she found a package of white cotton underwear and two bras in her size. Ryan must have picked them up at the western store when he was choosing her boots.

  She hurriedly dressed and headed for the living room. She paused at the doorway enjoying the sight of the three men. Ryan was sprawled on the couch, beer in hand. Ethan sat at the computer, aimlessly clicking the mouse. Adam stood by the fire, his stance one of impatience.

  Adam looked up and saw her, his eyes smoldering much like the flames in the hearth.

  Her confidence deserted her. She had the insane urge to turn tail and run back into the bedroom where it was safe. She took one step back, crossing her arms protectively over her chest.


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