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Flameover: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 3

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “It was more like six shots spread out over the whole night.” I can’t help but chuckle at the reminder how the both of us couldn’t get enough of each other and screwed like bunnies until we both crashed into a deep sleep.

  I should really be pissed about what she just spilled but this whole situation we’re in is fucked-up. Me giving her another guy’s name, and for real, I’m just as responsible for not using a condom. Even if she said she was on the pill. She lied. I lied. Who of us made the bigger lie is all moot when we have a three-year-old sleeping at the end of the hallway.

  “We will get the test done as soon as possible. And until we have the results, I would like to offer you two to stay here. You obviously need help with your ankle and the kid. Your house needs some work before you can stay there overnight. I can help with all of it. And if you say she’s my kid, you will give me this time. When we have it in black and white, we will discuss how we’re going to continue.” I give her a hard stare, basically letting her know she doesn’t have a choice in any of this.

  Knocking on the door prevents her from answering. I don’t have to check to see who’s standing on my porch because I already know. I’ve asked my president, Archer, to let a prospect swing by with a DNA test. But to my surprise there isn’t a prospect, but Archer himself standing on my porch.

  “Hey, man. I didn’t expect to see you.” I step back to let Archer enter and close the door behind him.

  “I thought it was best to handle this as soon as possible and just between us. Besides, I needed the long ride to clear my head,” Archer says as he hands me a package.

  “Your Dad okay?” I question.

  Archer’s father, Deeds, former president of Broken Deeds MC, needed to step down and hand everything over to his son because of an investigation. An investigation which was unnecessary and unjustified, but the shift in leadership did allow us to sign a new contract with the government. Though if you ask anyone, they will say the gavel was passed down to Archer because Deeds had too many issues with his hand due to an old injury.

  Broken Deeds MC has been active for many decades in solving cases the government can’t seem to close. Though recently the CIA thought it was necessary to run a check, to make sure we still follow our protocols instead of going rogue. Bullshit policies which caused for one of our brothers to die and cause a truckload of issues within our tight family and brotherhood. And yet we came out stronger even with the shift of leadership.

  Archer nods and says, “He’s fine and not the reason I needed to clear my head.”

  “Trouble in paradise?” I can’t help but chuckle since the dude fell head over heels for the vice president’s daughter of another MC. Talk about complications.

  “Same old shit,” Archer grunts. “Hence me needing the long ride.”

  I nod in sympathy and give him a few smacks on the back. “Appreciate it.”

  “Yeah, yeah, just get me some coffee, will ya?” Archer heads for the living room and I trail in behind him.

  Leontine’s eyes widen when she sees Archer. It’s a normal reaction since the dude is all muscle and ink these days. Add the leather cut with patches, jeans with chains, rough biker boots, and you have a menacing presence coming at ya.

  “Lee, this is Archer, president of Broken Deeds MC, the motorcycle club I’m a part of.” I watch how Lee gives him a genuine smile and holds out her hand for him to take.

  The moment their hands break apart, I tell her, “He came by to drop off a DNA kit. We have a lab that handles everything with priority so this won’t take long.”

  Archer eyes Lee’s bandaged ankle and gives her a tiny smile. “I’m going to make some coffee, you want one?”

  She dismisses him and almost wants to get up when I take a step toward the hallway. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I am however going to gently get a sample of my alleged daughter.”

  Her eyes go wide at my words but I hold my hand up to silence her and add, “Don’t get your panties in a twist. It’s an easy swab. I can rub the inside of her cheek while she’s sound asleep. She won’t even know I’m there.”

  That’s all the explanation I give her as I stalk out to do exactly as I said I’d do. When I’m finished, I stroll into the kitchen and open the other box with a swap and rub the inside of my cheek. When I’ve wrapped everything up, I hand the package to Archer and take the mug he’s holding out for me.

  “You taking care of them? With her ankle hurt and all?” Archer questions.

  I glance over my shoulder to see if Lee is still on the couch. Her eyes are staring at the TV across from her and yet she seems locked in her mind; miles away.

  “I’m ninety-nine-point ninety-nine percent sure the kid is mine. I need the test results to make it an even hundred. So, yeah, they stay here. And I’m not about to let her walk away when her ankle is healed either,” I snap, somewhat agitated with myself and the whole situation.

  Archer’s eyes slide to Lee. “Is she old lady material?”

  I put the mug down and rub my neck. “I have no clue. She sparks something inside me when I see her, that’s for sure. And the kid sleeping down the hall should prove we have a connection. Man, I haven’t even mentioned half the stuff we did that night, almost four years ago.”

  I have to push those hot memories away or I’ll end up with a major hard on with my president standing right in front of me.

  “You have a lot to deal with, brother. But take it from me, if it feels right . . . you hold on to that shit and fight for it. Look at the mess I’m in. We’ve been sneaking around for a few weeks and it’s killing the both of us. Maybe I should knock her up, sure would simplify things if she’s carrying my kid. No way another MC will interfere then. Brilliant. Thanks, man. You just gave me a way to solve the issue I was having. Okay, I’m heading out and will drop this off at the lab. I’ll make sure they know to do a thorough rush job and have them text you the results.”

  I grab his cut and draw him into a one arm hug as I slap him on the back. “Thanks, man. Appreciate it.”

  “Always, brother,” he simply states. “Call if you need anything.”

  Archer heads out the door and I make myself another cup of coffee before heading into the living room.

  “Short visit.” Lee tries to say it as a statement but the curve of her voice lets me know it’s more of a question as to why he left so soon.

  “He has some personal issues. His uncle’s the president of Areion Fury MC. Their VP’s daughter has had his heart since the moment he laid eyes on her. There are matters at hand that prevent them from being together.”

  Her shoulders sag a look of sympathy washes over her face. “That’s just sad. Love should always win. I hope he doesn’t give up and finds a way to be with her.”

  “Well, he just decided in the kitchen that it would be a good thing to knock her up. It would guarantee a claim, one Areion Fury MC has no other option but to accept if he wants to do right by her.” I spill these details just to see how she responds to it.

  There’s nothing. No agreement, no judgement, no glare, no nothing.

  She shifts uncomfortably and says, “I would love a cup of coffee if it’s not too much trouble.”

  I have to blink a few times at the change in subject since I was still observing her to see what answer or judgment she would give me. “Yeah, sure.”

  Just as I’m about to pass her she says in a very small voice, “I love my daughter, Kain. I wouldn’t change a thing. Well, maybe I should have tried harder to reach you, though it doesn’t matter now since everything is in the past. I can only hope you won’t take her from me. I’ll fight you if you do, but I will never deny Denise her father.”

  I can hear my own heartbeat in my ears. Did I hear her correctly? Did she really say my biological mother’s name?

  I have to breathe deeply in and out before I have enough oxygen running through me to whisper, “Denise?”

  She gives me a tiny smile and points at my
chest where underneath my necklace is hidden.

  “The angel wings hanging from your necklace. That night in Vegas after the second round of sex, I asked who those names belonged to. You mentioned they were your parents. I wanted to name her Athena, after my mother. But the moment I held her in my arms the name Denise popped into my head so I gave her both. Athena Denise. But when she started talking and could speak her own name it came out as Deni, that’s why I most times address her as Deni. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Mind?” I croak. “Fuck, you have no idea what this means to me.”

  “I’m so sorry you missed the first few years of Deni’s life. I’m so—”

  I cut her off because repeating excuses doesn’t help shit. “Can we just draw a line here and now, and leave everything that happened in the past? The little girl down the hall is what matters, and if we keep throwing shit back and forth it won’t change the fact where we’re standing now. You’re the mother, I’m the father. When I have it in black and white, we will raise her together.” Her eyes grow wide and I know the both of us aren’t ready for this discussion yet. “We are going to cross that bridge when we get there. First things first, meaning we’re going to spend time together and when we get those results, we will have the whole future plans talk. Deal?”

  “Deal,” she grumbles and adds, “Can I have that coffee now?”

  I can’t help but snort a laugh and head for the kitchen but I have to stop mid stride. “Cream? Sugar?”

  “Four sugars, please.”

  I raise an eyebrow and she just shrugs. I shake my head and stroll into the kitchen to make her cavity-inducing coffee. I’ll be sure to throw in some extra sugar since this woman strikes me as the type who will hold back some because others always judge. She’s not one of those skinny, model looking types who prance around with their perfect figure for all to see.

  Nope, she seems the type to be aware of her every curve. Curves she must hate because of society’s picture-perfect image. While all I see is the softness of a real woman, a real woman where I won’t feel bones when I grab her hips and slam myself deep inside her over and over.

  Great. And now I’m staring at the kitchen ceiling in an effort to calm my raging hard on. Releasing a deep breath, I head into the living room and hand her the mug. She wraps her hands around it and the corner of my mouth twitches when I see her smell it first.

  Lee finally takes a sip and she releases a sigh of contentment before eagerly taking another sip. Just as I thought, she has a sweet tooth but chooses to diminish it. I make a mental note to take them both to Bertha’s Café for breakfast. They have the best pancakes, and coffee for that matter.

  “You should add some caramel.” Knowing women love it since, “Archer’s sister, Esmee, is addicted to that shit.”

  She leans forward and places the mug on the table. “No, thank you.”

  Frustration hits me and it makes me grumble, “You clearly like sugar, every woman is allowed to indulge in sweetness every now and then.”

  “Right. Indulge. Most women might, but not me. Have you seen my ass?”

  I can’t help but smirk. “Seen it, felt it, gripped it, kneaded it, ran my tongue all over it. Pretty sure I nipped it with my teeth too. All of it should give you one hell of an impression I enjoyed every inch of your curves.”

  Her cheeks flush adorably and yet it makes anger flow through me by the way she lets society dictate hints of her life.

  “Let’s make it a rule. Deny yourself something you clearly enjoy again and I’ll spank that ass to remind you society doesn’t make the rules. You’re the only one in control of your life.”

  “Says the person who basically gave me no choice and took me with him,” she huffs, and then her shoulders slump. “Sorry. It’s just that . . . a few weeks ago my father died. Now everything falls on my shoulders. And did I mention it’s draining to focus on all tasks while raising a three-year-old? My father set everything in place so the company would basically run itself but Gordon keeps showing up, reminding me of stuff I shouldn’t have to be bothered with, but for some reason he thinks I’m the one who needs to take care of it. Then there’s you, and the whole move here, and I know I basically have myself to blame for relocating here, but—” She’s starting to incoherently growl out some more words before she sighs and says, “I feel like I lost control of my life the day my father gave me the ultimatum almost four years ago.”

  “The whole reason you wanted to become a single mother,” I state.

  “Not the only reason, but one of them. My father wanted me to marry Gordon for the benefit of the company, leaving me little to no choice. But the main reason I became a single mother had more to do with filling a longing to give love and show my kid a world can be filled with a good balance.”

  “Work, love, family, value, and respect to give all. Well, sweetheart, didn’t anybody tell you? Life sucks. There is no balance. Life happens and you have to sail through that shit on your own and take each step as it comes. It’s called living for a reason, and through hardness or loving people around you, you learn to adapt and create your own future. You did that with Denise. You’re struggling now but when you’re done struggling and are able to catch your breath, you will rise above everything all on your own.”

  “That’s just it. It’s one thing after another, and I can’t seem to catch my breath.” The way every single word comes out—laced with pain and defeat—hits me straight in the chest.

  I squat down in front of her and place my finger underneath her chin to make sure her eyes are on me when I tell her, “Your ass is on my couch, and as soon as you saw me again you told me she was my kid. This means I’m here right here next to you and am available to help and for you to lean on, okay? Come to think of it, you don’t have a choice in any of it. Your only focus for now is to let your ankle heal. Denise, do you have a babysitter for her or does she go to preschool?”

  “I haven’t had the time to do any of those things. I was still unpacking from moving into the new house.”

  “Okay, then we will discuss these things tomorrow. It will be good for the both of you to let her start preschool. But like I said, for now you need to focus on you. We discuss stuff, I’ll handle it.”

  “Bossy,” she grumbles, making me smile.

  “Woman, I’m a firefighter as well as a biker. I thrive on orders in heated moments. Either me giving them or I follow orders from my superiors. Both the MC and my work is a foundation where you learn to place your life in the hands of others and make sure you have their back too. You were on your own dealing with everything before we ran into each other again, but it ends now.”

  The hope shining from her eyes make me lean forward and gently brush my lips against her forehead.

  “Lie down and try to relax. I’m going to make a few calls.” I stalk out of the room, because if I don’t, I’ll do what I want to do; take her mouth instead of pressing my damn lips against her forehead.



  I hate this. I hate it, and it’s not fair. Why do I have to sit here in the shade while I can only stare at Kain who is currently teaching our daughter how to plant seeds? This is the reason why I moved to a small town instead of living in an apartment without a garden.

  Though I seriously doubt if anything will rise out of the muddy mess, but I guess we’ll see. A deep sigh rips from my body at the thought since I hope I’m allowed to see if anything grows due to this being his backyard and all.

  It’s been three days and he hasn’t said a word about the test results. And I know he must have received them, right? He mentioned how they have a special lab and it would be a priority. I don’t need a test; I know she’s mine, and Kain is her father.

  Laughter draws me to the here and now where Denise is watering Kain instead of the dirt. No matter how grumpy I was a moment ago, I can’t help but laugh along with them. Kain’s eyes hit mine and my heart skips a beat. Why does this man have such an effect on

  It was the same the day we met. Once we locked eyes, I was a goner; I wanted nothing more than to be consumed by him. Normally I’m shy and don’t seek male attention but he was the first guy I tried like hell to flirt my ass off with. I still can’t believe we ended up in bed together that day.

  Scorching memories assault my brain and I can feel my cheeks heat. I rip my gaze away and reach for the glass of lemonade on the table next to me. The sweetness assaults my tongue and I can’t help but close my eyes and enjoy something else Kain gave me. Dammit, why does everything this man does have to be perfect and addictive?

  “I would say ‘a penny for your thoughts,’ though the way the blush is decorating your cheeks I’d say it’s not suitable to be voiced out loud with our daughter standing near.”

  A gasp leaves my throat and combined with a sip of lemonade it throws me into a coughing fit.

  “Are you okay, Mommy?” Denise asks and starts to furiously rub my back.

  I try to clear my throat and rub the tears from my eyes with both hands, thankful Kain took the glass from me during my coughing fit.

  “I’m okay,” I croak.

  “Maybe I should make mommy wet, it’ll make her feel better.” Kain smirks as he holds out his hand, pointing at the watering can Denise is holding.

  What’s with the sexual innuendo? My cheeks flush some more and if I keep this up, I’ll turn into a freaking tomato.

  Then it hits me . . . he said our daughter. I swallow a few times and ask on a whisper, “You have the test results?”

  “I do,” is all he says and I know he’s going to go back to do some more gardening and end this discussion before it started.

  I know I should wait till tonight when Denise is sleeping but I can’t help but whisper hiss, “You could have mentioned something.”

  The annoying man raises one of his eyebrows. “What for? I was only making sure of something you already knew.”

  Great. He’s right and I have no clue what I should say next, and I’m right back to where I was a moment ago; grumpy, hating everything, and nothing is fair in this screwed-up world.


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