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Flameover: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 8

by Esther E. Schmidt

“I can hear you’re not. Where’s Denise?” It always amazes me how his first concern is always the both of us.

  Out of all the men surrounding me, they always forget to ask about Denise. Well, maybe not forget . . . not care, or simply assume she doesn’t need mentioning. And maybe it’s because Denise is his daughter, making it logical for him to be concerned about her. Yet I remember very vividly how Kain spoke up against Gordon the day of the fire, making him aware I wasn’t alone.

  “Your parents took her to the zoo. I don’t expect them back until after dinner since Broke mentioned he wanted to swing by the club on the way back.” I answer with a smile in my voice, already feeling relaxed by the sound of Kain’s voice and his concerns. “I’m sure she’s having a great time and I’m okay, Kain. Jabba helped him out the door.” I bite my bottom lip and think of the question running through my head as I glance down at the papers in front of me.

  “What are you not telling me, Lee?” Kain sighs. “I can’t leave since a few of my colleagues are sick. Jabba could bring you here if there’s something—”

  I cut him off because he doesn’t need the worry, he has to focus on his job. “I’m fine, Kain. There’s just this gut feeling I have about how Gordon reacted. Maybe it’s nothing and I’m just seeing things because you told me about Gordon and Paula but it feels weird.”

  “What feels weird? Tell me. A gut feeling should never be ignored.” As soon as he says those words, I know he’s right.

  “The papers Gordon wants me to sign. Normally I don’t pay much attention and give it a quick glance through to check if it’s the correct contract for me to sign, but you mentioning about him and Paula made me want to double check everything and read every word but it was as if he wouldn’t let me. He kept pushing it in front of me, telling me I didn’t need to check and how it was drawn up by our lawyers and he double checked everything.”

  “Did he take the contract with him?” Kain says through clenched teeth.

  “I snagged it up and Jabba didn’t give him a second longer to be here. He grabbed his briefcase and shoved him out the door.”

  “Put the papers away. Don’t read them until I’m there with you. I don’t want you upset while I can’t be there, understood?” The words flow out as an order and yet the underlying tone is concern.

  I reach for the drawer of the desk on my right and place the papers in there. “I put them away. Top drawer of the desk in the living room.”

  “That’s my girl,” he says with a smile in his voice and it makes me feel so much lighter as if he took the worry from my shoulders.

  Kain also has different companies and handles everything through connections and staff. I now realize he’s the one person I should be asking for help. Even if we’ve been together for a short period of time, I have absolute trust in this man.

  “Can I ask you something?” There’s a smile in my voice because I’ve come to understand this man won’t deny me anything.

  “Yes, I will marry you. But we can’t hop on my private jet and head to Vegas, meet Elvis, make vows, and exchange rings. So, we’d have to wait, me being at work and all.” He releases some curses and yells to someone in the background that he’ll be right there.

  I give a little snort. “We’re getting sidetracked here, so I’m going to let you go.”

  “Like hell you are,” Kain growls. “Grady brought food. Now give me the question you were going to ask me.”

  Staring at the drawer where the contract is stashed, I start to relay my thoughts. “My father wanted to sell the company before he died. Gordon threw it in my face too just now, asking if I was planning the same thing. I honestly don’t know. You’re a biker, a firefighter, and a businessman. How do you handle all of it? I’m trying to balance all and failing. I want to do right by my father but I know I don’t want to run the company on my own and deal with Gordon on a regular basis. I just . . . I don’t know.”

  “Sweetheart,” Kain’s gentle voice flows into my ear like a sweet caress. “This is something you don’t need to worry about. Why don’t I ask my lawyers to set up a meeting? They can explain options and glance through everything. I have some other people I’d like you to meet too. They helped me set up some of the things that make my investments run smoothly without much interference. You have so many options, Lee. And remember, they are your options. Never let anyone else dictate to you. Not Gordon, not Paula, not your father from the grave. It’s all you, and whatever you decide it’s going to work out. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  “Can you put Jabba on the phone for me?” he questions.

  “See you soon,” I tell him as he gives me the same words in return.

  I hand my phone to Jabba and he listens for a moment before he disconnects and gives me my phone back. He stalks into the hall and grabs one of my sneakers and hands it to me.

  “I have orders to take you out for a cup of some over the top sweet caramel coffee or something. He was specific but I forgot. I imagine you know what he meant?” Jabba shoots me a grin while I can’t help but chuckle and put on the one shoe.

  “Yeah, I do.” I grab my crutches and follow Jabba out the door, feeling better already.

  The feeling doesn’t last long when Jabba drives into Kain’s street a little over an hour later. There are multiple vehicles blocking the road. Red and blue flashes surround the area. My heart starts to race and Jabba curses beside me.

  “Oh, no,” I whisper and swallow hard when I realize the firefighters are trying to save Kain’s house. “Is he in there?”

  “Yeah,” Jabba grunts. “I think so, but you’re going to stay in the car, you hear me? We can’t have him distracted by anything.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that,” I snap, annoyed he would think I’d rush into the house or the crowd of people who are giving orders and trying to save what’s left of Kain’s house.

  Just because he annoys me, I get out of the car but balance myself against the hood to take the weight off my ankle. I wrap my arms around myself as a shiver runs through me.

  “Thank God we were out of the house, and I’m more thankful Denise isn’t here either,” I croak.

  Jabba throws his arm around me and squeezes my shoulder. “I just texted Broke, they are going to stay at the clubhouse. Archer is on his way over along with Ganza. But, Leontine? I think it’s a good thing Kain made us go for coffee. That house wouldn’t be on fire otherwise or hell, maybe it would be with us along in it because I get the fucking feeling that contract you took from Gordon, preventing him from taking it with him, might have had some shady shit in there.”

  My blood runs cold, becoming very much aware Jabba’s words hold truth.

  “It’s all my fault,” I state and watch the flames eat away at Kain’s house.

  My home was filled with smoke and Kain said he’d handled it by having his MC brothers help out. Cleaning up along with fresh paint, new windows, curtains, and such. But this? I don’t think there will be anything left to clean or paint.

  “Okay, lady, I’m going to be nice here and suggest you don’t repeat what you just mentioned. If you agree, I promise not to mention it to Kain because he’s going to flip and redden your ass if he catches you say some bullshit about taking the blame for what someone else did. You hear me? You didn’t spark a flame or throw lighter fluid or some shit. Watch. Watch those flames, the color and the way they lash out. That’s no accident or anything. Kain always talks about the way you can tell what’s feeding a fire and how it enhances. The monster is always hungry, alive, searching for food. This one is way too intense for electrical wire issues or a kid playing with matches. So, shove that guilt away and think about the three of you. The safest place is with each other and if I can make a suggestion, I would let him take you to the clubhouse tonight to regroup and think of a way to nail the sonofabitch who did this,” Jabba growls out that last part and it actually makes me swallow hard. I haven’t seen him this angry before and I’m glad it’s not aimed at me.r />
  A firefighter jogs our way and I recognize him as soon as he’s closer, it’s Grady, Kain’s colleague and the guy whose name he used the first time we met.

  “Ma’am,” he says to me but addresses Jabba right after. “Can you take her to the clubhouse? Kain went nuts when the call came in. It’s why he texted you to ask if you were at the diner. I don’t think it’s a good idea to let her stay here and watch wouldn’t you agree? He needs to focus on his job. Hard enough to do when it’s his own damn house but we’re short a few people. My point is, he would have said something if he wanted her to know. Kain mentioned his suspicions to me about what’s going on. Get her out of here and some place safe. I could call my brother, get you some police protection, whatever.”

  Jabba shakes his head. “Appreciate it, but no need. I’ll take her to the clubhouse. Let him know we’re headed there and I’ll text when we’ve arrived safely.”

  Grady nods and gives Jabba’s shoulder a slight pat. “Ma’am,” he says to me before he jogs back to the other firefighters who are working the scene.

  “Come on, Leontine. Let’s head to the clubhouse. Denise is there and I’m sure Kain will be there as soon as he can.”

  I nod warily at his words and get into the car. There are no words exchanged and I’m actually relieved when Roan is standing in the parking lot of the Broken Deeds MC clubhouse along with Lynn. As soon as I step out of the car, they are both rushing toward me and hug me close.

  Tears are now freely falling down my cheeks. I’m utterly confused by everything going on in my life. Emotions are ripping through me and I’m thankful to have these two strong women in my life to lean on. And it’s then I realize without Kain I would be by myself without anyone having my back.

  It would be just me and Denise while now I’m able to let everything go and seek strength from others before I can face my little girl. A safety net they provide without judgement or demanding something in return.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside,” Roan says.

  Lynn rubs my back. “Denise is staying with Lochlan and Xena. She was intrigued by their pet iguana. You should also know Xena is amazing with kids. They don’t have any themselves but she teaches dance classes and well, Denise danced her heart out, she’s all pooped out and snoring in bed. You can check on her if you want or stay with them too, but if something’s up they will come to get you or bring her over, okay?”

  “Thank you.” I swallow hard and wipe my tears away. “Sorry, I’m a bit of a mess.”

  “You’re not a mess, babe,” Lynn says and gives a slight chuckle. “Nothing a shot of tequila can’t fix. Hey, I could get my kit and give you some ink. I heard Kain wanted his property patch inked, we could do yours now. Probably should do the tequila first, right?”

  “Property patch?” Confusion hits me. I have no idea what they’re talking about.

  “Tequila it is,” Lynn simply states.

  The way she gives me a kind and warm smile, and wraps her arm around my shoulder as she guides me into the clubhouse, I have to agree . . . tequila does sound like a good plan, knowing my daughter is looked after. I could use a little warmth in my body and something to dull my senses.


  – KAIN –

  “Are you seeing this?” Grady says and I can only give him a tight nod.

  Point of origin; this is the room with the most damage from the heat. My living room, or what’s left of it. My eyes travel to where the drawer once was that Lee told me she put the contract in Gordon wanted her to sign. I know that fucker did this.

  If it wasn’t to hide what that contract was about, it was to prevent me from providing for my family. The last time Gordon dropped by unannounced he mentioned I wouldn’t be able to give Leontine what she needed. Did that fucker really think he could force her to be with him?

  “You need to get out of here, Kain. Let us handle this,” Grady says and I know he’s right but I can’t get my body to cooperate.

  Grady grabs my shoulder, giving me a rough shake. “Your girl, she was here, she saw what happened.”

  I release a string of curses, hating the fact she saw my house go up in flames since she’s been through enough already. Seeing a house burn down or hearing about the fact are two very different things. I didn’t want that visual stuck in her head. It was the very reason I texted Jabba, asking if they were still at the diner so I knew they weren’t in the house.

  Fuck. Those few seconds of not knowing if she was in a burning house or not had my heart ready to be ripped apart.

  “Is she still here? I have to . . . I gotta.” I swallow hard and try to think what I should do first.

  “My brothers are a pain in the ass but they are always there for me if I need them. I know it’s the same with you and your brothers, even if they aren’t by blood. It’s why I asked Jabba to take her to the clubhouse. He said he would text you when they arrived safely. Like I said, you need to go. If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know. And if I need you or have something, I’ll contact you, okay?”

  “Thanks, man,” I mutter and head out.

  It doesn’t come as a surprise to see Archer and Ganza standing outside waiting for me. They always have my back. They give me a lift to the station where I quickly change my clothes and get on my bike and follow them to the clubhouse. The long ride always lets me blow off some steam and get my mind in order, except now. There’s a heated anger simmering inside my veins.

  The kind that can only be extinguished by solving a case. And right now, the case involves the lives of my old lady and my daughter. The two people who have taken over my whole existence while only a handful of days ago I had no idea about our solid connection.

  Being a firefighter always gives you a shot of adrenaline when you jump into action. You want to save the people involved. And when there are kids involved you push yourself a little harder. We always push ourselves to the max but with kids? Yeah, it just adds to the level of protectiveness coursing through you.

  Yet now the kid involved is my own flesh and blood, one I only started to get to know and instantly knew I wouldn’t be able to ever walk away from. And now there’s someone starting fires, burning down homes where they should be safe to sleep inside without a care in the world. Fuck.

  I’m all pumped up when we finally arrive at the clubhouse. Parking my bike, I stomp inside, Archer and Ganza following behind me, and to my surprise the main room of the clubhouse is silent with only a handful of my brothers lounging around.

  “Hey, bro,” Wyatt, my brother, says as he gives me a tight nod.

  Wyatt is not only a brother to me through the connection of Broken Deeds MC, but he’s the biological son of Broke and Roan, making him my brother in all ways. He’s a pain in the ass at times, two years younger than I am, and the vice president of Broken Deeds MC.

  “Everyone besides us turned in early, they’re all aware about the mandatory church meeting tomorrow morning.” He turns his attention to me. “Your old lady is in your room. Doubt there will be any action for you tonight since the old ladies of the older generation pulled the tequila from the storage room and locked themselves up. Something about needing girl time. And your kid is staying at Lochlan and Xena’s house. Pretty and sweet, perfect little niece you gave me there, brother.” He grabs my leather cut and draws me close. “We will get this shit cleared up; you hear me?”

  “Thanks, brother,” I grunt and smack his back.

  I give my other brothers a chin lift and head for my room. Once inside I take a moment to glance at the woman draped all over my sheets. This room only holds a large bed, a cabinet, fridge, TV, and a bathroom. Basic necessities for when I crash here instead of taking the long ride home.


  Reality comes crashing down about the fact my house was just burned to the ground. I have no home to return to in Sunnyville. Lee stirs and mumbles my name, her hand reaches out to the empty sheets as she lifts her leg, exposing her naked ass. Her very naked tattooed as

  What the actual fuck? Stepping closer I lean in and hover my fingertips over her freshly inked skin, feeling the heat of the property patch of Broken Deeds MC along with my name on the top part of the circle.

  I haven’t even told her about the technicalities and the dynamics of the club. And yet here I stand, with the woman who found her way back to me branded with my name to give me her loyalty and heart. Proving she’s all in and trusting me to be there for her, and our daughter, always and in every way.

  Bitter fucking sweet with my house just burned to the ground and yet being swept off my damn feet while she steals my heart is not what I was expecting when I walked into the clubhouse, and yet it’s all I needed. My head tips back and laughter rips out. She surprises me at every turn and I damn well relish in the way she’s able to do so.

  “Sssssshh,” she groans and waves her hand up and down. “I’m sleeping.”

  My fingers slide over her ass, avoiding her new ink.

  “Mine,” I croak.

  “Yeah, yeah, in the morning when I wake up, Mr. Ass-man,” she mutters and bats my hand away.

  I can’t help but chuckle. Reaching down I place a kiss on the heated skin and turn on my heels as I head for the bathroom. I quickly undress and take a quick shower before I’m finally able to slide into bed along with her.

  Lee instantly snuggles close and drapes herself over me, releasing a deep sigh in her sleep as if she was waiting for me to come to her to finally be able to sleep peacefully.

  The feel of my woman against me makes a surge of invincibility run through my veins. Fuck everything going on in her life and mine; we will face everything together head on. I close my eyes and let sleep claim me.

  “Oh. My. Gosh.” Lee’s voice thunders through the room and wakes me from my sleep. “What did I do? What did I do?”

  I rub my eyes and blink a few times. Perching myself up on one elbow I see Lee standing next to the bed looking at her ass.

  A smirk slides on my face.

  “Your ass is mine,” I simply state.


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