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Flameover: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 10

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “What’s going to happen now? Do I need to text her back so the police can arrest her?” I ask and move the papers in front of me, horrified Gordon would go as far as making sure my daughter is shoved away.

  Archer releases a frustrating sigh. “Some of the information we obtained wasn’t through legal actions which makes it hard to make them stick in court. Lucky for you we handle cases our own way. But this does add a risk.”

  “I won’t risk Denise nor Kain,” I tell him with a fierce tone.

  A creepy smile spreads his face and he gives me a nod. “I respect that. But you know as well as I we won’t be able to keep Kain out of it. It took a direct order to send him back to work. He was ready to quit a few weeks ago since he refused to leave your side. They didn’t want to lose him so he received a few weeks off. What we could do is have you go to your house and let Paula come to you. After what happened with Kain’s home he let a few of our brothers install a top of the line security system. This way everything would be captured on camera. We need to keep this under wraps since I’m damn sure this woman has eyes on you. Add the fact we don’t know where Gordon is, it all becomes fairly tricky.”

  I give him a skeptical look. “You want me to get in my car and drive home all by myself? To me it sounds like you want to give her every opportunity to kill me, or whatever she has in mind for me. Are you sure you’re working with me and not teaming up with her?”

  “We want to give Paula a window of opportunity but make no mistake, we will be there with you every step of the way.”

  There isn’t a yes or no in this situation. It’s been dragging on for weeks and the fact Denise is mixed up in everything makes my stomach turn. This needs to end sooner rather than later.

  “Okay,” I agree in a fierce tone. “Let’s do this.”

  The creepy smile is back as Archer grabs his phone, punches the screen and holds it to his ear before his words flow. “Grady, plan is a go. Tell your brothers what’s going down and make sure Kain is kept in line. Thanks.” He doesn’t wait for a reply but ends the call instead.

  Kain did mention Grady’s brother, Grant works for the police, so I guess Archer is making sure Sunnyville is aware of what’s about to go down. Although I have no clue myself what’s going to happen.

  “What’s the first part of the plan?” I question.

  Archer stands and stalks to a large closet, pulling it open. I can feel my eyes widen by the sight of all different kinds of weapons he just revealed.

  He takes a small handgun and places it in front of me. “The first part is making sure you’re able to kill Paula if necessary.”

  “What?” I squeak. “Are you kidding me?”

  Archer places a knife on the table right next to the gun. “Nope, I’m dead fucking serious.”

  I swallow hard and reach for the gun with a shaky hand, knowing deep down there isn’t much of a choice; I have to do this to protect those I love. Listening closely to his instructions I somehow find the strength to stay focused. Hopefully by the end of this day I’ll be able to put everything behind me.

  After the instructions he takes me out back to show me how to really use it and it’s actually relaxing to do some target practice with Archer. His dirty jokes and small talk are a welcome distraction for what’s to come.

  I’m mentally going over the things Archer said as I pull out onto the road. I glance in the rearview mirror and notice Wyatt and Ganza on their bikes behind me. They left two cars in between and I’m sure if Paula is following me, she would know they are there too.

  My phone rings and I accept the call with one button, making Paula’s voice flow through the speakers of the car. “Leontine, did you mention it to anyone? I can’t explain and show you if there are others with you. I don’t trust anyone, and neither should you.”

  This is the part Archer drilled into my head and the words flow easy as I tell her, “Kain is very protective, with his house burning down he’s not let me out of his sight and he only left for work knowing there would be two of his brothers watching over me. You don’t need to worry; they won’t come inside the house. You can park around back before I get there so they won’t know you’re there.”

  “It won’t work, Leontine. We have to be alone. I’m at Hooligan’s Bar, meet me there and we’ll go somewhere together.”

  I don’t like the sound of this but there’s hardly anything I can do.

  “Okay,” I hesitantly reply. “But like I said, those two are following me and I can’t tell them to go away.”

  “They won’t have to, just meet me there,” is all she says before the call disconnects.

  I tighten my hands on the steering wheel and force myself to press a few buttons to call Archer.

  “Did she reach out?” he immediately rumbles.

  “Yes. She wants me to meet at Hooligan’s Bar.” My eyes glance into the rearview mirror and it might sound strange, but just a glimpse of those two bikers wearing the same leather cut as Kain soothes some of my nerves.

  “Head over to Hooligan’s Bar.” Archer’s voice is soothing and yet tinged with authority. “I will make sure everything is set so no other civilians are at risk. Don’t get out of the car when you get there, she needs to come out of hiding. We can’t end this if we don’t catch her. I have eyes on you, don’t worry, we’re not going to let anything happen to you. Kain would have my balls.”

  A nervous giggle slips past my lips.

  “That’s it, try to see the bright side of things. But all jokes aside, I like my balls where they are and you have a cute little girl to rush home to,” Archer says and there’s a lot of background noise. “Gotta go now but, Leontine? I’m in the air glancing down on you so I can oversee everything. If she would make you shake off the two bikes following you, I would still see where you’re going to make sure others can come get you, understood? Sunnyville’s police force is working with us as well, we’re all here for you.”

  “Thank you,” I sigh in relief to hear this little detail.

  I slowly hit the brakes and come to a stop at a traffic light.

  “We end this today, okay?” Archer’s voice leaves no room for arguments.

  “Yes,” I reply in a fierce tone.

  The connection breaks at the same moment the passenger side opens. Gordon jumps in and snaps, “Drive Leontine.”

  He’s holding a set of keys and I have to wonder why he has a key to my car since I’m fairly sure I locked all the doors.

  “Drive,” Gordon hisses again through his teeth.

  I hit the gas and let my brain work overtime trying to figure out what to do. Did Archer see Gordon get into my car? Did Wyatt and Ganza? Am I safe? Talk. I need to get him to talk. He isn’t aware I know all the things Broken Deeds MC found out about him and Paula.

  “What are you doing, Gordon? Did your car break down? Is that why you jumped into mine? I’m meeting Paula at Hooligan’s Bar, were you headed there too?” Oops, maybe I’m rambling questions but it’s better than keeping quiet.

  “Cut the bullshit, Leontine.” His voice holds anger when he snaps, “You couldn’t give me a chance, could you?”

  Give him a chance? I risk a glance his way but have to focus on the road in front of me. “What chance? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “The one your father suggested to the both of us when I accepted the promotion. He wanted us to be together and you know it. Then you suddenly turn up pregnant and we had to postpone until that child was old enough to—”

  “Okay, asshole, you can stop talking any second.” Probably not the smartest idea to pitch a fight while I’m driving, but I’ll be damned if I let him talk about Denise as if she’s a dog that needs to be relocated or something. “She’s my daughter, and as far as I know I am my own person. Meaning it’s my choice to be with whomever I choose. And I never had any intentions to be with you. My father made a suggestion, thought we would be good together for the sake of the company. Not my choice and it never will be either. I hav
e also never led you on or so much as accepted to go on a date with you for that matter.”

  “Seems to me like you’re incapable of making the right choices,” Gordon sneers. “Not when it comes to the company, and not when it comes to men. Seeing you wound up with an outlaw as the father of your child. Your father would turn over in his grave if he knew.”

  Gordon shifts in his seat, drawing my attention. My eyes slide to the right and I’m met with the barrel of a gun. “Now, shut your mouth and keep driving.”


  – KAIN –

  “He’s in the fucking car with her and I can’t do shit,” I growl and tighten my hands into fists.

  Grant, Grady’s brother, glances my way for a brief second before his eyes go back to the road in front of him. “There’s nothing we can do now, but we’re right behind her. Two of your buddies are on their bikes, one car is in between us with an officer behind the wheel. And my brother, along with Archer, is keeping an eye out from the air; we have them surrounded. Speaking about Grayson, are you sure nothing will backfire with my brother taking the helicopter after Archer basically forced him to? He had an issue in the past where he was suspended from flying, all because he wanted to save an accident victim.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t worry about Grayson. His boss will receive a nice fat donation for his cooperation. Broken Deeds MC has a contract in place with the government and has the authority to use all means necessary to close cases we’re working on. Our ways might be drastic but we get the job done. We don’t fuss with paperwork but we have our contacts with the government who will make sure all paperwork is done after we close our case. So, like I said, Grayson is in the clear and so are you for that matter. If only I could say the same damn thing about my old lady.”

  “We have a lot of police officers standing by and you guys also have all your guys in place. We will have those two in custody soon enough,” Grant says.

  What I really want to reply is, “Neither one will do time; they will be dead soon. Preferably by my hands.” But I can’t voice those words to someone wearing a badge, and who is all for doing everything by the book. So, I merely nod in agreement.

  There is no way I can have those two idiots who risk the lives of Lee and Denise breathe the same air as my daughter. They want her out of the way for Christ’s sake. Not to mention the fact Paula already killed once before. I can’t leave a killer roam these streets.

  And yes, Gordon is the arsonist who started the fire at Lee’s house, but we managed to obtain security footage from a neighbor who placed Paula at the day and time when my house burned down. For me it’s solid proof she’s the one who burned down my house.

  We have all the evidence, except none that will hold up in court. Lucky for them Broken Deeds MC doesn’t need that shit; we’re allowed to catch those who are guilty and bring them to justice using any means possible. Hence the reason we damn well use any means possible with a helo and asking the local police for assistance to increase manpower along with a flawless cooperation of local authorities.

  My phone rings and I see it’s my mother calling. “Hey, Ma. I’m kinda in the middle of something. Everything okay?”

  “Don’t freak out, Kain, but—”

  My heart freezes and jumps into my throat, clogging it up, making me force out the words, “What’s wrong?”

  “Denise was on the swing and I swear we were paying attention but she fell and hurt her chin. I knew Chopper’s old lady, Ivy, was at the clubhouse. She said it was a tiny cut and it would probably only leave a tiny scar. She put butterfly bandages on her chin. Denise is such a tough little girl.” My mother sniffles and croaks, “I’m so sorry this happened.”

  Relief washes over me. I’m thankful Ivy, an ER doctor, was there to help out.

  “Mom, it’s okay. Accidents happen. Remember the same thing happened to Wyatt when we were on the swing together? I felt so damn guilty too while none of us were to blame back then either. Though he cried and screamed like a baby,” I snicker and my mom chokes on a laugh. “Is she there? Can I talk to her?”

  “Yes, hold on. Your father is trying to make chocolate chip cookies with her but those two are eating all the dough. I’m afraid they won’t have any left to make the actual cookies.”

  I hear a door open in the background until I faintly hear my dad and Denise chatting. My mother’s voice is clear when she tells Denise someone is on the phone for her.

  “Mommy?” my daughter’s voice wobbles.

  “No, sweetheart, it’s me. I heard you were a big, tough girl today,” I tell her with a proud voice.

  “Daddy!” she squeals, and it hits me straight in the chest.

  Damn, hearing her call me daddy never gets old and I’m thankful each day she accepted me into her life as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

  “Are you eating all the dough before you can turn it into actual cookies?” I chuckle and she giggles right along with me.

  “It’s okay, Daddy. Grandpa and I made extra. I will save you some cookies. Is mommy there too?”

  Her question makes my eyes lock on the car in front of me and I notice Gordon’s arm raising, pointing a fucking gun in the face of the woman I damn well adore. The mother of my child. Our little girl who is asking me about her mom. Fuck.

  “She’s a little busy right now, sweetie. Can you put grandma on the phone again? And be sure to save lots of cookies for me and mommy. Promise?”

  “I promise, Daddy,” she says before there’s rustling and my mom’s voice coming through.

  “No more swing time, I promise,” my mother says with a stern voice.

  The corner of my mouth twitches. “Then she’ll trip over the threshold. Accidents happen. You gotta live a little, earn a few scars, and create memories. It makes you feel alive and really lets you feel as if you participate in life. Give her a hug from me and make sure she saves the damn cookies she promised to make me.”

  My mother sighs in relief and promises to do just that. We say our goodbyes and disconnect.

  “Everything okay?” Grant asks.

  “Yeah, my little one hurt herself, fell off the swing. Nothing a few butterfly bandages on her chin won’t fix.”

  “Ouch,” Grant mutters but raises his voice and snaps, “Here we go, we’re at Hooligan’s Bar. Your guys in place?”

  “There are no customers in there, only MC brothers and some of their old ladies. Everyone is trained to take a person out.”

  “Nice. So, this should go smoothly, right?” Grant asks as we watch Lee park her SUV but stays seated.

  Grant parks the car at a safe distance while I grab my gun.

  “What the hell is he doing?” Grant says, more to himself than to me.

  Gordon is holding out papers and waving his gun.

  “The fucker thinks he can make my woman sign over stuff at gunpoint,” I growl. “As if that shit ever works or will hold up in court.”

  Frustration and despair fills me. I’m unable to do anything because if I interfere, I risk Gordon going nuts and using the gun he has aimed at Lee. Lee’s door suddenly swings open and she jumps out.

  Gordon scrambles out of the SUV on the other side and tries to go around. Both Grant and I get out and there are a few of my brothers stepping out of their hiding spot, surrounding Gordon while having multiple guns aimed at his head.

  “Your time is up, asshole,” I growl, making Gordon’s eyes land on mine.

  His gun is aimed at Lee and even if we have him surrounded—there are a lot of guns aimed at his head and we could easily turn him into a human colander with a rain of bullets—though it wouldn’t stop him from pulling the trigger; risking the life of the woman I love.

  Fucking hell, I love her and I haven’t been able to tell her exactly how I feel about her. There hasn’t been an opportunity to give her the actual words and yet we do have treasured moments with the three of us as well as heated ones with just me and Lee, showing how good we are together. If only he would a
im the gun at me. I’d give my life in return for Lee to be safe.

  “Point your gun at me, I’m the biggest threat to you right now,” I growl out my words.

  Grant slowly moves to the side and is facing Gordon’s back. I’m sure he’s inching closer in an effort to take him down when opportunity strikes.

  A shot rings out and Lee cries out in pain, falling to the ground the next instant. Blood is soaking her leg, dripping on the ground underneath her.

  “Nobody move,” Gordon snaps. “Or Paula will shoot her in the head.”

  “Motherfucker,” I growl underneath my breath. “You okay, baby?”

  “Just dandy, Kain,” Lee sarcastically says, almost biting my head off with those words.

  Paula steps out from behind Hooligan’s and aims her gun at Lee but addresses Gordon. “Why did you have to screw it up? As always, you don’t care about anything other than yourself.”

  I grind my teeth. If there’s anything worse about a situation where people are being held at gunpoint, it’s having the crazy ones pitch a damn fight in the heat of the moment. This turns a situation into a ticking time-bomb ready to detonate at damn second.

  Grant inches closer to Gordon and is now within reach to jump the fucker. I move to the left to draw attention to myself while my brothers stay in place, some of them have their gun aimed at Gordon, others at Paula. My gun is solely aimed at Paula, in my opinion she’s the biggest threat.

  My eyes connect with Grant for a mere second and understanding flows between us. I’ve worked alongside his brother for years. Trusted him without a second thought. Over the years I’ve met with his brothers on several occasions, having drinks, barbecues, whatever . . . point is, these Malone brothers are stand up guys who have your back in any situation. Grant isn’t a rookie, he’s skilled, trained, knows what to do and when to act.


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