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Flameover: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 12

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Yes, you are.”

  She launches herself at me and hugs me tight after I give her the confirmation.

  “Careful,” Kain grumbles. “We need to watch out for mommy’s belly from now on. And we have to help her a little more around the house. We can do that, can’t we?”

  Denise nods and pats my stomach. “It’s okay, baby. I got you,” she says with determination and nods furiously.

  “I think dinner has gotten cold,” I croak, filled with emotions and thankful for this moment where I’m allowed to feel happy being surrounded by those I love and the new life growing inside me.

  Kain picks up Denise and places her on the chair. “Come on, big sis, you need to eat and grow strong too. The lasagna was hot when we started so I’m sure it’s the perfect temperature to eat.”

  He takes his place across from me and picks up his fork. I give the file with the documents a little shove his way.

  “Do you think your father will go with me when I arrange a meeting with the company who my father approached for a merger?”

  Kain chews, nods, and shoots a quick smile to affirm what I already knew.

  “Good. Then I will set things up when we’ve finished dinner. No need to delay anything,” I decide and pick up my fork.

  I feel lighter making this decision and will handle it right away. Another step toward a future we set ourselves by the choices we make. After dinner and doing the dishes, we tuck Denise into bed together and agree to watch an action movie. Kain hands me a mug filled with hot cocoa and marshmallows and sits down beside me.

  “We’re getting married at the hotel, the one where we first met. It has a little chapel. Did I ever tell you my parents got married there?” He’s wearing a big smile and I don’t have to mention the fact he told me where we’re getting married and not asking or talking it through first.

  I’ve come to understand this man takes the lead with everything he encounters. Something I love and welcome.

  “Roan and Broke?” I question, though it seems logical seeing he did tell me the hotel was previously owned by Broke.

  “Didn’t my mother show you their wedding pictures yet? I’m surprised she didn’t.” He chuckles.

  I give him a smile. “I’m sure she will as soon as we tell them, don’t you think?”

  “I just might think she’s going to move in with us when we tell her about the pregnancy and the upcoming wedding.” Kain cringes. “She wouldn’t want to miss any damn second of it.”

  I take a sip of my cocoa and release a sigh of contentment. “I don’t mind. Well, maybe the moving in part would be a little awkward,” I snicker. “But they mean well and Denise loves having them around.”

  “Yeah,” Kain whispers and places a hand on my belly. “You guys make me so fucking happy.”

  “Language,” I scold, laughter tinges my voice as I receive a glare in return.

  “I’m going to enjoy every second of this pregnancy and make sure to pamper you,” he vows. “I hate I missed out on so much with Denise.”

  I lean in and kiss him in an effort to silence the discussion. I refuse to glance back at our past. The things we have overcome and what brought us to this point are a part of our foundation but what matters now is the love and strength we have while we live our life as one big family.

  “I effin’ love you so effin’ much,” he growls against my lips, making my heart smile big.

  “As I effin’ love the effin’ loving heck out of you,” I reply with the same affection he offers me.

  Sometimes life is as simple as reaching for your dreams and making them reality; and giving yourself a chance of happiness. Even if it takes a few bumps in the road . . . in the end it’s all worth it.


  – KAIN –

  “Getting cold feet or are they warm and comfy? Sweaty even?” Grady chuckles.

  Wyatt smacks him on the chest. “Warm, cold, and sweaty, don’t you think?”

  They both snicker while I shoot them a glare. “I’m absolutely fine, you idiots. I’m getting married in a few minutes. Making that amazing woman mine in the eyes of the law. She’s already mine in every other way so there is no getting cold feet; I’m perfectly happy with my old lady, my kid, and the baby growing inside the woman I love. Life doesn’t get any more damn complete if you ask me.”

  “And to think you had to use my name to go incognito in an effort to get to this point,” Grady winks.

  A sigh rips from me and I rub my neck. “Yeah, you can only obtain perfection when you’ve endured a few bumps and bruises along the way. Believe me, I’ve regretted it for a long time since I could have had all of this sooner. And, dammit, I had to face the wrath of your wife. Something about almost ruining a perfect relationship if that call would have gone completely different. Did I ever mention Dylan addressed every possible angle? From you answering to her answering and then Lee calling back and everyone in Sunnyville talking about how you went to Vegas and got a girl pregnant. Man, I still don’t know why you felt the need to share my whole fuck-up with your woman. We could have kept it quiet and saved me the new asshole she ripped me.”

  Grady gives me a hard stare. “Don’t point fingers my way, this was all you. And for your information, I refuse to lie or withhold things from Dylan. Think about it, what if one of you idiots ran your mouth during a barbecue or something and she found out anyway. Because things as weird as this always find a way to bubble to the surface. Nothing is worth getting my girl upset.”

  “Agreed,” I simply say because he’s absolutely right.

  “Though this whole getting married in Vegas thing and giving us a long weekend away with an all-expenses paid magnificent wedding suite and everything we could wish for does make up for some of it. My girl’s words, not mine. Now,” Grady says and rubs his hands. “Are you ready to get married or do Wyatt and I have to hold your hand to drag your ugly ass down the aisle?”

  “Funny,” Wyatt snickers.

  Grady shoots him a grin as I shake my head and stalk past them to head for the chapel that’s connected to the casino I own. It’s Vegas, we’re obviously not going to marry the normal way. We’re going to do it exactly the way my adoptive parents did many years ago and in the same place.

  There’s a different Elvis standing before us, though. The chapel looks like a throwback to the fifties with black and white tiles on the floor and a pink Cadillac in the corner along with a jukebox. Fresh flowers are spread all over the place.

  At the time my parents were dressed in the fifties style, but this is where I changed it up a bit to make sure it was a mixture of both my biological and my adoptive parents since I had Lee’s wedding dress custom made from a photograph I had from my mother’s wedding pictures. It was actually Lee’s idea when Denise and Lee were visiting my parents and Roan showed her all the old photographs.

  I come to an abrupt stop when I capture the beauty of my old lady and in front of her is Denise, holding a tiny pillow with the rings on it. She’s dressed in a fluffy slightly pink tutu dress. On this tiny spot in this world, at the altar, is where my heart is standing out in the open. Filled with love and thumping for the beauty of it.

  If I knew all those years ago a hot one-night stand would lead me to the love of my life and the future I wouldn’t dare to dream envisioned, I would have never given her any other name but mine. And for damned sure I would have never let her leave my bed the next morning.

  Yet life has a funny way of leading paths to open roads along with a few crossroads. Because in the end it doesn’t matter if you take shortcuts or take the long ride home . . . It’s the fact you get home and have the people you love—heart and soul—waiting for you.

  I shoot a wink at Lee and squat down at eye level with my little girl. “Hey, sweetie.”

  “I have the rings,” she beams and hold them up for me to see.

  “Such a big girl,” I praise.

  “A big sister,” she corrects me.

  I nod and give her a
big grin, letting my knuckles slide over her cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

  She stands a little taller when I give her the compliment. With everyone waiting, I rise and take my place to get things going. Every second that passes is one I treasure and lock into my memories. The exchange of our vows, a scorching kiss to seal the deal—no matter who is in the room or where we stand; I will always make sure she knows just how much she means to me.

  The ceremony is short and perfect in every way. We’ve planned dinner and invited everyone to join us in the ballroom where we continue to celebrate life, love, and commitment. The fact we are now connected, another step branded on our hearts. A promise to live and cherish one another to last a lifetime.

  A lifetime I intend to exploit to the fullest, and is only possible due to the people who complete me. Glancing around the ballroom filled with friends, family, loved ones . . . it fills my chest with warmth and my heart smiles.


  Ten years later


  I hear the key in the lock, making my body hum with anticipation. The door closes and Kain strolls into the room. He steps closer and pulls me into his hard body. The familiar scent of soot, spice, citrus, and all Kain envelopes me.

  “Did my parents swing by to pick up the kids?” he questions.

  Tomorrow it’s exactly fourteen years ago we met for the very first time. Our anniversary. Our day we had a one-night stand. Our time to celebrate. Every year we arrange a sitter and spend a full weekend together.

  Sure, we have date nights on a regular basis and also celebrate our wedding anniversary, but this is something between us; a reminder of our starting point. Even if we parted ways and found each other again. It’s one single moment in our lives where we were linked for life.

  “Yes.” I smile while thinking back how happy the kids were two hours ago when Broke and Roan came to pick them up. “Denise was excited to spend the night, something about extra dance lessons with Xena while she was there. And Kai and Ethan could only rave about the new bicycles your father bought them.”

  Kai and Ethan, our twin boys. I remember very vividly when we found out we were expecting twins. Mainly because Denise said it was all my fault since I peed on two sticks instead of one. We didn’t bother to explain but agreed with her instead.

  Having twin boys is hectic and yet with the help of everyone around us, and Denise being such a sweetheart and completely committed to being a good big sister, it’s truly been a rocky but gratifying ride.

  And speaking about rides, Broke has been teaching them to ride their bicycle all while we take loads of pictures as we cheer them on. Now that they can ride, he promised them new ones with blinking lights in their wheels and a flag and whatever else he could add. Such a proud grandfather who loves to spend every second with those kids.

  We can count on them for whatever we need, and they always love to pick up the kids to spend time with them. Though the time is limited ever since school started for everyone. But we make it work, like with all things in life; if you want something, you’ll do everything to obtain the goals you set within reach.

  “I need a shower after this long shift, care to join me?” Kain’s voice flows over my skin as he nuzzles my neck.

  Groaning, I tilt my head to the side to give him more access. “I don’t think you’ll get clean if I do. Why don’t you take a quick shower and I’ll heat up dinner?”

  I swear he says something that sounds like, “I’d rather have you for dinner,” before he stalks into the direction of the bathroom.

  Normally with his twenty-four hour shifts he would have grabbed something to eat with the guys but he texted earlier to save some of the lasagna Denise made. She’s grown into a smart teenager and a huge help around the house when she’s not busy with school things or meeting her friends. I bend down to grab something from the cabinet and a short yelp escapes me when I feel hands grabbing my hips.

  “Don’t move,” Kain’s voice is guttural. “Do you know how long it’s been since I took this sweet pussy in the kitchen?”

  I hum at the sound of the promise in his voice. He’s right, it’s been too long but with kids it’s not like we can ravish each other at every turn.

  Heating up his dinner is long forgotten when he slides my dress up and kneads my ass. His fingers wrap around my thong and with a hard pull he snaps it and throws the shredded lace on the floor.

  Kain pulls my naked flesh against the growing bulge in his jeans. “All I could think about today was having you in my arms, all to myself without any interference. Did you know I arranged for the private jet to take us to Hawaii? Spoil you rotten with some cocktails, palm trees, flowers and shit? But I’ve changed my mind.”

  A smile spreads across my face as a moan slips out. The feel of his erection, hard, thick, is a promise anything this man will arrange for me is special as long as he’s right there with me; no matter the place or time.

  “I think we’re going to lock ourselves inside this house and only make contact with the outside world to check on the kids and order food.” His fingers go around my body and slip between my legs. “So wet and hot. Damn, woman, you sure know how to make your husband feel welcome.”

  He growls, lifts me up and places my bare ass on the counter. Stepping between my legs he places a hand on each side of my hips and leans in close.

  “How much?” he murmurs while holding my gaze.

  “Priceless,” I breathe.

  The corner of his mouth twitches. “I own millions, little minx. Name your price.”

  I let my arms trail over his chest until I can wrap them around his neck to pull him close and whisper in his ear, “I have all the money in the world and yet my love for you holds no price tag. It’s reserved for one man, and one man alone. But the underlying question is, what will you give me in return there, fireman? Will you keep the fire burning? Flame up the old spark we once had or—”

  “Our fire is eternal, love,” he croaks and slams his mouth over mine.

  I tighten my arms and engage in a sensual dance with our tongues. Wrapping my legs around his waist I shamelessly grind myself against him, searching for friction to ease the growing burn low in my belly.

  He pulls back and places his forehead against mine. His breathing is harsh and there is no need to exchange words. Long shifts, busy and hectic lives add to everything, and it’s in these small moments like this you want it all and it grants you an overload of emotions.

  “I love you,” I whisper, earning me a sweet smile.

  He buries his face into the crook of my neck, his fingers fumbling between us and I hear the zipper slide down, knowing he can’t wait to bury himself deep inside me. Though I need to let him savor the moment since we have all the time in the world.

  Pushing him back I ignore his confused gaze as I hop off the counter. I grab the hem of my dress and slide it up and over my head. Snapping the front clasp of my bra I let it fall on the floor along with it.

  Kain’s gaze is set on my breasts and I can feel the heat of his appreciation licking my skin. No matter how many years are behind us or how many years we have ahead of us; our connection is solid and set to grow stronger with each day passing.

  I slowly drop to my knees and reach for his jeans, tugging the fabric down so it’s pooling at his ankles. His long and thick erection is bobbing in front of my face. I let my hands trail over his muscled thighs and slowly zero in on the prize I’m aiming for. Gently cupping his balls my ears are treated with a guttural groan.

  Kain fists my hair and makes my head tip back so he can stare in my eyes. “You’re perfect, you know that?” His other hand wraps around his cock, squeezing it as he gives his dick a gentle pull. “You want me in your mouth, do you? I’ll allow you a taste but don’t you dare suck me off. I need my cum hitting deep inside your pussy and not down your throat.”

  I will never get tired of hearing dirty words falling from his mouth. He lets the thick, hot head of his erection sli
de over my bottom lip. My tongue sneaks out and I lick his slit, letting the salty taste of his pre cum hit my taste buds.

  “Fuck,” he grunts in a guttural tone and pushes his dick inside my mouth.

  Our eyes stay locked and the way he’s staring down at me as I let my head bob up and down is making my pussy tingle. Though it’s short-lived because he steps back and drags me up, kicks his jeans off and throws me over his shoulder—fireman style—to stalk out of the kitchen and into our bedroom.

  He throws me on the bed, making me bounce but covers his body with mine before I can so much as take my next breath. His dick is at my entrance and with one hard push he enters and fills me up completely. I gasp his name and let my nails sink into his back, relishing in the need and domination we’re consumed with.

  I raise my knees, shifting the angle to let him slide in deeper, earning me appreciative grunts. One of his arms sneaks around me and grabs my shoulder to keep me in place and allowing him to roughen his thrusts.

  Tingles spark into a hot fire and an inferno overtakes my entire body as my orgasm erupts inside me. “Kainnnnn,” I scream.

  A growl rips from his body as he stills above me. Hot jets of cum burst free and fill me with the warmth of his love. His head is buried in the crook of my neck, my name is whispered feather light against my skin as I close my eyes to relish in our closeness.

  Kain collapses on top of me and doesn’t make an effort to keep his weight off me; he just gives me everything. A giggle escapes me as I try to take my next breath. I should complain and push him off but I hate to break the moment. Our moment.

  “Happy anniversary,” Kain grumbles and shifts to the side. “Though I don’t think we can do the whole ‘sex all night long’ thing we did fourteen years ago. Fuck, I’m getting old.”

  A burst of laughter rips from my body and it earns me a glare.

  “It’s not fucking funny,” Kain grumbles and it only makes me laugh harder.


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