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Born to Fly: You Save Me

Page 8

by Aliyah Burke

  Ding dong.

  Delaney glanced at the door and drank some more of the mulled cider in her hand before ambling to the door. Setting the mug down on the table along her way, she wiped her hands off on her pants and pulled open the door.

  "Sorry, hon, didn't think you would be here this early. I'm not—” She snapped her mouth shut when it dawned on her who stood on the other side of her door.

  "Expectin’ someone else, sugar?” Garrick asked in his slow unhurried Texas drawl. His eyes raked up and down her body.

  He looked so good. Leather bomber jacket, tight white tee shirt, drop-to-your-knees-and-thank-the-good-Lord jeans, and cowboy boots. She licked her lips. Longing rocketed through her.


  "That's it? No hug? No kiss?"

  She squealed and launched herself into his arms, legs hooking around his waist, and plastered her mouth against his. He wrapped his arms around her in return and immediately she felt better. His tongue thrust hungrily into her mouth and they entered her apartment, the door closing behind them.

  Delaney gripped the sides of his face and pulled back. “You're here.” Kiss. “You're safe.” Another kiss.

  "I'm here, sugar. And I'm safe.” He set her on her feet. “Let me look at you.” Garrick grunted. “Damn, you're a sight for sore eyes.” In seconds she was back in his arms. “You weren't expecting me, who were you expecting?"

  "Heather. We're supposed to be going out tonight.” Delaney looked to her phone. “Let me call her."

  "You sure?"

  "I want to be with you, Garrick. Not out at a club. Just give me a second.” Delaney moved to the phone and quickly placed her call. Heather was awesome as she'd expected.

  "Why the smile?” Garrick asked when she hung up the phone.

  "Heather said to make sure I drink lots of fluids and stay hydrated."

  His sapphire gaze burned like blue fire. “Sounds good to me."

  It didn't take long before she was stripped and lying back on her bed as Garrick rose up and slid his cock deep inside her with one smooth stroke.

  "Ohhh,” she purred as he filled her.

  "Heaven,” he mumbled against her mouth.

  His mouth teased her skin, up and down her chest he licked and laved. She quivered when he pulled one turgid nipple in between his lips and began making love to it. When she thought she could handle no more, he moved to the other one and began the torturous indulgence all over again. Garrick laced their fingers and moved her hands up over her head. Back and forth he moved in nice even strokes. She closed her eyes and sped along the line she knew would lead her to euphoria.

  "Garrick,” she panted, arching deeper into him and undulating her hips.


  "Now.” She squirmed. “Faster, Garrick. Please."

  He complied. “Look at me, sugar. Watch me.” Her lids were heavy but she managed to lift them. “Watch the man loving you. The only man who makes you feel like this."

  "Yes, the only one."

  He powered harder into her. And she whimpered. It was hard to tell where he ended and she began, he felt so deep inside her.

  "Eyes open, sugar,” he ordered.


  He covered her mouth with his and kissed her as he gave her that final push over the edge and she fell, splintering into millions of pieces of light. Her fingers gripped his hard when he came inside her and she orgasmed again. His sweaty body pressed her deep into the mattress and she loved it.

  "Delaney?” he muttered, his face buried near her ear.


  "Am I too heavy?"

  "No, stay."

  "Good because I think you killed me. I can't move."

  Turning her head, she kissed the part of his head she could reach. “Me either."

  It took a few moments before he managed to pull out of her and roll to his side. She missed his weight upon her but purred contentedly when he gathered her close. Delaney let her hand move idly up and down his chest. She worried her lower lip.

  "Are you hungry?” she asked, breaking the silence.

  "A bit. But, Delaney, we need to talk."

  She pushed up from his embrace and tugged on some clothing before heading out of the room. “I'll get the food started."

  Garrick sat up in the bed, the sheet falling to his waist and watched Delaney scamper out of the room as if the hounds of hell were after her. She's mighty jumpy. He'd not moved when she stuck her head back in and dropped his bag by the door. Even though it was quick, she couldn't hide the flare of desire in her gaze when she stared at him. He could hear her muttered curses over the music which still played in her living room.

  With a sigh, he got out of bed and grabbed some sweats from his bag. Tugging them on, he sat down at the end of the mattress and reached into a side pocket. He breathed a bit easier when he opened the box and saw the ring sitting there. Pushing to his feet, he slid the maroon box into his pocket and walked out to find Delaney.

  She stood before the microwave muttering to herself. Her hair in complete disarray, and to his pleasure, she wore another one of his marine shirts. It was his squadron shirt, actually. I like you in my clothes, Delaney. Out of them too, but I like seeing you wear them.

  "Expecting the microwave to answer you, sugar?” Delaney jumped and ran a hand over her face while facing him. “You're mighty jumpy. What's going on, sugar?"

  "Nothing,” she blurted. “There's food heating up in the...the...oven,” she pointed at the microwave, “so it should be ready in an hour or so."

  "Delaney, come here."

  She ran her hands down his shirt and did as he'd said. “What?"

  "What's going on?"

  "Are we still going to Texas?"

  Ahhh, that explains a lot. She's nervous about meeting my family. “I'd planned on it. Fly in on the twenty-third.” He stroked her cheek. “Don't worry, sugar. They'll love you. I've got the tickets already. All we have to do is show up."

  "Right.” She wrung her hands and shifted.

  "You said an hour for dinner?"


  "Good. I need some time.” Without giving her a chance to say no, he pulled her toward the couch and pushed her down on the navy blue cushion before sinking to sit beside her. “Delaney,” he began, turning her face toward him. “I've tried to find the best way to come out and say this. You know I'm not good with emotions. Well, except possessiveness. But as a whole I really suck at them."

  "Okay. You wanted to tell me you sucked at emotions?"

  "No.” Garrick ran a hand over his face and shut his eyes briefly. With a deep breath he opened them and placed his hands on either side of her face. “I love you, Delaney Kiojah Byrd. That's what I've been tryin’ to tell you. I love you, sugar."

  Her eyes widened and her jaw trembled. “ love me?"

  "Sugar, I've loved you since Japan. I just never had the guts to do anything about it.” He kissed her briefly and pulled back to stare at her. Her eyes shone with tears and with a splash the first ones fell over. “You can't cry, sugar. Not yet. I'm not done."

  "Not done?” she blabbed, wiping the backs of her hands over her eyes.

  "Not even close.” Garrick shifted so he was on one knee before her. The maroon box in his hand, he lifted the lid exposing the platinum engagement ring set. “I've gone too long without you in my life. You belong at my side. You save me, Delaney in more ways than you could possibly know. Will you marry me?"

  She covered her mouth and nose with one shaking hand, as the tears streamed down her brown face. His heart stopped when her head shook from side to side.

  "I've asked your uncle and he gave me his blessing, but I need to hear from you, sugar.” Garrick reached up and pulled her hand away from her mouth. “Delaney?"

  Her hand gripped his so tight he wondered if she didn't break bones. “Garrick, I want to say yes. I do but..."

  He closed his eyes and dropped his head. “No buts sugar,” he draw
led, lifting his gaze to stare at her.

  "Let me finish.” She wiped her tears with her free hand. “I love you, Garrick Stark.” A small smile lifted the corner of her mouth. “Marine pilot Captain Garrick Stark. I. love. You. But before you ask me you need to know it's not just me you'd be getting."

  Garrick tilted his head as she reached out and touched the ring then his face. Not just her? “What are you talking about, sugar?"

  "I'm two months pregnant, Garrick."

  His hands shook. “You're pregnant? With my baby?” He couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face. Pushing to his feet, he pulled her up and hugged her and yelled, “Yeeehaawww!” Garrick spun her around before setting her back down and stepping back.

  Capturing her chin, he lifted it so he could see into her beautiful eyes. “Sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I thought it should be face to face and not over the phone,” she whispered.

  "Sugar, I'm givin’ you one chance to say yes before it all changes and I tell you you're marryin’ me."

  "You're not upset?"

  "How could you ever believe news like that would upset me?” He pulled the ring from the box and slid it on her finger, her eyes followed the movement. “Look at me, sugar."

  Her gaze moved slowly from the newly adorned finger on her left hand to his gaze.

  "You've made me the happiest man in the world."

  "Are you sure? What if I'm like my mom or my dad?"

  Her uncertainty was palpable. “I think you'll be just like the man who raised you. Honorable. Loving. And the best parent you can be.” Slipping his hand along her face and hair he continued, “It's not just the DNA in your blood, Delaney. It's the things you grew up with that also flows through your veins and I know that's a damn sight stronger than the two who combined genes to create you. You are the Rear Admiral's child. He's a great man and you are an amazing woman, one who's going to be one hell of a mom. To our child."

  She nodded through her tears. “You do know I'm going to be pretty possessive right?"

  "Good. I'd hate to be the only possessive one."

  His heart soared when she placed her hands on the sides of his face. “I love you, Garrick Stark."

  "I love you, too, Delaney Byrd."

  "Are you certain of this?"

  Tightening one hand in her hair he tugged her head back. Garrick lowered his face closer to her and gave her the best assurance he knew to give.

  "Ooh-rah!” he uttered low and with the raw conviction a Marine is taught to say it with.

  Apparently it worked for her worry faded away and she nodded. “Glad to hear it, marine."

  Garrick made love to his fiancee that night and went to work with her the next day. He was on leave but she had a few more things to finish up before she was done. He had cleared things up with Hollywood and was once again happy with their friendship. His friend had been having his own woman troubles and this was why he'd been acting weird.

  In Texas, he held her hand as they walked up to the porch of the house. In his other hand he held the bag of gifts they'd brought. Pausing at the top step, he bent down and whispered, “Are you ready?"

  "If I panic and say no?"

  "You save me, I'll save you. It's what we do.” Garrick kissed her cheek. “I'll ask again, mother-to-be of my first born child, are you ready?"

  Delaney tightened her grip on his hand and tilted her face to his. Her eyes sparkled in the cold morning sun and she whispered, “Ooh-rah."

  He knew this was his future. No matter what lay on that road, he had his own saving grace at his side.

  "That's my girl,” he murmured as the door opened and his mother hurried toward him, arms outstretched. They were the first to arrive and as he talked to his father, his gaze continually drifted toward Delaney who chatted easily with his mom.

  When he had a moment, he slid up behind her. Garrick wrapped his arms around her middle and placed his hands over her womb. “I love you, sugar."

  "Love you, too, marine,” she said.

  And those words made his world absolutely perfect.

  * * *

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  [Back to Table of Contents]




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