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Time for Change

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Chris was being bossy, and she was shocked by how annoyed he actually was.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Good, no more men from this day forward. You and I are all that exist, but we’ll come to those boundaries in a minute.”

  He was making very little sense to her. “I love your tits. They’re full and ripe. I wondered if you had little nipples or big nipples I could suck on.” Chris leaned over, stroking the bud of one of her nipples. “I wasn’t disappointed. Your nipples are lovely red and perfect for my mouth. It’s like your body has been made for me.”

  Her cheeks were on fire. He didn’t know when to shut up or when to stop.

  “Okay, I get it. I’ve got big nipples and fat tits.”

  Chris squeezed her right breast hard. “Don’t rush me. This is my body to enjoy now. You treat it wrong, and I will punish you.”

  Rachel couldn’t believe how wet her pussy got at his words. No way should she be affected by what he said, and yet, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. Wrong, so wrong, totally wrong on so many levels.

  His hand stroked down her body. “I can’t wait to kiss every inch of you.” He rested on her now bare mound. “When I finally fuck you, you’re going to know who you belong to.”

  She moaned as he pressed a finger deep inside her. Chris moved faster than she anticipated. He flipped her over and brought her to her knees, with her ass in the air. She squealed, hating the vulnerable position he’d gotten her into in a matter of seconds.

  “And this ass is a fucking dream.” His hands squeezed the globes of her ass together and then spread them apart.

  “Chris, what are you doing?” she asked, completely unsure what the hell to do with him touching her.

  “Soon, I’m going to claim this ass as well. You ever been fucked anally, Rachel?” he asked.

  “No,” she said, horrified at the very thought.

  “That’s okay. I’ll get everything prepared for you. It won’t take me long to have you begging me to fuck you and take you harder.”

  Okay, wow, she’d never known this side of Chris. It was like the man she’d known had taken a back seat, and in his place stood a caveman intent on getting what he wanted. Everything about him turned her on. There was no more hiding while she was in his company.

  “First, though, I’m going to fuck your sweet cunt.”

  She cried out as with one long thrust he penetrated her pussy. Gripping the sheets underneath her, she bit into her lip to stop herself from crying out again. He was long, thick, and filled her in ways she’d never been before.

  “Fuck, I knew you’d be tight, but I didn’t know you’d fucking hold me like a fist.” His hand gripped her hips firmly. From the pressure alone she knew he’d leave a bruise on her skin.

  Pushing the hair out of her face, Rachel glanced over her shoulder to look at him. He was looking down at where they were joined. “You’re soaking wet,” he said.

  “I know.”

  His gaze went to her. “If you could see this it would be all you’d think about.”

  “I can feel it.” Feeling it wasn’t half bad. From the look in his eyes, the view was a lot better than even she could imagine.

  Chris pulled out of her body, slowly. She felt every inch of him withdraw before he slammed back inside. The fullness of him took her breath away. No man should ever be allowed to be that wide. Chris knew what he was doing with his length as well. He stroked over sensitive areas that she didn’t know were there. She’d never had the confidence to go and get a dildo to take matters into her own hands.

  Sex was boring to her. Being this wet and turned on was new. She didn’t know whether to be happy or scared.

  He slapped the curve of her ass, making her yelp. “No thinking, Rachel. Feel me inside you. You feel so fucking good around me. I never want to leave this pretty little pussy.”


  If he could stop one thing about Rachel, he’d stop her ability to think. Chris knew it was her thoughts that made her tense up and close herself off around him. It was the only thing he hated about her. The thinking always pulled her away from him. He needed her to stop thinking.

  Pulling out of her cunt, he flipped her so she was lying on her back. She let out a breath. “Will you stop manhandling me? I can turn around. All you need to do is ask.”

  “Then I’d have to wait. I can move you faster than you can move yourself. You know it. I know it, so stop complaining.”

  He gripped his wet shaft and plundered her tight, wet warmth once again. They both cried out. Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them above her head. “Now, you’re going to do as you’re told and stop thinking about every little thing.” He jerked his hips, hitting her cervix as he did.

  Her eyes widened, and her lips fell open forming a perfect “O”.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  She did as he asked, wrapping her legs around his waist. Chris stared into her eyes. “Now, you’re going to look at me and you’re not going to think about anything other than my cock inside your sweet tight pussy, do you understand?”

  Rachel nodded her head, biting onto her lip.

  “Good. I’m going to fuck you hard, Rachel. It’s not going to last, and then we’re going to fuck again and again. You’re not going to get any rest tonight. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time now. I’m not wasting another minute. You’re mine, and nothing is going to change that.”

  He didn’t give her time to talk. Chris withdrew from her heat, holding onto her hands as he did and then slammed inside her. He was so deep, all the way to the hilt. Her eyes glazed over, and he kept up the constant fucking, going hard and deep. Not once did she look away, and he didn’t give her the chance to try. This was their moment. This should have happened a couple of years ago.

  “Give me everything, Rachel,” he said. Her tits bounced with each of his hard thrusts. Still, he wouldn’t let up. He fucked her hard. The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed around the room. Her warm, wet cunt tightened around him, rippling with her impending orgasm. His balls were incredibly tight ready for him to release his orgasm.

  “Come for me, baby. Let me feel you let go and give yourself to me.” She met him thrust for thrust.

  Her mouth opened as a cry escaped. For the first time, she closed her eyes and relaxed, not fighting his hold on her body. She climaxed around his cock, soaking him with her cream.

  “That’s right, baby, give me everything.” His thrusts didn’t let up. He pushed inside her, feeling his orgasm was close to the surface.

  “Please,” she said.

  Chris didn’t know what she was begging for, but the moment he found out, he’d give it to her. Slamming into her one final time, he grunted as his semen spurted into her body. He’d not been wearing a condom. Protection was the last thing on his mind. Squeezing her hands tight, he stared into her brown gaze and simply fell. This was always supposed to happen. He knew it in his heart and soul. There was something between them. He knew it existed but never gave it any thought until now.

  Collapsing on top of her, he covered her body with his. His hands were still locked with hers, and he’d never let her go. Rachel didn’t realize it yet, but he was a possessive man and he’d just put his mark on her.

  They were both breathing heavily, and Chris had no desire to move off her.

  “Chris,” she said. “You’re squashing me. I need to breathe.”

  Moving partly off her, Chris let go of one of her hands to caress her face. “That was amazing,” he said.

  She nodded, smiling. “I never knew it could be like that.”

  “It won’t be like that again with anyone else.”

  Rachel stared back at him. “What are you trying to say?”

  “I mentioned boundaries.” He caressed his palm down to cup her breast. “You’re mine, Rachel.”

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  He was making her nervous. Cupping her cheek, he claimed her lips, plunging his
tongue into her mouth. “I’m a possessive guy. I like things done my way and no other way.”

  “I get that.”

  “You’re not going back to the restaurant.”

  She chuckled. “I was already planning on finding another job. I can’t go back to a place that had a bet on me. I already know I need to find a new job.”

  He shook his head. “This is not about you finding a new job.”

  Chris felt her heart pound inside her chest.

  “What does this mean?” She licked her lips, and he was reminded of what her mouth felt like wrapped around his cock. Crap, he was struggling to focus because of what she could do with her mouth. Biting down on his own lip, he looked into her eyes, trying to bring himself back to her.

  “You’re not getting another job. The crappy apartment you’re living in is going to go.”

  “Chris, no.”

  “Rachel, yes, you’re mine. You’ll be here, living with me where I can take care of you.” He silenced her with his lips. Hearing her protests was starting to piss him off. She submitted to him, opening her lips and letting him inside.

  She pushed him away. His cock was still inside her, and he couldn’t move that far.

  “No, I can’t let you take over my life like that. I need to work.”

  He pressed her hands to the bed. “You’re not working jobs where men take bets on getting into your pants. I’m not letting that happen to my woman.”

  “We just had sex.”

  “Yes, you’re mine. You knew this was going to happen. Stop fighting it.”

  “Is this what you did to Claire?” she asked. Her anger was clearly getting the better of her. He wasn’t going to let her bring his dead wife into this. Claire understood him, and she knew Rachel would be better than she was.

  There was a part of Rachel that needed taking care of. She always brought the protective side out of him, and as the years passed, he’d pushed the attraction away from him. He couldn’t lust after Rachel. She was out of bounds. Never once in all the years he’d known her had he seen her as a kid. She’d been her own person, one he respected.

  “I was the guy who won the bet at work. She was the nurse no one could get inside. I did, and I fell for her. The first moment I could, I got her out of work. No woman of mine is working. You’ll be at home waiting for me.” He growled each and every word at her. Her eyes widened in shock. “Claire knew everything. She didn’t get every part of me, Rachel. I’m not going to hold back with you. You’re going to get every part of me.”

  “Are you a dominant or something?” she asked. Tears were glistening in her eyes.

  “No, I’m not into BDSM or tying up or spanking. This is who I am. I’m the guy; I wear the trousers here, and you’re the woman.”

  “That’s barbaric.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. This is who I am, Rachel. You knew this, and a part of you knew what I’d demand. You see me properly.” He stopped to withdraw from her. Chris wasn’t surprised when she wrapped the blanket around her body. He stood looking down at her, naked.

  “You follow my orders even when you didn’t have to.” Running fingers through his hair, he cursed. “This is who I am. You need someone to be in charge.”

  “I can’t believe you did that to Claire,” she said.

  “She accepted me for me, Rachel.”

  “What if I can’t?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “If you couldn’t accept me the way I am, you’d have walked away long before now.” He turned away. “I’m going for a shower. You’re free to join me.”

  Chapter Six

  Keeping the blanket wrapped around her body, she padded out into the apartment. The kitchen looked far more appealing than the bedroom. Walking into the kitchen, she headed straight for the kettle. Filling it with water, she placed it on the holder. Setting up a cup, she moved to the fridge. Her stomach was killing her. Glancing through everything he had, she grabbed some leftover ham and cheese.

  She slowly started to make herself a sandwich. Her hands were steady as she worked, which surprised her.

  The sound of the shower could be heard even over the kettle boiling. Leaning against the counter, she ate her sandwich, thinking about everything that happened. Claire had quit work, but Rachel had always thought it was down to being pregnant.

  Shaking her head, she nibbled on the sandwich, wishing with all of her heart that she could make sense of the feelings crashing throughout her. Nothing was making sense. Not a part of her was willing to come up with a good enough argument. Christian had been part of her life for a long time. The thought of cutting him out was the furthest from her mind.

  He cleared his throat, and she jerked up, seeing him standing before her. A towel was wrapped around his waist, and his hair was wet.

  Neither of them spoke, simply looking at each other.

  Chris would take over every part of her life. He would stop her working, keep her close to him.

  “How can you take care of me? You’re only putting in part time hours at the hospital.” The words blurted out of her before she could stop them. She went back to nibbling on her sandwich.

  “Did your date not feed you?” he asked, stepping closer.

  “He ordered my food, but he ordered everything I hated.”

  Chris nodded, and she was brought back to the fact he knew what to order her. She’d told him everything about herself. He took her other sandwich, took a bite and wrinkled his nose. Before she could stop him, he took the sandwich out of her hand and threw it in the trash.

  “Hey, I was eating that,” she said.

  “No, that was not fit for animal consumption let alone human.” He nudged her out of the way, and started to make her a fresh sandwich. His presence made it hard for her to focus on anything else.

  His hands, which had been all over her, were expertly making her a sandwich. She snorted and made to move. He reached out, placing an arm over her stomach. She looked down at the hand then up at him. His dark gaze was focused on her. Chris stepped in front of her.

  “This is not funny,” he said.

  She couldn’t speak even as he unknotted her blanket. Slowly, the blanket fell to the floor, leaving her naked.

  He tore some of the fresh sandwich and pressed it to her lips. “Open.”

  Rachel took the sandwich he offered and chewed. His fingers lingered on her lips, stroking.

  “Claire accepted part of me. She quit work and decided to raise our baby. It took me time to make her do it. I’m not going to change who I am. I’m set in my ways.”

  “You’re only forty-two.”

  “And you’re twenty-six. I know what I want. I won’t budge.”

  “What if I want to work?”

  “There’s nothing to stop you from going back to college, and I finally figured out why you quit college,” he said.

  She remained silent, not believing him. He’d never once questioned her decision to quit.

  “I did some digging. One of your professors was a predator. He would bribe students with high grades so long as they spent time in his bed,” Chris said.

  Rachel felt tears spring to her eyes. She recalled being summoned to his office. The shock at hearing his proposal had disgusted her. He would give her the right grades so long as she did everything he said. The professor had felt her up. Instead of fighting him, she’d run and never returned to the college.

  “How did you find out?” she asked.

  His grip tightened on her hip. “I found out because I did some digging. One of the girls wasn’t so happy about being blackmailed for sex. She took him on, the college and won.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Chris smirked. “The guy tried to make out the girl was a predator. He thought the other professors would have his back. He was surprised when the other staff were disgusted with him. I believe he did jail time and can no longer work in a position of such responsibility.”

  “Why are you telling me this, if you knew?” She kept her gaze
on his even though it took every ounce of willpower not to look away.

  “I want to know why you didn’t tell me. I know the answer ‘cause I know you, but I need to hear it from your lips.”

  She tucked some hair that had fallen behind her ear.

  “He said it would be my word against his.”

  “And?” Chris asked.

  “I didn’t think anyone would believe me.”

  “And why was that?”

  Rachel hated herself at that moment. “I didn’t think anyone would believe me because who’d try to blackmail the fat girl into bed.” The words felt bitter rolling off her tongue.

  “The professor wanted you, Rachel. You’ve got to see what other men see.”

  She shook her head. He wrapped an arm around her waist, stopping her from moving away.

  “You’re a sexy, desirable woman. The professor sees what so many men see. You’re beautiful inside and out. You’ve had so much loss, and yet you’re always happy.”

  “Stop,” she said, pressing a hand to his chest. She needed him to stop talking. His words were making it hard for her to push him away.

  “No, it’s time you saw what everyone else does.” He lifted her onto the counter, opening her legs to step inside.

  She stared into his eyes. Even on the counter, he was taller than she was. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her face against his skin. “Please, I don’t know what to do.”

  He stroked her back, going up to sink into her hair.

  “Say yes, Rachel. I’ll care for you. I’ll be everything you need.”

  “You’re going to struggle. You’re working part-time.” It was the only excuse she could think of. Chris was making it hard for her to want to say no. Everything he was saying was the truth. She shouldn’t feel this.

  In this day and age she should want to be independent and make a life for herself. Men were not needed to get by.

  Closing her eyes, she shut everything else out of her mind.

  “I’ve got more money than I can stand. Working is something I do for the hell of it.”


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