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The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf: A New Orleans Threesome

Page 8

by Louisa Bacio

  The lusty witch twirled her talented tongue around his shaft, and as she rose up, slightly scratched the ultra-sensitive membrane that ran along the rim.

  Behind him, Trevor felt Lawrence position himself at his back entrance. He willed himself to loosen up, to let his lover enter him. With a grunt, Lawrence pushed through the tight barrier and then Trevor was being filled magnificently. That feeling of being possessed while Lily sucked on his cock felt so fucking good. He rocked into Lily's accepting mouth, and Law pounded into him, sending sensations through his body. Law reached around and tweaked on Trev's nipple, shooting that extra edge, and Trevor felt a powerful orgasm come upon him. Lily sucked harder, taking in all of his come. The brilliance of sensation brought a stray tear to his eye, and then he felt Law coming inside him, his cock pumping inside his tight passage.

  They each held still momentarily, with Law's chest hair rubbing against his back. Trevor reached down and drew Lily up, kissing her tender mouth and tasting himself on her. He reached down between her legs, feeling the wetness and sensing her need for release.

  Breaking the kiss, he whispered, “Your turn,” in her ear.

  Her body tensed up. Arms stiff and straight, and she clamped her legs shut, trapping his fingers. He could barely move, and pulled his hand out of her honey pot. Then the tremors started. From her shoulders down to her feet, her body shook.

  “I c-c-can-n-n't,” she stammered. “I'm sorry.”

  Clutching her clothes tightly to her body, she turned to leave the room, giving them both one last longing look, before turning and running down the hallway to her room.

  “Well, damn,” Trevor said, pushing back the covers and sitting on the side of the bed. He ran his fingers through his blond hair. “That didn't go as planned.”

  He readied himself to get up and chase after her, just as soon as his legs stopped shaking.

  “Give her some time,” Law said, pulling him back into bed. “All of this has to be an adjustment for her. She'll come back.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Back in the solitary safety of her own room, Lily felt silly, immature and totally confused. How could she have just jumped into bed with the two of them? So quickly? Sure, she'd been fantasizing about a threesome for long enough. And the two of them had been playing into her fantasies since she'd seen the article on them, and that desire had only ramped up once she met them in person. But what did it all mean? And, was she ready for whatever it did?

  Her sex throbbed, so ready to come; yet, she held back. This time because of the fear of the unknown. As it was, her life wasn't so damned bad, but at the same time, it wasn't so good either. So what the fuck was she afraid of?

  First, she wanted some answers. She needed to know who she was, before she gave herself up to others. And, who the dark bastard was that continued to haunt her dreams. She didn't want to bring him into Trevor and Law's lives. If anything happened to them because she had come to them for help, she could never forgive herself.

  As it was, little by little parts of her psyche slipped away day by day. Some days she felt like she couldn't keep it all together. That maybe, she'd go off and instead of smashing the windows in the punk-ass teens’ car out, she'd shatter the bones in their faces. That image in her mind became satisfying.

  Making love to Trevor and Law made her forget all that. Made her forget the problems lurking in the darkness, in the shadows of her dreams. She'd spent so many years running, she didn't know how to stop.

  She lay in bed, listening to the sounds of the hallway. She more than expected one of them to come for her, to try to coax her back into their bedroom. If they did, she would probably go. She needed to be reassured. The hallway remained silent. No footsteps padded against the wooden floors. As a faint glow of sunshine broke through the slits in the window's blinds, she gave up hope. Maybe they didn't want her after all. Maybe she'd read it all wrong, and maybe she hadn't truly pleased Trevor.

  The power of him coming in her mouth infused her with strength. It had been as if she could feel his climax. Her boyfriend in high school, and the inexperienced fumbles she'd had since then never had felt that way. Maybe it was part of this entire transformation she was undergoing. There were times when she could hear the thoughts of others. Now, she also could vicariously feel the rush they received while making love.

  Outside, laughter rumbled up from the street, carefree. With dawn not too far away, those left hanging out at the bars would head toward home, before starting afresh midday. She fluffed her pillow, trying to slow down her mind. Nothing like the approaching day to make one desperate for a regular schedule and sleep.

  Soon, though, she needed to make a decision. Either she would stay put, and remain with Trev and Law, at least until she saw this thing through and put all the freaking supernatural happenings into perspective, or she was going to have to do something else. That decision probably would mean leaving. And if she left, she wouldn't have anywhere else to go. She'd sublet her apartment in order to come to New Orleans. The renter had paid her upfront for three months. She'd quit her job. Sure, Marlow's might take her back, especially with all the time she'd put in there. But, at the end, she had to admit that they seemed pretty happy to see her go. Too many shattered glasses to explain.

  She shouldn't think of that now, before trying to fall asleep. Instead, she'd focus on the feeling of Lawrence's lips against her, the taste and heft of Trev's cock as she took him deeply within her mouth, and the delicious way his tender touch made her pulse between her legs. Memories worth holding onto.

  Chapter Sixteen


  St. Ann Street ran parallel to St. Peter, on the other side of Jackson Square. Feeling elevated at gaining a sense of direction, and satisfyingly full from her beignets and coffee at Café Du Monde, Lily strolled down the street, taking in the sights of the tourists and doing a bit of window shopping herself.

  Amazing how, at night, big wooden doors covered many of the storefronts, and one would never know what trinkets and treasures were harbored safely behind. An odd assortment of feathers and a rainbow spectrum of colors caught her attention: Maskarade. The guys kept talking about hosting a costume party this upcoming weekend – for her thirtieth birthday. Just being in New Orleans alone could be a reason for a party. Plus, it was coming up on Halloween. She kept telling them that it wasn't necessary. Lawrence had explained that the pseudo-ball could be her coming-out party for the paranormal sect. Plus, they could see if her being on public display flushed out any unsavory characters, such as her nighttime demon.

  As soon as Lily stepped over the threshold of the costume store, an overwhelming sense of otherness embraced her. So many others; so much creative spirit. Everywhere she looked, she saw a different face, and a different maker. A different inspiration. Another dream. Another hope.

  The emotions overwhelmed. She must have looked frightened because a dark-haired saleswoman quickly greeted her.

  “Can I help you find something?” she asked with a wide smile.

  “Maybe,” Lily replied tentatively. “I need a mask for a party, and your store caught my eye. Are these all handmade?”

  “Of course,” the woman exclaimed. “We work with more than forty local artists, and we have a few dozen from Venice, Italy. Why don't you look around and see what catches your eye?”

  The masks ranged from the extremely ornate, and expensive, to a simple black leather mask. Did she want to go as an animal, such as a leopard? Or maybe in an elegant ivory-colored opera mask with faux pearls lining the edges? Lily reached out to touch one masterpiece, and hesitated. Could she?

  “Beautiful, aren't they?” the saleswoman asked, stepping up behind Lily out of nowhere. Lily jumped, and felt her heart thump wildly as if it was trying desperately to escape her chest.

  “Sorry, dear. I didn't mean to startle you. Do you have a favorite color?”

  “Purple,” she replied, without having to think about it. “I've always been drawn to th
e color purple.”

  “Ah, a royal color,” the woman said. “Usually, it means that you're seeking something spiritual. There's also a certain sort of mystery about you. Yet, oddly, you're not wearing anything purple.”

  Lily felt herself smile, only in New Orleans. “Do you read fortunes, too?” she asked.

  The woman blinked her eyes, as if in confusion. “Fortunes? Why would I read fortunes? If you're having problems finding a mask, then choose the one that calls to you. If it feels right, like it belongs to you, then it's meant to be yours. I'll be at the front counter if you need anything.”

  Shaking her head at the odd interaction, Lily continued in her search. In reality, the store wasn't all that big. Maybe a bit larger than a bedroom, separated into two sections. But, with all of the merchandise, it felt larger.

  Overwhelmed with the selections and the flood of colors, Lily turned to leave when one mask caught her eye. The main section was a deep fire red like the color of burning embers, with horned tufts of complementary feathers jutting from the top. The crown consisted of red, purple, and a deep blue, the three colors seamlessly blending together. It looked like a cross between the horns of a wizened owl and a damned devil.

  Lily reached out and ran her finger over one of the feathers, luxuriating in the silky feel, and imagining what it would be like to have it tickle her most private parts. She could seriously get into some tantalizing teasing in the bedroom with a few of these wicked wonders, and maybe she'd have more than one use for the mask.

  “Why don't you try it on?” The helpful salesclerk had returned and urged her on.

  Lily lifted the mask with relish, feeling a surge of rightness as soon as the material lay within her grasp. Easily, she fastened the elastic behind her head and the mask slid perfectly into place on her cheekbones. As she looked into the mirror, she saw a mysterious woman revealed. The woman reflected in the mirror knew what she wanted, and would fully embrace the opportunity for passion.

  She removed the mask, and still that feeling of sexiness persisted. At sixty-five dollars, the mask cost more than she'd planned on spending. She wouldn't receive her first paycheck until the end of the week, but the thought of not purchasing it caused her more panic.

  As Lily handed over her debit card, the saleswoman's hand briefly touched hers, and their eyes met.

  “You must be cautious,” the woman said. “Something dark is seeking you, and to survive, you must embrace your true self.”

  The woman gave a little shake of her head, as if she was sloughing off a bad dream, and gave Lily a tentative smile. “Forgive me, sometimes these things come to me and I have no idea what I'm saying,” and with that, the clerk finished ringing up the sale.

  One thing for sure, Lily didn't feel like probing the conversation any further. With nightmares haunting her dreams, and all the research they'd been doing in their free waking hours, the last thing she wanted to do was hear more about potential dangers.

  Stepping out of the store and into the sunlight, Lily lifted her face to the sky and luxuriated in the warmth of the sun. The package in her hand was light but it also gave off a comforting heft. She could picture the look on both Lawrence's and Trevor's faces when they saw her costumed attire. Somehow, she knew, that inside the plastic store bag lay her potential future.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Silver and gold curtains covered the large bookcases, with streamers of rich turquoise and vibrant purple. Hanging from the second floor, a strobe light threw out iridescent shimmers, illuminating streaks of glitter throughout the store. A few food tables and a mini bar—complete with a bartender handing out flutes of champagne—rested against the back wall.

  The glass felt cool within her hand, and Lily took a sip, suppressing a sneeze as the fizzy alcohol tickled her nose. Tiny bubbles floated throughout the golden liquid. She sighed, surveying the partygoers. The boys certainly knew how to throw a shindig, and the nightlife of New Orleans definitely had come out expecting a party.

  A couple that only could be described as being dressed as a male peacock and his hen pecked their way by. Blue, green, and purple feathers streamed out of the man's bottom, uh-hem, end, and the female proudly jutted out her almost bare breasts. Their painted turquoise with gold sparkles, they each wore a gold pointed-nose mask that resembled a delicate beak. As they passed, the woman laughed haughtily and gave Lily a knowing glance.

  Unfortunately, Lily knew that look all too well. Alone in a sea of mostly couples, Lily was the competition. Women didn't want to befriend her; they wanted to ditch her as quickly as possible. Female acquaintances always seemed to think that Lily was interested in stealing their boyfriends. Sure, she may be jealous of the intimacy and connection that others shared, but that never meant that she would ever think of destroying such a relationship.

  Was it her fault that a few of those aforementioned boyfriends had happened to make a pass at Lily? No, she'd always made it clear that she wasn't interested, and shot the lying, cheating ass down. Too often, though, she also ended up losing a friendship.

  The thought of couples, and potentially coming between them, turned her mind to Law and Trevor. They made such a perfect pair. They balanced each other; yet at the same time, they seemed so different. Inherently, she—mostly because of popular mythology—had thought that a vampire and a werewolf would automatically hate each other. Common wisdom held that one was undead, the vamp, and the other simply transformed from the human shape, but kept his humanity intact, the were. True, but the similarities overcame the differences, as she'd seen.

  From what she'd learned, both species were long-lived. They could easily outlive a regular mortal's life. That thought alone made Lily sad. If possible, she'd like to have longer on the earth. A vampire could be immortal as long as they allowed it, and didn't fall victim to a grisly demise. A werewolf? She was unsure. And then, what about her?

  A warm hand slipped across the bare skin of her back. She turned toward the feeling, only to be met with a muscular body as he held her tight against him.

  “You seem to be awfully deep in thought for a party-guest,” a hushed voice said in her ear. So close, it felt like his lips would nip her earlobe. “Especially when you're the guest of honor.”

  Senses afire, she took in a deep breath.

  “I'm just taking everything in. You did just a fantastic job decorating the store, Trev.”

  His body vibrated against her as he laughed. He loosened his hold on her waist and she turned to face him. A dark gray wolf mask covered the top of his face, while his pouty, full lips lay exposed. He wore a tight black leather vest that showed off the lines of muscles in his arms, and escaping curly hair on his chest. Lily held back from running her fingers through those curls, but she couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to have them rub against her bare breasts. She shook her head to break the fantasy and looked up into his eyes, which had taken on the same tone of gray as his mask.

  Mentally, she flashed to their moment together in bed, with Trevor's cock pumping in her hand. A shine of humor and mischief danced in the way his eyes creased up on the side, and he smiled. The young man possessed a light-hearted sense of humor, and an inner strength that matched his outer physical beauty. She thought that he, too, was thinking about the same encounter.

  “What fun are you?” he asked. “You knew who I was right away.”

  Now it was her turn to laugh. “Never could understand how someone wouldn't recognize Batman or Superman. What type of disguise is a pair of glasses or a mask? At least Spiderman had a full mask, but I'd like to hope I would be able to know someone by his kiss …” Lily gushed.

  Internally she groaned, and her cheeks turned red. Times like this, when she felt nervous and unsure, she tended to blab too much. It was one of those habits that she hoped to break quickly. Imagine being in bed with someone, at that moment of being romantic, and having one's partner start blabbing on about superheroes? Someone, please help her now.
r />   “Did you say something about a kiss?” Trev asked, leaning in closer.

  She could feel his breath across her lips. If she stood up on her tiptoes just slightly, their lips would touch.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Another body pressed up behind her, propelling her forward and up against Trev. Their lips brushed, and she pulled back, only to meet the unrelenting body behind her.

  Lily immediately swallowed a lump that lodged itself in her throat. Lawrence. He'd basically caught her with her hand inside the proverbial hunk-of-werewolf cookie jar, with her lips on his man. He hadn't seemed to mind sharing a few days ago, but that's when he remained in charge.

  She looked up and tried to read his facial expression. She was starting to learn that it wasn't quite so easy with a vampire who wanted to hide his feelings. When he wiped his face free of thought, it lay as blank as a mannequin.

  Trev reached past Lily, and grabbed Lawrence's hand, blocking one avenue of escape.

  “Nothing too much, luv,” Trevor said. “Just taking advantage of the festive atmosphere, and trying to make our guest feel a bit more comfortable in this new environment.”

  “It looked to me that you were making her feel very comfortable,” Lawrence said.

  Lily felt something hard press into her backside, as if Lawrence was accentuating his point with an erect pecker in his pants. He was using it like one of those lighted pointers but the only audience member who knew of its current existence was Lily.

  The music playing over the sound system changed to the “Monster Mash,” and the laughter of the crowd, and clink of toasting flutes elevated. Lily's senses amped up to high alert. Her breathing and pulse rate increased. All signs that an episode may be approaching. She looked around frantically for an escape route. While her heart felt like it was running a two-mile sprint, external time screeched to a halt.

  The last thing she wanted to do was come between Lawrence and Trevor, to cause friction in their relationship; yet, once again, here she stood, literally sandwiched by them.


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