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Gluttony (The Seven Deadly #1)

Page 9

by Cassie May

  “Easy there, alpha. Yeah, I understood. I don’t particularly want a repeat of last night. I just wanted to be sure.” I think I am the only one to detect the slight shaking of Jess’ voice when she answers rather flippantly. But I am also the only one in the room to know that even though Jess loves to party to forget about her rather shitty life, she never drinks enough to have a blackout. That kind of losing control is not her style.

  Chapter 11


  While driving through the city my thoughts wander from Valerie to my uncle back to Valerie. I hate that I can’t be with her right now, even though I know that Luca and Sandro are the best we have. The need to be with this woman is almost overwhelming. I never felt like this for a female and I know it won’t stop. Even Rico has already realized that I can’t let her go, that my feelings for her can be compared to the feelings our parents had for each other. Making a mental note to call my mother and ask her how she managed to live with a mobster I get out of the car in front of my uncle’s mansion.

  As soon as I have rung the bell I hear the tripling of the tiny pig hooves and can’t hide my grin. That pig really is adorable. My uncle opens the door and ushers the small pig to the side so I can enter. “Good morning, Matteo. Don’t mind her, she is grumpy, because Noemi didn’t take her to the university. That pig is so spoiled, she wants to follow my daughter wherever she goes.” It is obvious that Daniele is only half serious in his complaints when he smiles lovingly down at the small pig. He leads me to his office and closes the door after Missy has entered and taken her place on a snuggly blanket in a corner with a grunt.

  “So, why am I here, uncle? Why did you forbid me to bring my brother with me. You know what the repercussions might be for that kind of stunt.”

  He nods and wrings his hands. I now notice that he looks pale, as if he hasn’t slept enough. “I know, Matteo. I know this and yet I feel like I did the right thing. I need to show you what I found before Rico hears it. You are his right hand man, his consigliere you know how to approach him with difficult messages.”

  Nodding I wait for him to continue. What could possibly so bad that he needs me as a messenger? Did he confirm my assumption?

  “I found out who takes the money from the clubs. I don’t know how that person has the possibility to do so, but I am sure you will be able to tell me so I can continue to look in it if there is more than one person involved.” He takes a deep breath and pales even more. “How far is Clara involved in the club’s businesses?”

  And here we are. Obviously I was right, but I feel my eyebrows shoot up in surprise anyways. Is she really so stupid to steal from the mob? From her husband? From one of the most dangerous and powerful criminal organizations in the city? My thoughts tumble around in my brain and I answer my uncle’s question quietly. “Well, she comes in from time to time if we want to give the club a makeover or need female input on what would work. She is no actual employee, but she has access to the accounts if she wants. She is the boss’s wife, you can’t really tell her no if she demands insight.”

  Daniele nods while I tell him how it goes as if he didn’t expect something else. “That fits with the things I found out. Always a few days after you billed renovation stuff, money disappeared. In the past, that is. Recently it seems as if she has found a partner who helps her, because in the last months there is even more money missing than before. I’m sure you noticed that.”

  “I did, that’s how I stumbled over it. But I couldn’t find out for sure who was the one stealing. I had a suspicion, though. How did you figure out that it is Clara? Are you absolutely sure?”

  Taking a deep breath my uncle nods again. “I am, I checked and rechecked a few times before I messaged you. I found an account of hers where she transferred the money to that I assume Rico knows nothing of. I don’t know what she plans to do with that money, but I don’t think it will be good.” I have to agree with him here. I know for a fact that Rico throws money at his wife whenever she demands it, because it makes her shut up. She has everything she can possibly want, so why does she need a secret account with what must be shit ton of money in it?

  “Okay, I will talk to Rico about this while you look further if you can find her partner. I’ll let you know how my talk goes. Thank you, Daniele. I owe you.” He nods and stands up, seeming more relaxed than before.

  “Thank you, Matteo. I know I could count on you.” He guides me outside and I get back in my car. Never in a million years would I have thought that my guess would be right. Now I only have to find a way to tell it my brother.


  When I enter my brother’s condo I hear him talking to Vitali, the boss of the Russian mob here in New York. Carefully I knock on the door to the study and enter. Both men seem as relaxed as they can be when they probably have talked about what to do with the Mexicans. Vitali stands up to shake my hand and turns to the door. “Thank you for your time, Federico. I am sure we can come to a final agreement how we best go forward from this point on.”

  My brother nods and shakes his hand. “Yes, I believe so. Thank you for the visit. I’ll give you a call when I have figured the rest out.” Vitali nods curtly and leaves me alone with my brother.

  Sitting down Rico sighs heavily. “So, what did the uncle say? Has he found out who the traitor is?”

  I don’t bother asking him how he knows where I have been. Instead I help myself to a shot of whisky and sit down as well. “Yes, he found out who it is. Well one part. He suspects that the person is not working alone, but hasn’t found the other one, yet. He is on it though. And you won’t like what I am telling you now.” I sip on my whisky and continue. “He found out that in the past mostly money went missing after Clara has been in the club. You know she did some interior design work and all that jazz. Nowadays she must have found a partner, because it has been months since she has been there and yet even more money is missing. Daniele is absolutely sure, he has even found Clara’s secret account and is now looking for her partner. And I suspected it was her as well which was one of the reasons I wanted Daniele to look at it. I needed to be completely sure, before I came to you.”

  His fists clenched and otherwise calm Rico asks: “Is he absolutely sure about this?”

  Nodding I confirm. “He is. He was just worried about your reaction and wanted me to tell you as your right hand man. Don’t forget the image you and Clara portray is still intact. Everyone thinks you are the loving king and queen of the mafia.”

  Exhaling a heavy breath Rico relaxes his fists and looks at me. “What should we do?”

  That is the question, isn’t it? How do you handle it when the person you should trust most betrays this trust? How do you handle it when the net that keeps everything together is so tight that you cannot handle the situation like you want to handle it. He wants to kill her on the spot to make an end to all this, but he can’t do it since her father is an influential man and the repercussions would be just too much right now. Rico can’t handle a war in his own ranks at the same time a war is starting on the streets of New York. “I don’t know, Rico. I don’t know how we should handle this. I want to kill her right now, but it wouldn’t do us good. We can’t fight two major battles at the moment. We have to concentrate on the more important parts. Keeping an eye on Clara is important, but I will ask someone to do so who she doesn’t expect or know. This way we can gather more information, find her partner and then a solution for this problem. Maybe it solves itself. In the meantime I will think of other ways to make her disappear. And we have to find out why she needs so much money.”

  Rico nods and closes his eyes. “You are right, brother. And I am really sorry to keep you away from your woman right now, but you have to know that you can’t be with her that much at the moment. I need you here. I’ll give you the night, but come tomorrow I need my best and most trusted man next to me or on the streets as my eyes and ears.”

  I nod. Valerie knew what she got into when she agreed to be mine. I’ll have to make it up
to her, though. Later. “I don’t think Dom has his fingers in this. He wants to find out where the money goes as much as we do and Clara hates him.”

  Rico nods. “I know, I never suspected him. It would be too obvious. We have to clue him in so that he can have an eye on the club’s business. I suppose you already told him that money’s missing?” I nod and he seems content with my answer. “Good, you tell him everything but Clara’s influence in this. I don’t want more people than necessary know that my wife is betraying me. Not till we find a solution.” He looks at his watch and stands up. “I have to leave. I suggest you meet with your woman for the rest of the day since the next few weeks you won’t have much time for that.” He wraps his arms around me for a quick hard hug and pushes me to the elevator.

  I don’t protest against my half day off, eager to see Valerie.

  Chapter 12


  The moment I stop my car in front of Val’s house Jess comes out with Sandro on her heels. She waves him away and gets in my car. “Let’s have a quick talk mafia man. Drive around the block till I have said everything I need to say. Val is cooking since she thought you may have not eaten today.”

  I don’t try to argue with her. Obviously she followed the orders I left for them and Sandro kept her inside and guarded till it was safe for her to step outside. I understand her need as a friend to look out for Valerie, even though she has warned me before. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “You. And Valerie. I want you to know that I don’t care that you are a mobster. If you hurt her I will find a way to kill you. She is the best person I know and she had enough obstacles in her life. You don’t need to add to that. She has problems and worries and illnesses she mostly overcame, but if you are the reason any of this is going to get worse I will hurt you.” Her words alert me more than the threat in them.

  “What do you mean, she is ill? She never mentioned anything about it to me. What can I do?” Suddenly Jess goes quiet and bites on her bottom lip.

  “I have already said too much. She is not ill, well not technically. I’m sure she will tell you when she’s ready. It’s not easy for her. Just promise me that you’ll always support her and be there for her.” She bites her lip again and I realize that she won’t tell me more than she has already said.

  “I can’t say that you are making sense, Jess, but I’ll let it go for now. I promise you that Val is very important for me and I will always support her. Don’t worry, okay?” She looks at me and nods before getting out of the car and sprinting back to the house.

  I follow her inside while trying to make some sense of the things she said, but my thoughts are interrupted by Luca who stops me in the entry. “You have a good woman here, don’t lead her on, okay?” Raising my eyebrows I indicate for him that he has overstepped his place. “I am not saying this because I think you would lead her on. I am saying this, because she is hiding something. Something big and she needs to be able to trust you completely to overcome this. I like her and I would say she is good for you, but I am not completely sure that you are good for her and I just wanted to make sure that you know that.” Woah, okay? I have never heard Luca speaking so much at once.

  I nod shortly trying to keep my temper in check. “Thanks, I appreciate you standing up for my woman, am I allowed to enter now? I don’t have much time and there are a few things I want to explain to her.” Luca steps aside and lets me enter. As soon as I am in the house a delicious scent hits my nose and my stomach begins to growl. “Is she making spaghetti a la puttanesca?”

  Luca shrugs. “She asked me what your favorite meal is and I said either scaloppini or spaghetti a la puttanesca. She went for puttanesca.”

  Damn that woman knocks me on my ass every time I see her. She is making my favorite even though she didn’t know that I would come here today? Entering the kitchen I see her bend over the stove seasoning the tasty red sauce. Wrapping my arms around her waist I press a soft kiss on her neck. “Ciao cara, I am back.” She flinches before relaxing back in my arms.

  “I didn’t hear you come in. What did you do? I expected a call or message during the day.” She sounds curious and I find myself thinking about what I can tell her.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t contact you, but lucky us we have the rest of the evening and all night for us.” She turns her head to kiss me and I press a quick peck on her lips.

  “Why is it that I am hearing a but coming after this sentence?” A small worry line creases her forehead and her eyes cloud over with questions.

  “Because there is. I found some things today that lead to me having almost no time in the next few days or weeks. My brother said I have to be on call and on the streets till this new situation is solved as well as our problems with the Mexicans. I want to spend time with you, but it won’t be much. I can’t even promise you when I’ll be able to see you again.” When the light in her eyes dims I want to kick myself for not having better news.

  “I understand”, she says softly. “You have to do what you have to do for your brother and your family.” Turning around she grabs the pan with the sauce and carries it over to the table that is already set for two people. Damn, she went all in.

  Wrapping my arms around her I force her to stop. “Cara. Listen to me. I am sorry that it has to go this way, but I need you to know that this is not only for the family. I need to do this for you. For us as well. If I don’t make sure this mess is sorted out you would always be in danger. People already start to notice that you are important to me and I need to do everything that I can to keep you save, okay?”


  What is this man doing to me? I really hoped to get a call or at least a message from him today and the longer I had to wait the angrier I became. I mean is it asked too much to get a sign from your boyfriend when he is gone the whole day? And yet I have cooked one of his favorite meals not knowing if he would even show up. Then he begins to tell me that he can’t see me for the next few weeks first thing when he sees me and I feel like second best again. I have tried not to show it, but I know I failed. I failed and then he wrapped me in his warm arms and began to explain to me why it is important for him to do that. And with that he melts my heart. I am important for him.

  “Where did you go right now?” His warm voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up smiling again.

  “Nowhere. I am just glad about the fact that I am important to you.” Looking down I leave the rest of my thoughts unsaid.

  Two fingers under my chin force me to look up in the whisky-colored pools that are Matteo’s eyes. “Cara, never doubt that you are important for me. I am falling in love with you and I am going to make sure that you feel how important you are for me every day from now on.”

  Wait… What? He is what? That is impossible! “You… you what?”

  “I am falling in love with you, Val”, he smiles and presses a sift kiss on my lips. “Don’t ever doubt my feelings for you, okay? It tears me apart that I can’t be with you whenever I want, but this is important as well. Now let’s eat, because it smells delicious and I haven’t eaten the whole day.” With that he grabs the pot with the spaghetti and puts it on the table. He fills my plate and then his own with the food and sits down next to me.

  “Thank you for cooking my favorite meal for me, cara.”

  “You are very welcome, now eat and then tell me how it tastes.” I really want to know if I got it right. I can bake almost everything right for the first time, but cooking is something completely different. It is actually quite embarrassing how often a meal didn’t turn out like the recipe when I tried to cook it.

  Matteo takes a huge bite and his eyes roll back in bliss. “Cara, this tastes even better than the spaghetti puttanesca my mamma makes. Don’t you dare telling her that, though. This is perfect. Exactly the right amount of olives and spiciness. Great.” Blushing I take a bite as well and have to agree with him. This tastes wonderful.

  We eat in comfortable silence till my uninvited houseguests com
e back to my mind. “Oh my god, I forgot the others. I wanted to bring them their dinner in the living room, so we can eat alone.”

  “Calm down, cara. They won’t mind. I am sure they know we had a lot to talk about.” He kisses me again. Harder this time and calms my frenzied thoughts.

  “Thank you, Matteo. I’m sorry for being such a mess right now, but I really missed you during the day. I wished you would have at least send me a message. Not hearing for you after you promised to call didn’t make it easier for me to think I am important for you. Sorry that I appear so clingy, but I need to know that I can count on you. This is important for me, okay?” Yep, and that’s it. That will make him run to the woods. No one wants the fat, clingy woman calling him out for his mistakes.

  “You are right, cara and I am sorry. I am sorry that I disappointed you and I promise you that I will call and message you during the next weeks. I’ll make sure you never feel second best again, even though I won’t spend much time with you, okay?” He pulls me closer and nuzzles my hair with his nose. “I promise you, cara.”

  “Thank you”, is all I can choke out. This man surprises me more and more the longer I know him. I try to wipe away the tears that are spilling out of my eyes without him noticing, but of course he sees it. Cradling my face in his hands he wipes away the tears with his thumbs.

  “Don’t cry, cara. Everything’s good, especially between us. Now go to the living room, make yourself comfortable and let me bring the food out to the others or call them in here. I want to spend a relaxed evening with you and your friend.” Soft kisses pepper my lips and I smile.


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