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Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2)

Page 6

by Dawn Brower

  “I’m not making you any promises where Vitoria is concerned.”

  “I’m not—”

  Wes cut him off, “Yes you are. I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want. Ginnifer is the best thing in your life and she gave you a reason to open up. For that I’ll be forever grateful to her, but I refuse to pretend I could ever tolerate being around her friend.”

  Wes turned, his back to Dallas as his emotions overwhelmed him. After he regained some control he turned back and looked him in the eye, his conviction evident in every word he spoke, “She clearly sees something in that horrid woman—what it could be, I haven’t a clue—but I refuse to act nice to make her feel more comfortable. Don’t ask me to because it isn’t going to happen.”

  Dallas sighed and nodded. “I get it.” He stopped and tilted his head. “No, actually I don’t. Why don’t you tell me what it is you hate about her so much?”

  “I don’t want to get into all the details.” Wes paused and considered what he could tell Dallas to get him to back off. “I will tell you one thing.”


  “If it wasn’t for her, Eric never would have died.”

  Dallas flinched—his hand stilling over his coffee cup, his mouth gaping open. After he managed to regain his composure he asked, “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  “Fine, I won’t pry.” Dallas reached over, grabbed his coffee off the table, and took a long swig. He stood up and walked back over to the counter, topped it with a refill and stared down at the contents. “I’m not sure this is strong enough to digest that information.”

  “Now you know why I needed a drink—or ten. Dealing with her has driven me to the brink of insanity. Having a few adult beverages helps to get me through it.”

  “I’m sorry, maybe after the wedding you won’t have to see her too often.”

  “God, I hope so. The sooner you marry Ginnifer, the better my life will be.”

  “Did I hear my name?”

  Wes glanced over his shoulder and saw Dallas’s fiancée walk into the kitchen. She took Dallas’s coffee out of his hand and took a quick sip. “God that’s dreadful.” She handed it back.

  “You didn’t have to take a drink of it.” Dallas laughed, leaned down, and kissed her forehead.

  “I needed a quick caffeine jolt. I’m on my way out the door to meet Tori. We have a meeting at the boutique for a dress fitting.” She turned to Wes and gave him a full body scan. “You look positively awful. Did you just get in?”

  “I’ve been here about an hour.”

  Ginnifer studied him and after a long awkward moment suggested, “You should go back to bed. It might help with that grumpy attitude you’re projecting my way.”

  “Not a bad idea, I might consider it.”

  Emma, Wes’s baby sister, walked into the kitchen, her cinnamon hair in a high ponytail. She stopped abruptly at the sight of the three of them standing around the table. “Did I miss a family meeting?”

  “Nope, I’m heading to Seattle to meet Tori. The drive is at least a couple hours long, and I’m going to get a start soon.” Ginnifer waved at Dallas and Wes. “I have no idea what these two are up to.”

  “I’m about to go do some paperwork. The chores are already done for the morning,” Dallas explained. “Wes and I had a small chat and with that I’m going to go to my office.”

  Ginnifer shot Wes a glance and turned to follow Dallas. “Wait. I want to talk to you a minute before you leave.”

  Dallas pulled her into his arms. “You only want to talk.”

  Ginnifer smacked his shoulder and laughed. “Yes, a small conversation before I take off.” She leaned into him. “Let’s go into your office.”

  “You don’t have to ask twice.”

  Ginnifer laughed and pulled out of his arms. She walked around him and out the kitchen door. Dallas reached around and smacked her ass, causing her to giggle again. Wes had a feeling she might be a little late meeting Tori.

  “So what are you up to?” Emma asked.

  “I’m going to take Ginnifer’s suggestion and go back to bed. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Yeah, I was going to say—”

  “I look like shit.”

  She nodded her head and twisted her lips in a sardonic smile. “Not the words I’d have chosen, but yes.”

  “Don’t you have to get a dress fitted too?”

  Wes wanted to change the subject to something a little happier. He was too tired to let himself wallow in misery for much longer.

  “Yes, I do—or rather I did. I have a meeting and couldn’t go today. I went in last week to get my measurements done. Ginnifer wanted to wait for Tori to fly in to get hers done. A little bit of time with her best friend.”

  “Do you like Tori?”

  Emma tilted her head one way and back in the other direction. “Indeed I do—now it doesn’t mean I like that she is working with Colt—’cause he is still a jerk, but she’s nice.”

  Wes nodded. In his opinion, her representing Colt was just another reason for him to not like her. It gave him insight into her psyche and what she was willing to do to further her career. Colt Lewis gave her something to sink her professional teeth into. His baby-daddy scandal heightened her appeal to those who needed a publicist. She spun it so he looked good when the bastard was attempting to abandon responsibility for his child. Wes almost hated Colt as much as he did Vitoria. They were a pair, and they deserved each other.

  “I hope she doesn’t do something to make you not like her anymore.”

  Emma opened her mouth and closed it several times before asking, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing, don’t listen to me. I’m not in a good mood.”

  “Clearly. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No, I already rehashed this with Dallas. I don’t need to go into it again.”

  “All right. I won’t push, but if you need to talk about it, I’m always here for you. You’ve been my rock for a while now. If not for you, I might not have gotten through Colt’s betrayal.”

  “He doesn’t—didn’t deserve you.”

  Emma wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. Her head rested on his shoulder; he pulled her into his arms and enjoyed holding his baby sister. Some things could help to put everything into perspective. His family meant the world to him.

  Maybe he couldn’t ever like or approve of Vitoria Miene, but he could attempt to make it easier for her to be in their home. Ginnifer was going to be his sister-in-law in less than a month. The least he could do was not make the wedding plans any more stressful.

  “Thanks, I needed that.”

  “You looked like you did.” She pulled out of his arms and stared up into his eyes. The onyx-black of her pupils surrounded by a brilliant cobalt-blue irises, shined with love and understanding. “Now go get some sleep. You really need it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Wes stepped back and saluted her.

  Emma laughed, her joy filling the room. “I need to go get some work done. You know where to find me if you need me.”

  “I do.” Wes nodded.

  He watched his sister leave the room taking all the joyfulness with her. The smile on his face fell, showing the actual misery inside of him. Wes needed to find a way to get through this wedding without bringing his melancholy to the surface and spreading it onto what should be a happy occasion. The real question—how was he going to accomplish such a Herculean task?

  Maybe he should follow Ginnifer to Seattle and have a private meeting with Ms. Vitoria Miene. If he couldn’t corner her at the dress shop, he still had the key to her room.

  Wes scrubbed his hands over his face trying to muster up the energy required to deal with her. They’d managed a truce. Short-lived as it was, he understood the reasoning behind her asking for it. Maybe she was evil incarnate, but if they couldn’t maintain some form of civility between them, it’d make his family miserable
. For them he was willing to swallow his pride and seek her out.

  First though, he’d need a shower and several pain killers to erase the throbbing in his head.

  Chapter Nine

  The spring air added a slight ambiance to the venture. It was light, crisp, and warm enough to give Vitoria a little skip in her step. The boutique was upscale and filled with every type of dress imaginable. It had frilly, fluffy, and yards of white lace floating through every nook and cranny. As soon as she stepped inside, she could feel the crazy, stressful vibe of the brides-to-be as they flitted around the shop in bundles of barely suppressed energy. There were only three, each assisted by an attendant showing them potential dresses.

  Ginnifer was in the back corner talking to one of the shop’s associates. Her butterscotch-blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail, a few delicate strands hugging her face. The woman assisting her pulled a dress out of a storage area and handed it to Ginny. As it was encased in her arms, Ginny turned and glanced at Vitoria standing by the door. Tori smiled as she observed them. Ginny waved her hand, motioning for her to join them. Tori’s stilettos pressed into the carpet without a sound as she made her way to Ginny’s side.

  “I was beginning to think you’d never get here,” Ginnifer exclaimed.

  “I’m only a few minutes late. It took longer to get ready than I anticipated.”

  “Well you’re here now. This is Peggy. She is our consultant.”

  “Hello, Ms. Miene. It’s so wonderful to finally meet you in person.”

  “We have talked on the phone several times. Is my dress in?” Vitoria asked.

  “Yes, I will go retrieve it from the back storage room. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be back.”

  Peggy walked off in the opposite direction. Her chestnut-brown hair floating down her back in bouncy waves with each movement, she disappeared behind swinging door.

  “So is this your dress?” Vitoria pointed to the bundle of ivory satin and lace Ginny held in her hand. “Are you going to try it on so I can see it?”

  “That’s the plan,” Ginny replied. “I’m going to go inside the dressing room and put it on. Send Peggy in when she gets here. I want you to get the full effect all at once.”

  Ginnifer went inside the changing area and clicked the door shut. Vitoria sat in one of the chairs scattered around the circle of mirrors. Peggy returned carrying a garment bag. She placed it on a hook outside the room where Ginny was changing into her wedding gown.

  “Is Ms. Zeiss inside?” She motioned toward the door.

  Vitoria nodded in the affirmative.

  “Yes, Peggy, I’m in here. Can you come in and button up the back of the dress?”

  Peggy opened the door and went inside. Vitoria could hear them rustling around and the quiet tone of their voices as they spoke. She couldn’t hear the actual words, but she got a happy vibe from their exchange.

  Several seconds rolled by, leaving Tori with time to think about the previous night. Wes and his hot punishing kiss. Why had he kissed her? What did he expect to gain from such an action? It frightened her how much passion he managed to stir inside her in such a short time. How could someone claim to hate her and then kiss her as if she was the only thing that mattered? It left her confused and unsure how to proceed.

  The first moment she saw him, her heart had pounded in her chest in a rapid staccato. She didn’t believe in love at first sight—but with Wes she’d been willing to find out if it was true. Then he opened his mouth and ruined all her fantasies. He’d taken an instant dislike to her. Tori had wanted to strip him naked and get to learn every inch of him.

  Wes seemed to have other ideas—like flaying her alive.

  He needed to decide if he wanted to take her to bed or decimate her life.

  Who was she kidding? He’d destroy her either way. Tori knew one thing for certain. Wes either had to leave her alone or jump all in. If he couldn’t leave her in peace, they would be constantly at each other’s throats. It wouldn’t bode well for their shaky truce. If he continued to randomly kiss her, it could lead them down a path neither one of them wanted to go.

  Ginnifer’s laughter interrupted her thoughts. She walked out of the dressing room, a vision in ivory satin. The gown had a classic sweetheart neckline embellished with silver and sparkling jewels down the center. The skirt was full and covered in a rich, embroidered-lace appliqué. It flared at her hips with a short lace train down the back. The veil she chose had a similar gorgeous lace appliqué as the skirt of her dress. It skimmed the edges of the sheer material and trailed down to fingertip length.

  “Do you like it?” Ginnifer asked as she spun in a circle.

  “Oh, it’s absolutely perfect!” Vitoria gasped at how beautiful her best friend looked in the gown she chose. It suited her in every way possible. She glowed with delight as the skirts swished around her.

  “I’m glad you like it. I knew it was the one for me as soon as I saw it. Once I tried it on, I was in love—not as much as I love Dallas, but damn close.” Ginnifer’s laugh floated around them, coating them with her resounding joy.

  “I don’t believe you could have found a dress that fit who you are any better. You’re going to blow Dallas away.”

  “Oh, I certainly hope so.” Ginnifer trailed her fingers across the delicate lace of her gown. “I suppose I should take it off now. They’ve already prepped it for the needed alterations.”

  “Yes, you should. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to it before you’re big day.”

  Ginnifer scrunched her nose up, and a small giggle gurgled from within her. “Yeah. Can you believe it? I’m getting married. Something I never thought would actually happen.”

  “I’m in awe of you. I’m not surprised Dallas swept you up as soon as he saw you. You’re the best person I know.” A well of emotion swept through her. Vitoria waved her hand in front of her trying to gain control of her sudden need to cry. “He’s so lucky to have you.”

  Ginnifer pulled Tori into her arms and hugged her tight in her embrace. “You’re special too. Don’t ever forget it.” Ginny released her and stepped back. “Now I’m going to go take off my dress. Once I’m done, I expect you to slip yours on so I can see it on you.”

  Ginnifer left Tori’s side and went inside the dressing room to remove her gown. Tori sat down in a chair to wait. Why couldn’t she find someone to love her? Was there something wrong with her? Ginny was her best friend—of course she believed she was special. If she was wonderful and unique, why hadn’t she been able to find someone who wanted her as much as she wanted them? Not just desire, but the whole shebang. She needed to feel that elusive, wonderful emotion that had escaped her for so long.

  Ginny gave it to her on a small level. With her best friend, she was able grasp something of what real love could be. Absolute acceptance and unconditional love, something her parents never gave to her while she grew up. Instead, they played her and her twin, Vivian, against each other. They saw it as a way of driving up their competitiveness. All they accomplished was driving a permanent wedge between the sisters.

  Vitoria hadn’t actually talked to Viv in years. She had no idea what her sister was doing these days. The last time she saw her was after she graduated from college. Vivian had flown back to the east coast to visit. They hadn’t said much to each other. It worked better that way. The less they said the fewer chances of using it against each other later. It was what their parents expected.

  When Ginny entered her life, she hadn’t been open to friendship. Somehow she wormed her way inside her heart and had been there ever since. Vitoria couldn’t lose the one person she had come to count on. The only friend she’d ever had.

  A sound filled the space around her. A slight creak and click of the door in front of her and she glanced up to see Ginnifer standing in front of her. “The room’s all yours. Go put on your dress.”

  Vitoria stood up and grabbed the garment bag off the hook. She strolled into the separate room and unzipped it to reveal
a lovely sky-blue bridesmaid’s dress. Her fingers traced over the delicate material. A soft sigh fell between her open lips. Stepping away from the dress, she took off her clothes so she could try it on. After she was stripped down to her bra and panties, she slipped the dress on. The dress was long, a sheath with lace all over it. The strapless neckline dipped low and hugged her breasts. It was almost too long. Alterations would need to be made to adjust for her short stature. Tori slipped on her stilettos and walked out to get Ginny’s opinion.

  “Oh, it’s so beautiful on you. I knew that color would match your eyes.” Ginny clapped with excitement. A grin spread on her face, so huge it almost went ear to ear.

  “It’s a tad long…”

  “That’s what alterations are for. Peggy is going to pin it up for you.”

  Peggy motioned for Vitoria to step onto a platform shaped like a circle. She spread the dress around it. “Are you going to wear heels this high during the wedding?”

  “Yes, I like my high heels,” Vitoria replied.

  “Good, then this will be an accurate measurement.” She began to pin up the dress around Vitoria. After several minutes, she stopped and surveyed her handiwork. “Will this length be manageable for you?”

  Vitoria twirled to get a feel for how the dress would move. “Yes, this will do nicely.”

  “Good. How is the bodice? Do you think you might need it tucked in tighter?” Peggy asked.

  Vitoria skimmed the top of the bodice with the tips of her fingers. She gauged the room around the edges. “No, it is fine. Unless I lose weight, it will hold up well.”

  “All right, if you take the dress off I will write up the order for your alterations. When you are done place the garment bag on the hook. I will retrieve it when I’m done.”

  “Thanks, Peggy.” Vitoria stepped down and went to remove her dress.

  She took off her gown and placed it carefully back into the bag. Vitoria dressed and stepped back into her stilettos. She exited the room and hooked the garment bag to the door.


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