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Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2)

Page 16

by Dawn Brower

  “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt—”

  At the sound of her voice, they split apart like opposite sides of a magnet, repelled by each other. Vitoria touched her lips, the shock of what they’d been doing sank in. How could she have allowed him to manhandle her again?

  “Don’t worry about it, Cherry. I need to leave anyway. Just make sure the paintings make it to my office.”

  Vitoria set as fast a pace as her stilettos would allow—eager to exit and gain some distance between her and Wes. She did a quick peek over shoulder and saw Wes being delayed by Cherry. She sent her a silent thanks so she could escape him. Knowing Wes, he’d have followed her and done his best to make her miserable. Why did she have to want such an odious man so damned much?

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Wes did his best to apologize to Cherry, but what he really wanted to do was chase after Vitoria. Something changed deep inside him—he saw her in a different light. When they kissed it became clear, and he was tired of fighting his feelings. He planned on pursuing her, making her see they had something worth fighting for. He’d been wrong and didn’t have a problem admitting it.

  “Thank you for all your help.” Wes shook her hand and smiled like the fool he felt like. How could he’d been such an idiot where Vitoria was concerned? “Do you happen to have Tori’s paintings all packaged up?”

  “I do.” Cherry had a weary look on her face. “Why?”

  “I could save you the trouble of delivering them by taking them to her office myself.” He held hand against his chest. “If you don’t mind that is.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Please. I want to surprise her.”

  “Well you two did seem—cozy when I came back out here.”

  “We know each other quite well. It’s one of the reasons I was looking for Vivian. I wanted to arrange a surprise for her.”

  “If Vivian comes in, I’ll give her your message. It’s all I can promise.”

  “It’s all I ask,” Wes replied. “Now about Tori’s paintings…”

  “Oh all right. I’ll get them for you. It would be a little difficult to get them delivered to her with Vivian MIA for the unforeseeable future.” Cherry waved her hand gesturing to the backroom. “Give me a few minutes to gather them for you.”

  Wes had used all of his charisma and magnetism to get her to do as he asked. He rewarded her with one of his most charming smiles. “I appreciate it.”

  Wes waited as Cherry went into the back to gather the wrapped paintings. He pulled out the set of keys he’d had made the day before. On the key ring he had a copy of the keys to Vitoria’s condo and her new office building, thanks to Ginnifer. Of course she was unaware of the assistance she gave him, but he’d keep that little bit of information to himself.

  First he would take the paintings and drop them off at Vitoria’s office. Once he finished helping her out with that small chore, he would track her down at her condo. They would have more privacy there for the conversation he wanted to have with her. Plus she couldn’t run away from him there.

  “All right here are the paintings. I’m trusting you to deliver them to the place they belong and not hold them hostage for some reason,” Cherry lectured him.

  “Oh I promise, these are going right to Tori’s office.” They were. He needed to do something for her, and this was the easiest way to begin making it up to her. He’d been an ass for months. “I don’t need her any more ticked off at me.”

  Wes waved goodbye to Cherry. He picked both pictures up and secured each in his arms. They were not too large, but enough that he'd have to be careful carrying them. He pushed open the door with his shoulder and eased the paintings out of the gallery.

  Vitoria’s office wasn’t too far from the gallery. The building was in a prime location, and Wes could see why Vitoria chose it. It had a lush and expensive appearance, drawing the eye to its sophistication. He walked to the elevator. The door pinged open, and he strolled inside, keeping the packages tight in his arms.

  There was one office on Vitoria’s floor. Wes went to the door fully prepared to use his key, but was pleasantly surprised to find it unlocked. Maybe Vitoria decided to come to the office and get some work done.

  “Can I help you?”

  A petite woman with copper-gold hair and eyes so gray they were almost silver greeted him. He found himself disappointed to find her instead of Vitoria, but it made his self-appointed job easier. The office space was a cluster of open boxes filling the center of the room. A comfortable-looking couch hugged the wall, and a small desk stacked with even more boxes stood in the middle of the room.

  “You seem busy.” He gestured to all the open boxes. “I’m dropping these paintings off for Vitoria. They are for the office, but I’m not sure where she planned on hanging them”

  “Oh she was pissed they hadn’t been delivered. Thank goodness you brought them by. I know what to do with them.” She strolled over to him and took them out of his hand. “I’m Alison by the way, Tori’s assistant, and as you can see we are nowhere near ready to open the doors officially.”

  “I’m Wes,” he replied. “Does she have you doing all this by yourself?”

  “Wes?” She set the paintings against the wall and stared up at him. “Dallas’s brother?”

  Wes put his hand over his chest and groaned. “The bane of my existence, relegated to being known only as Dallas’s brother.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” Alison began to apologize.

  “Don’t worry about it. Have you met Dallas?”

  “I have. I used to be Ginnifer’s assistant. When he came to New York to propose, I had a front row seat. Well, that isn’t exactly accurate either. I showed him into her office and closed the door behind me. I don’t want to know what they did once I exited the scene.”

  Wes laughed. “I have to agree. I’ve already been traumatized enough by watching their constant displays of affection around the house.”

  “Oh, they have a certain quaint charm about them. It’s nice to see two people so openly in love with each other.”

  Wes liked Alison, she had an openness he found appealing. Maybe he could use it to his advantage. He needed to find out where Vitoria ran off to. They had some unfinished business to discuss, and he had a deep desire to see her naked again—priorities, he had them.

  “I’m a bit biased. Dallas being my brother and all…” Wes grinned mischievously. “In my opinion he is an ass, but Ginny seems like good people.”

  Alison’s laugh filled the office. “She is. If not for her, I’d never have gotten this job with Vitoria.”

  “You wanted to move to Seattle?”

  “After some careful consideration I decided to jump at the chance. Nothing in New York seemed to be going my way.”

  “Good for you. Sometimes the biggest risks pay off in the end.”

  “I like to think so,” she agreed.

  “Can I help you with anything? You look like you have so much to do. I’d hate to leave you when I could do something to lighten your load.”

  Alison shook her head. “No, I have a system. I don’t think we have enough time for me to explain it to you. But…”


  Alison bit her lip. “I don’t know if I should ask you to do it.”

  Wes laughed as Alison began to wring her hands together. Whatever it was had to be something important to Vitoria, and he wanted to do it for that reason.

  “I have some free time, so if you want my help, I’m freely offering it,” he attempted to persuade her.

  “It’s just I don’t know if Tori would appreciate it or not. She can be so hard to read sometimes.”

  Alison studied him for a few seconds and appeared to make a snap decision.

  “There is a stack of files Vitoria needs. They are just some research I did for her. I think it would be okay if you dropped them off. There isn't anything sensitive inside of them.” Alison pointed to a several manila folders stacked on
the corner of the desk. “I was going to take them to her condo after I left, but she would get more done if she got them sooner.”

  Oh, how fortuitous. Alison gave him a legitimate excuse for stopping in to see her. Not that he needed one—he planned on going to her new home regardless. This added a little genuineness to his showing up on her front door step.

  “I planned on stopping by her condo in an hour or so anyway. I have a few errands to run, but I can certainly take them with me.”

  “You’re going to see her anyway?” She studied him for a minute. “You’re not making that up to make me feel better are you?”

  “I promise.” Wes crossed his fingers over his heart. “I have every intention of seeing Vitoria tonight. Even if you don’t hand over those files for me to deliver.”

  Alison remained quiet as she stared at him. Wes guessed she was trying to figure him out. He had no idea what Vitoria could have told her about him, but it didn’t look good so far. If he had to, he’d turn on the charm to get her to give in and allow him to take the files with him. It’d worked on Cherry; it should work on Alison too.

  “I suppose I’m a little confused.”

  “About what?” he asked.

  “I was under the impression you and Tori didn’t get along.”

  “Well.” He grinned playfully. His naughty intentions shining through, so she could see what his desires for her boss actually were. “There is a real fine line we’re treading—so far it’s been one hell of a ride.”

  Alison nodded her head, understanding coming through loud and clear. “I get it. I don’t want to pry.” She paused. “But I like Tori, and if you hurt her I will be left with no choice.”


  “I’ll be on the phone to Ginnifer telling her everything. Somehow, I don’t think she is aware of your—liaison with Tori. I would have heard about it.” Alison stared into his eyes, her gray eyes pure steel. “Trust me when I say she’ll make you pay in ways you have never experienced before. Ginny takes her friendship with Tori very seriously.”

  “I don’t plan on hurting her.” He didn’t, not anymore. He wanted far more from her. She just didn’t know it yet. “Are you going to give me the files?”

  Alison didn’t say anything. She walked over and picked the files up off the desk. She handed them over to him, a silent warning filling her eyes. Wes nodded at her. He understood what she didn’t say. Vitoria meant a lot to her, and she’d protect her in any way she could. Wes didn’t know how he’d missed it before. Someone who was as self-centered as he’d originally believed wouldn’t invoke loyalty in other individuals.

  Ginnifer wasn’t blindly loyal to anyone. He’d gotten to know his future sister-in-law very well over the past several months. No, he’d been the one who hadn’t been able to see something right in front of his face. Why had he been so blind for so long? His grief wouldn’t allow him to accept he was wrong. All he could do was hope his epiphany hadn’t come too late to salvage something with Vitoria.

  “Thank you,” he muttered.

  “I’m counting on you. Don’t make me regret trusting you.”

  “You won’t.”

  Alison nodded. “There are a few messages for her in the top file. One is from her sister, Vivian. She’s been calling all day.”

  Wes raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Is something wrong?”

  Alison shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea. Make sure she gets the messages. I wrote her phone number down. Vivian said it’s urgent she call her back.”

  What could Vivian need to talk to Tori about? Something didn’t add up, he knew that much for certain. All he could do was give Tori the messages and wait to see how it all played out.

  Wes hugged the files to his chest and made a hasty exit. He had a woman to go see and make accept a long-overdue apology. No matter how much she protested, he didn’t plan on leaving until everything between them was out in the open. Telling her everything would leave him nothing but an open wound, but for her he was willing to take the risk. So much depended on Vitoria’s willingness to trust him—to listen to what he had to say.

  He wouldn’t blame her if she wanted to shove him out the door.

  Not once over the past several months had he given her a chance to explain anything. He’d pushed her away at every turn. Getting her to see how contrite he was and to see he meant everything—it would be one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Vitoria sat back on the sofa in front of her fireplace and let out a sigh of relief. She’d finished unpacking the contents of her kitchen and bedroom. The two most important rooms for her—she needed to eat and sleep after all. She stared at the fireplace and considered whether a fire would be nice. It would be if only she knew how to work the gas. It would top her list of things to figure out when she had more energy. At this point, all she wanted to do was open a bottle of wine and relax.

  The sound of the elevator door opening made her jump up to see who was invading her condo. No one, aside from Ginny, should have access to the entrance to her home. She’d talked to Ginny less than an hour ago, and she’d been quite content at Novak Springs.

  So who could possibly be creeping into the penthouse?

  Vitoria crept forward and peeked around the corner. In the dark hallway, a silhouetted figure stood in front of the doorway, his head covered by a hood. She couldn’t make out his face, but it was definitely a male. He stood tall, well over six feet, and had a broad chest. Fear pooled in her gut. Who was he, and why had he come into her condo? More importantly, how had he managed to gain access?

  “Tori?” he called out. “Are you home?”

  A whoosh of relief filled her at the sound of his voice. Wes managed to scare the hell out of her—something he was getting really good at. Fury replaced the fear at his audacity.

  “Channeling your inner Dexter,” she retorted as she flipped the hallway light switch on.


  “Your clothing.” Vitoria waved her hands at him. “The hood, the whole stalker trend you have going on.”

  He stared down at his charcoal grey sweatshirt and frowned. “It started to rain.”

  “Lame, Novak.” She rolled her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  “I dropped your paintings off at your office.”

  “You couldn’t call me to give me that information?” She raised her eyebrows as she asked him.

  “No, because your assistant gave me a couple files to drop off to you.”

  Damn Alison. Why did she have Wes come over? She would have a long talk with her assistant the next time she saw her. Vitoria was trying to avoid Wes—not look for more reasons to spend time with the evil bastard.

  “Alison could have brought them to me. They didn’t require you to drop everything and come by unannounced.” She paused and studied him. “How did you get a key to my condo?”

  “I borrowed it from Ginnifer before I left the ranch this morning?”

  “So she doesn’t know you lifted the keys from her?”

  “I don’t see why.” Wes shrugged his shoulders and flashed her a cocky grin. “Seeing as I made a copy and returned the originals to their hidey hole.”

  The more he talked the more she wanted to punch him in his too assured face. Did he think this was normal behavior? Perhaps he really was channeling Dexter and plotted her murder as they spoke. Nah, Wes wasn’t serial killer material. He was more of a nuisance than anything.

  “What is it with you and needing to possess a key to where I’m staying?” she asked. “When you leave, you can leave your copy of the keys. Set the files down on the counter and see yourself out.” Vitoria pointed to the direction of the kitchen.

  She ignored Wes, opened up the wine cupboard, and pulled out a bottle of pinot grigio. The wine opener was on the top shelf—she had to scramble to reach it. Wes stood behind her, reached over her hand, and grabbed it.

  “I can do that for you.”

  He took the wine out of h
er hand and proceeded to remove the cork. He made it look so easy as he eased the corkscrew down and pulled it out with a loud pop.

  “Glasses?” he asked. “Why don’t you look through your messages while I pour us some wine?”

  “I can take care of my messages after you leave.” She glared at him. “You’re not staying.”

  “Of course I am, sweetheart. We have some things to talk about.”

  “You always want to talk, but you never listen.” Vitoria’s words were full of disdain and mistrust. “Do you ever get sick of yourself? Because I sure do get tired of you forcing your way into my life.”

  “I’ve made some mistakes, I’d like to start making up for them now,” he replied.

  “Good. You can leave me in peace. It’ll go a long way to making me see you in a better light.”

  Wes shook his head and unzipped his sweatshirt, and tossed it on a barstool. “No, I can’t do that.”

  Wes opened her cupboards until he found what he was looking for. He reached in, pulled out two wine glasses, and set them on the counter next to the wine bottle.

  “I didn’t invite you here.” Vitoria stuck her lip out in a pout.

  “No, you did not. However I am here, and we’ve been dancing around each other long enough.”

  He poured wine into the glasses and lifted them, one in each hand. Wes offered a glass to her, and she yanked it out of his hand. She took a quick swig, letting the sweet-tartness of the wine slide down her throat. She stared at him over the rim of her class. The amber liquid swirling before her eyes—and she reacted. The glass flew forward and the contents splashed across Wes's face. His blond hair dripping with wine. It trailed from his forehead down to his very kissable lips. He pissed her off on so many levels it erupted out of her.


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