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Unbridled Pursuit (Novak Springs Book 2)

Page 18

by Dawn Brower

  “I’m having fun. I’m not ready to stop yet.”

  “Yes, now.”

  Wes ignored her, carried her over to the sofa, and laid her down. He spread her legs apart and trailed kisses down the inside of her thighs.

  “I want you inside me.”

  “No,” he replied.

  Vitoria raked her nails over his back. “Yes.”

  Wes laughed and continued to do as he promised. He kissed, licked, and sucked every inch of her until she was squirming all over the sofa. Vitoria begged him with each placement of his lips on her sensitive flesh. Once her screams echoed through the room, Wes stopped to appreciate his handiwork. Her breath came out in heavy pants, lips plumped up from her nibbling on the bottom one, cheeks flushed a pretty pink.

  “Quit torturing me,” Vitoria demanded.

  “Sweetheart, I haven’t begun to torture you.”

  Wes settled over her and entered her. He moaned as her tight channel gripped him. He moved in and out, slowly at first, and faster when he couldn’t hold back anymore. Once he gave in and pounded rapid strokes into her all thoughts fled his mind—the pleasure overwhelmed him.

  Nothing—no one had ever brought him to the brink of pure bliss. As his orgasm overtook him, he gave himself to her fully. His reasons for denying himself the joy of being in her arms no longer significant—especially as he failed to recall what they actually were.

  Wes, drained of all energy, fell forward on top of her. They lay on the couch for several seconds, maybe minutes—hell, it could have been hours, time had become irrelevant.

  “We should get up,” Vitoria muttered.

  “Why? I kind of like it here.”

  Vitoria laughed. “As good as this was I need to take a shower and get some work done. Go home, Wes.”

  “You’re kicking me out?”

  “Yes, you’re a distraction and I have a lot to do.”

  He didn’t want to leave, but he also didn’t want to push. Wes decided he’d give her the space she needed. After a couple of days he’d drop by unannounced again—the approach seemed to be working for him, so he’d continue to utilize it.

  “Fine. I’ll go as long as you understand I will be back.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Wes found the strength to pull himself off her and get dressed. She lounged against the sofa and watched him through hooded eyes. After he managed to place all of his clothes on his body, he walked over to her and pulled her up into a searing kiss. He let her fall back on to the sofa and took a step back.

  “Something to think about, sweetheart.”

  He left her with those parting words and sauntered down the hall to the elevator. So far everything was going well. In time it would all work out. Vitoria was an indulgence he fully planned to savor for a very long time.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Vitoria parked her vehicle in front of the ranch house. The past several days had been a whirlwind of chaos. The wedding was right around the corner, and Ginny needed her to iron out a few last minute details.

  Two days—it astounded her how fast her best friend’s nuptials managed to sneak up on her. Where had the time gone?

  A lot of it went into finding new and inventive ways to have sex with Wes. No matter how many times she pushed him away—the dratted man kept coming back for more. She was beginning to believe he liked her being cantankerous and bitchy. In all fairness, she hadn’t been all that irritable with him. In fact, he made it possible to forget all the chaos in her life.

  Dare she say it—his presence allowed her to be happy.

  So much so, fear filled her heart. If she got too attached what happened when he decided she wasn’t worth his time any longer. Vitoria couldn’t think about it. Her heart broke into millions of tiny shards every time she entertained such thoughts. She took a deep breath and opened the door to her vehicle. Ginny’s face flashed from a tight ball of nervousness to a glow of happiness at any given moment, as any bride would so close to her wedding.

  Vitoria entered the house to find Ginnifer flipping through stacks of files, papers from one end of the room to the other.

  Vitoria paused, shocked at the mess before her. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to find the marriage license. You know, I put it up in a safe place so I wouldn’t lose it—”

  “And you forgot which safe place you put it in.” Vitoria wanted to laugh, but she held it back. Ginnifer wouldn’t appreciate her suddenly curling over in a fit of hilarity. She walked over and picked up a pile of papers off the table. “Let me help you.”

  Ginnifer fell back onto the sofa, clumped over as all of her energy depleted from within her. “I can’t believe I lost it. I’m getting married in two days.” She held up her hand, two fingers held out in the shape of a peace sign. “Two!”

  “Don’t stress, we’ll find it.”

  “I’m such an idiot,” Ginnifer said, exasperation filling her voice.

  Damn. Vitoria needed to find the marriage license before Ginnifer had a complete melt down. She started sorting through the pile in front of her. No license. She set it aside and grabbed the next one. “I promise we’ll find it, even if it takes me all day to go through these papers.”

  Ginnifer sighed. “I’m so glad you’re here. I don’t know what I’d have done left to my own devices. Dallas left hours ago. Wes dragged him off to have a night on the town.”

  Vitoria raised her eyebrow. “Really?”

  Wes hadn’t mentioned that little detail when he kissed her goodbye earlier. He’d been extra careful not to make any demands on her time. Since the man appeared to be going out of his way to make her comfortable, she’d figured she’d owed him the same consideration.

  Maybe she needed to start asking more questions.

  It annoyed her to admit it, but the idea of him going out bothered her. What if he met someone else—a woman he found inherently more appealing. Rage seeped into her—she’d maim him if he threw her aside for another he deemed more worthy. Wes better know what he’d gotten into by pursing her so relentlessly the past week and a half.

  “Yeah, it got me thinking.”


  “Maybe we need some girl time. Drag Emma and Alison with us to hang out. It could be fun.”

  Vitoria considered her suggestion and agreed. A night with Ginnifer, Emma, and Alison was what she needed. It’d been a long time since she’d been able to let loose and relax.

  “We could do it at my place, if you want to. I’ve finally got everything organized. The condo is bigger than I planned on getting, but I fell in love with it. I have two guest bedrooms.”

  “Oh, that is a good idea. I can pack a bag and all the stuff for the wedding. You know since I planned on spending the night at your place tomorrow anyway. We can have a couple of days together.” Ginnifer clapped her hands together, her excitement infectious. “It’s going to be so great.”

  “It is.”

  “I’m going to pack now and call Emma.” Ginnifer hopped off the sofa and headed down the hallway.

  “Ginny wait, what about—”

  Too late, she’d already disappeared down the hall. Vitoria sighed and sorted the files. At least Ginnifer had something else to focus all her energy on. The task of locating the missing marriage license now fell completely on her shoulders. She would not let Ginnifer down, she would find it in the chaos of files scattered around the room.

  Vitoria went through the entire stack of files in an hour. Ginnifer still hadn’t emerged from her packing mission. The last file was on the other side of the room. Vitoria got up and went to retrieve it, hoping the last file held the marriage license. She grabbed it and settled back down to look through it. Just as she flipped it open, Ginnifer breezed into the room.

  “I’m ready, let’s go.”

  “Wait, what?” Vitoria glanced up at her startled. “Have you lost your mind?”

  “No, why?”

  “When I got here you were freaking out becau
se you lost your marriage license.”

  Ginnifer stared at her, blinked several times and smacked her head. “Oh lord. How did I forget that? I need to find it!”

  She headed for the neat stack of files. Vitoria leaped forward and halted in front of her. “Don’t even think about it. I’ve been through all of these files already.”

  “You have? How?”

  “I’m seriously beginning to think you’ve lost your mind. I’ve been going through these files for the better part of an hour. You’ve been incognito—” Vitoria gestured toward the mound of stuff Ginnifer had dragged into the room. “—packing. And I have to say, for once you’ve out done me on that front. I am normally the one who brings along more than any normal person would ever need. What gives?”

  “I don’t know. You’re right, I’m losing my ever loving mind.” Ginnifer bit her lip. “In my defense, though, a lot of this is needed for the wedding.”

  Vitoria glanced down at the open file and smiled. “Well I do have good news.”


  “I found your license. Of course it would be in the last file.”

  “Yay!” Ginnifer jumped up and down clapping her hands “Now we can leave. I’ll go start putting my stuff in your vehicle.” Ginnifer picked up a garment bag, tossed it over her arm, and pulled her suitcase toward the door. “Oh I did a three-way call with Alison and Emma. They are going to meet us at your condo later this evening.”

  With those words, Ginnifer was out the front door. Vitoria shook her head and chuckled. The sooner this wedding was over with the faster her friend would return to normal. She grabbed the folder with the marriage license and followed her out the door, clicking it shut behind her.

  She found Ginnifer stuffing her bags in the back hatch of the crossover she’d been driving. Vitoria really needed to find time to purchase her own vehicle and return the rental car. One more thing to add to her list—the never-ending one she managed to add more to than she deleted. At the top of her list rested her best friend, always would, but watching her fall apart days before her wedding... Vitoria took a moment to remind herself of that fact. As long as Ginnifer needed her she’d be by her side.

  “Are you in a hurry?”

  “I’m so excited. I get to have time with you and soon, very soon, I’ll be Mrs. Dallas Novak. I can’t wait.”

  “Well get into the car, speed racer.” Vitoria opened the driver’s side door and hopped in. “We need to make some plans and pick up some goodies for our girls night. While everything is organized, the kitchen is sadly lacking in anything considered edible.”

  “You know the only thing I’m sad about?” Ginnifer asked as she settled into the passenger side of the vehicle and rubbed her belly. “I can’t drink any wine. I’m going to miss it over the next several months. It’s worth it for this baby, though.”

  Vitoria listened to the awe in Ginnifer’s voice and made a split second decision. If this night was going to be any fun for her they would all have to abstain. Besides, who needed alcohol to have fun? “In honor of you, none of us will drink any. We will get some nonalcoholic sparkling grape juice.”

  “If you’re sure…”

  “Of course I am. Alison and Emma won’t mind,” Vitoria reassured her. “At least one good thing is going to come out of this drive.”


  “It’ll keep you still for longer than five minutes. I can’t believe how much you keep flitting around. Where are you getting all this insane energy?”

  Ginnifer laughed. “I’m not always like this. It has to be the excitement, because most days I’m dragging. More often than not, I’m exhausted as soon as I crawl out of bed. This pregnancy is draining the energy out of me.”

  “I’ve been so busy I haven’t found time to ask you how you’re doing.”

  “It’s okay really. It’s the kind of busy that’s good. It means you’re here, and I’m willing to wait for you to have time if it means I get to have you close. Which reminds me—how is everything going with Colt?”

  “Good. We were supposed to go to court, but the clerk called me a couple of days ago and officially dismissed it. I was relieved to hear it. He should have done it months ago, but Missy’s lawyers kept stalling him. Apparently, he just got a chance to look at the paternity results. I’m glad we don’t have to drag this any further and Colt can move on with his life.”

  “I’m glad. I only wish Emma would forgive him. She’s got the Novak stubborn gene and won’t do anything until she has to.”

  “I know, lucky for her he’s seems to be willing to wait for her. I’m not sure how long he’s going to be able to hang on to that hope. If it were me, I’d already have given up.”

  Ginnifer laughed. “Nah, you’d chase down your man and knock some sense into him. You wouldn’t take it sitting down, I know you.”

  “Maybe, I don’t know.”

  “No maybe about it. When you see something you want, nothing stands in your way. You’re not wired to give up.”

  “Colt said something. It got me thinking.”

  “What’s that?” Ginnifer asked.

  “Real love is worth fighting for.”

  “He’s right. It is. Did something happen to make you want to reflect on what he said?”

  Vitoria thought about it—she wasn’t sure she wanted to talk about Wes. She could ask some questions indirectly. Ginnifer wouldn’t judge, but everything between them was so new and fragile. What happened between her and Wes, it scared her. She’d become too attached to him, and she didn’t know what it meant. Vitoria didn’t know how to handle the feelings growing inside of her.

  “How did you know you were in love with Dallas?”

  “I didn’t like him much when we first met, you know that.”

  Vitoria laughed. “Everyone knows how you two bickered at first.”

  “He was so cocky and sure of himself. I wanted to smack him silly every time I saw him. The blasted man knew it, too. Things didn’t start to change until I saw a different side of him, the softer one. He’s all bluster because it’s one of his defense mechanisms.” Ginnifer paused, tilted her head as if considering her words. “Once I got into his psyche a bit more, chipped away at the exterior, I couldn’t help myself. I see something in him he doesn’t show everyone. I’m lucky.”

  Vitoria smiled. “Yes, you are.”

  “Do you think you’re in love?”

  “No, but I’ve never been blessed with anything remotely like you’re describing. I wanted to know what to look for, so I didn’t screw it up if I happened to come across it.”

  Vitoria stored Ginnifer’s words in the back of her mind. She planned to reflect on them at a later time. Maybe she loved Wes, but she didn’t know for sure. Even if she did, would it matter to him? What if he didn’t feel the same way about her? She wasn’t sure if she could handle unreciprocated love. Dwelling on it wouldn’t give her the answers she needed. For now she’d concentrate on driving to her condo and planning a night to remember. The possible love she had for Wes could be deciphered another day, when she had no choice but to face it.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The night had been filled with fun, laughter, and memories they’d cherish later. Wes made sure Dallas had a night he’d never forget—except for perhaps during the moments he’d imbibed too much whiskey. When it’d become apparent his brother managed to drink himself into an oblivion Wes made sure Dallas found a bed to pass out in. Of course, knowing his brother, he’d wish his fiancée, Ginnifer, were next to him when he woke. Wes couldn’t do anything to help there.

  Ginnifer, most likely, was fast asleep in the bed they normally shared at Novak Springs. As much as he’d like to accommodate his brother’s needs, Wes had other plans. As soon as he’d made sure Dallas was deposited in his hotel room, Wes left to visit Vitoria and spend some quality time with her. He checked his watch and realized how late it was, just past four in the morning. Vitoria might murder him for visiting at such a late hour. Wes planned on
distracting her enough to appease her violent urges.

  He couldn’t help himself—staying away from Vitoria was becoming increasingly more difficult.

  Wes fished out the keys to Vitoria’s condo and opened the door at the entrance to her building. Once he was inside, he slid the penthouse key into the slot and pushed the button to go up. Wes skipped up the steps and hastened into her room. Moonlight streamed over a female form in the king-size bed in front of him. He started to strip off his jacket so he could crawl in bed with her.

  “What are you doing here,” a voice whispered from behind him.

  Wes turned, startled. “Vitoria?”

  “Yes, you idiot. Come in here.” Vitoria gestured to the master bathroom. She was standing in the open doorway.

  He walked toward her. When he reached her, she grabbed his hand, pulling him inside. She clicked the door shut and flicked on the light.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, again. “Didn’t you have plans with Dallas?”

  “I did. He’s now passed out, lying on a bed in a hotel room across town. He’ll be fine by himself for a little while.”

  “You abandoned him there? Some brother you are.”

  She didn’t get it. Wes knew Dallas would be fine in the hotel room. Why not come and see her? He would make sure to be back well before Dallas woke up. If he wasn’t, he would have an excuse for his absence ready. He intended to pick up items to help cure a hangover on his way back.

  “I wanted to see you.” He paused, gestured to toward the door. “Who’s in your bed?”

  Who had he almost crawled in with and rubbed his naked body on? The horror of what almost happened finally settled in. In his rush to see Vitoria, it’d never occurred to him she might not be alone.

  “Ginnifer,” she replied. “Emma and Alison are in the guest bedrooms. You’re lucky you didn’t wake anyone up tromping up the stairs like a herd of elephants.”

  Good lord, Dallas would have killed him. Thank heaven Vitoria had prevented him from doing the unthinkable. It didn’t look like Wes’ evening would be going as he’d intended. Damn it, why did she have to invite a pack of females to stay with her? “What are they all doing here?”


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