Book Read Free

Two Strangers

Page 13

by Beryl Matthews

  ‘The other reason for my visit,’ Mr Denton said, ignoring the tension vibrating through the room, ‘is to ask Vicki if she will take me to the warehouse she slept in?’

  ‘Yes, of course. When would you like to go?’

  ‘This evening, if you don’t mind? After you close the salon. I’ll be at Harry’s.’

  She smiled and nodded. ‘I’ll come there just after six.’

  ‘Perfect. Thank you, Vicki.’

  ‘Time for our next customers.’ Flo stood up. ‘We’ll clear up later, Vicki.’

  They hurried down to the shop in time to open as the ladies began to arrive.

  The afternoon passed quickly, as it always did when they were busy. They had just said goodbye to their last customers when Dave tumbled into the shop, a broad grin on his face.

  ‘We’re closing now, Mrs Howard. You ain’t washed up yet, so I can stay and help if you want? Then I can walk back to Mr Harry’s with Vicki.’

  ‘Thank you, Dave, we’ll be glad of your help. Where’s Alfie? We haven’t seen him this afternoon.’

  Dave was almost dancing with excitement. ‘He went with sir after lunch.’

  ‘What?’ Vicki and Flo spoke at the same time.

  ‘That’s right. Ain’t it good? He spoke for the first time, and when sir said he was going to Mr Harry’s, Alfie went with him, happy as you like. It’s bloody marvellous!’ Dave clapped a hand over his mouth. ‘Oops, sorry.’

  ‘We’ll forgive you this time,’ Flo told him, trying not to smile. ‘We are all thrilled that Alfie is making progress at last.’

  ‘Terrific, ain’t it?’ The boy laughed out loud. ‘I’ll nip upstairs and start clearing up for you.’

  An hour later, Vicki and Dave arrived at Harry’s. ‘Sorry I’m a bit late, Mr Denton, but we helped Flo first.’ Vicki handed her book to Harry. ‘You asked to see this again.’

  ‘Ah, thank you.’ He put it on his desk. ‘I’ll do a bit more investigating in my spare time.’

  ‘I don’t think you are going to get much of that,’ she laughed.

  ‘Where’s Alfie?’ Dave asked.

  ‘In the kitchen, helping Pearl with the dinner. He’s only said a couple of words, but that is hugely encouraging. He has been silent for so long it will take him time to start stringing a sentence together, so don’t push him, Dave.’

  ‘I won’t. I knows what you told me.’

  ‘You know,’ Harry corrected.

  ‘Sorry.’ Dave pulled a face. ‘I got so excited today and forgot my lessons.’

  As the boy headed for the kitchen, Vicki smiled at the men in the room. ‘It was wonderful to see the change in Alfie today.’

  ‘Yes, and it was that beautiful gift Charles gave him. It appears to have helped by unlocking something inside him.’

  ‘It did. That was very thoughtful of you, Mr Denton.’ But he wasn’t listening to Vicki. He was standing by the desk and turning the book over and over in his hands, studying it intently.

  ‘Is this the book you brought with you?’ he asked Vicki.

  ‘Yes, that’s the one I was given by the man we are trying to trace. I told you about him.’

  ‘If I’m not mistaken, this is the crest of the Ashington family.’

  ‘That’s correct, Charles,’ Harry said eagerly. ‘Do you know anything about them?’

  ‘Only that they had an estate not far from mine, but I’ve only ever met one of the family, and that was during the war. He had a small Bible in this colour leather with the same embossed crest on it.’

  ‘Oh, what was his name? Was it Bill or William?’

  ‘No, it was James, Vicki.’ He looked at her face, full of hope, and shook his head. ‘He was killed, I’m sorry to say. We only met briefly, but he was a good officer. I remember the Bible because it was among his belongings. I wrote to his family and sent everything to them.’

  ‘Where to?’ Harry asked.

  ‘To their family estate. However, when I returned home, I discovered that they had moved. I don’t know where, Harry, but I’ll give you the address of the people who own it now. They might know where they went.’ Mr Denton gave Vicki a sympathetic smile. ‘I don’t think your man is anything to do with that family.’

  ‘Maybe not,’ she agreed, ‘but every clue must be looked into, however unlikely. We don’t have anything else.’

  ‘That’s true, but don’t dismiss this information. When the new owners moved to the estate, they may have inherited the library, and Bill might have something to do with that family. You never know, he might have worked on the estate.’

  ‘I never thought of that.’ Vicki pursed her lips as she considered that, and then shook her head. ‘That doesn’t fit him somehow.’

  ‘It’s a long shot, I know, but, as you said, it’s all we’ve got.’

  When the men began discussing some legal issues they were dealing with, Vicki left them and went to the kitchen to see if Pearl needed any help. Her hope of finding Bill had risen for a while, only to be dashed again. The one thing they had to go on was the book, and that might be leading them in the wrong direction. Their only hope was that they would stumble across some clue to set them on the right path.


  Harry and Edward were spending most of their time with Charles. They were in the throes of a legal battle about the school and, she suspected, guardianship of the boys, as Harry was insistent that everything must be done legally.

  On Sunday she went to Harry’s to spend some time with Pearl and the boys, hoping to hear some news about how things were going. Alfie was making good progress now, and although he never said a great deal, he did answer when spoken to. Dave’s speech was improving slowly, so Harry was obviously finding time to fit in regular lessons.

  ‘Hello, Vicki,’ Pearl greeted her with a teasing smile. ‘You’re just in time to help me change the beds.’

  ‘I think you save that job for my visits,’ she laughed. ‘Where are the boys?’

  ‘They’re in the garden. Edward dug over a plot for them, and Alfie wants to grow pretty flowers so he can draw them. They’re busy planting seeds and bulbs now.’

  ‘That will keep them busy. Alfie doesn’t come to the shop quite so much now. How has he been this week?’

  ‘Doing quite well. I’ve heard him talking to Dave a lot more, but he’s still frightened of anyone he doesn’t know. I think there’s still a lingering fear that those people will come for him again.’

  ‘Do you think he will ever make a full recovery, or will he always be damaged by his experiences?’

  ‘Hard to tell at this point, but he has a brother who loves him, and that is a great blessing. Also, he’s young, and we hope that time will gradually heal the mental wounds. He’s getting help now.’

  ‘Yes, thank goodness. Do you know how the men are getting on?’ Vicki asked, changing the subject.

  ‘They’ve got a real fight on their hands.’ Pearl shook her head. ‘I don’t know the details, but I gather from Edward that having Charles with them is helping. He did say that they wouldn’t stand much of a chance without him.’

  ‘What does that mean? Chance to set up the school, or keep the boys?’


  ‘Oh dear.’ Vicki chewed her bottom lip anxiously.

  ‘Don’t look so worried, my dear. Charles is quite confident they will win in the end, and solutions will be found. Ah, here they come,’ Pearl announced when she heard the front door close.

  ‘Isn’t Mr Denton with you?’ Vicki asked as soon as Harry and Edward arrived.

  ‘He’s had to go back early today.’ Harry sat down and smiled at Pearl. ‘He said to tell you he’s sorry to miss one of your excellent meals.’

  ‘It must be something important to make him leave. He’s become quite a regular visitor for Sunday lunch.’

  ‘It is important,’ Edward told his wife. ‘We’ve hit a brick wall regarding the school, but Charles has found a way around the objections.’

  ‘Are you g
oing to tell us?’ Pearl eyed the men suspiciously. ‘You are both looking in a better mood. Or is that just the beer you’ve been enjoying in the pub?’

  ‘Please tell us what is happening,’ Vicki pleaded. ‘I’m so worried about the boys. Are they safe?’

  ‘The boys were our first priority, and Charles has made a good case for us. The terrible way they have been treated is being looked into. In the meantime, it has been agreed that they can stay with us, with the prospect of making us the legal guardians.’ Edward kissed his wife’s cheek. ‘Looks as if we might have acquired two more children.’

  ‘Good. That’s a relief, but what about the school?’

  ‘Sit down, both of you,’ Harry ordered, ‘and I’ll tell you what Charles has suggested.’

  Pearl and Vicki sat down and waited anxiously for the news.

  ‘The authorities have declared that this house is unsuitable for what we have planned, and no amount of arguing and even pleading has made them change their mind. Charles has a large house on his estate which is empty, and he has offered it to us. There is plenty of land around it and even a stable block. He’ll give us some ponies so the children can learn to ride.’

  Vicki was so astonished she was unable to speak, but Pearl managed to stutter. ‘Harry … Harry! We’ll never be able to afford to pay the rent on a place like that!’

  ‘It’s all free.’


  Edward was smiling and nodding. ‘That’s right. There are ten bedrooms and a separate wing for us. From the sound of it, we should be able to have a football pitch and room for many other activities, but we will have to wait to see exactly what the situation is.’

  ‘How can Mr Denton afford to be so generous?’ Vicki gasped. ‘And how large is this estate?’

  ‘Enormous, by the sound of it.’ Harry laughed at Vicki’s expression. ‘Oh, and, by the way, his title is Sir Charles Denton, but he has insisted that we all call him Charles, and that includes you, Vicki.’

  ‘Sir? Oh, why didn’t he tell me when I addressed him as Mr Denton?’

  ‘He said he only uses his title for his work as a lawyer. Anyway,’ Harry continued, ‘we’ve all got to go to his estate to inspect the premises. It’s in the New Forest area.’

  ‘I thought he lived in Richmond.’

  ‘He does most of the time. He has a house there because it’s close to London.’

  Pearl stood up. ‘I don’t know about you, but I need a strong cup of tea. This is all hard to take in.’

  ‘Good idea,’ Harry said, turning to Vicki. ‘Can you get tomorrow off? While we’re down there, we can go and see the family who bought the Ashington estate. Charles said he will let them know we will be calling.’

  ‘I’m sure I can. Bob and Flo are as keen as us to try to find Bill. I’ll bring the book with me just in case they want to see it.’

  ‘All right, but don’t get your hopes up too much. It will most likely be another dead end.’

  ‘I know, Harry, but I can’t help being a little hopeful. Finding one of my strangers has turned out to be wonderful for all of us, and to be able to trace Bill would make me so happy. There was something about him – I don’t know what it was, but I feel he’s special.’ She gave a self-conscious laugh. ‘Such silly thoughts when I only met him once.’

  ‘Not at all silly,’ Edward told her. ‘You must have been very frightened after you were thrown out of your home, and suddenly here was this well-spoken man treating you calmly and with understanding. That must have been like a healing balm to you.’

  ‘Yes, it was. You used the word “calmly” – and that is exactly the thing I remember the most about him.’

  ‘Let’s hope we can find him, then, because I’d really like to meet this man.’

  ‘I’d like you to as well,’ she said wistfully.

  The Howards were as delighted as everyone else about the news, and, at Harry’s suggestion, they closed the shops for the day so they could come as well.

  The next morning, they set out for the station in high spirits. The boys were especially excited about going on a train to the country, and Vicki had a job controlling them at first. However, one stern word from Harry and they quietened down a little, but the broad smiles remained firmly in place. No one minded them being boisterous, though, because it was a joy to see Alfie so animated.

  The travel arrangements had been left to Harry as he knew where they were going. Vicki paid little attention to the journey as she was occupied with the boys and thoughts of what the day might bring. It was hard to control her feelings, but she knew Harry was right and she mustn’t hope for too much. She opened her bag and looked at the book, just to make sure she hadn’t left it behind. This was the best clue they’d had so far, and it was wonderful to feel they were doing something that might lead somewhere.

  Eventually, Harry said, ‘This is as far as we go by train. Everyone out, and watch your step.’

  ‘Are we there?’ Dave wanted to know when they were standing on the platform.

  ‘Not yet. Charles said he would have cars waiting outside to take us the rest of the way.’

  ‘Cor!’ Alfie’s eyes opened wide. ‘We riding in a car now?’

  ‘Yes, young man. It’s an exciting day, isn’t it?’ Harry teased. ‘Why don’t you and Dave run outside and see if they are there?’

  And run they did, making everyone laugh when they heard shouts of glee.

  ‘I guess that means the cars are waiting for us,’ Bob remarked.

  ‘My goodness!’ Flo gasped, staring at the two large vehicles and smartly dressed chauffeurs.

  One of the chauffeurs stepped forward. ‘We have instructions to take you to the estate of Sir Charles Denton. The journey will take about an hour.’

  The chauffeur held the door open for them. Bob, Flo and Pearl went in one car, and Harry, Vicki and the boys in the other. Only ever used to London, Vicki was enthralled by the beauty of the countryside they were driving through.

  ‘Look!’ Dave squealed. ‘Horses, and they’re just walking anywhere. Why isn’t anyone with them, Mr Harry? Are they lost?’

  ‘This is the New Forest and they are allowed to roam free.’

  ‘Cor, what do you think of that, Alfie? Don’t see nothing like that in London, do we?’

  Alfie smiled. ‘Nice.’

  Harry winked at Vicki, and she knew exactly what he meant. Although Alfie was beginning to talk a little, a genuine smile was still a rare thing to see.

  ‘Nervous?’ Harry asked her quietly.

  Taking a deep breath, she nodded.

  ‘So am I. I can’t believe this is happening. When Charles stopped that day to help you, I bet you never thought it would turn out to be a blessing for so many of us. I do believe two special men came into your life at that terrible time. We must, somehow, find the other one.’

  ‘Yes, I want to so much. I’ve never forgotten the kindness of both of them. They could have just ignored me, but they didn’t. They stopped to talk and encourage a young girl in desperate straits. I very quickly discovered that that was very rare.’

  The rest of the journey was silent as they enjoyed the lovely scenery and the novelty of riding in a motor car. Even the boys were quiet, with their noses glued to the windows, not wanting to miss a thing.

  When they drove through large iron gates, Vicki gasped in wonder. In front of them was a mansion, and the long drive leading to it was lined with mature oak trees.

  ‘We going there?’ Dave whispered, making urgent signs towards the impressive building.

  ‘Yes, that’s where Sir Charles lives,’ Harry told them. ‘Now, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you because you are both very well-behaved children, but don’t touch anything unless given permission to do so. There will probably be a lot of valuable items in there.’

  Dave shook his head vigorously. ‘We’ll be ever so good, won’t we, Alfie?’

  ‘Always good.’

  Harry smiled at the little boy. ‘Yes, you are, Alfi
e. And you know Charles, so there’s no need to be frightened. We will also be going to see another house we might be living in soon. Do you think you would like that?’

  ‘Lots of green grass. Nice.’

  ‘What about you, Dave? Would you like to live in the country?’

  ‘Cor, not ’arf! It’s smashing here.’

  They pulled up outside the front doors, and as soon as they came to a stop Charles walked out to greet them.

  ‘Welcome,’ he said as they scrambled out of the cars, shaking hands with everyone. ‘You must be hungry and thirsty after your journey. Cook has prepared a snack for you. Follow me.’

  The entrance hall was enormous. Vicki had only ever seen pictures of places like this. Both boys were also just as stunned and wide-eyed as they spun round and round in wonder.

  ‘Bloody hell!’ Dave exclaimed, and immediately began apologizing. ‘Sorry, sir, sorry, Mr Harry, but I ain’t seen nothing like this before.’

  The corners of Charles mouth twitched as he controlled a laugh. Turning it into a gentle smile, he looked at Alfie. ‘I see you’ve brought your cane with you, young man.’

  ‘He don’t go nowhere without it,’ Dave told him. ‘He even sleeps with it in his bed at night so no one can pinch it.’

  Alfie ran his fingers over the dog’s head and smiled up at Charles. ‘I like it.’

  ‘That pleases me.’ Charles took hold of the little boy’s hand. ‘Come into the library and see what cook has prepared for you to eat. You must be hungry after that exciting journey on the train.’

  Alfie nodded, trotting along with the man he now believed wouldn’t hurt him. ‘And car.’

  The library was huge, with books lining the walls almost to the ceiling. The carpet was like walking on springy grass, and the dark green colour in the pattern matched the sumptuous leather chairs. Beside the marble fireplace was a long table laden with food, and Vicki smiled to herself. Charles’s idea of a snack was more like a feast, and the boys obviously thought so as well because they ran over to the table and just stared in wonder at the array of delicacies.


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