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Burden to Bare

Page 11

by Felicia Leibenguth

  “Lexi do you have any plans today?” Dad asked while we were just sitting down to a late breakfast. He’s home for the entire weekend, so I could assume why he’s asking.

  I mumbled, “No,” as I pushed a blueberry around my full plate.

  Dad frowned at my lackluster enthusiasm. “Well, I think today would be perfect for car shopping.” He smiled, hoping for some sort of reaction from me.

  I looked up and gave him a forced smile. I honestly don’t feel like I have the energy to care at the moment, but I know dad is trying to help me in the best way he knows how. So, I tried to show some enthusiasm. “Sounds like fun.”

  “Good.” Dad didn’t seem to fall for my facade, “Why don’t you call Katrina so she can go with us.”

  I nodded in agreement and called Katrina. She was more excited than I was over the phone and said she would be right over.

  Bree decided to stay home with mom. I guess they were doing a little shopping of their own.

  Once Katrina arrived, we headed toward Rochester. It’s past Henrietta on the other side so it’s a long drive. Now I know how far dad has to drive for work. I feel bad for him, especially when he is on his way home and he’s so tired.

  Dad pulled into the first car dealership. I didn’t notice the name as I saw some nice sports cars, some even convertibles. My eyes started to shine. Drool.

  My spirits started to lift, and I felt the fog rise above my head, instead of being surrounded by it. Maybe this day won’t be so bad.

  I’m not a huge car fanatic, but this is going to be my first car and I want the nicest one I can find without it sticking out in a crowd. These cars are really nice, but I don’t see the one for me. I know Katrina looked around wide-eyed.

  “So what kind of car do you have in mind Alexis?” Dad asked. He knows I love his Mercedes. Maybe that’s why the first stop was a Mercedes dealership.

  “I never really thought about it actually, but I want to blend in, you know?”

  “I know what you mean. Okay, I have another place in mind. I pass it on the way to work. I think you might find something there you like,” he smiled at me.

  “You know Lexi, some of those Mercedes didn’t look too bad. Imagine us going down the road in one of those,” Katrina grinned. I knew she was thinking about herself at the moment. I just laughed at her daydreaming face.

  Dad got to the next place. There’s a mix match of cars here, but they’re nice and all brand-new. One caught my eye on the way in the lot, and apparently Katrina’s too. As soon as we got out of the car, she went right over to it. I followed right behind her.

  It’s in the front of the lot by the road. The color of dark shimmering purple sparkled in the late afternoon sun. The roof of the car is a different color, which I thought was a little strange until I figured out the blacktop meant a convertible.

  Katrina cupped her hands to the window peering in. Her breath steamed up the glass. I walked around the entire car and did the same as Katrina and peered in. The interior is black leather, with an automatic transmission, which for me, is a good thing. I tried the door to get in, but it’s locked. Darn.

  “How can I help you?” A man said walking up in a charcoal suit and red-striped tie.

  “Well, it appears my daughter would like a look inside that car,” dad laughed.

  “Ah, our Sebring Convertible. A very nice car if I say so myself. I will go get the key, I’ll be right back.” The salesman walked away at a brisk pace.

  Katrina caught my eye from the other side of the car through the window and grinned. I grinned back. I guess she can see herself in this car too.

  “Here we are.” The man came back with the key.

  What did he do, run?

  He opened the doors and Katrina and I jumped inside.

  Mm, new car smell. I love it.

  As soon as I sat in the driver’s seat, I felt this car is meant to be mine.

  “Can I take it for a test drive?” I asked, and the man looked at my dad.

  “I’ll stay here as collateral,” dad smiled.

  I grinned as I turned the key. The car purred to life.

  I put the car in drive and touched the gas pedal, the car jumped at my command. I pulled out of the dealership and I almost forgot Katrina’s in the car. She remained quiet as she looked around. I tried to find a back road that didn’t have much traffic and eventually did. I pushed the pedal down and the car took off with no effort at all. I melted into the seat.

  “If you seriously don’t get this car, I’m going to beg your dad to get it for me!” She teased.

  I grinned, “I bet you would!”

  “Ha, ha, you got that right!”

  “No worries, you can drive it once I get it home,” I laughed excited.

  It’s everything I looked for in a car, sporty without drawing a lot of attention and fast. I’m just lucky enough to get the added bonus of a convertible. That will be sweet in the summer. I pulled back into the dealership with a huge grin plastered on my face. I’m grinning so wide, it’s starting to hurt, but I can’t stop, I’ve found my car.

  Katrina and I both got out, and I touched the smooth paint of the car, all the way to the trunk.

  “I thought you’d love that car so…” Dad stopped talking.

  “So, what?” I asked still smiling.

  When I reached him in the parking lot, he reached his hand out in a fist and I placed my open hand under his. He dropped a shiny silver key in my hand just like the other one I still held.

  “Happy early birthday sweetheart,” he exclaimed giving me a hug. “I just paid for it. It is all yours,” he grinned.

  I squealed with joy.

  After a moment I asked, “How did you know I wanted it?”

  “If something can make you that quiet, I knew it was the car for you. So as soon as you took off I had him draw up the papers. Now we just have to wait for them to put the plates on and we can go home with it.”

  I looked at Katrina and she yelled, “Shotgun!”

  Everyone laughed.


  On the way home, I couldn’t get over this car. It’s amazing. Katrina gushed about it too, and that I have really nice parents.

  Of course, I knew I had the best parents in the world. They loved me and would do anything for me. I couldn’t ask for more. I never took advantage of them like some kids do. It’s not right to treat parents like that, especially mine.

  When I pulled up the driveway, the garage door opened. Dad pulled into the back of the four-car garage and as I pulled in, I could see on the floor a painted outline the size of a parking spot. In the middle of the outline, my name is written in white paint. I now have my own parking space.

  I got out and mom and Bree are by the door smiling.

  “Yeah, we thought you would bring a car home, so mom and I painted your spot. Like it?” Bree said grinning.

  “Love it!” I gave them both a hug.

  I finally got my first car and I’m excited to drive it to school on Monday.


  After we had dinner, I let Katrina drive home in my new car and she was thrilled. I still bubbled with joy about it though I did calm down a bit.

  When I got back home, I headed to my room. I started to do my homework, but I opened my notebook to the wrong page, a page I don’t want to see right now. It’s covered in scribblings from my utter boredom in History class. It’s covered with Zach’s name going every which way. Just the sight of his name makes me want to cry, and I felt my heart begin to ache. Will he ever come back? I don’t know how much longer I can take not seeing or feeling his warmth for that matter.

  I went to bed feeling depressed again. I fell asleep with my last memory of Zach’s brokenhearted expression, and a howl in the distance.


  I woke up with tears in my eyes… again. I don’t feel right without Zach and I don’t think I ever will until I see him again. I dried my eyes and took my pillowcase off to wash it from crying in my sleep.

>   I didn’t eat breakfast, I didn’t feel like it. My stomach hurt, and I’m not sure if it has to deal with Zach or if I’m getting sick, but maybe it’s a mix of the two.

  Katrina called and invited me down for a bonfire, but I didn’t feel up to it. I just wanted to stay home and sulk. When Bree asked if I had any plans tonight, I told her about Katrina, and that I wasn’t going. That’s when Bree pushed me out the door. Literally… pushed.

  When I pulled in the driveway, Katrina came bounding out of the house.

  “You came!”

  “Yeah. Bree practically pushed me out the door,” I said emotionless.

  “Good. I told her to,” she smiled widely.

  “What… oh never mind.” I don’t care at this point.

  “Ha, ha, ha. Yeah, that was my fault. Well, you’re here now, so let’s go have some fun. Remember I have something to burn?”

  “Oh, that’s right.” I’m not looking forward to seeing that demon thing again.

  “I also have something to talk to you about. Something you’ve been asking me about.” She looked at me, but the excitement in her eyes faded.

  “Zach!” My eyes grew wide, and I became excited. It’s the first real emotion, other than depression I’ve had in a long time, with the exception of my car.

  “Yep,” she said with the same stone look on her face.

  She grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the backyard. Everything is landscaped just the same as the front. I can see well even though it’s dusk. The same shrubs and trees from the front yard blend out into the backyard in various gardens. A stone patio and path surround a small bonfire pit with dark wooden benches placed around the fire. The heat from the fire feels nice as it’s getting colder out the farther into November it became. Soon there will be a blanket of white covering the ground. It makes for some nasty driving.

  On one of the benches sits a tray. She has the ingredients for s’mores, definitely my favorite camping food, graham crackers, chocolate, and big puffy marshmallows. A few things confused me though, several bananas and tin foil. That can’t be for the s’mores.

  Katrina caught me looking at the tray slightly confused. “No, the bananas are not for the s’mores,” she laughed. “I’ll show you what those are for later,” she shook her head smiling.

  As soon as I sat on the bench, I blurted out, “So what about Zach? It’s been killing me.”

  She laughed, “Hold on, let’s take care of sir-freaks-me-out-a-lot first. Then we will get down to business,” she smiled. She’s in a fairly cheery mood tonight, for the most part.

  I sat watching Katrina pull the painting out of a small trash can by the back door and carry it over to the fire. She turned it toward her and looked at it for a moment.

  “Goodbye sir-freaks-me-out-a-lot.” She turned toward me. “Any last words?”

  “Good riddance,” I smiled. I’m in a better mood, especially knowing we’re going to talk about Zach. I hope it’s nothing bad.

  Katrina held the painting with two hands and placed it face up in the fire, right in the middle. The edges began to burn instantly. It sent small orange sparks into the air like fireflies. The wood bordering the canvas is in full flame and Katrina and I sat here watching it burn. The funny thing is; it’s burning from the outside in. The middle is still in perfect condition and it’s over the hottest part of the fire. It’s weird. The edges burned closer and closer to the dark figure, but not actually burning the image itself. The white canvas burned away, leaving the image intact. When nothing was left, but the painted figure, something strange happened. The entire image burned in a flash of black flame. There one second, gone the next, consumed in black fire. I never saw anything like it. A black flame, it can’t be. At first, I thought my eyes were wrong until I saw Katrina’s gaping mouth. She must have seen it too. We looked at each other with wide eyes.

  “What… was… that?” I asked a little freaked out. That thing couldn’t actually be…

  “Umm… maybe a… reaction to the… paint?” She’s just as freaked out, trying to find an explanation.

  “I’ll take that. I’ll take anything other than what I was just thinking.”

  “Me too.”

  We both looked at the flames that are back to the normal blue, orange, and yellow colors.

  I have to get my mind off that freaky painting. “So… umm… what about Zach?” I asked trying to change the subject.

  “How about s’mores first?” She said. I can tell she doesn’t want to talk about Zach yet, but I’m not letting her out of it. Not tonight.

  I gave her the get-on-with-it-already look.

  “Okay, okay. I know your dying to know, right?”


  “Okay, but before I tell you about Zach, I have to tell you something about me first. Don’t think I’m crazy. Okay?” She’s nervous all of a sudden.

  I nodded my head in agreement.

  “Okay. Well… umm… I believe in the… the…” She didn’t finish as she struggled to talk.

  “K, please what is it? What do you believe in? You can trust me.” I kept my voice low and soothing.

  “This is why I have no friends,” she mumbled lowly to herself. “I have no friends because every time I’ve told them this, they turn on me and think I’m crazy.” Katrina moved her eyes to look directly at me. Her voice became stronger, and a little louder. “Then they spread it around the school. Now here I am about to do the same with you. I don’t know if I can go through with it Lexi. I really don’t.” She started to shake her head.

  I looked her dead in the eyes with a serious face. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. Whatever it is, you can tell me. You can trust me K.”

  Katrina dropped her gaze to the ground. “I sure hope so,” she looked up into my eyes again and said, “because I believe in the Supernatural.”

  I felt my face freeze with whatever expression is on it. Is she serious? I promised I wasn’t going anywhere and I’m going to stick to that promise, but believing in the Supernatural, I have to admit is a little… weird. Things like that don’t exist. I never believed in myths and folklore.

  I had to ask, “I’m sorry for asking, but what-”

  She cut me off sounding solemn, then her voice rose as she spoke. “I knew it. I knew you would think I’m crazy!” Tears welled up in her eyes.

  “I wasn’t gonna say that! Now listen and stop getting upset. I told you I wasn’t going anywhere!” I paused until she looked at me again. “Are you going to listen?”

  She nodded. The tears didn’t start falling yet.

  “Before you freak out, I wanted to know what exactly you mean by Supernatural?”

  She stared at me a little miffed like I’m the crazy one. “Are you serious? You don’t know what the Supernatural is?”

  “I have an idea, but I just wanted to know what- “

  “I meant by it?” She finished my sentence.

  I nodded.

  “Well, like Vampires, Werewolves, that type thing.” She looked at me with questioning eyes, like she’s waiting for me to run.

  “Oh.” What else can I say? I tried to stay absolutely calm. I didn’t want to act freaked out and get her upset again. “Can I ask another question, but without you getting upset?”

  “Yeah, I guess since you haven’t run off yet.” She let out a small, sarcastic laugh.

  “Well, I was wondering, why you believe in the Supernatural?”

  “Because… I have always felt it. I have always felt that things were out there waiting and watching in the darkness. Like things that are evil. It’s like I feel a… presence that no one else seems to notice.”

  “Umm…” I said still unsure of what to say.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. I already know you don’t believe in this stuff. Not many people do. I only told you this because of Zach. It’s something you need to know. You may not believe it now, but you will one day. Trust me on that.” She flashed a hard gaze my way. I felt like she’
s trying to tell me something more with that gaze, something she isn’t going to say verbally.

  “Are you saying… Zach is one of them?” I asked in total disbelief.

  She nodded her head.

  My mouth fell open.

  Remain calm, remain calm, I keep repeating it in my head. I seriously don’t know what to think or even say. Katrina’s still looking at me with no humor in her eyes. They are dead serious. I have a sudden urge to laugh, seriously hoping she’s kidding. I held it back because the look in her eyes told me she isn’t joking.

  When I finally started to look panicked, Katrina spoke again in a voice that told me this is no joke.

  “Lexi, he is something of the Supernatural. When you brought the details to my attention, I knew right away he wasn’t human. I’m still not one-hundred percent sure what he is. He is dangerous Lexi, maybe not to you right now, but eventually, I fear he will be. You need to be careful. If I were you, I would keep my distance. I mean it. When he finally gets bored with you, you don’t want to know what will happen.” Katrina gave me a hard look I’ve never seen before. Her chocolate brown eyes seemed to shine black for just an instant. If I blinked, I would have missed it, and that startles me.

  “What are you talking about Katrina?” I started getting defensive and I have to admit scared. Bree told me Zach is dangerous too. Was Katrina talking to Bree? Did they plan this? I bet that’s why Bree gave up. She’s hoping my only friend would get me completely off of Zach, to hate him even. Well, she has another thing coming! “Bree put you up to this didn’t she!?” I practically yelled. “You’re all wrong if you think that trying to make me afraid of Zach is going to keep me away from him, you have another thing-”

  “Lexi please-”

  “No! I thought you were my friend Katrina, but apparently, I thought wrong!” I’m so furious. I got up and stormed from the fire, heading toward the driveway. I’m so infuriated that everyone is telling me Zach is dangerous and that I should stay away from him. I’m tired of it, of everyone’s predigests! I should have known better than to trust someone with this. I need to learn to keep my mouth shut, but when I get home Bree is going to hear about it.


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