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Burden to Bare

Page 21

by Felicia Leibenguth

  “Yeah, thanks, mom.” He stared at her with a hard face.

  Garcia looked at me. “Yes, Rashel is one of our kind. She’s also a wolf-like Zach and I thought they might hit it off, but it seems they didn’t.” She now turned to Zach, “I’m sorry she wasn’t a right fit for you.” She said frowning.

  “Yeah, well… she can go be controlling to someone else.” He growled.

  I looked at Zach a bit stunned, him and Rashel? Rashel is a wolf!? No wonder why she hates me so much! Now it makes sense. “When she started crying and left the cafeteria, what did you say to her?”

  Zach suddenly looks very uncomfortable. “I… told her… I claimed you.”

  “Zach!” His father and mother exploded at the same time.

  Garcia continued yelling, “Do you have any idea what will happen if others find out!? You know the consequences of being with a human and you tell Rashel you’ve claimed her! Have you lost your mind!?”

  Thatch spoke angrily, “We were willing to hide this, to keep both of you safe! Now you told someone and of all people, Rashel! You better hope like hell she doesn’t tell anyone including her parents! If others find out, they will hunt you down and kill both of you! Zach what were you thinking!?” Thatch fumed.

  “I know. I was totally and completely out of line. I was just so angry because she was threatening Lexi. I wanted her to stop.”

  Garcia’s voice came down a few notches. “No matter what she does, how could you tell her?”

  “I don’t know. It just came out. I’m sorry.” Zach wouldn’t look at them. He kept his eyes on the ground.

  “What can we do?” Thatch started thinking.

  “I’ll try to talk to her. I’ll tell her it was a lie because I was angry,” Zach offered.

  “You better hope that works Zachary!” Garcia glared at him.

  “Yes, you better hope,” Thatch said in a harsh tone.

  “What if it doesn’t work?” I looked at Zach concerned.

  “We will worry about it if it comes to that.” He kissed me quickly on the forehead.

  “Oh Lexi,” Garcia spoke softly in a normal tone again. “How is your friend doing? Katrina, is it?” She sounds a bit concerned.

  She should know… she was at the hospital… But I figure she’s trying to change the subject.

  “She’s good. At least she’s out of the ICU. I haven’t seen her yet today to know if she’s improving or not. How did you learn about her?” I tossed the question at her knowing full well how she knew.

  She laughed. “Well, after we heard about her being attacked, we knew right away who it was. That Vamp has been hanging around here quite a bit lately, and we could never figure out why, but now we know. So, we split up and watched for him. Thatch has been watching her house for his return, I am watching the hospital in case he shows there, and Zach has been watching her mom. We are certainly glad he was watching her. He’s such a stubborn boy. When he told us, the Vamp showed at her mother’s work, we told him to wait for us but he didn’t-”

  Zach interrupted her, “Because he was about to kill her! I had to do something!” He ground his teeth.

  “Yes, but you could have gotten yourself killed, but in the end, I’m glad you chased him off. We haven’t seen him since, but we’re not going to stop watching for him. When we find him, he won’t be bothering Katrina anymore.” Garcia’s voice hardened toward the end. She then continued in a normal tone, “So I’m assuming you’re going to stop by the hospital on your way home?”

  I looked up at Zach with a smile. “He’s the one driving.”

  He looked down at me with a soft expression. “If you would like to?”

  I nodded my head.

  “Good, tell her I will keep watch over her mother if she should return home,” Thatch said with a pleasant smile.

  “I will and thank you!” I grinned. I feel the tears building in my eyes. Not from fear, but from sheer joy. I had a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, and I feel like I can float away. I closed the few feet between Thatch and me and hugged him around the waist. He’s slightly shocked but hugged back. I let go of him and hugged Garcia too.

  “Yes, well, I’m sure it is going to be difficult for her to listen to all of this, but it seems she has a strong friend to help her through.” Garcia smiled with a mother’s warmth.

  I blushed, backing away from the hug.

  “Katrina seems to be a strong girl as well. To keep that secret for so long, and to deal with that Vamp all alone. I feel bad for her.” Garcia continued on in a sad tone.

  “Yeah, well she’s going to have to be even stronger,” Zach said.

  “Why do you say that?” Thatch asked.

  “She has the mark.”

  “No,” Garcia gasped.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “You have much to learn young one, our world has rules, one that you two have already broken. There are also many other things you must learn, should you be a part of our family. This world of ours is very dangerous and not for the weak. That’s why we tested you today. You passed amazingly, even for a human. I’m sure Zach will tell you about it when he’s ready. For now, you have a good friend to visit.” Garcia smiled, and then looked at her son with wary eyes.

  “Yeah, we should be going. It’s gonna get dark soon, and I’m sure you don’t want to see any Arachne’s.” He smiled devilishly.

  “You think you’re so funny, don’t you? Just hilarious…” I said sarcastically.

  “Maybe you can carry around your can of Raid.” Zach roared into laughter, and I glared at him. I regret ever telling him that story…

  “Raid?” Thatch asked.

  Zach answered sill laughing hysterically, “She has… a can of… Raid in her room… so she can spray… spiders.” He laughed harder.

  I looked at Thatch and Garcia and I can see them, unsuccessfully, holding back smiles.

  “Okay, that’s enough of my phobia for one day. Now are you going to show me the easier way down or do I have to jump?” I said with a bite in my voice while I looked around for the way down.

  Zach stopped laughing and a huge mischievous smile spread across his face.

  “What?” I became nervous.

  “Hop on,” He said turning his back to me and motioning with his hands.

  “Why exactly am I getting on your back?” My eyes squinted in accusation.

  “Because I’m going to show you the way down,” He said mischievously.

  “Um…” I took a step back from him.

  “You know I’m going to win. If you don’t get on my back, I’ll just pick you up. I’m stronger than you, ya know,” he taunted.

  “Fine.” I snapped at him and got on his back.

  I looked at Garcia and Thatch as they tried to hide their smiles. “Bye, I hope to see you both again soon,” I smiled again. I do really like them.

  “Same to you young one,” Garcia said.

  “Yes and be careful,” Thatch said eyeing his son.

  “I will,” I said.

  Thatch laughed. “I’m sure you will, but I was speaking to Zach, but I wish you safety as well child,” he smiled kindly. “We will be watching over you and your friend, so do not stress.”

  “I’ll try.” I smiled and waved at them.

  Zach turned, walking toward the edge of the cliff, and stopping, letting his toes hang over the edge.

  “You’re not-” My words are cut off by my own continuous scream as Zach hurled himself into the air with me on his back. We are falling toward the ground at such a speed it’s hard to catch my breath for another blood-curdling scream. I saw the ground coming at us, and I really don’t want to see death coming, so I slammed my eyes shut, still screaming.

  When we hit the ground, I felt Zach’s knees bend absorbing the impact. It felt like he just took a step down the stairs rather than a sixty-foot cliff. I finally stopped screaming after I figured out I’m not dead and I heard laughing. It’s coming from above.

“Ha, ha, ha. I win,” Garcia yelled.

  “You didn’t make her scream, I did. So that doesn’t count,” Zach yelled back.

  “The boy has a point,” Thatch agreed.

  “Oh, you be quiet,” Garcia said.

  “That’s because you know I’m right mom,” Zach laughed.

  I didn’t hear anyone’s reply because I’m suddenly in a wind storm. It took me a second to figure out where it’s coming from and it’s not from Mother Nature, that’s for sure. Zach’s running through the woods at such a speed, it felt like I had my head out a car window doing a hundred miles an hour. I shoved my face into Zach’s back to breathe. I started not feeling well as I felt like I left my stomach back at the cliff.

  When Zach finally stopped, it was sudden. I quickly felt my stomach catch up with me, and I urgently got off of Zach’s back. I leaned over trying very hard to breathe through extreme nausea. Zach put a hand on my back and rubbed sympathetically. Once I’m sure I’m not gonna hurl, I stood up and slapped his arm. He looks shocked.

  “Don’t ever do that again! I thought we were gonna-”

  “What, you thought I would jump to our deaths?” He chuckled.

  “How am I supposed to know? A little warning like, ‘hey I’m about to jump off a cliff’, would have been nice. Or ‘hang on I’m about to take off running like a maniac through the woods’ would have been better. I’ve never had motion sickness until now.” I hissed trying to mimic his voice.

  “Temper, temper. I like a hot woman.” He pulled out his devilishly sexy smile.

  I glared. “Hilarious,” Bbut I fought back a smile. It’s hard not to, he’s so… so sexy, funny and… mine, all mine!

  “Alright let’s get you something to eat, and then… off to see Katrina,” he smiled again. I think he knows I’m not mad at him anymore. He makes it very hard for me to get mad and stay mad at him.


  Still, to nauseous to get much to eat, I just got a milkshake and fries. I finished the last of my fries as we pulled into the hospital parking lot. In my opinion, Burger King has the best fries. They’re always crisp and have the best flavor. Zach disagreed and said McDonald’s has the best fries, but as long as he likes limp fries… he’s the one eating them.

  We walked down the long hall to the elevator to go to the third floor.

  “Um, Zach, why don’t I go in her room alone at first so I can let her know you’re here? I don’t want her to get upset and panic or something. She knows there’s something up with you, but she doesn’t know exactly what.” I tried to smile, but it didn’t work too well.

  “She thinks I’m a Vamp, doesn’t she?” He asked with a serious face.

  “Yeah,” I said looking at the floor.

  He lifted my face up with his finger under my chin. “Lexi, it’s okay. She will know soon enough about the truth. So, don’t worry about me. Everything will be fine.” He quickly pecked me on the lips before the elevator doors opened. “Better?”

  “Mm, hmm. Of course, that could have lasted longer,” I pouted.

  He laughed. “There will be plenty of time for that later. We have things to do.” He smiled nervously.

  We walked the short hall to room three-twenty. Zach stayed hidden beside the door. He’s going to wait until I tell Katrina he’s here, before making his appearance.

  I stepped in the open doorway and knocked on the wall. I didn’t want to walk in, in the middle of something. I didn’t hear anyone talking, but I heard two small knocks against the wall coming from inside the room. I figure she’s alone. I walked in and saw her lying in bed. As soon as she saw me, her face lit up with a smile.

  “Hey. Where’s your mom?” I asked.

  She still can’t talk, that’s gonna to take time, but she signed, “Looking for food.” She tried to laugh, but her cracked ribs caused her pain.

  “That’s good I guess,” I smiled. “But, how are you doing?”

  “I’m fine. Ribs still hurt really bad and still can’t talk.” She sighed and I can tell that caused her pain too.

  “Yeah, I bet it’s driving you nuts not being able to talk. I know it would drive Mya crazy. She would have filled up a hundred-page notebook by now.” I grinned, just thinking about Mya not being able to talk. That would be something to see.

  Katrina tried not to laugh, but couldn’t help it. “Yeah, I know. It would kill her. But, she came and saw me today.” Katrina rolled her eyes.

  “How was it? Or don’t I want to know?”

  “Mya doesn’t know sign, but that didn’t stop her from talking my ear off. I think I’m going deaf now.” She smiled. “But, she said you weren’t in school today. Where were you?” She looks concerned.

  “Well, first I needed to catch up on some sleep, but there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  She can see the change in my face. She looks worried when she asked, “What is it?”

  “It’s about Zach. He came into my room early this morning and about scared the crap out of me,” I said a little louder toward the end to make sure he heard me in the hall.

  Katrina looks horrified.

  “Don’t panic,” I told her. “He’s not what you think he is. He’s not a Vampire, but he’s not exactly human either.” I smiled reassuringly.

  Katrina looks pale. “What is he then?”

  “I’ll let him tell you, it’s his business. But, I will say, just so you stop panicking, he’s the one that saved your mom,” I told her

  Katrina’s eyes are huge with shock. “What!?”

  I sighed. “Do you remember the painting you did of the wolf?”

  She nodded, and then it looked like something clicked with her. “No way! He can’t be!”

  “Well he is, and you got him down perfectly, right down to the spot over his heart.”

  Her mouth gaped open, “But how did I… I didn’t know… how…”

  Zach interjected, walking in the door. “It’s a part of your heritage. That’s how you knew. You have a gift like many others in your family.”

  Katrina stared at him. Her face frozen, so I can’t tell if she’s gonna freak out, or pass out.

  She stared at him for a long time. She raised her hands and said, “Thank you for saving my mom. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

  “There is no need for that. You have been a great friend to Lexi, and that’s enough for me,” Zach smiled.

  “Um… you know sign?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I took a few classes. My parents made me take them.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess it’s finally paid off.” He smiled toward Katrina.

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but… what exactly are you?”

  “I’m considered a Shape-Shifter. When you get home, Lex can fill you in on everything. She met my parents today,” Zach laughed.

  I laughed. “Yeah, get this K, he takes me for a long walk through the woods, gives me a piggyback ride up a sixty-foot dirt wall, then when we get to the top, out comes this huge Grizzly bear and a giant Eagle! I was terrified, but I figured it out. They were Zach’s parents.” I feel like a school girl gossiping, but it’s a nice change.

  Katrina stared at me like I’m crazy.

  “It’s true,” Zach chipped in. He must have noticed Katrina’s face.

  “Well, it seems we have a lot to talk about.”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” I sighed.

  Zach changed the subject. “You don’t have to worry about your mom being alone. She will be safe, just as you are here. Mom’s guarding the outside of the hospital and dad is watching over your house. They’re watching for the Vamp and once they see him, you won’t have to worry about him again,” Zach said seriously. “I promise that Katrina.”

  Katrina suddenly held tears in her eyes. She looks like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, much like I looked earlier. This is something she’s feared about for the past few years, and now that fear has been removed.

  “I’m… free? I’m finally free?”
Her tears started streaming down her face.

  “Yes, you’re free. You will never have to deal with him again.”

  Katrina reached her hand out to Zach. Zach took her hand, and she pulled him closer. She pulled him down into a hug. I can tell it causes her a lot of pain, but she’s somehow able to ignore it for a moment. She’s just so… relieved and happy. I feel tears welling up in my eyes at her happiness. I smiled at the two of them hugging. I saw Katrina whisper a ‘thank you’ into Zach’s ear.

  “You’re welcome,” Zach said as they released each other.

  Katrina reached out to me and did the same as she had Zach.

  “Thank you too. You set me free,” Katrina whispered. It’s so faint I almost didn’t hear it.

  “You’re welcome K. It was you who set yourself free. You finally stood up and told someone the truth.”

  We let each other go and she went back to signing. It hurt a lot for her to even whisper, but it’s nice to hear her voice.

  “That’s only because you dragged it out of me,” She smiled.

  “I noticed she has a knack for doing that to people,” Zach said looking me over. “I still don’t know how she does it.” He shook his head.

  “You forget I have a little sister.” I smiled. “I’ve had a lot of practice.” I laughed.

  Katrina and Zach laughed too.

  We talked for a short while about recent events. Zach told us how he saved Ms. Morrison- Katrina’s mom,

  “I went to your mom’s job immediately after I heard what happened to you. I stayed in the woods just watching for the Vamp. I didn’t’ know if he was going to show or not, but he did. When your mom came out, I could tell she was in a panic and trying to hurry, so I figured the hospital got a hold of her. That’s when I saw the Vamp step out of the woods. He was getting close to your mom, and I was about to lunge toward him when my mom yelled at me to wait. Lex can explain that one later, but anyway, I could see he was going for the kill, so I dashed out of the woods and jumped on him. I could tell I surprised him because he immediately bolted for the woods. Usually, Vamps will turn and fight, but I’m kind of glad he didn’t, as he recently fed,” Zach paused. “Sorry. I know that word was a bad one to use.” He must have noticed Katrina turn color because I certainly did at the word ‘fed’. He continued on, “but, I knew I couldn’t take him down alone, they’re too strong. So, I chased him for a while through the woods. Since that night we haven’t seen him since.”


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