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Some Like It Hot

Page 22

by Brenda Jackson

  Moments later, he slowly lifted his head to end their kiss and stared down at her. A frown knotted his forehead, and for a minute she wondered if he were as confused about what was taking place between them as she was.

  He took a step back and got his coat off the chair that he’d thrown it across earlier. “What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked, in deep thought about something.

  She shrugged, trying to regain the senses that his kiss had knocked right out of her. “I hadn’t planned on doing anything special. Why?”

  “Tomorrow is one of my free days, and I thought the two of us could spend some time together, starting with lunch. And if you’re free tomorrow night, we could go to dinner, then attend a play afterward.”

  She didn’t say anything for a while. It had been a long time since she’d allowed a man to monopolize her time. She also made a quick decision about lunch and dinner. “And I’d enjoy spending time with you tomorrow.”

  He smiled. “Good. I’ll be by to pick you up at noon.”

  She nodded. “All right.”

  He then took a step toward her, leaned down, and placed another kiss on her lips, taking his tongue and tracing the sweet seam of her mouth, reveling in her taste as if he needed the memory until he saw her again. “I’d better go while I still have the good mind to do so,” he said huskily, finally pulling away.

  He turned to leave. Before reaching the door, he turned around again, and after taking a long, hard look at her, he opened it and walked out.


  “The food here is wonderful, Tyrone. Thanks for bringing me,” Sydney said after taking the last sip of her iced tea. He had picked her up exactly at noon and had taken her to a restaurant near Times Square. She couldn’t help but admire how he had braved the New York traffic to reach their destination.

  “I’m glad you liked it. The Monetts have owned this restaurant for years. This place was a favorite of mine when I was a student at Juilliard.”

  Sydney nodded. Over lunch he told her about the years he had lived in New York while attending college, and the many friends he’d made. He also told her about his older brother Noah, his twin Tyrell, and his female cousin Ayanna. He described enthusiastically their decision a few years back to open a supper club in D.C. and name it after his father, Leo, a man the four of them admired and deeply respected, who had encouraged them to fulfill their dreams from the time they were still in diapers.

  Tyrone checked his watch and said, “Do you need to return to your place and check on Denzel?”

  Sydney smiled and shook her head. “No, he’ll be fine until we go back and change for dinner.” At first she’d been surprised when Tyrone had arrived with a garment bag, then realized it made perfect sense for him to use one of Donna’s guest bedrooms to change for dinner instead of driving all the way back to his hotel.

  “Do you want to walk off lunch?”

  Tyrone’s question interrupted her thoughts. “Sure, why not?”

  Upon leaving the restaurant, he took her hand and desire flooded her insides. She was completely astonished that she could feel the heat of him through the leather gloves she wore, and from the way he was looking at her, she knew he was astonished, too. Instead of releasing her hand, he tightened his hold.

  Then he smiled down at her and that gesture sent even more heat shooting through her body. Together they started walking, quickly merging with the pedestrian traffic at a pace a lot more hurried than their own.

  The first place they decided to go was to Macy’s, where Tyrone wanted to purchase another dress shirt. She sat on a sofa in a men’s designer clothes department and watched the salesman help Tyrone with his selection, thinking of how easily she got aroused just from looking at him.

  She let out a frustrating sigh. This arousal thing was completely new to her. Rafe could turn her on, true enough, but only when that was his intent. With Tyrone, he was able to get her hot and bothered without even trying.

  Sydney sucked in a quick breath as she watched Tyrone remove his pullover sweater so the salesman could take measurements of his chest. Her hands suddenly began itching. She wanted to walk over to him, touch his muscular shoulders, and bury her face in his chest to inhale his scent.

  He pulled his sweater back over his head and then, as if sensing her gaze on him, he glanced over in her direction, then stopped what he was doing. Evidently he read something in her eyes, because he stood there staring at her as if glued to the spot.

  Sydney’s heart began racing. Tyrone was the only man who’d ever looked at her like she was something he just had to have. That thought was so delicious, she felt her erect nipples straining against her blouse. The tips were so sensitive it was as if she wasn’t even wearing a bra. And then there was the monumental heat settling between her legs.

  She took a deep breath and continued to hold his gaze as the vibration of heated desire flowed across the room and enveloped them. Only when the salesman reclaimed his attention did Tyrone break the connection. Sydney took another deep breath, trying to regain control.

  Moments later Tyrone appeared before her with a Macy’s bag in his hand. They stood, not saying anything, since there was really nothing to be said, as they waited for an elevator. The doors opened and they stepped inside. They were alone. The moment the door closed, without wasting any time, Tyrone reached out for her. She went willingly into his arms, needing the feel and the taste of him.

  His mouth met hers, mating his tongue with her own, feeding her desire, then reached beneath her coat and touched her backside, pulling her closer to him.

  They were interrupted by an electronic peep, reminding them to press a button for their floor, which they ignored. “I couldn’t wait,” he whispered against her lips.

  “And I didn’t want you to wait,” she responded honestly. She dropped her head to his chest to inhale his scent.

  When the elevator began descending, she lifted her head and met his gaze, a question in her eyes she couldn’t bring herself to ask. From the way he was looking at her, she could tell he knew what that question was.

  He tightened his hold around her waist and they stepped back when the elevator stopped to let others on. As soon as they reached the main floor and stepped out of the car he pulled her close to him. Her mouth went suddenly dry, scorched by the look in his eyes. He reached out and touched her cheek, caressing it lightly, and chills of pleasure coursed throughout her body.

  “The answer is yes, and if you want what I believe you’re asking for, then come with me, Sydney,” he said in the sexiest voice she’d ever heard. “Come with me to my hotel room.”

  Tyrone pulled his card key from his coat pocket as they entered the lobby of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, knowing that once he stepped inside his room with Sydney, things for him wouldn’t be the same. He had a strong feeling that she was the type of woman who would leave a mark on him, and that was dangerous. No woman had ever branded him, but he knew without a doubt that Sydney would. Even knowing that, he still wanted to make love to her so much it was almost painful. He glanced down at her, wondering if they were still of the same mind. She hadn’t said much after they’d left Macy’s, or while they had walked holding hands to his car.

  She hadn’t said anything on the drive over, either. Neither of them had. He’d been too afraid that if he had spoken, whatever spell they were caught up in would shatter and she would change her mind. He didn’t know how he could handle it if she did. But still, he wanted to be fair to her. Only last night he’d told her he was willing to take things slow, that he didn’t want her to feel rushed. When they reached the elevator to his room, he stopped and turned to her.

  “Are you sure about this, Sydney?” he asked softly. “If you prefer, we can go someplace else, take in a movie or something.”

  She met his gaze, squelching the urge to tell him that the only thing she wanted to take in was him, that she had a passionate need to feel him inside of her, that she wanted to reach the highest peak of sexual fulfillment with him. W
hile in New York she wanted to forget that she was the type of woman who needed love and commitment from a relationship. The only thing she wanted—what she felt she had to have—was to make love with Tyrone Hardcastle.

  Deep down she wasn’t surprised. The attraction between them had always been too potent for things to end otherwise. It would be their secret, and no matter what, she would always have her memories of the intimacy they would share.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” she finally answered.

  He nodded with relief upon hearing her response and punched the elevator button. This time they were not alone, and in a way they were glad. The need to keep their hands off each other only added to their excitement.

  When the elevator came to a stop on the twelfth floor, he again held her eyes to make sure she hadn’t changed her mind. To show him that she hadn’t, she quickly stepped out of the elevator. They walked in silence, holding hands, down the carpeted hall toward his room. Words weren’t needed. They both knew what they wanted and what they intended to get there.

  When they reached his room at the very end of the hall, he leaned his shoulder against the door and took in all of her. Before him stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, clutching his Macy’s bag in front of her like it was the only defense she had against this irresistible attraction they had for each other.

  He cleared his throat and asked gently. “Are you okay?”

  She quickly nodded. “Yes, but I think I’ll be a lot better once I’m with you inside this room.”

  She watched him take a deep breath as his eyes darkened. Without hesitating any longer, he inserted the card key into its slot, turned the knob, and opened the door, then stepped aside for her to enter. She did so, knowing from this moment on her life was about to change.


  The first thing Sydney noticed was that Tyrone’s hotel suite had a separate spacious sitting area, a bedroom, and another room with a computer that he could use for an office. There was also a nice eat in kitchen area with a bar.

  The second thing she noticed was that he was leaning against the closed door, looking at her like she was something delicious to eat.

  “Nice place,” she said when it became apparent he preferred looking at her to talking. She removed her coat and placed it over a chair. “No wonder this room is at the end of the hall. I didn’t know this hotel had rooms so large.”

  He nodded but didn’t say anything.

  “I guess, since you’ll be here six weeks, you need all this space.”

  Again he nodded but still didn’t say anything. He just continued looking at her.

  He evidently liked what she had on—a short, purple wool dress, flesh-tone pantyhose, and a pair of short black leather boots. His expression when he had first seen her that day had indicated as much. The dress clung to her curves like a second skin.

  It was then that she noted how short her outfit was and how much thigh was showing. Pretending to smooth out the winkles in the dress, she tried to pull it down to cover more of her, she glanced up as Tyrone moved away from the door. His gaze was intense, deeply penetrating, profoundly predatory, and definitely hungry. And it was communicating a message to her that sent chills all through her body.

  He came within three feet of her, then stopped. “I consider your brother a friend,” he said huskily.

  She lifted a brow. “And?”

  He frowned and gazed at her several long seconds before he finally responded. “And I’m not sure he would appreciate knowing what I intend to do to you.”

  She shrugged. “Do you plan to tell him?”


  “Well then, why worry about it? Besides, if you haven’t noticed, Tyrone, I’m a grown woman and old enough to make my own decisions about what I want.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “I got the impression that he liked your ex-boyfriend and was hoping the two of you would work things out.”

  Sydney shrugged. She knew her family liked Rafe and was clinging to that hope. “And I believe I told you that won’t happen.”

  She decided to be completely honest with him so he would know why she was so certain of that. “Rafe wasn’t satisfying me in bed like I figured he should be, and I thought we had the kind of relationship where we could talk about it, and be open to trying new and different things. So I suggested a few.”

  Tyrone nodded. “And I gather that he didn’t go along with your suggestions?”

  “No. In fact, he got upset over my having the gall to think that anything in our sex life needed improving. He had no complaints, so he felt if there was a problem, it had to be mine.”

  Tyrone shook his head, not believing that any man would be that inconsiderate to his woman. “What a selfish bas—”

  “My sentiments exactly. I ended our relationship after that. He said a lot of things to me that were unforgivable. And when he showed up at my place like everything was peachy-keen between us, I was ready to tell him just where he could go.”

  Tyrone grinned. “Good for you.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, I think so.”

  He took the remaining steps to stand directly in front of her. “And it’s good for me, too, since I consider myself a very generous man. If I feel good, then I can guarantee that you’ll feel even better,” he said huskily, placing his arms around her waist and bringing her against his already hard body.

  “Then I hope, Mr. Hardcastle, that you feel good,” she said with labored breathing.

  “I have no doubt that I will.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers, and Sydney immediately forgot Rafe’s selfishness and everything else except Tyrone. All her mind could concentrate on was how good he tasted and how wonderful it felt being in his arms and being kissed by him. He might be a master artist with his musical skills, but that mastery also extended to his tongue and how well he used it.

  He was stroking, teasing, and tasting her to oblivion, and she was driven by her desire to give him anything he wanted. From the way he was kissing her, he wanted a whole lot. He deepened the kiss to show her how much. His mouth tasted like the strawberry daiquiri he had at lunch, a sweet, fruity flavor that was making heat coil deep within her lower belly; where she could feel his hard and solid erection pressing against her. He pulled her closer to his strong, muscular body.

  When he finally released her mouth, she grasped the lapels of his leather coat to keep from sinking to her knees, she felt that weak. Moments later, he removed his coat and tossed it on the chair with hers, then pulled her back into his arms.

  Once again he succeeded in sweeping her away in mindless passion. He lifted up her dress to caress her backside, then he broke the kiss, lifted her into his arms, and set her down on the bar’s countertop.

  He leaned down and removed her boots, then straightened his tall frame to look at her. “Lift up so I can take off those pantyhose,” he whispered. Without thinking twice about it, she raised her bottom while he eased the silky hose down her legs, caressing and massaging them as he went, then dropped the pantyhose on the floor.

  “You have beautiful legs, Sydney,” he said, lifting her right leg and letting it come to rest in his midsection, propped up on his hardness.

  She swallowed. “Thanks. I think you have beautiful legs, too.”

  He lifted a curious brow and smiled. “And when did you see my legs?”

  “That Sunday we met. You rode your bike to Leo’s.”

  He nodded. “I like staying in good shape.”

  “As a woman I can appreciate that.”

  His smile widened as he placed her back on her feet. “Now for your dress,” he said as he reached behind her for the zipper. He found it without any trouble and began easing it down. When he slowly removed the dress from her body, he exposed a purple bra and a matching pair of purple V-string panties.

  He caught his breath as he stared at her, seeing the purple dress in a heap at her feet and the purple underwear she was wearing. “Did you know that purple is my favorite color?�

  She grinned. “Yes, I figured as much, especially after what you suggested that day in Victoria’s Secret. And to think when I bought this set I thought it was a pity that you would never see me in them.” She chuckled. “Boy, was I wrong.”

  Tyrone nodded, thinking she didn’t know how wrong she was. A part of him had known he would see her this way, eventually.

  “Now it’s my turn,” she said. She tugged his shirt out of his jeans and rubbed her hand over his bare stomach. The crisp hair there sent a thrumming sensation throughout her body.

  She captured his gaze when she began removing his belt. “I’ve never undressed a man before,” she said, thinking how most of the time Rafe was naked in bed, waiting for her, before she could bat an eye. “I think I like doing this,” she added, tossing his belt aside.

  “I happen to think you’re pretty good at it,” Tyrone managed to say when she went to the snap of his jeans and began easing his zipper down, grateful that she was taking her time. The bulge of his erection was so large, he didn’t want her to cause him any permanent damage.

  “You’re amazing,” she said in astonishment when he stepped out of his jeans and kicked them aside. He was now down to his shirt and briefs.

  “Now it’s my turn again,” he said, pulling her into his arms, and liking the feel of having her there. He reached behind her and unhooked her bra, took the time to toss it with the rest of their discarded things, then fastened his gaze on her. Seeing her naked chest was nearly too much for him. Her breasts were perfect, and he couldn’t help but reach out and cup them. He liked the way her breasts felt in his hand and the way the nipples hardened against his caressing fingers. Soon he felt an urge to taste her and he leaned down to capture a budding tip in his mouth.

  With the feel of Tyrone’s mouth on her breasts, Sydney became so aroused she begged him to stop, then begged him for more. His tongue was driving her insane with pleasure. Lifting her by the waist, he set her back on the bar, then began removing his shirt.


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