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Some Like It Hot

Page 32

by Brenda Jackson

  She reopened her eyes thinking she didn’t have a problem with that. Hunter Sloan was a man created for sex and she was overjoyed that she was the woman he wanted in his bed. She might be planning to avoid serious relationships, but like she’d told him, she had nothing against being his bed partner, since concentrating on the physical and not the emotional was safer.


  She glanced up at him, knowing he was waiting on her answer. She moved her hand down his chest and then purposely stepped closer. She met his gaze. “Yes, Hunter, I’ll spend the rest of the weekend with you.”


  A week later Hunter was sitting in his car in the parking lot of the Federal Building. It was Friday and so far he had shown up here for the last four days and the only thing Lewis Townsend had done for lunch was to go to McDonald’s or run errands. Either he had ended his supposed fling or this was an off week for him.

  Hunter sighed as he rested his head against the seat. He still wasn’t as convinced as Mallory that the man was engaging in an affair, although his actions that other day had hinted otherwise. For some reason there was something that Hunter felt he was missing, something vital.

  He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, anticipating seeing Mallory again. They had spent time together three times that week, and as much as it almost killed him, he hadn’t made love to her again. He wanted to prove to her that there was more to their relationship than sex. He had taken her to the movies, to dinner, and they had even gone to a concert. And he was glad he hadn’t had anything new to report to her about Lewis. She had had dinner with her sister and brother-in-law two nights ago, and according to Mallory, the two appeared to be more in love than ever.

  Hunter glanced at his watch. It was way past the noon hour, and it appeared that Lewis wouldn’t be doing lunch today, which was fine and dandy with Hunter. He had other things on his mind, like doing Mallory. His body was hot and aroused, which clearly meant that he had reached his limit.

  He picked up his cell phone, clicked it on, and punched in her phone number. She answered it on the second ring. “Standish Event Planning. I aim to please.”

  He smiled, liking her greeting. “So do I,” he whispered huskily. “How about meeting me at my place in half an hour?”

  Without waiting for her to respond he clicked off the phone.

  Mallory raised a brow when Hunter opened his front door. “What’s that smile for?” she asked when he moved aside for her to come in. Her body was tingling from head to toe and had been ever since his call. Her nipples felt tight and sensitive against her blouse and the deep throb between her legs was enough to make her scream.

  She hoped that he had invited her over for a little afternoon delight, which she badly needed. This had been the week from hell. One of her clients, a high-society dame, had called on Monday to inform her that her daughter and her fiancé had had a huge argument over the weekend and for the moment the wedding was off. Then she had received a call on Wednesday informing her that it was on again. Then she’d received a call that morning saying it was off again. That meant all her plans were on hold until the couple got things together.

  “You seemed frustrated about something,” Hunter said, interrupting her thoughts.

  She smiled and walked over to him when he closed the door behind them. The sound of the lock clicking into place sent anticipatory chills up her body. She had a feeling they were about to get naughty, and naughtiness was something she definitely needed today.

  “I was frustrated before I got here,” she said, raking her hands down his chest, toying with the buttons on his shirt with her fingertips. “I’m depending on you to make sure I’m frustration-free when I leave. And you never did answer my question about what the smile is for.”

  “It’s for you and the good news I have for you.”

  “Which is?”

  “I have nothing new to report.”

  Mallory nodded. In a way it was good news, but it didn’t mean just because there was nothing new to report that Lewis hadn’t been unfaithful. Hunter must have read her thought because he then said, “The man is innocent until proven guilty.”

  She frowned. “And what if he’s never proven guilty, Hunter? It’ll be hard for me to completely trust him until I know for sure.”

  He nodded as he pulled her into his arms. “I didn’t invite you here for us to argue, Mallory.”

  She had figured as much and had hoped as much as well. She tipped her head back and met his gaze. “And why did you invite me over here?”

  “I’m horny.”

  A huge smile touched the corners of Mallory’s lips. “I like a man who’s straight and to the point, Hunter.”

  “That’s not all I am,” he said, pulling her body closer and letting her feel the hardness of his erection.

  “I’m just as bad off as you are,” she whispered, easing her legs apart so the firmness of him could settle comfortably in her middle.

  “You’re wet?” he asked softly against her lips.

  “Practically drenched.”

  He smiled. “Exactly the way I want you.”

  “And you’re exactly the way I want you,” she said, as her hands moved down to his belt, unbuckled it, snapped open his pants, and then eased his zipper down. “You’ve been holding out on me the last three times we were together, so if you’re horny it’s your own fault.”

  “I was trying to be nice.”

  Her smile widened. “Don’t you know by now that I prefer naughty to nice?” Her hands slipped into the opening of his pants and his briefs and began stroking him.

  “Umm, I’m getting the picture,” he said, barely able to get the words out.

  “And I’m getting something else,” she said as her thumb flicked over the hot tip of his shaft and liking the feel of him getting harder in her hands.

  “No fair,” Hunter said moments later, almost losing the little bit of control he had, especially when he began inhaling her intimate fragrance. There was nothing like the scent of an aroused woman. A woman ready to spread her legs and mate with her man. And he was definitely ready for that to happen. He had issued the invitation. It was his bash and he intended to provide the party treats, the fun, and all the excitement.

  He took a step back, which meant she had to release him, and he immediately felt the loss of her hands on him. He also felt somewhat light-headed and unmistakingly aroused. He smiled, wanting to see her naked. “Undress for me, Mallory.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want me to do?”

  “I’m positive.”

  She reached under her skirt to tug her panties down her legs and shimmied out of them. They were black lace. He watched as she kicked them aside. Then she removed her short skirt, which left her completely bare below the waist. He licked his lips when his tongue tingled, wanting the taste of her but deciding his aroused body needed something else right now.

  He watched as she removed her blouse to reveal a matching black lace bra. The moment she took it off he felt heat swirl around in his belly. She stood in the middle of his living room stark naked, looking sexy and feminine, provocative. The urge to have her clogged his throat and he quickly began removing his own clothes.

  “Come here, baby.” His voice was low and unsteady but it couldn’t be helped. He loved this woman to distraction and wanted her equally as much. And his libido kicked up a notch when she didn’t waste any time crossing the room to him.

  When she came to a stop in front of him, she placed her hands on his shoulders. “What do you want, Hunter?” she asked, moving her hand slowly back and forth across his shoulder blades.

  He leaned down, taking his fingers and stroking between her legs. She was right. She was drenched. “I want this,” he said as he gently moved his fingers inside of her when she eased her legs farther apart to accommodate him. He felt her hold on his shoulders tighten and knew she was enjoying the feel of him stroking her. “For starters, I want to take you in my kitchen, on the counter.�

  Of all the places they had done it before, his kitchen counter hadn’t been one of them. Swallowing hard, she whispered, “The kitchen counter?”

  “Yes. I’ve been fantisizing about getting you on the kitchen counter all week.”

  Consuming desire was taking over every part of her body. “And what’s stopping you?”

  He smiled before swooping her up into his arms. Crossing the room to the kitchen, he didn’t stop until he had placed her naked bottom on the edge of the counter. Then he separated her knees, parting her legs and stepping between them, readying things by placing the tip of his erection against her entrance.

  Every nerve ending, every sensation in Mallory’s body was prepared for what was about to happen. She looked deep into Hunter’s eyes, and for this one time, she wanted him to know just how much she cared for him. For a moment it seemed that everything got silent, even the sound of their breathing appeared to have stopped as their gazes locked. The very air between them seemed to sizzle with fierce sexual need as well as with something else. Love. Neither of them blinked and she knew the exact moment he saw love and not lust in her eyes.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked in a whisper.

  “Would it have mattered, Hunter?”

  A deep sigh escaped him when he realized that no, it probably would not have, and would have made him put distance between them that much sooner. Realizing what he had almost lost completely, he leaned down and began nibbling the corners of her mouth while he ran his hands along her thighs, making a flood of intense love and desire course through her body. Then his tongue began licking the lining of her lips with a slow, deliberate pace.

  “I love you, too, Mallory,” he murmured, moving his hands from her thighs to her belly. “I only recently realized just how much. I didn’t think you would believe me if I told you, but now that I know how you feel about me, I believe in my heart that things will work out.”

  She shook her head, needing to make him see that things couldn’t work out for them. A committed relationship wasn’t what they needed, no matter how they felt about each other. But all thoughts of debating the issue with him escaped her mind when she felt his shaft pressing against her womanly core, eager to get inside. She shuddered with need when he parted her legs a little more.

  And then he stopped teasing her mouth and took it with a fierce hunger that had her moaning. The feel of his tongue tangling with hers sent shock waves all through her body. The sensation of him tasting her mouth with such torrid intensity made a deep groan escape her throat.

  The sensations intensified when she felt him pushing himself into her, overwhelming her, possessing her. What little control she had snapped like a rubber band when she felt the hard and thick length of him pushing deeper inside of her, stretching her, finding her wet and hot, her womanly muscles straining for release.

  Her breath came out in short gasps and her sensitive breasts were pressed against his bare chest. She clutched his shoulders, her fingers bit deep into his blades as he continued to push forward, taking his hand and pulling her hips as close as he could. Automatically, she wrapped her legs around his waist as the intensity of their kiss continued.

  “I could die inside you this way,” he said softly, beginning to thrust in and out while holding her hips tight in his hands. Each stroke he made gripped her, sent her closer to the edge, and her entire body quivered from the pending orgasm. And when it happened, when her climax ripped through her with the force of a volcano, she pulled her mouth from his and screamed.

  It seemed her climax gave him renewed urgency and he began pumping into her, over and over, picking up the tempo of their mating, almost bringing her off the counter as a fierce, deep growl erupted from deep in his throat. He threw his head back and hollered out her name as he spilled into her, saturating her already drenched body, filling the kitchen with the scent of sex.

  He began kissing her again with light, passionate kisses. She was crying, unable to help herself, and he kissed away her tears. When the explosion inside of them subsided, he placed his hands under her hips and keeping their bodies locked, he carried her to a straight-backed chair and sat down with her legs dangling off the sides.

  He pressed her face against his chest, holding her while she continued to cry.

  “I love you,” she sobbed, wetting his chest. “And you love me, but it doesn’t matter now.”

  He tightened his arms around her. “Shh, it’s okay and yes it does matter, sweetheart.”

  “But I don’t want to love you. I don’t want us to get together. I don’t want a serious relationship with you. Not anymore.”

  He heard her words but refused to buy them. He refused to believe that she would base what they felt for each other on the actions of others.

  “But I do want you to love me,” he whispered back. “I do want us to get together. And I want a serious relationship with you more than anything. I was a fool for giving you up. Don’t expect me to do it a second time, Mallory.”


  “No buts.” He kissed her and groaned heavily when he felt his body starting to get hard again. He stood and her legs automatically locked around his waist. “I’m going to take you into the bedroom and make love to you all afternoon and all through the night. I hope you don’t have any more appointments scheduled for today.”

  “I don’t,” she said, liking the feel of him growing long and hard inside of her. She tightened her arms around his neck as he maneuvered his way from the kitchen, through the living room, and into the bedroom.

  He smiled down at her. “Good. I want you to spend the night with me again. And in the morning, I want you to wake up knowing I’ve made love to you all night long. And every time my body strokes into yours, I want you to know I am reaffirming my love for you.”

  Hours later, Mallory sighed deeply as a worn-out Hunter slept, holding her close. One of his muscled legs was thrown over hers as if holding her hostage. Letting Hunter know that she loved him had been a big mistake, but at the moment she didn’t want to think about it.

  She would have time to regret what she’d done in the morning. At the moment, the only thing she wanted to think about was the man resting next to her who was beautiful even when he slept.

  Her all-night man.

  It would be merely minutes before he woke up again with the fierce sexual appetite he was known for. She leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, wishing the night would never end and that they could love each other this way forever.


  For the following two weeks Hunter and Mallory’s relationship continued to blossom, although she made a point not to use words such as serious or committed to describe what they were sharing. As far as he was concerned, they never had to because their actions spoke louder than words. They did things together and his parents as well as his aunt knew his feelings for her ran deep.

  Also, during that time Hunter continued to keep tabs on Lewis only to report nothing new to Mallory. Then, when it appeared Mallory was about ready for him to close the case, Lewis left for lunch one Friday and it didn’t take long for Hunter to realize he was headed to a hotel again.

  After pulling into the hotel’s parking lot behind Lewis, Hunter parked the car and watched as Lewis got out and walked into the Sheraton Hotel, whistling as if he definitely looked forward to getting with whomever he was supposed to meet there.

  Hunter followed a safe distance behind and saw Lewis as he quickly crossed the lobby and walked straight over to the woman who was walking out of the gift shop with a huge shopping bag.

  Hunter watched as the couple kissed passionately before holding hands to catch the elevator. He shook his head. Lewis was definitely having an affair.

  Mallory checked her watch as she walked into the Sheraton Hotel. She had received a call on her mobile phone from Hunter asking that she meet him here and to catch the elevator up to room 560 where he would be waiting. The only other thing he’d said before quickly endin
g the call was that the meeting involved Lewis.

  It didn’t take her long to reach the room and Hunter opened the door on the first knock. “You didn’t waste any time getting here,” he said, stepping aside to let her in.

  She glanced around. It was a beautiful suite with teakwood-colored furnishings. “You said it was about Lewis. Is he here at this hotel?”

  Hunter closed the door and locked it before turning around to answer her “Yes, he’s in the room next door. These are connecting rooms.”

  Her eyes widened. “You mean he’s actually in the room next door to us in bed with someone?”

  Hunter shrugged. “I have no idea if he’s in bed with anyone or not, Mallory, but I figured you would want to know what I found out. And I figured you would want to take a look at the woman as well as letting your brother-in-law know he’d been found out. I normally don’t do things this way but the least I can do is to serve as a witness in case one is needed.”

  Mallory nodded. Hunter’s suggestion wasn’t a bad idea. She shook her head not wanting to believe any of this. How was she supposed to act knowing her brother-in-law was probably in the connecting room being unfaithful to her sister? “How long have they been here?”

  “Less than thirty minutes and it’s been pretty quiet over there.”

  Mallory thought of all the times she and Hunter had made love and all the noise they made and decided on a hopeful note that maybe, just maybe, her brother-in-law was involved in some sort of business meeting after all. She glanced over at Hunter. He had loosened his tie and was in the process of taking it off. “Did you see him with a woman, Hunter?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  Disappointment set in and her next question was cut off by a knock at the door. She arched a questioning brow at Hunter.

  “I ordered lunch. I figure you had probably missed it and would be hungry.”


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