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Embracing Ember

Page 10

by Astrid Cielo

His mind winced from the blow of her words. Of course he was responsible for Ashwin’s death. If he had done his job as a healer, she and countless others would still be alive. “I am a healer, Ember. I should have saved her.” His reply was quiet and full of shame, a reflection of how he felt.

  Her eyes met his, their green sparkle from anger now instead of the despair he had seen earlier. She laughed though it lacked humor. “Of course you are responsible. You know what else you are responsible for? My abuse. Ashwin’s death. My mother died when I was born, and you are responsible for her death, too. Ceylon you are responsible for it all. Ceylon, all powerful and omnipotent has allowed for every bad thing to happen within this universe. Ashwin was wrong. I can’t save you because you don’t want to be saved. It is so much easier for you to hide behind that then to face the grief, to heal.”

  Ceylon knew she was right. He took a deep breath and released with it all the guilt he felt about not being able to save Ashwin. Inside his heart he kept the love he felt for her, it wouldn’t die, and he instinctively knew that Ember wouldn’t expect him to. He opened his eyes, decision made. Ember would become his.


  Ember’s breath whooshed from her lungs when Ceylon grabbed her, pulling her flush against him. A moment of fear nearly undermined her new found courage and confidence, but the gentle look in his eyes calmed her. This was Ceylon and he wouldn’t hurt her.

  His heat enveloped her in a cocoon lulling her to acquiescence; she relaxed into his hold letting her head fall to his chest, her tears wetting his shirt. The steady beat of his heart soothed her frazzled nerves, the hurt of his rejection fading to a dull ache. He pulled her back and brushed the tears from her cheeks gently, a small smile forming on his kissable lips. His blue eyes reflected the desire he felt. Her breath became choppy at the feel of his erection pressing into her stomach. She licked her lips in anticipation of his kiss. She could almost taste him on the tip of her tongue, but he just stared down at her. Not moving. Not speaking. His hands were slowly and tantalizingly smoothing over her back, occasionally skimming the top of her buttocks and eliciting her arousal to climb higher and higher with each seemingly innocent caress.

  “Ceylon.” Her voice was breathless and husky and she barely recognized herself, but he had teased her too long. She wanted him, needed him to take her. His answer was to slowly lower his head, his hand cupping her jaw as he tilted her head to meet his lips. She sighed at the gentle touch of his lips on hers, and something in that action must have ensured Ceylon of her willingness, because he devoured her lips with his. His teeth nibbled at her lower lip teasing her mouth open so that he could take forays into her mouth. She moaned and he swallowed her cry, his hands pulled her against him more forcefully, his hips gently rubbing his erection against her lower belly.

  She brought her hands up and encircled his neck, deepening the kiss and taking all he had to give. Her body was on fire. His hands lowered down her body and grasped her ass, grinding her hot and aching mound into his arousal. She broke the kiss, her head falling back on her shoulders as he moved his shaft sensually, her sex wetting even more. The simple yoga pants she was wearing dampened from her excitement. His growl both surprised and excited her when he lifted her. He had always been a gentle man, soft-spoken – for a male, at least – that his growl ensured her what she already assumed. He was more of an alpha male than he demonstrated. She knew from the first when he offered her a place to stay. Ceylon had said that she could stay with him if she would like, but she knew he meant that she was coming home with him.

  Her small bag was swept from the bed as he laid her on its surface. The cool comforter causing her back to arch slightly as it chilled her back through her t-shirt. Ceylon looked into her eyes for a fraction of a second before ripping her shirt from her body, and bringing his hands down to cup her breasts through the thin material of her lacy bra. “Beautiful.” His growled word made Ember’s heart swell with pleasure even as her nipples swelled and strained toward his hands. His thumbs brushed over each peak and she bit her lip to stifle her cry. He descended his head and suckled her nipple through the lacy material of her bra. Pleasure shot through her and a small gasp fell from her lips. She had to feel him skin to skin, so she placed her hand on his shoulder and pushed lightly, “Ceylon, stop…” She never finished her statement because he jerked up and looked down at her, horror and desire clashing in his eyes. His breath came out in heaves, as if he held on by a mere thread. He attempted to pull away, but Ember caught him by the arm stopping his retreat. She was confused. What had happened?

  “I apologize, Ember. I didn’t mean to hurt you in anyway. I thought that you wanted me, I…”

  Ember’s heart became a pile of mush at his breathless confession. She had spent so many years the unwilling plaything of her psycho ex-husband that his unwillingness to force or hurt her in anyway only made her fall in love with Ceylon that much more. He was kind and gentle, but had a dominant side that she knew she could come to crave. She cupped his face and kissed him gently. “I just wanted to take this off,” she said pointing to her bra. “I want to feel your mouth on my skin.”

  His mouth curled in a smile of decadence before he aided her in the removal of the offending material. Ember smiled up at him reassuringly as she allowed herself to recline on the bed once more, propping herself up with her elbows to watch Ceylon. He licked his lips, and Ember’s thoughts shattered to his tongue doing wicked things to other parts of her body. His hands went to the hem of his shirt and her female parts held their breath in anticipation. His muscular forearms bunched as he raised his shirt over his head with one hand displaying a chest and abdomen that was drool worthy. She immediately wanted to explore his dusky red nipples with her tongue. After she had savored each nipple she would lave each indention of his abs. Making her way down his chiseled abdomen, her tongue would dance at each iliac furrow – the indentions at his hips that begged to be tasted. The small line of dark hair that trailed into his pants had her wanting to rip his pants from his frame and feasting on what appeared to be an impressive erection – at least the bulge straining against his fly seemed to be.

  She gasped as his chest came into contact with her breasts, his hard muscular frame causing delicious friction on her nipples as she writhed against him. Ceylon kissed her lips, his lips a brief whisper before his mouth trailed down her neck, his tongue lapping at the base of her neck. Her heart beat so fast it nearly beat out of her chest from the mounting excitement. “Ceylon, please,” she whined as her hips undulated into him, begging for Ceylon to claim her.

  Ceylon’s breath bathed her breasts, but he never took one into his mouth, he just stared. Her small mewl of discontent earned her a small chuckle before he stated huskily, “You are beautiful.” His mouth descended taking her pebbled nipple into his mouth nipping gently at the stiff peak. She couldn’t stifle the shout that reverberated through the room. Ceylon devoured her breasts, suckling, nipping and laving each one as if she were an ice cream cone. He took a gentle foray down her abdomen and her stomach clenched with the knowledge of his destination. Her channel clenched in anticipation as her juices wetted the insides of her thighs. Her body writhed in need calling for him to ease her ache.


  Ceylon took a deep breath inhaling the scent of Ember’s arousal. He laid his head on the smooth skin of her abdomen as he attempted to get his body under control, his balls drawing up readying to spill his seed at the least provocation. Ember emitted a cry of protest and her hands fisted in his hair, increasing his arousal.

  He grasped her knees and separated her thighs laying her intimate flesh open to his perusal. Her pink sex was swollen and dripping with need, begging to be tasted. His tongue darted collecting some of her honey and he growled before devouring her flesh. Ember’s legs came to rest on his back, her heels digging into his flanks, spurring him on as he sampled her channel with long penetrating licks. Ember’s back arched off the mattress, and a long squeal was emitted from her mouth as sh
e came around his tongue, bathing him with her cream.

  Ember’s chest was rising and falling, her beautiful green eyes wide in awe. She looked absolutely beautiful to him. Her flame red hair, her electric green eyes and her pale creamy skin all visually appealing to him, but most of all her spirit called to him, enticing him to claim her. He rose over her body and peered into her face. His emotions welled up, a momentary flash of panic as he thought of losing her. He realized he would probably never recover. Despite his guilt at the realization, he realized he loved Ember more deeply than he ever had Ashwin. Ashwin was his friend, his lover and his mate, but in the end Ember was more, Ember was the mate of his soul. The one he thought he had found in Ashwin.

  Her hand came up to trace his lips, a satisfied smile lighting up her face. “Ceylon, please,” she whispered as her hips lifted to rub her mound over his now steel erection.

  He nodded, his hand caressing her face. He adjusted his cock, probing her entrance, bathing in her juices. Ceylon brought her eyes to his face, trapping her gaze with his, ensuring he could see her every reaction when he took her for his mate. “Mine.”

  She blushed and smiled sweetly even as her body arched causing his shaft to sink in just a bit, enough to make him groan. He held onto his control with an iron will, his need to protect and ensure Ember’s satisfaction keeping him from slamming his cock home into her channel, burying himself so deep that he wouldn’t be able to tell where he ended and she began. He inched forward slowly capturing her gasp with his mouth, teasing her mouth with his tongue even as he entered her with excruciating slowness, her channel stretching to enclose him in her fiery grip.

  “So tight. I love you, Ember. You are mine,” he breathed into her mouth as he bottomed out in her channel, laying his forehead on hers waiting impatiently to ensure he didn’t lose control and hurt his beloved.

  “Ceylon, please! I need you to take me,” Ember cried as she encircled his waist, pulling him deeper her breaths coming in pants, bathing his neck. He groaned and pulled back slowly before slamming home, her nails scoring his back as she screamed her enjoyment echoing in the room. It was all the reassurance he needed, before allowing his passions to reign free, his hips pistoned in and out of her willing channel. He buried his face in her neck, nipping at the tender flesh; her cries and moans music to his ears.

  Her climax took them both by surprise, Ember’s eyes widening as her vaginal muscles clamped down on his cock with a fierceness that shattered his hard won control, sending his seed shooting deep inside his mate as she screamed with her own explosive orgasm. He collapsed beside her, pulling her into his embrace her eyes closing as she relaxed into sleep. He knew she hadn’t slept well lately, and now he knew it was because of him. He tenderly kissed her shoulder as he allowed sleep to claim his body, his mind finally at peace with his decision to claim Ember.


  Ember finished her drawing with bold strokes of red to the petals of a flower. She sighed in contentment with the knowledge she had finished an assignment, which had been difficult since her mind strayed to Ceylon frequently. It had been a week since he had first taken her to heights of pleasure she didn’t think were possible. Each night he would make love to her. Sometimes he was tender and gentle, rocking her to climax with excruciating slowness. Other times he took her hard and fast, as if just the sight of her incited a lust too great to deny. Ember bit her lip as her body grew hot thinking about their lovemaking. Her heart swelled with love at the memories of him holding her as she slept the frequent kisses, and the way his eyes seemed to peer into her soul.

  But has he told you that he loves you? Her mind always reminded her that he hadn’t once told her that he loved her. Ceylon always spoke while they made love. Sometimes he spoke in his own language, usually close to his climax. She never knew what he said, but the words made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. Ember wanted so badly to shout how much that she loved him in those moments, beg him to be with her always, but she refrained fearing he might not feel the same. The odds were stacked against them anyways. They weren’t even from the same planet! Ember had never asked when he would return to Salin, fearing his answer possibly more than Ceylon not feeling the same about her that she felt about him. Ember’s heart threatened to shatter as tears filled her eyes at the thought of Ceylon leaving.

  “You thought you could get away from me?”

  Ember’s heart ratcheted up, beating against her chest as adrenalin caused her skin to prickle from the fear the voice that intruded her silent musings provoked. Ember wanted to scream, to run, to hide, anything but be here in this moment with him. She turned around slowly, praying it was a figment of her overworked imagination, only to be disappointed when she saw Landon, his features still as beautiful as an angel. Tears leaked down her cheeks and she flinched as he reached for her, grasping her by the hair she had allowed to hang loose. He wrenched her to him, yanking on her hair so hard she cried out in pain.

  “You belong to me, Ember. You only escape through death and I am the only one who can grant you freedom. But don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m going to keep you forever.” Landon’s grip tightened bringing her head back for him to peer into her tear streaked face. His face was contorted in fury, a look she knew all too well. It was the same face she saw before he nearly killed her, so despite his words, she feared he intended to grant her that freedom she so desperately wanted and needed from him. “We are going to walk out of here and you aren’t going to give me any problems. You will walk with me and should you decide to cause a scene. Not only will I punish you, but I will kill anyone who is stupid enough to intervene,” he snarled bringing her attention to the gun tucked in his pants hidden by his shirt with a painful tug of his hand. He grabbed her face, squeezing cruelly on her jaw, bringing her face close to his. “Do you understand?”

  Ember nodded, or at least tried, but Landon seemed pleased with her acquiescence because he smiled and drew her closer to him, taking her mouth in a brutal kiss. He forced his tongue into her mouth, increasing her distress. Ember remembered a time when she passively allowed him to do with her body as he wished, but now she couldn’t. Landon didn’t taste or smell like Ceylon. Her mind and body protested and she wrenched away from his lips before she could stop herself.

  Landon was furious. Ember knew well how he hated to be denied and he ensured that she paid for her insolence with a punch to her gut. Ember’s breath whooshed out of her as she fell to her knees gripping her abused stomach. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she attempted regain her breath, but Landon continued to kick and punch her in various places on her abdomen and legs never landing a blow to her face. He may have been cruel, but he was smart, never leaving a bruise where it could be seen. He picked her up and shoved her to the bathroom. Ember knew the routine, so she washed her face and prepared to plaster a fake smile on her face so no one would guess she had just gotten her ass kicked.

  “Now, let’s go before that bastard alien returns. Don’t worry. I plan to punish you for staying with him.” Ember’s heart sank at the thought of never seeing Ceylon again. She knew this day would come, but had secretly hoped they would be together forever. She certainly never thought she would be taken back by Landon against her will. Ember turned and got her first good look at Landon, only now noticing he had on the uniform of an electrician. When he led her to the front door and retrieved a bag of supplies before exiting she understood how he had bypassed security. “When we get off the elevator, walk ahead of me as if you don’t know me. Wait just outside the door, Ember. Don’t you try to run, because I will kill everyone around and then I will search for that alien and kill him too.”

  Ember’s plan of escape went up in flames at his words. She couldn’t chance Ceylon’s life. The guard at the front waved at her as she passed. She heard him talking to Landon for a few moments before Landon exited the building and took her by the hand. This was bad. This was very bad. She followed him without making a scene, all her options taken from her by the man who had r
uined her life. Ember began to grow angry as he shoved her into the car that he had parked down the street. She was angry that he thought to control her. She was angry that he thought he could control her. She was furious and if there was one thing she had learned in her time with Ceylon, it was that she was capable of fighting back. Although terror held her in its clutches, Ember became determined not to let Landon get the best of her.


  Maria sat in front of Dr. Langston her request for a leave of absence in her hand. She needed some time away from everything. Her job as a spy/nurse had taken its toll on her. Her memory of Silvius intruded upon every aspect of her life. She could feel him watching her, even though she never saw him. Maybe she was becoming paranoid. The Chief Nursing Officer, Linettee Collins stood by Dr. Langston’s desk, his words washing over her like acid. “You are taking a leave of absence after you spent time on board a Salinian ship; in fact, you stayed over twenty-four hours. After which you reported that you found nothing of importance besides the medical scanner which, we have been given full access to in order to replicate their technology.”

  “Yes, sir. I need to go and see family. It is my opinion that the Salinian people have come for peaceful reasons. I saw no evidence of weaponry aboard their ship, but I probably wouldn’t recognize their weapons if I had seen them.” Maria could see the displeasure on Linette’s face, but what could she say, “By the way, they are here because they need females to further their population.” No, that would only cause trouble. She had once heard that a person was smart, that when faced with something, they could come up with opinions and solutions. People are stupid. Together people could panic causing something that may not be a problem to become a problem. She knew these people would think the worst of Silvius and his people, but Maria couldn’t allow that to happen. Silvius’s people were just the same as those on Earth. They were searching for a way to survive, and while those she had met, even Secundus, had been decent people, she knew they probably had their problems with crime, also.


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