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Love: Men of Inked #5

Page 4

by Chelle Bliss

  “That’s hot. She likes to be watched,” Izzy says, and I realize our room isn’t as quiet as I think and Izzy’s standing closer than I thought.

  “Do you like being watched?” I don’t know why I ask her that question.

  Sex isn’t something I was brought up to speak about in public. But then again, I wasn’t raised to watch other people, very naked people, having sex either.

  Izzy shakes her head. “No. Not really.”

  I want to ask what “not really” means, but I keep my mouth shut. That wasn’t a no, but it’s not a yes either.

  “Not with so much nudity and fucking,” she says softly like she’s read my mind.

  “What else is there?” I ask because now my mind’s spinning more than it was before.

  “I could watch this all day,” Suzy says as she steps to my other side and stares out through the glass. “There’s something so naughty and forbidden about being in the shadows, watching the carnal display.”

  I turn my face, taking in her white skin and blond hair. The girl seemed so pure, so innocent when I met her a short time ago, but clearly, I was wrong.

  Izzy leans forward, looking at Suzy and getting my full attention. “Let your freaky side show, girl,” Izzy says.

  “You know what this does to me,” Suzy replies as I turn to look at her again, still in shock.

  Yep. Not innocent at all.

  “You’ll thank me later.” Izzy laughs.

  Izzy motions toward the cross again, and I don’t know where I want to look anymore. One scene is better than the next, each couple or group sexier than the last. “See the way he’s touching her ass?” Izzy asks.

  I nod slowly as my eyes rake over the couple, the woman strapped to the tilted cross and the man running his hand over the swell of her naked ass.

  “He’s calming her, preparing her for what’s to come. Watch her face. See the way she enjoys his touch and how she’ll crave the lash of his whip, too.”

  My heart hammers in my chest as I place my hand against the glass in front of us, trying to gain control of my breathing.

  The whip is in his hands as he stands at her side, whispering against her lips, and rubbing the swell of her ass. Her eyes are hooded; that much is clear in the light they’re bathing in and from the shadows where we stand. He says something to her, and she nods before her gaze drops to the floor. The man places the handle of the whip under her chin, lifting her eyes back to his. A few more words are exchanged before he leans forward, whip still under her chin, and kisses her so passionately, my knees almost give out right from under me.

  “I think we got another one,” Izzy says, but I stay silent instead of asking what she’s talking about.

  I can’t seem to find words. My mind’s scattered, and my thoughts are running wild, making speaking damn near impossible.

  “What are you guys looking at?” Daphne asks from behind me before gasping. “Is that a St. Andrew’s Cross?”

  “Yep,” Izzy says quickly.

  “Fuck. This is so much hotter than in books,” Daphne replies.

  For a moment, I wonder what alternate universe I’m in or how I feel like a nerdy high school virgin who’s the most clueless one of her friends about anything sex-related. Innocent Suzy and my soon-to-be sisters-in-law seem to know what I’m watching, but I know nothing.

  My eyes are fixed, my breathing harsh as the man backs away and stands behind the woman with the whip in his hand. The woman looks calm, too calm for what’s about to happen. When he raises his hand and the whip whirls through the air and the tip touches her ass, she barely moves. He makes the motion again, this time a little more of the whip cascading across her ass, and she tips her head back, eyes closed and a look on her face so serene, it totally throws me off-kilter.

  I want to close my eyes or cover my face, knowing I shouldn’t watch this couple and their intimate moment, no matter how out of the normal realm of sex it may be. But I can’t do it. I can’t stop looking, wondering what’ll happen next, and slightly turned on too.

  His hand moves faster, the whip lashing against her ass in rapid succession until red streaks across her pale skin. I reach back, rubbing my ass, knowing the pain from childhood and hating the memory.

  “It’s not like that,” Izzy says, again like she’s reading my mind. “She likes the pain. It heightens her pleasure.”

  “What pleasure?” I whisper, not trusting my voice enough to speak any louder.

  Just as I say the words, the man steps forward and reaches between the woman’s legs. I widen my eyes again, and my breathing hitches. The woman’s mouth falls open as his hand moves forward and his fingers disappear inside of her. She’s pushing her ass backward, giving her body to him to use.

  “That’s pleasure,” Izzy says with a hint of laughter.

  He curls the whip in his fist, using one finger to trace the red lashes running down her ass as he thrusts his other fingers into her. His touch isn’t gentle. His arm flexes with each push of his fingers, sliding them deeper.

  Izzy leans over, invading my personal space, but I’m too caught up in the couple to notice. “Breathe,” she tells me.

  I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath. I’d been so consumed with the couple and the need on the woman’s face to pay attention to myself. I gasp, sucking air like I’d just come from underwater after holding my breath for longer than necessary.

  The man steps away, his fingers glistening with her arousal in the overhead light. The woman straightens her head like she’s been brought back to reality, forced out of whatever pleasurable world she was in moments ago.

  He raises his arm and the whip comes down harder, and I swear I hear the impact of the leather against her ass. I jolt a little, scared and strangely aroused.

  “Bianca, you have a scene like this in one of your books, yeah?” Daphne asks, but her voice seems too quiet and distant when she speaks.

  “Something like this,” Bianca replies, and I turn my head, looking at her.

  I shouldn’t be surprised by her revelation. She is Bianca May, worldwide bestselling author of spicy romance.

  Bianca’s eyes are fixed on the couple too, but there’s no shock or surprise on her face like there is on mine. “My heroines are pleading for it, though. They’re a little saucier, talking back and begging to be whipped.”

  I turn back around without saying another word, thinking it’s time for me to pick up my first Bianca May novel because there’s more to her than meets the eye. There had to be, though. Vinnie is a wild one, and not just any woman could capture his heart and tame the man the way she has.

  “This is way better than strippers,” Delilah says, and I realize we’re all pressed against the glass, staring.

  “Dude, look at that guy’s cock,” Daphne says, but I don’t know which guy or cock because there are so many freaking naked people in front of us, I don’t know where to look first.

  “Oh,” Max coos somewhere to my right. “That’s quite a piercing.”

  “I bet that feels amazing,” Suzy says.

  I feel like I’m stuck somewhere in the naughtiest Twilight Zone episode, where all my relatives are freaks, and I suddenly realize I am too.

  There’s a dull ache between my legs and a feeling of emptiness. A small part of me wishes Angelo were here to quench the need and fill me like only he can. But then there’s the other part, the part that wonders what he’d think about all this and the fact that I can’t stop staring at the people, their nudity, and the carnal acts taking place only a few dozen feet away.

  The door opens behind us, the room momentarily filling with light from the hallway. “We’ll take another round,” Izzy says without looking backward.

  No one moves. We all seem to be in a trance as the man’s hand and whip come down repeatedly against the woman’s ass until she’s practically hanging from the cross, only held up by the leather restraints on her extremities.

  The light dances through our room, shadows moving across t
he floor and covering our bodies. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” a man says, and Izzy gasps, turning so fast, she almost knocks me over.

  My already frozen body stiffens further, and I know in an instant who’s behind us.




  I’ve never seen that look in Izzy’s eyes before. Part fear, somewhat aroused. The same look is on the face of every woman in the room.

  James walks into the room first, striding toward his wife with his shoulders pushed back and a smirk moving across his lips. “You couldn’t stay away, could you, sweetheart?”

  My eyes search the darkened room, seeking out my bride-to-be. Tilly’s standing by the window, one hand on the glass with her head tilted down, staring at the floor. Her shoulders are bunched up near her ears like she’s trying to recoil inside herself or ashamed to be caught.

  Is that what we did? Caught them doing something they shouldn’t?

  I take a few steps, closing the space between us until my front is pressed to her back. “Baby,” I whisper in her ear, brushing my lips against her hair. “Are you okay?”

  Tilly’s no prude and neither am I, but this…the public area below us with naked bodies and sex on full display is more than either of us has experienced or is used to seeing.

  To my surprise, Tilly melts into me, her head falling back. “Yes,” she whispers so softly, I almost don’t hear the words.

  But the thing I do hear is lust. The low huskiness in her voice that only comes in the moments when she’s in my arms, begging for my touch without actually saying the words.

  One of my hands moves to her lush hips, holding her tightly as my lips find the delicate skin of her ear. “Did you miss me?” I ask, fishing and suddenly feeling surprisingly needy.

  “So much.” She turns her face enough to give me her warm, soft mouth.

  I take her lips with mine, sliding one hand up her arm until I cradle her small face in my palm. Her soft tongue slides across my bottom lip, and a low moan builds in the back of my throat before escaping.

  My girl is turned on. She’s downright needy with the way she’s kissing me, hard and forceful like we’ve been apart for weeks instead of hours.

  Deepening the kiss, I slide my tongue between her lips and claim her mouth with my own. My hand on her hip moves forward, resting on her lower stomach before I flatten my palm and spread out my fingers so they’re touching the top of her panties.

  She rocks her ass into me, rubbing her soft cheeks against my already growing cock.


  This was supposed to be her night to unwind, let go, and have some girl time, but with the way she is now… I’m not letting her out of my sight until she’s sated.

  “Um, would you two like a private room?” Daphne asks, and I stiffen because I’d forgotten we weren’t alone.

  Tilly seems to be in a trance. Not even my sister’s words pull her away from my mouth, not giving me a chance to answer. My hands are full, busy on Tilly’s body and so close to her pussy, they’re itching to be inside.

  “I guess that answers that,” someone says, but I don’t know who, and I don’t care enough to stop to find out either.

  “Let’s leave them and have a drink downstairs. They can have the room,” James says.

  I’d stop and thank him, but my hands and mouth are too busy on my girl to bother. Tilly’s kiss deepens, pulling me further away from the people around us and into her.

  “The room is completely private. Enjoy yourselves,” James whispers in my ear before the door opens and silence fills the room.

  Tilly’s lips haven’t left mine. Her ass is still pressed against my cock, slowly moving from side to side, driving me wild with need. My fingers inch lower, sliding under the hem of her skirt and slipping underneath.

  Her legs tremble as I rake my fingertips up the inside of her thigh. When I find the edge of her panties, tracing the lacy edges whisper-softly, she moans my name and spreads her legs. My girl is beyond turned on; she’s practically panting with need and begging for my touch.

  Her teeth nip at my bottom lip, and my dick leaps from the sweet sting of her bite. I slide my fingers inside her panties, across her slick skin, and she shudders. She’s so needy. More turned on than I’ve ever seen her and I know it’s not only me that made her this way, but watching other people fucking.

  I don’t give two flying fucks what has her shaking with need, moaning my name, and pushing her pussy against my fingers, asking to be filled. All I care about is that I’m here with my girl, ready to take her and please her any way possible.

  She’s practically dripping with need, and I easily glide my fingers across her soft skin, sliding inside her needy pussy, and filling her. Her knees buckle and she starts to fall, but I take her weight, moving my hand from her face to around her waist.

  I press my palm against her clit, stroking her with each thrust of my fingers inside her. She gasps, driving her tongue deeper into my mouth with each push of my fingers, and I’m so turned on, all I want to do is rip her clothes off, bend her over something, and fuck her brains out.

  I pull away, breaking our kiss. “Watch, baby,” I tell her, my eyes moving from her beautiful face to the public area below.

  “I can’t,” she whispers as my fingers still inside her pussy, and my grip on her mound tightens.

  “You can. I want you to watch them as I finger-fuck you and make you come.”

  She looks toward the glass and back to me, eyes wide and glassy. “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “Does it feel like it bothers me?” I push my hard-on against her soft ass, driving my point home, and tip my chin toward the public area. “Look at the pleasure in their eyes. It’s like the pleasure I see in yours.”

  Her lips part and her gaze moves away from me and back to the scene before us. She swallows and sucks in a harsh breath as I begin to move my fingers inside her again.

  “No one can see us,” I tell her, wanting her not to panic as I bring her back to the world around us. “Just watch and feel everything. We’re not leaving this room until you come on my fingers, baby.”

  She gasps as I push my fingers deeper, curling them inside her tightness, and finding her G-spot. I’m not watching the people in the room. I’m too transfixed by the woman in my arms and the look of lust and pleasure dancing across her features.

  Tilly’s eyes are fixed on the couple at the cross, the girl being finger-fucked from behind instead of the front like Tilly. The woman’s ass is streaked with red, head tipped backward with her mouth hanging open as the guy drives his fingers into her at a pace I’m not sure I could ever replicate.

  I slide my hand away from Tilly’s waist, moving it to her breast, toying with her nipple through the thin fabric of her dress. She moans again, this time louder as she arches her back, moving her breasts into my touch. God, I love this woman. I love everything about her. She has the ability to seem so pure and innocent, but there’s an insatiable sexual beast underneath that’s slowly breaking free.

  Her panties are too much, a distraction I don’t need in this moment when she’s so close to coming. As soon as my fingers leave her body, she whimpers and writhes against me.

  “Quiet, baby,” I assure her as I wrap my fingers around the thin cloth before tearing them away from her skin, leaving no barriers between us.

  Her mouth opens to say something, but whatever’s on her tongue disappears as soon as my hand is between her legs again.

  She comes quickly, head on my shoulder, rocking her hips into my palm as her body shakes and her pussy convulses around my fingers. She’s beautiful like this, with her cheeks pink, her stare unfocused, and her body humming with pleasure. I plan to spend my life giving this to her, making it my sole purpose to bring her happiness in every form and way possible.

  She moves slowly, turning in my arms with hooded eyes and dilated pupils. “I love you,” she whispers against my mouth before sealing her lips to mine.

; But her lips fall away as she slides down my body, kneeling in front of me. She works quickly, unfastening my jeans before palming my hard cock between her warm, thin fingers. “I need to taste you.”

  I tangle my fingers in her hair as she pulls my cock from my pants, not bothering to pull them down. She’s like a hungry animal as she closes her lips around the tip, moaning as she sucks me deeper.

  I can’t stop myself. I rock my hips forward, following the silky warmth of her mouth. My eyes aren’t focused on the people outside the glass, but on my girl sucking me deep and stroking me with such skill, I know I can’t last.

  Within minutes, the familiar tingle claws at my spine and my muscles lock before she sucks down everything I have to give. My head’s spinning as I gasp for air, trying to regain what little composure I had before she knelt before me.

  I move my hand to her chin, forcing her eyes upward to meet mine. “I love you, sweetheart,” I say softly, but I leave no doubt my words are true.

  She smiles up at me with so much joy, I can barely remember there was ever sadness in those same eyes. “You’re not mad?” she asks, gaze dropping again.

  I trace the line of her jaw with my thumb, sweeping close to her pouty bottom lip. “How can I ever be mad at you? Why would I be mad at you?”

  “For that.” She motions toward the glass with her head, but her eyes are on me.

  I shake my head, smirking at my girl. “Never. I’m just glad I was here.” Jesus, am I fucking happy we came when we did, no pun intended.

  “It’s so…” Her voice trails off for a moment, but I don’t stop smiling, wanting her to feel comfortable to share anything and everything with me. “…naughty.”

  I slip my hands under her arms, cradling her sides as I pull her up so we’re face-to-face. “There’s nothing naughty about sex, even watching other people have sex, baby.”

  “Have you?”

  “What? Watched people before?” I finish her question because the words seem to get trapped somewhere in the back of her throat.


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