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Unexpected Romance - 5 Romantic Short Stories

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by Norah C. Peters

  "That's it Lisa and don't forget it ok?"

  "I won't, I can assure you, well, I'm off to an early evening yoga class in 20 minutes so I better go and get changed, see you tomorrow Maria."

  "Bye Lisa, and please you must come to my house on Sunday for dinner with my family. My kids would love to meet you."

  "Oh thank you, I'd love to, I love kids. That's so nice of you. You're like my Mexican mom," Lisa beamed.

  * * *

  Just as dawn was breaking Lisa strolled down the beach to the yoga palapa, people said it was the best yoga class in town. And apparently the teacher was hot.

  Lisa walked in and almost dropped her mat when she saw Victor standing at the front of the room ready to give the class.

  "Morning Lisa, good to have you with us, take a spot, we're just about to start," Victor looked over just in time to see the surprise on her face and he grinned from ear to ear.

  Lisa felt her heart flutter and she trembled a little as she bent forward to lay out her mat. What next? This town sure is full of surprises. Or maybe it's just the Victor Factor. Yeah, that's it, he's always got one more surprise up his fine linen sleeve.

  The class was grueling but immensely satisfying. By the end of the session the room was full of rosy cheeked twenty something girls, all beaming at Victor. Lisa felt jealous for some reason, and a little angry.

  When the class ended, a small group of yoga chicks swarmed around Victor and Lisa stormed out the door. She marched down the beach and stopped to take off her sandals when she felt a firm hand on her shoulder.

  "Lisa, what's the hurry? I wanted to talk to you," Victor whispered in her ear.

  Lisa turned and tried to hide her anger, "Oh, hi Victor, great class, I was going to catch you at the bar later on tonight."

  "I won't be at the bar tonight so I wanted to talk to you at some point today."

  Lisa's heart flipped a somersault. What was wrong with her today? She felt like she'd completely lost control of herself. Maybe too much yoga wasn't such a good thing after all.

  "Okay, what is it?" Lisa snapped.

  Victor took a step back, his shoulders slumped and the smile left his face, "I'm sorry, maybe I got the wrong impression. Look, you're obviously in a hurry, I better let you go. See you later."

  With that Victor slowly turned to walk away. Lisa watched as he made his way back to the yoga palapa and her heart sank, she wished she could calm down when she saw Victor with other women, she wished she could swallow her pride and run after him. And above all else, she wished she didn't feel so alone without him.

  * * *

  The next morning Lisa showered before eating breakfast in the hotel restaurant. She read a magazine while she ate, pretending to be fascinated by the article on whale preservation, while fuming inside. Honestly, she could care less right now about the plight of those marvelous mammals. She ate and glared at the magazine until she could eat no more.

  Now what was she going to do for the rest of the day? On the way out of the lobby she bumped into Karl sitting on a sofa by the window, one of the many snow birds she had met during the week. As usual, he was smiling and high on life, "Good morning Lisa, what a beautiful day! Oh, what's up? Did something happen?"

  Lisa gritted her teeth. What was it with this town? Why is everyone so annoyingly happy all the time? Can't they just leave me alone to be angry for a bit? Please!

  Lisa joined Karl on the sofa and told him her sorry story. She told him about getting fired, about how much she wanted to finally be happy and find someone special. Then, throwing caution to the wind she told him about Victor, how he used to be gay, in her mind, and now wasn't, for real, thankfully. The more she talked about Victor the lighter she felt, her agitation faded and she relaxed into the sofa while Karl patiently listened to every word, without saying a thing. When she finished talking, Karl spoke up, "Lisa, it sounds like everything is working out just fine."

  "But how can that be? Victor has girls flocking to him at his yoga classes. I'm telling you it was like bees to honey. It was scary. I couldn't stand it. And I have no chance whatsoever. I can't compete with those girls. Anyhow, he'd have asked me out days ago if he really liked me. So there."

  "Lisa, dear, you're forgetting one thing. Until yesterday you were only planning on staying here for a matter of days on vacation. Victor meets vacation girls day in and day out. Everyone does in this town. Even I do," Karl smiled.

  "Yeah, I suppose you're right. There must be some reason why he ran after me. Why did he leave that girl mob to run down the beach after me?"

  "Good question Lisa. Maybe you need to go see him and find out."

  "It's funny, I finally meet a great guy and what do I do? I walk away from him, more like, I run away from him."

  "Don't be so hard on yourself young lady. See that beautiful woman out there by the pool, that's Linda, my bride of 42 years. And I love her more today than the day I met her. She makes my heart sing. I can't imagine even one day without her. And it almost never happened. Our marriage that is."

  "Why? What happened?" Lisa leaned closer.

  "When I first met her I thought she would never go out with someone like me. You see, I was quite shy when I was a young man and I couldn't impress her like the other boys could with their singing and dancing. So, I decided, well, at least we can be good friends and she seemed to enjoy my company so we'd meet for coffee and talk for hours about our dreams, our worries and the new books we were reading, the new movies everyone was talking about.

  "Over time we got to know each other very well and everyone else assumed we were dating because we spent so much time together. But nothing happened because we were just friends, very good friends.

  "I thought she would never look at me as anything other than a friend but little did I know that she had in fact, slowly but surely, started to look at me differently. Then one time I was out of town for two weeks on company training and when I got back we talked. We had both missed each other terribly. We had been in love with one another for quiet a while but not even noticed because we were so happy and comfortable with each other. Had I not been away for those two weeks I don't think we'd be married today. That caused us to finally talk, really talk, about how much we cared about each other."

  "Oh my God, that's beautiful. And I hear what you're saying. And I know what I need to do now," Lisa kissed Karl on the cheek much to his delight and skipped out of the lobby, down the stairs and out to the beach.

  Her heart pounding, Lisa made her way to the beach bars, unsure of what she was going to say, unsure of how Victor would react. Maybe she'd get the let's be friends line or maybe she had got the wrong end of the stick, again. Either way it was better to make a fool of herself and find out for once and for all. She could always leave town on an early flight if it turned out he was stunned by her confession of love or even worse appalled by her party girl antics.

  Only one way to find out. She got closer to the bar, closer to a big let down or closer to love? She didn't know. Maybe it's better if I come back later she thought as she slowly got closer and closer to her fears and dreams. Maybe this is sheer madness and it's time to go traveling and see the world. I don't need a man anyway, I'm perfectly happy on my own. I am really, well, most of the time anyway.

  Closer, closer, closer still. Oh, I can see Victor from here and he's got his top off. Just look at those yoga teacher muscles. That just makes this harder or is it better?

  Lisa took some deep breathes and charged right up to the bar. She walked in and rushed straight up to Victor and grabbed his arm, "Look, I'm sorry, I was feeling a little agitated yesterday morning. What did you want to say to me?"

  Victor took a break from moving the beer crates and looked up, he smiled, "That's ok, don't worry," pleased by the unexpected interruption. "I spoke to Maria and she said you are staying in Cancun."

  "Yes, I'm going to stay 6 months, maybe longer, I really love it here. I just feel good here."

  Victor wiped the sweat from
his forehead. "Great, Well, in that case, I 'd like to invite you to the opening of a new restaurant next week. One of my best friends is opening a new upmarket French restaurant. It'll be a great evening. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, all my friends will be there. You can wear your navy dress, you look great in that."

  Lisa beamed. "Oh, do I? I didn't know you noticed."

  Victor looked into Lisa's eyes. "Yes, I noticed alright. And I could tell you practice yoga by the way you walk and the fine muscle tone of your arms." Victor held her bronzed forearm as Lisa tried to hid her excitement.

  "Oh, by the way Victor I'm not pregnant. I went to the doctor. No more wild nights for me. I'm back to my vegetarian yoga lifestyle. I think I needed to hit a low to wake up to what I was doing to myself."

  "More good news," Victor beamed as he looked into Lisa's eyes, "Lisa, I know this may sound a little forward so forgive me if it is. After Maria told me you were staying in town I couldn't sleep last night. I've been thinking about you all day everyday this week. But there was no point in saying anything. I knew it was just a matter of days and you'd be heading back to your high powered job and your real life. You'd forget about me in no time."

  Lisa looked up into Victor's dark brown eyes and felt her heart flutter again. She almost felt faint. Am I dreaming? She thought to herself and waited for a moment for the alarm clock to blast here into another hectic day. But no, the sun was high and bright in the early morning sky, a handsome man was staring into her eyes and she felt complete in an unusual way.

  Lisa felt her heart flutter even more, light headed and delighted she took in every detail of Victor's face. His short black hair, his strong jawline, his deep brown eyes and the immaculately shaved glowing dark skin of his face. His lips...

  "I could never forget you Victor. I've loved talking to you all week and I felt a special connection with you from the first time we met. I had put it out of my mind because I couldn't handle anymore disappointment and because I thought you were gay."

  Victor squeezed her hand and she felt his warmth and strength,she listened to every word as he said, "I've never been more happy that I'm straight. You're gorgeous." Victor moved closer and hugged Lisa tight. She relaxed into his strong body and everything felt right, they fitted together just right.

  His lips found her lips and they kissed softly. He caressed the back of her head and held her blonde curls in his hand as he gazed into her big blue eyes. He moved closer to kiss her again and whispered in her ear, "Lisa, I'm in love with you, you are my angel."

  Like My Ex

  I really want to call my ex, I miss him so much, but I think it's the wrong thing to do. Is it wrong to want your ex back? Cristina wanted to admit it but but she didn't want Sally to think the worst of her so she said nothing. Instead Cristina smiled as Sally delivered their caffeine fix to the table and took a seat.

  Covent Garden, Sally and coffee. A perfect London Sunday afternoon. There was something wonderful about London on a Sunday. The only day in the week when the people of this hectic town had time to talk, to walk in the park and to sit with a friend without a schedule chasing them.

  The two successful young professionals stood out from the crowd wherever they met. At 32, Cristina was a stunning tall blonde with a fit body toned by hours of dedication in the gym, while, Sally, 34, with her long black hair and fair complexion made every head turn. Together in their high fashion they never went unnoticed.

  Cristina reached across the table and held Sally's hand. "Sally, I do so enjoy this little weekly meet up of ours. It makes the madness of the week so much more bearable knowing I'll see you for a chat."

  "I know exactly what you mean. I've hardly had time to breathe let alone think these last few weeks. Since I got promoted and moved back from Manchester I've hardly caught up with anyone. Assuming we don't count online catch ups." Sally giggled and sipped her drink.

  Cristina pushed her hair back. "You've been local again for the last month isn't it? So, you were working away the whole two years I was with Greg."

  "Yes, somehow we three never managed to get together. Sorry, my workaholic ways do get the better of me. So how is Greg these days since you parted company?"

  "I've no idea. We've not spoken since the break up 2 months ago. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time and now I'm not so sure. Maybe I should have taken more control in the relationship for once in my life. I left all the decisions to him, I was quite passive now that I look back on it. Even towards the end I just let it slip away. I didn't fight for the relationship. I suppose I gave him no choice but to end it and put us both out of our misery. At least he had the nerve to do it. I didn't."

  "Don't be so hard on yourself Cristina. We all make mistakes. All you can do is learn from them and hopefully not do it again. And don't think you're going to get good relationship advice from me. I don't remember the last time I went on a date. I simply don't have time now that I'm married to the office. I do flirt a little with online dating but that doesn't count, does it?"

  "You've always been good with men Sally. You know how to handle them. You always have. I don't have your confidence. The last thing I feel like doing right now is going on a date with a complete stranger. I suppose it sounds cliched but maybe I am afraid to love again. I'll just drop by the pet store later and get myself two cuddly cats and call it a day. No more men for me."

  Sally giggled and squeezed Cristina's hand. "Oh, don't be so silly my little friend. You're lovely. You just need some time to recover. Trust me, before you know it, you'll be bumping into me on the high street with a handsome man on your arm. You always bounce back. I know you will again."

  Cristina sighed and wiped a tear from her eye. "Yes, I hope you're right. It's just that I don't feel so able anymore. It's like this balloon has had the air taken out of it one time too many. Seriously, the two cats option sounds fine by me."

  Sally raised her voice. "I am right, You will be ok, better than ok. And I'll make sure of it. In fact I have a surprise for you today but first I want to ask you something. I'm just curious that's all. I hope it's ok to ask."

  "Fire away, what do you want to know? Nothing too dark and personal I hope."

  "It's one thing I've always wondered about. How did you go from being so happy and content with Greg to it's all over? I know, at the time, I kept in touch by email because I was traveling so much. Still, I don't get it. How did something so good go from great to nothing so quickly?"

  Cristina sniffled and dried her eyes. "It's complicated. We always had a great connection right from the moment we first met, I found him very attractive. He's very good looking. You never met him but let's just say he has the classic tall, dark and handsome look. He's 38 and ripped, six pack, bulging muscles, the whole package. He could have been a model if he hadn't become a lawyer. I mean it. He turns heads. And we always had so much fun together but there was one problem.

  "Greg wanted something I didn't. One night after a romantic dinner he told me he wanted to start a family. I was shocked. I mean, I just didn't see it coming. I had no idea he felt like that."

  "But, that's a good thing, no? You told me he 's great with his sisters' kids."

  "Yes, it's a good thing, for him, But, it's just too soon. I have career plans and I want to get ahead now while I can. I've worked too hard to get where I am to just walk away from it all. Maybe if he made partner at the law firm it would be different but that would be years from now. On one salary, we'd never make it in London."

  Sally raised her eyebrows. "And that was it? That caused the spontaneous combustion of your relationship?"

  "Well, there was something else. I don't even know that I really want to have kids. If I'm that unsure maybe I shouldn't. Does that sound crazy?"

  "No, of course not. But I'm just surprised you two didn't give it more time and let love take its natural course. Not that I'd know much about that, of course," Sally bit her lip.

  "Well, you just slammed the nail right on the head. We never did talk ab
out things. We were crazy, madly in love and we knew that without question. But. We never had adult conversations. You know, like grown ups are supposed to. Greg doesn't really show his feelings, and, I never encouraged him to. I just went along with whatever he wanted to do."

  "Okay, now I'm seeing a pattern. Anyway, all you can do Cristina, like I said earlier, is learn from it, and when you're ready, move on to new pastures. And that's why now might be the perfect time to show you my special surprise," Sally grinned as she took her computer out of her bag.

  "I hope you won't be too annoyed with me but I took the liberty of setting you up on a on a dating site," Sally whispered.

  Cristina winced. "What? You must be joking. Tell me you didn't."

  "I did. Sorry. Listen, listen, listen. I found some great guys. Trust me on this. I know more than one girlfriend in Manchester who met their husbands at this site. It's way better than all of those other silly sites."

  Cristina sighed and sat up in her chair to see the screen. "Ok, I'll take a look but I'm still not happy about this. Hey, is that my profile? That's a terrible photo, it doesn't even look like me."

  "Yeah I know, I 'll change it later, it's the only one of you I had on my phone and I was in a hurry. And by the way, you're SundayCoffee, I didn't use your real name. Anyway even with that silly photo and nickname you've still had a ton of emails - 86, and rising by the hour and I only set this up a few days ago. Maybe I should try it too," Sally laughed.

  "You're something else," Cristina couldn't help laughing. "And maybe you're right. It is time to move on. This being alone thing doesn't suit me one bit. I've had enough of it already. Hey, I've had that many responses already, let's dig in and see what's out there."

  "That's that attitude girl. Good to see your fighting spirit has returned. Welcome back Cristina. Here… look, this guy looks fit, very fit in fact. And, what about this guy, he's lush. And this one, wow, there's a ton of great eye candy here. You're going to be very busy young lady. Make sure to get lots of beauty sleep cause you're going to need it."


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