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Find Me, Save Me

Page 10

by Barbara Gee

  Libby and the officer, Micah, chatted a bit, while Tuck brooded. He needed a shower and a few hours of sleep, but neither would be coming his way until he was assured that Madison was recovering and safe.

  His tired mind kept torturing him with the image of Madison’s battered body. Her beautiful face, pummeled into a purple, swollen mass. Her broken limbs twisted unnaturally as she lay there in a heap. Jimmy was such a pitiful excuse for a man, beating a helpless, tied up woman the way he had.

  Well, not totally helpless. Tuck smiled involuntarily when he remembered again the perfectly placed head butt that had smashed Jimmy’s nose. Madison was lucky that Jimmy hadn’t flown into a rage and killed her right then and there, but her little smile at seeing the accuracy of the blow had called out to Tuck, made him want to celebrate her courage. He hoped Jimmy’s nose would be forever crooked, a permanent reminder of the little spitfire who had challenged him.

  Libby claimed the world was a better place with Madison Harper in it. Tucker didn’t know her, not yet, but already he was inclined to agree.

  Chapter 12

  It was another interminable ninety minutes before a clerk approached them and said Maddy was settled in her room in the ICU. She told them to go up to the fourth floor, to room 422, where the nurse would meet them.

  The three headed immediately to the elevator, exiting on the fourth floor and quickly finding the correct room. The police officer took up his position outside the door, smiling gratefully when a passing nurse promised to bring him a chair.

  Trina, the nurse from the surgical unit, was standing just inside Maddy’s door. She smiled as Tuck and Libby joined her.

  “She woke up from the anesthesia okay, but she got agitated,” Trina told them. “The doctor was afraid she would aggravate the sutured areas and start bleeding internally again, so he had us give her a sedative. I doubt she’ll wake up for a while, but you can stay with her if you like. There’s no need to limit her visitation times at this point.”

  “So she’s doing as well as can be expected?” Libby asked hopefully.

  “She’s stable and resting peacefully,” Trina said. “As you can see, she has an NG tube in her nose, which was put in to make sure her stomach was empty for surgery. It will most likely be removed by the end of the day. She also has a chest tube, to help with the collapsed lung. That’s why that pump thing is on the floor there by her bed.”

  Libby walked slowly up to the bed, the back of her hand pressed to her mouth.

  “Oh, Maddy,” she whispered brokenly, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks.

  Tuck put his arm around his sister’s shoulders, his jaw clenched as he saw the full extent of Madison’s facial injuries in the bright light of the hospital room.

  “I wouldn’t have even known it was her,” Libby said as Trina left the room. She reached out and stroked Madison’s hair, which was matted and still dirty from the warehouse floor.

  “I’m here, Maddy,” she crooned softly. “I’m here now. You’re safe and you’re going to be fine. I’ll be with you every step of the way, girlfriend. I promise you that.”

  Tuck’s chest tightened. The contrast between the two of them was so striking, Libby with her face untouched and beautiful, and poor Madison’s so swollen and discolored. Had Jimmy succeeded in his plot against Tuck, Libby would be the one lying in the bed, scarcely looking human. While Tuck was beyond relieved that she wasn’t, his grief for Madison’s fate was palpable and Libby felt it.

  “It’s not your fault, Tuck. And I know it’s not mine either, but I still feel so guilty. Poor Maddy just wanted to watch some movies, like she’s done dozens of times before. I don’t know why this had to happen to her.”

  Tuck reached down and ran his palm lightly along Madison’s left arm, the one that wasn’t in a splint and seemingly the only part of her body not savaged by Jimmy. He stopped at her wrist, then rested his fingers in her palm, gently stroking the soft skin, careful not to jar the splinted pinky finger.

  “I don’t know either, sis, but I have to trust that God will help me resolve this, once and for all. That’s all that’s getting me through right now.”

  “I’m glad you have your faith. I wish I had more of it. All I see right now is a world full of terrible people like Jimmy Callahan, and I don’t know if I’ll ever feel safe again.”

  “Putting away predators like him is my calling,” Tuck said quietly, “and so far God has given me the strength to do it. But I have to admit this case has pushed me closer to the edge than I’ve ever been. If you do find it in your heart to say a prayer, sis, make sure to include me in it.”

  He smiled across the bed at Libby, then snapped his gaze down to Madison’s hand when her fingers moved, slowly wrapping around his.

  Libby saw it and her eyes widened. She leaned down, stroking Madison’s head. “Maddy, honey can you hear me?”

  There was no response. Madison seemed as deeply asleep as ever. Libby glanced up at her brother.

  “I think she heard you, Tuck, in spite of the drugs. She’s a believer, like you, and she heard you say you’re struggling and she’s telling you to keep going.”

  He gently stroked Madison’s curled fingers with his thumb. “I don’t know, sis, but I’ll take any encouragement I can get.”

  Madison’s fingers gradually relaxed, and Tuck removed his hand.

  “She’s going to be okay,” Libby said happily. “I know she is. I’m going to sit here and talk to her for a while. They say people can hear and understand, even when they’re in a coma. I know she’s sedated and not actually in a coma, but it’s obvious she can hear, so I’m going to talk until she gets so sick of it she wakes up and tells me to shut up.”

  Libby’s smile faded as she looked at Tuck. “You need to go get some sleep, bro. You look like hell. The nurse didn’t even flirt with you, and that’s a first.”

  Tuck frowned. “She did earlier,” he said defensively, “but then I scared her and she switched to being all business.”

  Libby grimaced. “You gave her that ice blue Tucker stare, I’ll bet. That’ll do it every time. But you still look like hell. Go. There’s a nice hotel across the street. Check in there and get some rest and a shower. And be sure to get a room with two beds so I can go get some sleep after you come back.”

  He rolled his tense shoulders. He did need to sleep, and now might be the best time. “You sure you don’t mind if I leave for a while?”

  “Not at all,” Libby assured him, waving him out. “Micah is right outside the door if I need anything. And if Maddy wakes up I’ll call you. I promise.”

  Knowing he’d pretty much reached his physical limits, Tuck didn’t argue. He left the hospital and walked across the street to the hotel. When he got to his room, he took the time to check in with both Tim and Emma. Neither of them had anything new to report. In spite of capturing seven of his men, the trail on Jimmy had gone cold once again.

  Exhausted and discouraged, Tucker sank onto the bed fully clothed. He tried to say a another prayer for Madison, but sleep claimed him before he could finish.

  After only an hour Tuck woke up in a sweat, the image of Madison lying on the warehouse floor vivid in his head. He knew he needed more sleep, but after a half hour of tossing and turning and worrying, he gave up. He checked his phone for any missed calls and, seeing none, took a twenty minute shower, letting the hot water soothe and rejuvenate his body as much as possible. He shaved and brushed his teeth as well as he could with the flimsy complimentary razor and toothbrush provided by the hotel, then put on the same clothes he had just taken off.

  It was nearly eight in the morning, and the sun was already shining brightly. It felt good on his face as he walked to the police car he’d driven to the hospital and retrieved his black windbreaker jacket with “FBI” written in bold white letters on the back. If anyone was lurking around waiting for a chance to get to Madison, he wanted them to know she was being guarded, and the jacket effectively announced his presence.

nbsp; Stopping in the hospital cafeteria, he got a large coffee to go. He needed to eat sometime soon, but right now it was more important to see how Madison and Libby were doing.

  Minutes later he was walking off the elevator into the fourth floor hallway. The day shift had taken over, and instead of the quiet, empty hallways of the midnight shift, doctors, nurses and housekeepers bustled in and out of the rooms.

  He nodded to the new group of nurses behind the desk and continued on to Madison’s room, aware of their stares, giggles and whispers as he passed. Evidently a bit of sleep and a shower had restored his effect on the opposite sex. Libby would be glad to hear it.

  A new cop stood outside Madison’s room, and when Tuck approached he moved to block the doorway. Tuck nodded approvingly when the man requested his identification, impressed that the man hadn’t let the FBI jacket make him sloppy. He looked over Tucker’s badge closely, then handed it back.

  “Good to meet you, Agent Simon. I’m Officer Cameron Stuckey. I’ll be keeping a close watch on Ms. Harper today.”

  “I appreciate it, Officer,” Tuck said, giving the man a firm handshake. “I’ll need you to escort my sister across the street to the hotel in a few minutes, but once she’s safely in her room you can come back.”

  Tuck entered the room and saw Libby sitting by the bed, caught in a huge yawn.

  “Oh hey, thanks,” she said, reaching for the coffee. “That smells great.”

  “This isn’t for you,” he said, holding the cup away from her. “I would have brought you some, but you need to go take your turn at the hotel, and I don’t want caffeine keeping you awake.”

  “Why are you back so soon? You couldn’t have slept for very long.”

  “Only about an hour, then I woke up and my mind started going and I knew I was done. You might as well go rest while you can. I’ll stay with Madison.”

  “I’m okay,” Libby said, but then another jaw cracking yawn called her a liar. “Okay, I’ll go,” she said sheepishly.

  Tuck set his coffee on the bedside table and reached down to massage his sister’s shoulders, causing her to give a grateful moan.

  “How is she?” he asked, his eyes scanning Madison’s face, seeing no changes from the night before.

  “She’s been twitching a little bit, so I think she’s gradually waking up. The doctors were in earlier, and as soon as she wakes up they’re going to take her for a CT scan and other cognitive testing, as well as X-rays of her extremities.”

  “Okay, I’ll take it from here.” Tuck handed her the keycard to the hotel room. “Room 219. Two beds, as requested, and one of them is calling your name. Officer Stuckey will take you over there. Call me when you’re ready to come back, don’t even think about coming by yourself. Oh, and there was only one towel and I used it, so request some more on your way by the front desk.”

  “I can handle that,” Libby said, making a quick grab for his cup and taking a long swallow before putting it back down and giving him a mischievous grin. “Delicious. If Maddy wakes up, make sure she knows I was here and I’m just across the street catching a few winks, okay? I don’t want her to feel alone.”

  “How can she feel alone with me in the room?” Tuck asked with a pained look.

  Libby elbowed him in the side as she passed. “Take care of her, big brother.” She stopped in the doorway. “Oh, and I kinda ran out of things to talk about, so I may or may not have told her everything I could remember about you from about age twelve to now. I mean, I’m not sure she can hear, but just in case she can, you should know you have no secrets.” She waved cheerfully. “See you in a few hours.”

  Tuck shook his head and retrieved his coffee. His stomach growled but he ignored it, deciding he could wait to eat until they took Madison for her tests. If she was indeed waking up, he wasn’t about to leave her. He settled into the chair Libby had just vacated, and ran his fingers across Madison’s forehead.

  “Time to wake up, Madison,” he said, his voice low. “The doctors need to do some X-rays and the sooner you wake up, the sooner they can get started. And the sooner they get started, the sooner we can get you fixed up and out of here. Sound good?”

  Her head turned ever so slightly toward him, and her swollen lips parted.

  “That’s right, Madison. Wake up, sweetheart,” he urged, moving his fingers lightly down her arm. Her eyes were still swollen shut, but he sensed her awareness, and a moment later a soft groan passed her lips.

  Tuck closed his eyes briefly, imagining the pain she must be in. He pushed the call button, wanting to let her nurse know she was waking up.

  “Tucker?” Maddy’s voice was only a whisper, but he heard her clearly. It was the second time she had said his name, and it stirred him deep inside.

  “It’s me, Madison. I’m here. You’re in the hospital, and you’re safe.”

  “Tucker—I can’t see.”

  “Shhh, I know, sweetheart,” he said, smoothing the pad of his thumb gently over her eyelids. “Your vision is fine, but your eyes are still swollen shut. We need to wait another day or two for the swelling to go down, then you’ll be able to see just fine. I promise.”

  “Okay,” she said faintly, trusting him. “I’m so thirsty.”

  “Your nurse will be here in a second, I’ll ask her if you can have some water,” Tuck said. “Are you in a lot of pain?”

  “Mmmmm.” She moved her head back and forth restlessly. “What’s wrong….with my legs? They’re stiff.”

  “You’re legs are in splints, Madison. Try not to move, okay? It’ll only make your pain worse.”

  A new nurse entered then, hurrying over to Madison and checking her IV pump and vitals.

  “Good morning, Madison,” she said in a loud, chipper voice. “Are you back with us, sweetie?”

  “She’s awake,” Tuck confirmed, “can you give her something for the pain?”

  “I’ll be right back with an injection.”

  “She’s also thirsty,” Tuck said. “Can she have water?”

  “Ice chips only, I’m afraid, but they’ll help. I’ll bring you some when I come back, and then transport will come to take her down to radiology. They’ve been waiting for her.”

  “The sooner the better, for both the meds and the ice,” Tuck urged.

  “You’re so sweet to look out for her,” the nurse said, looking up at him with a wide smile as she turned to go.

  Tuck turned back to Madison, ignoring the nurse’s attempt to engage him. If she wasn’t back with the ice in thirty seconds, he would go find it himself.

  “Here you are, Agent Simon,” the nurse trilled, two seconds from his deadline. “Just give her one at a time to make sure they go down okay.”

  “Got it,” Tuck said curtly, taking the cup and spoon from her.

  “I’ll give her this injection real quick, and she should feel some relief almost immediately.”

  Tuck stepped back and turned away while the nurse took care of it.

  “All done. You should be feeling better in a minute, Ms. Madison.”

  Tuck returned to the bed. When the perky nurse continued to stand beside him he turned his head and raised a dark brow in her direction. “That’s all for now, thanks,” he said pointedly. She took the hint and left the room.

  “Hey, Madison, you with me?” he asked softly, leaning over her protectively.

  “Yeah,” she murmured. “Ice?”

  He smiled, thrilled that she had been able to follow the conversation. He was more confident than ever that the CT scan would come back showing completely normal brain function.

  “Got it right here, sweetheart,” he said. “Can you open a little bit for me?” He watched her mouth hopefully. The doctor hadn’t said anything about a broken jaw, but it was entirely possible. When her swollen lips parted he let out a relieved breath.

  “Good job, Madison. First bite coming now.” He gently slid a large chip between her lips. She sucked it in and almost immediately opened her mouth for more.

; Tuck fed her the ice as quickly as she wanted it. It wouldn’t completely slake her thirst, but every little bit would help. All too soon two young men stopped at her door, waiting impatiently for Officer Stuckey to call the radiology department to clear them.

  “Geez, is she a celebrity or something?” one of the kids asked.

  “None of your business,” Stuckey said curtly. “And I’ll be accompanying her to all her tests, so you might as well get used to having me around.”

  “That’s against procedure,” the kid insisted.

  Tuck fed Madison another ice chip, then moved to the door, staring down at the kids from his six foot four inch height, the white FBI letters showing clearly on the front left side of his jacket.

  “Are you questioning this officer’s authority, kid?” he asked, his voice hard, his eyes harder.

  Both of the young men immediately straightened up and lost their attitude.

  “No sir, just making sure we don’t do anything to get in trouble,” the talkative one said quickly.

  “Officer Stuckey is here to help you avoid any trouble. I would advise you to do as he says.”

  “Yes, sir,” the same kid said. “We’re here to take the patient down to radiology, is that okay or should we come back later?”

  “Now is fine.” Tuck went back to give Madison one more bite of ice, then stepped back.

  “She’s already in a portable bed, so we can take her down without having to move her,” the second young man said quietly, studying Madison’s face, taking in the splint on her arm and the obvious splints on her legs beneath the light blanket. “We’ll make sure she isn’t jostled.”

  “I appreciate that. Hang on just a sec, guys.” He leaned over and touched Madison’s cheek. “You’re going for X-rays now, Madison.”

  She gave a tiny nod of acknowledgement.

  “I’ll be right here when you come back. And Libby will be here, too. She’s across the street getting a little rest, but she’ll be waiting for you.”


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