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Verruca Music

Page 8

by Stuart Estell

petting of the cat period unless cat not around in which case grooving period followed by non grooving period of equal length as before or extended grooving period equal to two-thirds of the overall time and a reduced non grooving period

  in essence any notion of schedule was abandoned completely now that grooving and petting of the cat were such charming ways of passing the time

  the kindly hands that brought nutrition





  well and did they not belong to a person


  and did the person not have a name or at the very least a substitute appellation fitting for her relation to our hero



  the mother


  my mother

  my mother brought the large mug of tea and some nutrition that was not charred


  o come now less of that

  my mother brought me some toasted home made bread to go with the large mug of tea and for the first time since grooving began it was possible to chew and swallow said toasted home made bread as the throat did not close in fear

  i ventured to offer thanks

  the thanks were acknowledged


  she acknowledged the thanks

  my thanks


  she smiled

  before leaving with the empty plate on which had been borne the nutrition


  before leaving with the empty plate on which had been borne the lovely toasted home-made bread it was suggested


  before leaving with the empty plate on which had been borne the lovely toasted home-made bread my mother suggested a new way to keep the old bonce from going bananas although of course she knew nothing of the mathematical swishing of the feet which had played havoc and nearly caused the floor to open up or the mattress to consume the duvet or the duvet to consume the whole bally lot

  although nothing was mentioned


  although she mentioned


  although my mother mentioned nothing about the mattress the duvet or the floor opening up or the abyss keeping itself to itself or otherwise

  her suggestion was to breathe slowly and rhythmically and concentrate on nothing but the slow breathing in and the slow breathing out and perhaps making use of a nice rhythmic phrase to focus

  being easily amused by alliteration i chose the phrases breathing in bars the bonce from becoming bananas and breathing out bars the bonce from becoming bananas but discarded them in short measure as repetition rendered them more irritating than the old haemorrhoids

  i breathed in deeply feeling the warmth of the purring cat beside me and the cool air caressing my nostrils as though from a hilltop or beach

  i breathed out slowly feeling the ribcage fall

  feeling a tiny fraction of the fear falling away

  that moment i knew that i could breathe in

  and i knew that i could breathe out

  and i knew that i could pet the cat

  and i knew that i could make verruca music and drink tea and eat toast

  and that must surely count for something

  suppose for a moment


  the next time my mother returned with the large mug of tea i requested written entertainment in the form of a book on the subject of polar exploration

  however the print was nothing but scribbly black to the old peepers and so the schedule-free entertainment of petting breathing and grooving continued unabated until night fell and the feet were still and the old bonce rested and all was quiet and our hero slept and slept and slept a deep and dreamless sleep with nary a tremble or a needle


  well and did the cat continue to visit

  o yes

  the cat continued to visit and would flump affectionately onto the coverlet before snuggling in close and purring like the proverbial train

  no matter that she was neither my mother's nor my father's cat and actually belonged next door

  the warmth of her presence was matched by the rich bass warmth of the contented purring with its sound like deep dark corrugated iron

  compared with the aforementioned rich bass warmth of the cat the limited sonic pallette of the picking of the feet whether physically or imagined came a poor second

  and so with a final couple of clicks from the north and east edges of the verruca and a good hard scrape of the eczema on the big toe of the left foot which terminated in a satisfying thud of the knuckle and a last almost funky session of swishing of the feet our hero brought his exploration of foot-related music-making to a close and bade it a fond farewell

  o and what replaced it

  stillness and calm

  breathing in and breathing out

  the sound of the cat purring

  the sound of the cat breathing in and breathing out

  the sound of the cat occasionally sneezing

  the sound of the cat chirruping gently in her dreams

  the sound of my own breathing in and breathing out

  the sudden but gentle movement of the cat as my mother brought tea

  and soon there came the sound of quiet luminous chords moving by step in time with the rise and fall of the old ribcage

  the feet still and calm

  the heart beating only a little faster than normal


  suppose for a moment

  o this is not the one about the

  please just listen

  suppose for a moment our hero rose unaided

  suppose he stumbled weak at the knees into the bathroom followed closely by the cat who disappeared like lightning as soon as water flowed from the shower head

  suppose he climbed into the shower

  suppose he called out to his father for company

  once dry suppose he dressed himself unaided

  Once dressed, suppose he walked slowly down the stairs.

  Once down the stairs, suppose he crossed the wooden floor of the sitting room, turned the corner into the hallway, proceeded for another couple of yards and then turned left into the dining room.

  Once in the dining room, suppose he sat down and then with fingers stiff and groaning from months of disuse played on the piano a chord consisting (in ascending order) of the notes F natural, B natural, D sharp, and G sharp.


  this is the one about the incident in the park


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